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Align and Flow

Jeanie Manchester

Through this class you will work toward one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, poses yoga has to offer - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, or One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. Jeanie uses her unparalleled experience and expertise to guide you, and prepare the body for this intense and uplifting posture by leading you through poses to open the quads, hamstrings, hips, chest, and shoulders. Even if you are far from reaching the full expression of Eka Pada Rajakopotasana, you will find yourself coming closer than you ever thought possible through this class. This is a fun, yet challenging, flow that encourages you to first find your alignment in each pose, then tap into the pulsation that runs throughout your body, outside into nature, and through the universe, so you can align and flow.

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