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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Ashley Turner
Ashley Turner
Ashley Turner's Blog

How to Deal with Toxic Relationships
How to Deal with Toxic Relationships
Do you have emotional vampires in your life? Do you have friends or family that suck your life energy and leave you feeling depleted, depressed, irritable and antsy?

Overcome Self-Sabotage
Overcome Self-Sabotage
In the last 24 hours, I’ve had two different clients come to me with searing stories of self-sabotage. One of the women in my Prevention Magazine Yoga Weightloss test group posted that after 5 straight weeks of disciplined eating and exercising, right as we’re nearing the final round, she slipped back into old habits with a “reward” cookie or “cheat meal” here and there. “Why is my mind all of a sudden allowing this?” she asked.

Body Love + Diversity: Yoga Is Not About Handstands In Bikinis
Body Love + Diversity: Yoga Is Not About Handstands In Bikinis
If you learned about yoga only from Instagram, you might be seduced into thinking its about flashy handstand gymnastics in bikinis or super sexy yoga gear.