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Qi Flow Yoga & Fitness

Qi (chee) means life force, or the spiritual energy of all things; vital energy. It is frequently translated as "energy flow" and often compared to the yogic notion of prana which is a Sanskrit term meaning breath. A literal translation is "air", "breath", or "spirit". Qi Vinyasa Yoga is a highly effective method of Vinyasa practice that helps to define the physical body by increasing strength, power, and flexibility while clearing toxins out of the body. By linking breath to movement, Qi Vinyasa Yoga allows students to remove impurities and strengthen the functions of the body and mind.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 31 reviews

Qi Flow Yoga & Fitness30 mins

QiFlow Body Ability

Dawnelle Arthur

"Your body will get better at whatever you do or don't do. If you don't move you will get better at not moving. If you move, your body will allow more movement." -Ido Portal

The QiFlow movement method “wu wei” is a practice in effortless action, strength, beauty and FLOW. It’s a method that constantly evolves and expands as I explore the movement world outside of yoga.

There are five elements to the QiFlow movement method:

1. Body Knowledge
2. SportConditioning
3. PerformanceTraining
4. MobilityFlow®
5. BodyAbility

This video focuses on Element 5: BodyAbility. A practice of movements and shapes that are meant to challenge and change you. As explained in Ido’s statement above…your body will get better at whatever you do or don’t do. At first you will struggle, but through practice and perseverance you will find your way. This is a class you should take at least once per week for six weeks. Nothing is easy until it becomes easy. When it becomes easy, it’s time to make it hard again. Practice what you can’t do. Become a curious student. Being curious and playing curious, makes life more fun. Your body is capable of more than you think. Put the time in and results will happen. Move smart. If you’re a yogi who has only focused on flexibility then take the time to prep yourself by committing to the MobilityFlow® challenge before taking this class. The QiFlow approach is new movement, new results. It takes time, but it’s worth it in the end.

Even though my QiFlow classes are no longer consider ‘yoga’ it is my mission and my path to help create better movers in the yoga world. QiFlow is not meant to replace your yoga practice or your workout/crossfit regime; it's design is to help all movers become more knowledgable, challenged and transformed. One MobilityFlow® and one QiFlow® class per week will prepare your mind and body for your sport. Your sport is yoga. You’re an athlete. Your sport is CrossFit, you are an athlete. If you move your body and train in a system, that makes you an athlete. You need to train for your sport. This is the message of QiFlow. It’s an enhancement method designed to help athletes move and perform at higher level. It’s not yoga, but it’s just as important.

Connect with me on Facebook or Instagram for additional videos and movement ideas.



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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.69
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Body Movement Max

Dawnelle Arthur

Body Movement is the motion of your full body, especially at the joints. Body movements include abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, rotation and circumduction. The FLOW of this class embodies full body movement. The body movement experience continues as we explore a more intense body movement FLOW designed to challenge you physically and mentally. Remember, "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

Special note and challenge from Dawnelle:
I shot this video on the day I turned 41 and I am here to tell you that movement, full body movement, is the secret to living young. I move young, therefore, I am young. I defy age by moving my body to the rhythm of my breath and the music around me. Download my Spotify playlist and get on your mat and FLOW. Body Movement Max will challenge you and it will change you!

I challenge my YogaDownload students to take on a 30-day FLOW challenge. A challenge designed to prove to you that through movement and breath anything is possible, even this class...Body Movement Max.

For one month, commit to three videos a week. Start each week with Joint Mobility and Core Engagement, mid-week take Body Movement and at the end of your week take Body Movement Max. Three times a week participating in the video progression for 30 days will open you to a deeper level of movement and expression. Take this challenge and let me know how you feel after 30 days!

With love,


Adv. Intermediate

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2 blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.56
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 12 mins

Body Movement

Dawnelle Arthur

Body movement is the motion of your full body, especially at the joints. Body movements include abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, rotation and circumduction. The FLOW of this class embodies full body movement…

This class uses a multi-approach movement technique to open the student for the next layer of their physical yoga practice. We begin warming the body through spinal movement and joint mobility exercises to prepare the student to access full body movement.

