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Anusara Yoga

Anusara (a-nu-sar-a) means “flowing with Grace,” “flowing with Nature,” “following your heart.”

Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara yoga is a school of hatha yoga, which unifies a life-affirming Shiva-Shakti Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness with Universal Principles of Alignment. Anusara yoga has become one of the most highly respected schools of hatha yoga with over 1,000 licensed yoga teachers, thousands of teachers in training, and hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. Anusara yoga has a presence on every continent throughout the world, excluding Antarctica, and is in 70 countries, thus attracting media attention worldwide.

Anusara yoga’s growth is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a “celebration of the heart” that looks for the good in all people and all things. Consequently, students of all levels of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations, and talents. This celebratory vision sets the basis for a yoga school in which the harmony and joy of a tightly knit community of highly trained teachers and fun-loving students is exalted. This community feels like it has the tightness of a family, yet the looseness of a merry band of bohemian artists.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Technique Workshops8 mins

Asana Lab: Warrior 2

Katy Bateman

Join Katy to break down the fundamental alignment principles for warrior II, which can be translated into various other asana, such as ardhachadrasana, trikonasana and parsvokinasana!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.99
based on 42 reviews

Anusara Yoga42 mins

Neck and Shoulder Release

Katy Bateman

Join Katy for a 40 minute practice to release neck shoulders and chest. Learn how your daily posture can create tension in your neck and what you can do to prevent it!


All Levels


Pillow or Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 4 reviews

Hatha Yoga37 mins

Root Back & Relax

Patrick Montgomery

Get grounded quickly. This short, innovative series of supine poses at the wall uses two straps, one around the ball of your foot and one around the top of your thigh to help root your thigh bones back, stretch your hamstrings, and create traction in the lower back. Your go-to practice for when your body feels disconnected from the Earth, your nerves are fried, or your mind is spacey.

Spotify playlist for Root Back & Relax


All Levels


2 Straps, a Wall, Blanket, Block
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Hatha Yoga53 mins

Yoga for Rock Climbers: Upper Extremities

Patrick Montgomery

Yoga helps balance out rock climbing. This sequence of asanas and arm variations works the opposite actions typically used in rock climbing to balance strengths and prevent injuries. Because climbing involves mostly pulling motions, this yoga practice preferences pushing movements while aligning the joints and increasing mobility in those areas that are typically tense, gripped, and tight. On this journey, you will practice forearm, wrist, hand, elbow, shoulder, and neck drills, variations of Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana), Reverse Table (Purvottanasana), descend into Thread The Needle (Parsva Balasana) and end with meditation in Abhaya Hrdaya Mudra (Fearless Heart). Perfect for anyone looking for an alignment-focused shoulder opening class, particularly climbers who want to add yoga to their training program.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for Rock Climbers: Upper Extremities



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Strap, 2 Blocks, Wall
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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 8 reviews

Hatha Yoga36 mins

Yoga for Upper Body Strength

Desiree Rumbaugh

This is not a typical flow class, but it does move at a very even pace. Many yogis need more isolated practice in both pushing and pulling for balanced upper body strength so they can safely practice sun salutations, inversions, arm balances and backbends. Here you will be able to focus on building integration and strength in your neck, shoulders, arms and chest with simple yet powerful yoga poses and very little equipment.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Coffee Table or chair, Strap, Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.86
based on 14 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 2 mins

Embodying Shakti

Jeanie Manchester

This class covers all parts of the body, an everyday aligned flow that taps you into Shakti Kundalini. When we begin to have a relationship with the energy in us, we start to heal and purify feelings of unworthiness, inhibition, doubt and fear. We wake up to the vibrancy of joy, freedom and creativity. This class would be awesome before a meditation practice or even a few minutes of silence at the end. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

Block, Strap, Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.40
based on 5 reviews

Anusara Yoga58 mins

Bad Ass Drop Backs

Jeanie Manchester

This is a no nonsense, "let's get to it" backbend technique workshop that assumes you already have a strong practice and want to get down to it in an hour. We go straight at the backbends with a strong warm up, good flow and then a pause as we take time to open the shoulders at the wall in handstands and Pinchya Myurasana ( forearm balance) We work our quads open and then into a deep twist before diving into Ustrasana (Camel Pose) to full bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), and then learning to come up and drop back at the wall. A strong, focused class which will stimulate the nervous system and bring more joy and freedom to your hip flexors, and a nice cool down and Savasana to leave you calm and peaceful. Enjoy!


