yoga download

Prenatal Yoga

Got a teeny yogini on the way? These online prenatal classes are designed for every stage of pregnancy and after you give birth.

Be sure to also check out our Prenatal Yoga Package, and/or give it as a gift!

Audio with Slides

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Meditation13 mins

Fertility Meditation: Connect to Feminine Energy

Dia Draper

This meditation is intended for women on a fertility journey. In this meditation we will create or enhance your connection to the divine feminine energy within you. Join Dia as she guides you into softening your energy and become more and more receptive in your body, heart and mind. Use this meditation at any point in your fertility journey, and especially if you are feeling frustrated with your timing, focused on doing everything right, or just need to ease into a gentler experience of conceiving your baby.


All Levels


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.50
based on 2 reviews

Prenatal Yoga29 mins

Prenatal Strength

Kristen Boyle

This class is perfect if you're pregnant and want to maintain strength in your body and mind before childbirth. You need as much strength as you can to carry your baby all the way to conception. Yoga can help you maintain your physical strength, and also your mental resolve, to show up for yourself, your baby, and feel your best, before this new chapter of your life begins.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Chair, Blanket, 2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Prenatal Yoga19 mins

Prenatal Relief

Kristen Boyle

This FREE class is ideal if you're expecting a new baby and need some physical, mental, and emotional relief. Carrying a child requires a lot of energy on your body and mind, and this class will give you some solace! Be prepared to breathe, move, and relax, designed for new mothers.


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Chair, Blanket, 2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 9 reviews

Prenatal Yoga14 mins

Prenatal Yoga: 13 Minutes to a Healthy Back

Liza Janda

If you're pregnant, you're probably dealing with back pain, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE BACK PAIN DURING PREGNANCY! Take 7 minutes a day for yourself and banish your back pain. Strengthen and stretch your belly, back, and bottom, and enjoy this special and miraculous time in your life much more.


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YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 6 reviews

Prenatal Yoga50 mins

Baptiste Power Yoga for Pregnancy - 3rd Trimester

Dave Farmar

Honor Yourself

Welcome to the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy. Are you ready to continue your power yoga practice!?

This is a traditional Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga class, safely modified for women who are approaching the conclusion of their pregnancies. You'll be able to keep up the physicality of your practice while making appropriate changes to the poses and flow for where you are right now. It is time to "Honor Yourself" now, so you can be fully prepared for what’s ahead.

Dave is joined in this series by his wife, Anna-Lisa, during her pregnancy with their 2nd child. She models the practice with strength and grace to Dave's distinctly detailed and empowering teaching.

PLEASE NOTE: This class is designed for women to maintain their established power vinyasa yoga practices safely during pregnancy. If you are brand new to yoga or did not already practice power yoga or vinyasa yoga before you became pregnant, please instead check out one of YogaDownload’s many other great prenatal classes.



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 10 reviews

Prenatal Yoga47 mins

Baptiste Power Yoga for Pregnancy - 2nd Trimester

Dave Farmar

Enjoy What's New

Welcome to the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy. Are you ready to continue your power yoga practice!?

This is a traditional Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga class, safely modified for women who are mid-way through their pregnancies. You'll be able to keep up the physicality of your practice while making appropriate changes to the poses and flow for where you are right now. It is time to "Enjoy What’s New" and fully take in all that’s developing during this journey!

Dave is joined in this series by his wife, Anna-Lisa, during her pregnancy with their 2nd child. She models the practice with strength and grace to Dave's distinctly detailed and empowering teaching.

PLEASE NOTE: This class is designed for women to maintain their established power vinyasa yoga practices safely during pregnancy. If you are brand new to yoga or did not already practice power yoga or vinyasa yoga before you became pregnant, please instead check out one of YogaDownload’s many other great prenatal classes.



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Prenatal Yoga51 mins

Baptiste Power Yoga for Pregnancy - 1st Trimester

Dave Farmar

Be Here Now

Welcome to the 1st trimester of your pregnancy. Are you ready to continue your power yoga practice!?