Expect joint mobility, core work and spinal movement as your warming period…followed by the choreography of Body Movement mixed with asana tricks and challenges to experience the possibility of Vashistasana in three unique ways and incorporate the pose into our FLOW.

Body Movement is for the student that is looking to explore a new movement approach to the yoga practice. This class is designed to bend you and challenge you by changing the way you look at the poses you do on an everyday basis. The movement of this class is difficult because it’s new.

Everything new in life, on and off the mat, is difficult until it’s not. This class takes practice and patience. Get out of your comfort zone and try it no matter what level of practice you label yourself. Put on a playlist, feel the music with your flow, and move to your own breath. Enjoy!

Click here to view Dawnelle's playlist for this class



You'll Feel It

2 blocks and an open mind
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 10 reviews

Power Yoga55 mins

Yoga Athlete - Thoracic Spine Mobility

Dawnelle Arthur

Yogis are athletes. Our sport takes place on our mats. This class is part of a four-part movement series that has been designed to train your mind and body to advance in your sport - not just your sport off the mat, but even more important, on the mat -through asana training. The thoracic spine is built for rotation, flexion and extension. This class will test your mid-spine mobility and create a deeper connection to mind and body movement to advance you in your asana athletics.


All Levels

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2 blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.59
based on 11 reviews

Yoga With Weights1 hour

Qi Yoga Sculpt 4 - Punch, Kick, Chaturanga

Qi Yoga & Fitness

This Qi yoga with weights class focuses intensively on the arms and shoulders, as the main exercise for the class will be Chaturanga. There will be several sequences of Chaturanga isolations, which will help you to achieve core stability in addition to strength through the upper body. You will need a set of 3 or 5 lb hand weights for this class. Have a towel handy to sop up the puddles of sweat!


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

3 or 5 lb hand weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.88
based on 24 reviews

Yoga With Weights1 hour

Qi Yoga Sculpt 3 - Cardio Blast

Kylie Larson

This Qi Yoga Sculpt class is going to leave you feeling sweaty and strong. Your heart rate will rise and your legs will shake in this total body toning class. This particular class has 30 second intervals of high intensity cardio followed by upper and lower body toning. There's no doubt about it, this class is a workout!



Bring a Towel

3 or 5 lb hand weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.69
based on 8 reviews

Therapeutics45 mins

Yoga for Athletes - Express Muscle Therapy

Qi Yoga & Fitness

It is said that what separates professional athletes from the rest of us is their ability to recover. This class combines therapeutic methods using soft tissue tools with yoga postures to enable athletes to recover faster from their athletic endeavors. Using a foam roller and firm Lacrosse balls, you'll go deep into the muscle fibers to massage and release tension. Then, a series of yoga postures will stretch and open the muscle tissue. You'll feel like a million bucks after this class!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Foam roller, tennis/lacrosse balls
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.79
based on 14 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 5 mins

Qi Yoga for Runners 2

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by Qi Yoga & Fitness and YogaDownload instructor, Kylie Larson, this class is designed to help offset the notorious tightness in the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and shoulders that almost all runners develop over time. This intelligently sequenced class opens up these areas of tightness which will help runners improve recovery time and avoid injury.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.05
based on 20 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour

Don't Think, Feel

Dawnelle Arthur

This Qi Yoga Flow class will focus on non-stop movement, linking one pose together with the next through mindful breath. We will also focus on our core and midline stability. Let go of thinking and FEEL your way into this invigorating and enlivening practice!



Bring a Towel

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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 5 reviews

Yoga for Athletes1 hour 5 mins

Yoga for Athletes - Rackets, Bats and Clubs

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by YogaDownload and Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor, Kylie Larson, this class is designed for athletes who use rackets, bats, or clubs. Constant twisting in one direction can cause an imbalance in the body. This class will focus on twisting both sides of the body equally, working out those imbalances. Get ready to twist and have fun!


