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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Dawn Chambers
Dawn Chambers
Dawn Chambers's Blog

Yoga for Immunity – Boost Your Immune System With These Tips
Yoga for Immunity – Boost Your Immune System With These Tips
When you think of yoga, you probably think of exercise, relaxation, and stress relief. These are all good reasons to practice yoga, but there’s another benefit. Yoga can also do wonders for your immune system. So, how does yoga help, and what techniques can you use to bring balance to your system? Let’s talk about the science behind your immune health, and seven powerful yoga poses for boosting your immunity. Yoga Reduces Stress When you’re under stress, the effects aren’t restricted to your mental health. Your physical health also suffers. To date, there are more than 300 peer-reviewed studies that show that prolonged stress reduces your immunity.