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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

CPM's Blog

How to #GoYourOmWay with Claire Petretti-Marti
How to #GoYourOmWay with Claire Petretti-Marti
What does it mean to "Go Your OM Way? Where to begin? To me, this hashtag directly translates to follow your passion or trust your heart. We receive so many conflicting messages from the world, be it from our parents, our friends, our workplace, or our community in general. Often, our true passion or dharma in life becomes subjugated to the expectations of others and we find ourselves living a life that doesn’t feel authentic.

How Taking a Yoga Retreat Cultivates Contentment
How Taking a Yoga Retreat Cultivates Contentment
“The result of contentment is total happiness. The happiness we get from acquiring possessions is only temporary. We need to find new ones and acquire them to sustain this sort of happiness. There is no end to it. But true contentment, leading to total happiness and bliss, is in a class by itself.” – T.K.V. Desikachar

Yoga for Golfers: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Golfers: 3 Poses You Should Practice
In golf, every detail matters. Having a slight advantage can make the difference between an enjoyable day on the course or a disappointing one. Golfers want to eliminate strokes as well as pain so they can continue playing the game they love for many years. Yoga can offer this advantage by increasing flexibility, range of motion in the joints and honing mental concentration.

Yoga for Cyclists: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Cyclists: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Many of my yoga students are cyclists who practice yoga to alleviate muscle tightness from logging long hours in the saddle. A yoga practice focused on flexibility, core strength and balance can be a perfect cross-training workout for the avid cyclist. Competitive triathlete Molly McCorkle used to suffer pain in her lower back and hips when she took long rides training for half-Ironman triathlons.

Yoga for Triathletes: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Triathletes: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Many triathletes have told me they would love to try yoga but can't squeeze it into their intense training regimens. The swimming, biking and running leaves little time in a triathlete's schedule, but those who find time for yoga agree the benefits can be considerable.

Yoga for Runners: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Runners: 3 Poses You Should Practice
In my role as a yoga instructor, I've been able to help numerous runners who are seeking to cross-train, improve flexibility and alleviate pain they experience during and after running.

Why Every Athlete Should Practice Yoga
Why Every Athlete Should Practice Yoga
As a private trainer and yoga instructor, I meet a lot of athletes and workout fanatics. When asked if yoga is part of their workouts, many athletes will tell me they don't have the time to add yoga to their already intense training schedules. Some say they don't see how "stretching and breathing" would be of any benefit to them. Others say they've discovered yoga while recuperating from an injury.