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 20 reviews

Barre45 mins

Thigh High

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by instructor Molly Russell, this Qi Barre class targets your inner and outer thighs. Get ready to feel the burn as you strengthen and tone!



You'll Feel It

Chair, counter, back of couch
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.83
based on 12 reviews

Technique Workshops30 mins

Compass Pose

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by Qi instructor Erin Wimert, this class will prepare your body to get into this advanced posture -- Compass Pose, or Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana. Get ready to open your hips and hammies!



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 23 reviews

Yoga With Weights30 mins

Qi Yoga Sculpt 2

Qi Yoga & Fitness

This yoga with weights class led by YogaDownload and Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor, Christen Bakken, will lift and lengthen you from head to toe! Guided by the philosophy of "yoga first, sculpt second," the focus of this class will be on alignment and safety in each posture, with the sculpt aspect flowing from that place of steadiness and proper alignment.



Bring a Towel

Hand weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 3.75
based on 6 reviews

Balancing1 hour

Lean Into Uncertainty

Dawnelle Arthur

This class is all about leaning into the unknown and being courageous and brave enough to embrace the uncertainty in our lives, rather than struggle against it. Through balancing postures, we will ground down and realize our own innate strength and fortitude, ready to take on whatever life may throw our way!


Adv. Intermediate

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ratingRating: 4.74
based on 21 reviews

Barre30 mins

Qi Barre - 6-min x 4

Dawnelle Arthur

You'll get a 2-in-1 with this class: Qi Strengthening, and Qi Barre, consisting in total of four 6-minute workouts that will lengthen, strengthen and tone your core and lower body in a ridiculously short amount of time!



You'll Feel It

Chair and medicine ball or hand weight
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 20 reviews

Yoga for Buns7 mins

Qi 6-min Booty Blaster

Qi Yoga & Fitness

What can a 6 minute workout really accomplish, you ask? We challenge you to try it and find out! Qi instructor Chris Lindley will literally kick your booty into shape with this high intensity routine. Do this a few times per week and your future self will thank you for the great results!



Bring a Towel

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ratingRating: 4.79
based on 33 reviews

Prenatal Yoga43 mins

Qi Prenatal Workout - 1st and 2nd Trimesters

Qi Yoga & Fitness

YogaDownload and Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor, Kylie Larson, will lead you lovely expectant mammas through a vigorous but safe "pre-push workout" that will get your heart rate up and make you sweat! Just because you're preggers doesn't mean you can't get a good workout!



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ratingRating: 4.89
based on 9 reviews

Power Yoga50 mins

Hugging Into Your Authentic Self

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor, Erin Wimert, this class is all about honoring who you are, and where you are, in this moment. All too often in this world, we get caught up in trying to be someone or something that we're not. This class invites you be exposed and raw; to step into your authentic self and honor and accept the unique person that you already are, right here and now. We will manifest this theme throughout the practice through balancing, remembering to hug into the midline and root into our foundation. Give yourself authentic self a hug with this grounding practice!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Strap if needed
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 5 reviews

Bhakti Yoga55 mins

Root to Rise

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by Qi Yoga & Fitness and YogaDownload instructor, Christen Bakken, this Bhakti Flow class will help you solidify your foundation and show you how rooting through your hips and legs will ground you and prepare you to rise - possibly even fly! This practice of honoring your foundation and rising from your roots will serve you both on and off the mat!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 3.75
based on 10 reviews

Abs / Core Strengthening25 mins

Qi Dynamic Core

Qi Yoga & Fitness

This short and effective core workout led by Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor James Morse will address fast twitch muscle fibers that will help alleviate low back pain and increase strength in any other training you do.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.64
based on 14 reviews

Strengthen & Tone36 mins

Qi Mamma Boot Camp

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by Qi instructor Kylie Larson, this class is for all the busy mammas out there who don't have a lot of time to devote to a fitness routine. This 36 minute full body circuit training workout incorporates strength training with plenty of cardio to give you maximum results for a small investment of your time! So grab a set of hand weights, 3 or 5lbs will do -- 8 if you're feeling rambunctious -- and pop this class on while the kiddos are down for a nap! Best of all, you'll feel energized and ready to take on the rest of the day, Qi Mamma!