This is a traditional Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga class, safely modified for women who are early in their pregnancies. You'll be able to keep up the physicality of your practice while making appropriate changes to the poses and flow for where you are right now. It is time to "Be Here Now" and powerfully begin the journey that's ahead!

Dave is joined in this series by his wife, Anna-Lisa, during her pregnancy with their 2nd child. She models the practice with strength and grace to Dave's distinctly detailed and empowering teaching.

PLEASE NOTE: This class is designed for women to maintain their established power vinyasa yoga practices safely during pregnancy. If you are brand new to yoga or did not already practice power yoga or vinyasa yoga before you became pregnant, please instead check out one of YogaDownload’s many other great prenatal classes.



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Partner Yoga10 mins

Partner Yoga Restorative

Kristen Boyle

This Indieflow Partner Yoga Restorative class was originally created for expecting mothers and their partners to foster a deep sense of trust and connection before baby arrives. This class, however, is a beautiful practice for anyone wishing to create that deeper connection with their partner.

It is recommended that you watch this video in segments. See how to get into and out of one posture, listen to the instructions, then PAUSE the video to do the pose. Spend as long in each posture as you wish. Poses are intended for each partner to enjoy the more restorative part* so be sure to switch before moving on to the next posture!

* For a Prenatal practice, please note that the expecting mother is generally the one who enjoys the restorative aspect while her partner acts as the base.

** For a Postnatal practice, partners can switch, please be aware that a mother who has recently given birth is still working to regain core strength and stability.

Kristen loves to engage with yogis and to help you grow. As you practice this class, and any of the IndieFlow yoga classes on YogaDownload, if anything comes up for you, you are invited to leave a comment or question, in the reviews section and she will respond!


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YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.79
based on 12 reviews

Prenatal Yoga51 mins

IndieFlow Prenatal Yoga

Kristen Boyle

"Trust is a state of least resistance. I trust the intelligence of my body. I allow my pregnancy and my birth to unfold as they are meant to."

Yoga improves pregnancy, and not only at the level of the physical body; yoga transcends all levels of our being. Practicing yoga during pregnancy allows the mother-to-be to find strength in trust and acceptance of the course of her pregnancy and her birth. In this class, Kristen skillfully guides you through a well-rounded active class with postures that are safe and modified for your body in all stages of pregnancy. We build strength while preparing the body for birth. Planks and "mini-chatturangas" add an element of upper body strength, and a good amount of squatting is woven throughout the class. With precise alignment cues, you will enjoy sun salutations coordinated with breath to pick up the pace, some strengthening standing postures, followed by hip opening to relieve tension around the hips and low back. After your practice, you will feel stronger, more energized, more open. Your body and your spirit will thank you.



Everyday Namaste

Block, strap, bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 3.50
based on 12 reviews

Prenatal Yoga49 mins

Gentle Prenatal Yoga

Casey Feicht

Do you want to practice yoga, but don't feel you have the energy? This gentle class will guide you to listen to your body, enjoy your baby and still move through yoga poses. Great for the first trimester if you're not feeling so well, and third trimester when you are moving very slowly but still want to practice. Give yourself the gift of slow breaths, gentle postures and time to bond with you and baby!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.60
based on 15 reviews

Prenatal Yoga54 mins

Healthy and Balanced Prenatal Flow

Jo Schaalman

This prenatal class is designed for pregnant mamas of all stages. Create space in your body so that you can alleviate back pain, reduce tightness and tension, and minimize other pregnancy discomforts such as low energy, swelling and nausea. Work on strength and flexibility so that you'll stay healthy and balanced during your pregnancy.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 blocks, strap, blanket or towel
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.68
based on 20 reviews

