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Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is a dynamic, soulful, devotional, and rejuvenating style of yoga fusing the principles of vinyasa yoga ( the union of body, breath, and movement) and the qualities of bhakti yoga (gratitude, open-heartedness, humility, compassion, and devotion). Deep rhythmic breathing in conjunction with movement is emphasized.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 8 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga41 mins

The Yogic Way: Steady Rhythms

Annie Coyle

This is another class in the Yogic Way repertoire series, in which honoring the roots of yogic traditions is central. In this practice, you will tune into your own root through the use of sound (mantra), movement, and breath so as to enliven a sense of steadiness within the rhythmic nature of your life. This class is perfect for morning, evening, or as a midday boost. You can expect to feel free in your hips, and shoulders following this practice.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Fusion Yoga42 mins

The Yogic Way: Peace Within and Without

Annie Coyle

This class adds to the Yogic Way repertoire series, in which honoring of the sacred roots of yoga is at the heart. In this class, you can expect to drop into and cultivate your own essential peaceful nature, whilst radiating peace outward as a moving prayer for all of humanity. Through this creative flow paired with breath, as well as an added element of working with sound (mantra) you will feel refreshed, revitalized, and restored. This class is perfect for morning, evening, or as a midday reset. You will surely feel tuned into your center, as you will work to cultivate your own inner calm and peaceful quietude through your practice. See you on your mat!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 10 reviews

Bhakti Yoga45 mins

The Yogic Way: Your Solar Nature

Annie Coyle

Tap into your own solar nature in this dynamic and powerful Yogic Way class. Explore elements of pranayama, kriya, mantra, mudra, and a hatha-based postural practice. Drop out of the mind and into the body in exploration of some of yoga's subtler aspects. You will be left feeling enlivened, awake, and ready to step into the rest of your day with easeful grace.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Bhakti Yoga43 mins

The Yogic Way: Cosmic Sensations

Annie Coyle

Explore mantra, pranayama, and gentle vinyasa in another installation of the Yogic Way series. This class aims to offer up opportunity to soften into the subtleties of full spectrum yogic practices. Observe cosmic sensations through your physical experience on the mat, and drop into your own expansive and eternal nature through this slow moving, feel good practice.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks ( optional)
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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 92 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Deep Sweaty Detox

Pradeep Teotia

Ready to sweat? This 35-minute inspiring and action packed class with Pradeep will have you moving, flowing, sweating and detoxing. Expect a well-rounded Pradeep practice, with core work, twists, and movement with breath, all with a light-hearted approach.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 4.77
based on 44 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga45 mins

Sweaty Flow

Pradeep Teotia

This is the perfect home practice for that bitter cold winter day. From warrior poses to planks, backbends, and then more planks, this 45 min sequence will get your heart pumping and the sweat flowing. Push yourself to your limits and then relax into savasana bliss. This practice is a great detox and will build muscle tone in your legs, arms, and abdomen. Motion is lotion and health is wealth. Be brave my friends!


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.59
based on 28 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Ready to Sweat

Pradeep Teotia

This is the perfect class for those days when you need a shift in your energy flow. Focus the distracted mind by falling deep into this full-body workout. You will move through a series of strong warrior poses, plank variations, backbends and of course core strengthening exercises. Pradeep will challenge your will and encourage you to explore new variations of the standard asana poses. Health is wealth and peace of mind is happiness. Go ahead and experience life in all possible ways.



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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 43 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Build Your Inner Fire

Pradeep Teotia

Somedays we just need a jump start. Skip your morning cup of coffee and fuel your body with this heat building devotion. Slow your breath, focus your mind and get the fuel you need from your own inner flame. This class will push you just enough to ignite that inner strength and leave you standing taller in your own power.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.79
based on 19 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 6 mins

Move Your Asana

Pradeep Teotia

Somedays we just need to move..with intention, with the breath, and with focus. Move out of your busy mind and fall deep into your asana practice. This class starts with a gentle warm-up and moves right into an invigorating moving mediation. Combining sweet flows with strong poses, Pradeep will challenge your mind with concentrated movement and leave you feeling alive from head to toe. Its time to get up and Move Your Asana!


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.95
based on 60 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga33 mins

Deep Like Pradeep

Pradeep Teotia

Dig deep, go deep, get deep! Fall deeper into your practice with this signature Pradeep vinyasa flow. This 30 min class is a full-body reboot, charactered with Pradeep’s creative sequencing and active flows. This class is for all levels of yoga looking to dig a little deeper. Be brave, my friends! One day or Day one?


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 21 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 5 mins

Yoga Alchemy: The Two Tools

Mark Morford

Just two? Yes, just two. Just the essentials, really.

Just the breath, and your intention. Pranayama, and sankalpa. With these, miracles happen. With these, you can transform worlds.

It begins with nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing – literally “channel purification”) to clear and tonify the primary left, right and center (ida, pingala, shoshumna) energy pathways – essential to moving pranic dynamism more freely through the body. There is core work to awaken heat and enhance stability. There is increased awareness of the depth and pacing of the breath, to calibrate effort and control heat, without exhaustion or slumping out. Throughout it all, a continuous refreshing of the intention set at the beginning of the practice, to prevent the mind/emotions from wandering hither and yon.