Bring a Towel

Hand weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.55
based on 21 reviews

Abs / Core Strengthening8 mins

8 Minute Abs

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Just as the name implies, Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor Chris Lindey will lead you through an intense 8 minute Tabata-style burnout for your abs. Trust us, 8 minutes is all you'll need!



Bring a Towel

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.91
based on 11 reviews

Technique Workshops43 mins

Qi Yoga Clinic - Hurdle

Dawnelle Arthur

Qi Yoga Clinics are all about practicing that which we cannot do. Why do we practice something? So that someday, we can eventually do it! This particular clinic focuses on hurdle pose. Hurdle opens the hips, strengthens the upper body, engages and strengthens the core, and brings balance to the mind, body and heart. There will be plenty of variations offered throughout this all levels class that will prepare you and give you the alignment tools that you will need to eventually practice this challenging posture. Explore your limits, and expect something new...eventually, you'll clear this hurdle!



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.44
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga50 mins

Qi Yoga Flow

Dawnelle Arthur

Get lost in the movement. In Qi Yoga Flow, there is no time to think. A real opportunity to get out of your head and into your body. The strength of yoga meets the grace of dance in a 50 minute flow designed to take you out of your comfort zone as you lose yourself to the flow.

Rather than limiting the movement to just the breath, we flow to the energy of the room, to the energy of one another, to the music playing in that moment, allowing us to let go, trust the body, and move. To truly feel the practice within our own unique, individual bodies.



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.78
based on 18 reviews

Barre30 mins

Tight End

Qi Yoga & Fitness

Led by instructor Molly Russell, this Qi Barre class is filled with cardio bursts and muscle sculpting routines specifically designed to tighten your rear end. Get ready to feel the burn and get your heart rate up!



You'll Feel It

Chair, counter, back of couch
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.88
based on 13 reviews

Power Yoga50 mins

Strength and Flexibility for the Shoulders

Kylie Larson

Shoulders can get super stiff and tight which can be painful and lead to poor posture as well as other heath issues. This class will help you to strengthen your chest and shoulder muscles, and then relax, release, and open them up. The result will have you feeling as though you just received an amazing massage! Strengthening and opening your shoulders can help get rid of headaches, improve posture, and bring your whole body back into balance.



You'll Feel It

Strap or belt (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.88
based on 44 reviews

Power Yoga35 mins

Qi Yoga Lunchtime Flow

Kylie Larson

Get moving! Enjoy this flow yoga class designed to provide you with extra energy to get you through that afternoon drag and keep you motivated throughout your day. Spend just 35 mins to energize, wake up your body, refocus, and go back to your desk feeling invigorated!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.68
based on 80 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga20 mins

Good Morning Yoga Flow

Kylie Larson

This class is designed to target those places in the body that might need a little extra space breathed into them after a night's sleep. In just 25 short minutes you'll get your blood pumping and work out all the stiffness, cramping, and tightness that is often left in the body after hours of laying still. Kylie also invites you to set your intention for the day so you'll be able to not only free up your joints and muscles, but also bring happy thoughts and space to your mind. Give yourself all the tools necessary to start your day off on the right foot and set yourself up for a positive, productive, successful day!



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.89
based on 36 reviews

Power Yoga25 mins

Energizing Twisting Flow

Kylie Larson

Energize yourself from the core as you twist and rinse away tension through this flowing and detoxifying class. This class is PACKED full of deep twisting postures, vinyasa flow, and balancing poses to awaken and revitalize you! Be ready to build some heat as you'll be moving non-stop right up until cool down and Savasana.



Bring a Towel

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.89
based on 54 reviews

Yoga With Weights55 mins

Qi Yoga Sculpt

Kylie Larson

If you're looking for a workout this is the class for you! This Qi Yoga Sculpt class is a challenging combination of cardio and strength training. There is an emphasis on lower body work, but your upper body and core will definitely be worked as well. This is a class that you will want to return to!



Bring a Towel

Hand weights