Prenatal Yoga1 hour

Balance Your Pelvis & Position Your Wombmate

Liza Janda

Want a faster, safer birth? Want a more comfortable pregnancy? Some of the main causes of unplanned Cesareans are a tight Psoas muscle, a posterior baby, resting in a recliner, and an unbalanced pelvis. If you sit at a desk, drive in a car, or rest in your recliner, you need to take this class. Ease back pain, and help position your wombmate with hip openers, Psoas stretches, forward leaning poses, and a bit of Vinyasa flow. Tune into your body, your mind, and your baby.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Two blocks and a blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.40
based on 5 reviews

Prenatal Yoga1 hour 15 mins

Prenatal Yoga 3

Liza Janda

Whether you're an experienced yoga practitioner, or you're brand new to yoga, this Prenatal Yoga Flow with Liza Janda gives you the poses, breathing, and practice to help you create and enjoy the healthiest pregnancy possible . This class is part of a daily practice, which can lead you to a more comfortable pregnancy. Practicing yoga 3 times a week in pregnancy can help ease back pain, shorten labor, lessen labor pain, grow a healthier baby and prevent some pregnancy complications in the mother.*

Liza’s Prenatal Yoga challenges the mother-to-be and helps her prepare for the marathon event of childbirth. Liza has a passion for helping mothers and babies have better birth experiences through Prenatal Yoga and Childbirth Education. Visit her websites:

*(Efficacy of yoga on pregnancy outcome. Narendran S, Nagarathna R, Narendran V, Gunasheela S, Nagendra HR.Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (sVYASA), Vivekananda Yoga. Research Foundation, Bangalore, India.)

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

2 blocks, blanket, mat
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.50
based on 14 reviews

Prenatal YogaMultiple Options

Baptiste Power Yoga for Pregnancy - All Trimesters

Dave Farmar

Are you ready to continue your power yoga practice during all the stages of your pregnancy!?

This is a traditional Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga class, safely modified for women who are pregnant. You'll be able to keep up the physicality of your practice while making appropriate changes to the poses and flow for where you are right now.

In this video, Dave narrates with his distinctly detailed and empowering teaching style. His wife Anna-Lisa and their friend Becky, both pregnant with their 1st children, artfully demonstrate the practice.

PLEASE NOTE: This class is designed for women to maintain their established power vinyasa yoga practices safely during pregnancy. If you are brand new to yoga or did not already practice power yoga or vinyasa yoga before you became pregnant, please instead check out one of YogaDownload’s many other great prenatal classes.

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!

Note: this class was previously titled "Baptiste Power Yoga for Pregnancy".



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 4.79
based on 33 reviews

Prenatal Yoga43 mins

Qi Prenatal Workout - 1st and 2nd Trimesters

Qi Yoga & Fitness

YogaDownload and Qi Yoga & Fitness instructor, Kylie Larson, will lead you lovely expectant mammas through a vigorous but safe "pre-push workout" that will get your heart rate up and make you sweat! Just because you're preggers doesn't mean you can't get a good workout!



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.17
based on 18 reviews

Prenatal Yoga45 mins

Prenatal Yoga with Casey

Casey Feicht

Prenatal Yoga with Casey is designed to challenge you and allows you to connect with your child through the state of Yoga (Union). Casey guides you through poses allow you to open your hips, heart and prepare your body for the birth of your greatest miracle yet.

This class will allow you to stay present in the moment, and enjoy the connection of mind, body and spirit. Namaste and Play!

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.50
based on 18 reviews

Prenatal Yoga1 hour

Prenatal Yoga with a Twist

Mika Oakes

This well-rounded prenatal class is designed for yogis with an existing practice, though newbies are welcome to come along for the ride as well! Take the time to connect with your body, baby and breath as we move through this creative, challenging, flowing sequence. Build inner and outer strength through your journey of pregnancy.

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!



