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30 Days to Grace (1:05:43)
$ 11.99
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30 Days to Grace

Diane Sieg

Exercise the Power of Intention with just 30 minutes a day!

30 Days to Grace is a powerful, life-changing program that guides you through a series of grounding and empowering activities for 30 minutes first thing in the morning for 30 consecutive days. These activities are designed to work together to support you in focusing on your predetermined intention, or goal, in an area of your life where you'd like to direct more energy and experience change.

The activities include deep breathing, yoga poses, meditation, and journaling. Each day of your practice will then end with a few moments of gratitude.

Through this program you will experience change almost immediately. When you give this gift to yourself for 30 days, you will be amazed at all the ways in which your grace will manifest itself!

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