Listen. If nothing else, hone and revere these two potent yogic tools. After all, you can practice juicy asana all day, you can meditate and chant and drink gallons of organic grass-fed tea made from the laughter of baby dolphins, but without these two vital guides, none of it makes much sense.

Spotify playlist for Yoga Alchemy: The Two Tools



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ratingRating: 4.58
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 4 mins

Breath and Body Work

Pradeep Teotia

By developing the strong connection between the breath and body, we will further engage our powerful yoga practice and find strength in this connection. This class will be beneficial to all levels of practitioners.


All Levels

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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 43 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Wake Up and Flow

Pradeep Teotia

Get your day started the right way with this beautiful and uplifting flow. In this class we will build our practice with breath and strength to carry throughout our day. This morning flow will be beneficial for all levels of yogis!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.87
based on 15 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 15 mins

Flow with Pradeep

Pradeep Teotia

This unique, one of a kind flow showcases the distinctive style of Pradeep’s teachings through a strong, heart opening practice. We will focus on connecting the breath and body through the vinyasa flow. All practitioners will find love and focus in this unique class.



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ratingRating: 4.78
based on 23 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 12 mins

Power Flow

Pradeep Teotia

This powerful, strong dynamic practice will connect our movement with the breath and allow us to unite our mind and body. This strong practice is focused for intermediate and advanced practitioners.


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 40 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga52 mins

Practice with Love

Pradeep Teotia

By opening our hearts and focusing on love during our vinyasa flow, we can cultivate a stronger, more meaningful practice. We will connect with the heart, mind, and body during this flow. All levels of yogis will find love and strength in this practice.


All Levels

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ratingRating: 4.86
based on 11 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga51 mins

Core Concentration Flow

Pradeep Teotia

In this practice, we will focus on the core as the pillar of our flow. With this concentration, we will develop power and strength for a strong practice. This core practice can be enjoyed by all levels of yogis who want to strengthen the core.


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ratingRating: 4.99
based on 42 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga55 mins

The Body Mandala: Level I

Mark Morford

You have patterns. Lots of them. You have conditioned beliefs, cultural programming, mental and emotional constructs, things you truly believe you like and do not like, want and do not want, fear and doubt and OMGWTF. We ALL do. Question is, are they working for you? Are all those patterns, tribal affiliations, certainties and opinions helpful and nourishing, or depleting and numbing? To you AND to those around you? Are they even really yours? How do you know?

This class invites the idea, the practice of *re-patterning.* Which is to say: Observing your various samskaras (habituated behaviors and programmed reactions) and perhaps, through practice, clearing and dissolving them, and then replacing them with the unexpected, the fluxive, the healthy and the divine. Read: swooping, looping, trance-like body movements to get you to stop knowing what you think you know. Which you actually don’t. Isn’t that marvelous?

Spotify playlist for The Body Mandala: Level I



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ratingRating: 4.91
based on 16 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour

Be Bold

Pradeep Teotia

By developing the courage to find strength and depth within our yoga practice, we will further push ourselves to our true potential. We will flow with strength in this powerful vinyasa practice. This class is focused on intermediate and advanced practitioners.



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ratingRating: 4.86
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 13 mins

Welcome Home

Pradeep Teotia

This fun, loving practice is focused on opening the heart and mind to lead us into a deeper meditation through the breath and body. All levels will enjoy this heart felt practice. Oh happy day!


All Levels

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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 41 reviews

Power Yoga45 mins

Strong Core

Pradeep Teotia

This class explores the depths of the core flow practice and concentrates heavily on strengthening these important muscles. This class is beneficial to all levels as we focus on connecting our breath with our core flow.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 26 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 3 mins

Practice with a Smile

Pradeep Teotia

This joyful and uplifting practice invites us to take a deeper look into our mind body connection through concentrating on the joy and gratitude we find in our lives. All levels of yogis will find joy and an open heart with this practice.


All Levels

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 17 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga53 mins

Absolution Flow: Wheel of Fire

Mark Morford

Little-known fact: Backbends are often just as much, if not more, about opening the front body – the chest, the heart, the thighs, the belly – as they are about getting the spine to give up its deep, psycho-emotional traumas and delights.

Here’s a relatively advanced (read: do be careful, OK?), backbend-heavy practice designed, on the physical level, to explore multiple modes and intensities of spinal flexion: deep folds, multiple flavors of backbend, a strappy Natarajasana, challenges to both your focus and balance. But on the other, less obvious levels? Far more interesting possibilities for deep release, expansion.

How intense do you want it? How deep are you willing to go? How much release can you truly handle, without harming yourself and without obeying your nagging ego’s urges to either push harder or collapse and give up? Shall we find out?