Adv. Intermediate

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Block, Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.79
based on 14 reviews

Anusara Yoga52 mins

Sita, Rama & Hanuman: Unconditional Love

Jeanie Manchester

This class id dedicated to the trio Sita, Rama and Hanuman. The Great epic tale of the Ramayana is briefly described here. Sita, the goddess of unconditional love teaches us about compassion under any situation. This class moves us slowly and steadily to the great splits, Hanumanasana. The great leap across the ocean where masculine and feminine, in-breath and out-breath unite. This class focuses on breath and some hamstring alignment. We start with some flow and standing postures, and then move more slowly to the ground. It's a great class for those who want to move towards the splits, but need to move more slowly to get there.



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Block and strap
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ratingRating: 4.87
based on 19 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga32 mins

Yoga for Rock Climbing

Claire Petretti Marti

This class is designed for the rock climber who wants to enhance performance and mental focus, prevent injury, increase flexibility and create more space in the back, hips, shoulders and chest. You’ll also work on balance and core strength, as well as opening up the feet, hands and wrists.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.95
based on 21 reviews

Align & Flow1 hour 17 mins

Turn & Churn the Spine

Patrick Montgomery

Are some poses easier on one side than the other? This intermediate practice balances asymmetrical patterns of strength and weakness from side-to-side and coaxes the spine back to center. Many poses are held for several breaths allowing time to explore their inner workings –particularly how to properly rotate the torso. This strong, slow flow sequence features side bends, opposite arm and leg balances, a mandala of standing postures including Parighasana (Gate Pose) and side plank variations leading to the peak pose, Kapinjalasa (Side Plank Bow Pose). Ideal for yogis with imbalances, scoliosis and anyone who wants to feel more magic pulsing through their spine.

Patrick recommends using the following playlist for this class: Spotify playlist for Turn & Churn the Spine



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Optional block
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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 58 reviews

Hatha Yoga41 mins

Neck Nirvana

Patrick Montgomery

This practice helps release tension from the neck, shoulders and upper back. This sweet, slow, short sequence includes seated twists, lunges and shoulder stretches and winds down with restorative variations of Setu Bhanda (Bridge Pose) and Savasana (Corpse Pose) that will leave your heart light and your neck feeling so much better.

Patrick recommends using the following playlist for this class: Spotify playlist for Neck Nirvana


All Levels


Block and a blanket
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ratingRating: 4.84
based on 16 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 10 mins

Focus on Form - Forward Folds

Patrick Montgomery

This is a quiet exploration. The Align & Flow sequence begins by lengthening and releasing the spine, side body and hamstrings in standing poses. Then practice the four sitting poses that BKS Iyengar said prepare the body for the optimal forward fold, Pascimottanasana. Finally, move deeper into stillness in Upavista Konasana and Pavritta Janu Sirsasana. This practice will help you relax, restore, prepare the body for meditation and get a good night's sleep. Ways to modify are given for beginners and tighter students. Blanket and strap suggested.


All Levels


Blanket, block and strap recommended
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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 8 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 4 mins

Focus on Form - Backbends & Inversions

Patrick Montgomery

In this Align & Flow class, detailed techniques are given for opening the shoulders and upper back. This sequence does not meander, it's a Suryanamaskar-based warm up, including Pinche Mayurasana (forearm stand) and gets down to the business of back bending. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Wheel) is the apex pose. Perfect for backbend lovers and anyone who wants to feel more radiant.



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Block (suggested)
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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 12 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 5 mins

Focus on Form - Twists & Arm Balances

Patrick Montgomery

Turn your attention to alignment in this strong and playful progression of standing poses, arm balances, and seated twists. This Align & Flow class includes approaches to Bakasana and Parsva Bakasana (Crow and Side Crow poses) for beginners. You'll end with pranayama to balance the nervous system.


All Levels

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Blocks, blanket, and strap
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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 23 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 10 mins

Focus on Form - Hip Opening

Patrick Montgomery

Ground and nourish yourself in slow-paced, timed hip openers. This thorough Align & Flow practice encircles the hip joints, activating and releasing the quads, adductors, external rotators and hamstrings. It includes lunges, standing poses, seated hip openers, exploration of Agni Stambasana (fire logs pose) and ends with relaxing supine poses.


All Levels

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Strap, block, optional blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 10 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 3 mins

Focus on Form - Belly Down Backbends and Core

Patrick Montgomery

This creative Align & Flow sequence strengthens the low back and core which which can help with back pain, digestion and make bigger backbends feel better. More time is spent on poses we often do quickly such as Bhujangasana (Cobra) and Chaturunga. The class progresses to fun variations of Bhekasana (Frog Pose) and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose). You'll connect to your core and your heart through this strong work.


All Levels

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Optional strap
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ratingRating: 4.78
based on 18 reviews

Hatha Yoga48 mins

Focus on Form - Standing Poses

Patrick Montgomery

Learn essential techniques in several standing poses including Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon) and Pavritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle). This Align & Flow practice also shows you how to activate the feet, lift the arches and open the ankles and calves. Practice regularly to develop or maintain strength and flexibility.


All Levels

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ratingRating: 3.88
based on 4 reviews

Align & Flow1 hour 6 mins

Your Highest Self

Roger Martin-Pressman

In each of our individual worlds we should all be the most beautiful, creative, smartest and most skillful people we know; but how often do we practice this? Take time during this Align & Flow class to connect to your highest self, and let this practice remind you how to make a full offering of your practice, and yourself.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Block and wall
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ratingRating: 4.07
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour

Harness Your Energy

April Laliberte

Do you feel scattered and wish you could just "pull it together?!"

This intermediate vinyasa class will lead up to the peak pose of Ardha Visvamitrasana or Baby Friends of the Universe pose. You'll find physical postures, breathwork and meditation in this class with an emphasis on the subtle energy body. Harness Your Energy will teach you to increase your awareness of your energetic self, which is just as real as your physical self. Cut ties with old habits and create a new story for yourself that is healing, expanding and harmonizing.




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ratingRating: 4.00
based on 2 reviews

Align & Flow1 hour 20 mins

Strength and Devotion

Patrick Montgomery

Strength and Devotion begins with the story of Vyagrapada, the devotee who ascends the tallest trees every day to bring down the most beautiful blossoms to lay at the feet of Lord Nataraja. It's about the strength and beauty of one's spiritual practice. Emphasizing strong work in the hands, this Align & Flow sequence is a steady climb through standing poses, arm balances and backbends leading to the transition from Wild Thing to Wheel Pose.



You'll Feel It

2 blocks (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.61
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Chakra Awareness Flow

April Laliberte

You are energy--you are a vibrational being.

Increase your awareness of your seven main energy centers (Chakras) and connect to them through a series of poses that stimulate these centers. We'll start with an active set of poses to warm up with. Then, we'll continue our journey through the seven chakras with less active poses that will gradually cool us back down. Our exploration will culminate in savasana with a guided meditation through each of the chakras. You will feel a wonderful balance of energy throughout your entire body after this class!



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ratingRating: 4.03
based on 17 reviews

Yoga for Hips1 hour 15 mins

Deep Hip and Heart Opening

Jeanie Manchester

Some days, we just need to stay close to the ground. This class begins low to the ground in a mandala of Sun Salutations. The entire class is paced for all levels, yet culminates in an advanced posture, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-legged King Pigeon Pose), with plenty of options for all levels of practitioners. The deep opening in your hips and heart will leave you feeling spacious, grounded and uplifted!


Adv. Intermediate

You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 3.50
based on 7 reviews

Inversions30 mins

Let's Go Upside Down

Jeanie Manchester

Are you frustrated that you never get to inversions in your yoga class? Inversions are some of the most healthy postures we can do for ourselves and yet they are the most commonly neglected. In this 30 minute session you will flow to open the shoulders and then experience every basic inversion pose which will stimulate prana, energy for your day, and also calm you for a good night's rest. Inversions increase blood supply to the neck region to nourish and stimulate the thyroid and pineal glands. Give your feet a break and go upside down! This class is made accessible to most as it offers alternate options and basic alignment tips.



Everyday Namaste

Blanket and a strap
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ratingRating: 3.34
based on 16 reviews

Anusara Yoga50 mins

50 min Juicy Hip Opener

Jeanie Manchester

The hip joints are designed for motion, but for many of us the hips feel more like mud than water. This class gets right down into the deep hip muscles to release tension and tightness creating a newfound freedom. Opening the hips in such a way will also work to free the low back and get rid of emotional gunk that tends to get stored in this region (it really works, try it!).


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

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ratingRating: 4.08
based on 6 reviews

Anusara Yoga1 hour 10 mins

Test Your Balance

Jeanie Manchester

How balanced are you today? Measure your balance... and your strength... and your stamina in this super fun and challenging flow class with the one-and-only yoga master, Jeanie Manchester. The class starts right off with Tree Pose and then moves through a wide variety of super creative versions of your favorite balancing poses incorporated throughout an invigorating flow. Root down to lift up as you put your core strength and balancing skills to the ultimate test!


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

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ratingRating: 4.25
based on 4 reviews

Anusara Yoga1 hour 40 mins

Core Radiance

Jeanie Manchester

This Core Radiance class will offer you an orientation to your midline, your core. It will provide a great overall work out as well as give you a greater awareness of the central channel which is key to any yoga practice or class you endeavor. This class gives you a full practice touching each category of postures including hip opening, arm balancing, back bending, and inversions. Enjoy!


Adv. Intermediate

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ratingRating: 3.92
based on 6 reviews

Anusara Yoga2 hours

Pursuing the Sick and Twisted


Discovering the best of who we are!

The love of life is not a function of the strength of the heart muscle, but depends on our willingness to reside in pure atman, invite deep intelligence and live in authentic expression. This backbend class challenges us to push the edges or our perceived limitations, and in so doing, short-curcuit our habitual ways of being. To open the locked door of our backbends, to open the locked door of our heart ~ ~ all it takes is the proper key. Then life becomes artistry.

This is a workshop-style class. Run time is 2:15:00



You'll Feel It

A place at a wall
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ratingRating: 3.98
based on 33 reviews

Anusara YogaMultiple Options

Align and Flow

Jeanie Manchester

Through this class you will work toward one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, poses yoga has to offer - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, or One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. Jeanie uses her unparalleled experience and expertise to guide you, and prepare the body for this intense and uplifting posture by leading you through poses to open the quads, hamstrings, hips, chest, and shoulders. Even if you are far from reaching the full expression of Eka Pada Rajakopotasana, you will find yourself coming closer than you ever thought possible through this class. This is a fun, yet challenging, flow that encourages you to first find your alignment in each pose, then tap into the pulsation that runs throughout your body, outside into nature, and through the universe, so you can align and flow.



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 4.58
based on 6 reviews

Anusara Yoga1 hour 30 mins

Riding the Waves

Jeanie Manchester

Every single one of us have had times in our lives where we've dealt with the highs and lows of being human, and the wide range of emotions that come along with it: grief, pain, joy, ecstasy. This class is called Riding the Waves and offers a practice designed to help you find the strength and serenity for life's peaks and valleys. Jeanie discusses the concept of holding on to the bigger picture through difficult times, even the loss of a loved one, and understanding the pulsation of life through our yoga practice. We must all learn to "ride the wave" inside - the one that was never born and will never die, and hold on to that perspective during challenging times.

The class incorporates arm balances designed to help you cultivate strength and courage, but reminds you to maintain a softness and let go of unnecessary tension and our tendency to grip onto concepts. As Jeanie puts it, embrace life and fully dance, but then when it's time, let go into a sweet surrender.

With this class you are invited into an intimate setting to experience a powerful class from a genuine and amazing soul. Enjoy. : )



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