You'll Feel It

2 blocks, option of 1-2 blankets and bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 4.00
based on 1 reviews

Prenatal Yoga45 mins

Matrika Prenatal Yoga

Inflextion Publishing

Whether you have desired this pregnancy for a long time or find yourself happily surprised, pregnancy is a time of great transformation and change that carries significance for our lifestyle, careers, family, physical body and identity. At times, these transformations help us connect to our creative power as a woman and we feel strong and deeply grounded. At other times, we are caught in a web of prenatal tests, concerned relatives, nausea and exhaustion and wonder how we will make it through. This gentle Matrika Prenatal Yoga practice is designed to nurture and support you at any stage of pregnancy. It’s just what you need at the start of a new day, the end of a long day or to help you refresh and rejuvenate at any time of day.

What is Prenatal Yoga?
Prenatal yoga is a carefully designed program of physical poses for strength and flexibility, breathing exercises, visualization and meditation techniques and relaxation skills that have evolved out of various yoga traditions through the innovation, experience and creativity of yoga practitioners and teachers. This practice is designed to address specific pregnancy issues and concerns: fear, anxiety, exhaustion, physical aches, relationships (intimate, family, career, etc.) and more. Finally, prenatal yoga practices are also designed to support a confident and intimate relationship between mother and baby before birth.

What does ‘Matrika’ Mean?
The Matrika is the vibration of truth that resides in the central channel of the body. The central channel is a line of energy that runs through the center of your body from the crown of your head to about three finger-widths beneath your navel. This is not a truth that can be spoken, discovered or refined. It is what you carry with you through all time. While you are pregnant your baby is literally bathed in this vibration creating one of the most intimate and true communications you will ever have with another human being. While the human ear is not capable of hearing the sound of this vibration, your baby can feel it and your yoga practice helps to open this space and bring you into alignment with that which is most true to you. Matrika Prenatal Yoga is designed to help clear the central channel so you can access this vibration, keep it clear and help connect with your baby through light, sound and feeling.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Blanket, pillow, and bolster (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.72
based on 37 reviews

Prenatal YogaMultiple Options

Power Prenatal

Jennifer Lux

Jennifer Lux designed this Power Prenatal yoga class for those mommies-to-be that are looking for a truly challenging yoga flow that is safe to do while pregnant. This class is not for the beginner yogi, and be ready to sweat!

Yoga is one of the best ways to prepare your body for childbirth, and this powerful class will help you build the strength you need, both physically, and mentally. The full length class includes a challenging one minute hold of Camper's Pose, as well as a long arm hold while seated, both of which are designed to help you build the stamina necessary for birth.

This class is safe for all trimesters of pregnancy, and modifications are offered throughout.

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!


Adv. Intermediate

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 3.25
based on 8 reviews

Prenatal Yoga37 mins

Embracing the Goddess - Yoga for Pregnancy

Lisa Richards

Create balance, energy and peace with yoga

This relaxing prenatal yoga flow teaches you to honor your pregnancy and enjoy the most challenging and rewarding time of your life. Learn how to feel more comfortable, present and centered during your pregnancy. Create more vitality, strength, flexibility and balance so you can maintain optimal body weight. The safe and effective stretches, with emphasis on proper breathing, will improve your focus on the present moment, which is a great benefit during labor and delivery. Lisa’s wonderfully soothing guidance lets you feel calm and rejuvenated, reduce fatigue and tension and increase circulation to have the best experience for mother and child.

• Calming yoga and breathing exercises
• Guided workout with seated and standing poses
• Gentle and relaxing weight control
• Relief for aching feet, legs and back
• Great for both mother and child

Run time 37 minutes


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.19
based on 8 reviews

Prenatal YogaMultiple Options

Prenatal Yoga 2

Liza Janda

The long-awaited second class from our resident prenatal yoga guru, Liza Janda, is finally here! This time Liza offers a more challenging flow that will help you build strength and increase energy and stamina in preparation for bringing your baby into the world. The class is safe and suitable for all stages of pregnancy as Liza offers modifications throughout so you can customize the class based on your individual needs each day. Through this prenatal class you can relieve back pain, ease aching legs and feet, reduce tension, tightness and fatigue, and feel comfortable, relaxed and fit during your pregnancy.