Spotify playlist for Absolution Flow: Wheel of Fire


Adv. Intermediate

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ratingRating: 4.00
based on 1 reviews

Bhakti Yoga50 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Chanting

Les Leventhal

It's time to chant. Chanting is grounding. Chanting calms the nervous system and, if done in a group, creates and celebrates community. The chants in this video are translated in a way that you can incorporate the essence and meaning of the words into your yoga practice and your life. It is not about the quality of your voice. It is about the quality of commitment to practice, just like the asana videos. It took me years to become comfortable with the sound of my own voice. Once I found that comfort, I fell in love with chanting in a whole new way. Honestly, you can do this video everyday for the rest of you life. Sing out loud.


All Levels


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ratingRating: 4.60
based on 72 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Surya Devotion Flow

Mark Morford

Do you know Surya? Do you know what Surya Namaskar, an exceedingly common “warm-up” Vinyasa sequence practiced in roughly 108 million yoga studios across the land, is actually all about? Here’s the thing: Most yoginis don’t.

Not to worry; here’s a brief, powerful, thoroughly light-soaked overview, and vigorous morning (pre-dawn, ideally) ritual practice, dedicated to the “true” meaning of Surya and his famous “sun salutation,” which might not be quite what you think it is. Just an exercise? A classic warm-up? Sort of. But oh, also so much more. Also a ritual, a prayer, an offering of devotion to life itself, like you cannot believe. Or can you? Of course you can.

Spotify playlist for Surya Devotion Flow



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ratingRating: 4.60
based on 29 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 7 mins

Morning Badass Flow II: Just Another Day

Mark Morford

It can be a dangerous mindset we all fall into at some point: We start believing that life really IS what we often say it is: Same ol’ same ol’, back to the grind, just another slog, hoping to survive. In other words, life is, we numbly come to think, just a burden to be endured. Joy is an exception, fleeting and unreliable.

Nonsense. Here’s a vigorous wake-up practice designed specifically to remind you that you get to CHOOSE your alignment, your particular “vibe” in the world, every single day, and watch as the world orients itself around THAT (not the other way around). Foundational core work, hip releases, swirls and loops and warriors, all meant to dissolve nonsense conditioning and fatalistic “survivalist” thinking, and replace them with the vigorous and the alive.

Will doing this class every day make you a happier, nicer person, beloved by all? Of course not. But maybe, just maybe, a little less whiny.

Spotify playlist for Morning Badass Flow II: Just Another Day



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ratingRating: 4.95
based on 19 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 9 mins

Yoga Alchemy: The Hot Mess

Mark Morford

What’s your favorite addiction? If you’re a good American, chances are, it’s to fragmentation, to some bogus idea of multitasking (a toxic myth, btw), to nonstop busyness, to the point that we believe being crazily harried all the time – to being a sloppy “hot mess” – is some sort of virtue, and that something is wrong with us if we’re not living in a manic state of barely controlled chaos, all the time.

This is, of course, madness. Fun to say, dumb to believe.

Here’s a vigorous, fiery sequence designed to help you unify, to calm the hell down, and to focus on the single, perfect, un-fragmented moment you are in, right now. Every pose offers a chance to focus on what you are doing – *and nothing else.* To, quite literally, identify your body, your attention, and your breath in the room, on your mat, in the space and moment where you are. No multitasking, not “crazy busy,” not drunk on turmoil, not splaying out all over the place. Just present, charged, awake to the now. Deal?

Spotify playlist for Yoga Alchemy: The Hot Mess



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ratingRating: 4.82
based on 19 reviews

Power Yoga45 mins

Absolution Flow: A Call To Arms

Mark Morford

Behold this giddy, delightful and VERY shoulder/arm/chest intensive practice, core stable and alignment precise. That’s right! It’s all manner of chaturangas, double dips, planks and half-handstands and pincha mayurasanas, moves both familiar and, perhaps, not so much. Prediction: You will love it, even when you hate it.

And why? For the sake of real stability, of course. For the sake of true strength – not just bulk muscle or brute force, but functional, useful upper-body energy that can reach and rotate, lift and hold with dexterity and ease, and not get hurt.

Be careful with this one. Do what you can. Do not overdo it. Ignore your ego. Build up to it. Try a few, then try again. Come back to what didn’t seem remotely possible, and try it again. And then again.

Reminder: Upper body strength is NOT about the ability to hoist heavy things or grunt through a pile of dumb pushups. It’s about a particularly confident, poised flavor of grace and physical integrity. It’s for holding up the weight of the world, and then dancing.

Mark recommends using the following playlist for this class: Spotify playlist for Absolution Flow: A Call To Arms


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

Block, Strap
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.77
based on 13 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 12 mins

Oh My Asana - Power Flow

Pradeep Teotia

Oh hello! Pradeep brings his best to this class, weaving energetically and seamlessly through inventive sequences, strength poses, and core work that will make you sit up and say, Oh my asana! Did someone say planks?? This one is sure to find a spot on lots of favorites lists.



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ratingRating: 4.83
based on 12 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 9 mins

Practice with Grace

Pradeep Teotia

You can take your practice deeper when looking at the big picture and seeing all the goodness that life has to offer. Pradeep leads the class through simple yet inventive vinyasa sequences with his unique sense of humor and ways of encouraging us to dig deeper, even when life becomes challenging.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste
