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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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Na'maste at Home with YogaDownload and Roku

Na'maste at Home with YogaDownload and Roku

A user-friendly dashboard tool to help you make it to yoga class, our NEW ROKU channel lets you conveniently access our entire library right on your TV. 

What is ROKU? It's the most popular streaming television device available today. You can stream free and paid channels, including your subscription to your television, computer, and phone. It’s simple, easy to use and affordable. There are different types of streaming players and devices as well as ROKU TV.

Consider it one more tool in your arsenal to create more energy and space. ROKU helps to simplify your repertoire, easily choose and save your favorite classes, as well as constantly access new content. We can use the technology boom to our advantage to create the daily life we want. With a few simple tools, you can find more time in your day to focus on what makes you happy.

At, we offer a wide variety of embodiment practices like yogameditation, and pranayama so you can make sure you get in your mindfulness every day, even with a busy schedule. 

Self-care is vital. Yoga and meditation are two tools that will help keep you at the top of your game physically, emotionally and mentally. Moreover, creating routines or rituals can empower you to fill your days with more of what you love and less of what you don’t. Make time for yourself to find your strongest most centered self and the life you desire.

Consider trying these new class releases on ROKU:

1. Dave Farmar - Empower Your Potential, part 3: (subtitle: Float to a Higher Level)

Take on this opportunity to take your practice to a higher level as you learn to float your poses and your transitions. More importantly, the journey this practice provides will teach you the lessons needed to approach all you do at that higher level as well!

2. Guru Jagat - Kundalini Yoga for Everybody: Quick Tune Up

Preparing for a big day, or in need of a little something to center yourself? Try this short, effective, and to the point sequence of exercises and meditation for a well-rounded quick practice to tone your body, deepen your breath, and center your mind.

3. Dia Draper - From Frustration to Focus (Feeling Argghhh!)

This short practice is designed as a resource for when you're feeling frustrated or just need to focus at work. The practice is releasing and calming and will, in just 5 short minutes, get you centered and ready to get back at it! 

Location Suggestions: visual privacy recommended (office, cubicle, conference room) 

Clothing Suggestions: any work clothes, shoes off recommended for grounding (not required for movement)

4. Alex Cordoba - Enter the Stillness

Movement -- quick movement at that -- is often thought to be synonymous with yoga in that it can be months, even years before we finally recognize not just the importance of, but the true gift that cultivating and sitting in stillness can be. It is in the sacred equation of yoga and amidst the busyness of our lives. Let this class be just that for you: a gift. To slow down. To enter the stillness so that you can reenter the world feeling refreshed and renewed.

Continue getting your yoga in daily and don’t allow the frenetic pace of our modern, highly technologized world, overwhelm you. Choose to harness the power of technology and make it work for you!