The full length 80 minute class offers a pranayama breathing exercise as well as gentle guided meditation designed to relax and prepare you mentally for childbirth.

It might be helpful to have two blocks handy if you are in your 3rd trimester, or if you are dealing with carpel tunnel or other wrist issues.

For more information about Liza Janda and prenatal yoga visit her site:

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!



You'll Feel It

2 blocks if you need them
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.76
based on 53 reviews

Prenatal YogaMultiple Options

Prenatal Vinyasa Flow

Jennifer Lux

This Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga class is designed to challenge you while allowing you to reconnect with the innate wisdom inside you that understands child birth. Jennifer expertly and safely guides you through a flow that will get your body ready physically, mentally and emotionally for the birth of your baby. Linking yoga postures with your breath will lead you to new discoveries and bring awareness to the connection of mind, body and spirit. This class will help you to increase strength and stamina, as well as flexibility, while helping to reduce fatigue and improve relaxation.

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.92
based on 31 reviews

Prenatal YogaMultiple Options

Prenatal Yoga 1

Liza Janda

This gentle prenatal yoga class uses yoga poses perfect for pregnancy and will help you relax, stretch all the muscles in your body, deeply connect with your baby, and will help you prepare both mentally and physically for labor. Yoga has proven to be extremely beneficial for woman during pregnancy and this class is the perfect way to take a prenatal yoga class in the comfort of your home, at a time that is convenient for you.

This class was designed by expert instructor, Liza Janda, and is can be done during any trimester of pregnancy.

For more information about Liza Janda and prenatal yoga visit her site:

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!


All Levels


block & blanket - optional
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 3.70
based on 5 reviews

Meditation13 mins

Prenatal Meditation

Liza Janda

This powerful prenatal yoga meditation will guide you through breathing and visualization techniques to help you calm your mind, relax every muscle in your body, and deeply connect with your baby. The class begins in a seated position, and then moves into Savasana where you will meditate in a lying position.

For more information about Liza Janda and prenatal yoga visit her site:

**This class is also part of our Prenatal Yoga Package!


All Levels


Blanket or pillows - optional
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 3.00
based on 1 reviews

Prenatal Yoga45 mins

YogaFit Prenatal


This class is appropriate for all fitness levels and pregnant women throughout every stage of pregnancy.

Strength, conditioning and flexibility will be enhanced while the common aches and pains of pregnancy may be alleviated. Remembering the Essence of Yogafit and with an emphasis on honoring the body throughout pregnancy, participants are encouraged to rest when needed and understand the sensations in their body. This focus on the baby, body and breath gives the mother valuable tools that will be helpful during labor, delivery and beyond. Yogafit's healthy and hearty Prenatal practice is perfect to incorporate into every day that you're pregnant in order to maintain strength and flexibility as well as soothe daily anxieties and the little aches and pains that often accompany nine months of pregnancy. Certified prenatal instructor, Jules Schmidt have nearly two decades of experience teaching pregnant women.

Other benefits of YogaFit's Prenatal workout:

• Improve posture and total back strength
• Focus on mother-baby bonding through the breath
• Increase focus and stamina for labor, delivery and beyond
• Boost circulation, digestive processes and overall health


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Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 2.92
based on 6 reviews

Prenatal Yoga12 mins

Yoga Emergency - Pregnancy

Kristen Eykel

Because so much is changing now from your balance to your posture, during pregnancy your body can HURT! This workout will give you the simple, yet effective tools you need to feel better now and anytime.

The beauty of Yoga Emergency for your Pregnancy is that it is easy-from your first week to your 40th (and beyond!), you can find benefit from these stretches. As Yoga Emergency targets each area, you will also safely find specific relief for your changing body from the other Yoga Emergency – The 12 Minute Workout titles in the series.

Combined, you will be amazed at how great you can feel throughout every trimester!


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