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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Mini Vegetable Frittatas
Mini Vegetable Frittatas
Eggs and vegetables, what a formidable combination! Well, perhaps "formidable" is a strong word, but it's certainly a combination that can't be beaten! As a person that often meal preps her breakfasts for the work week, any combination of eggs and vegetables in my belly leads to me having a better morning. If I eat anything with too much sugar - I've been known to be a bit heavy handed with my overnight oatmeal's maple syrup pours in the past - I definitely feel that quintessential 11 a.m. crash so many folks talk about. A breakfast with eggs and vegetables definitely helps me stay steady and focused until lunchtime. Protein and vital nutrients, for the win!

Mango Nice Cream
Mango Nice Cream
On a hot, summer day sometimes all you want is a heaping scoop of cold ice cream. You know what I’m talking about. It’s that sweet, creamy goodness that takes you back in time to when you were a carefree kiddo, covered in sunscreen, running around with your best buds looking for trouble. Ice cream is like summertime in a cone. Insert, nice cream. Nice cream has the same dreamy ice cream flavor, but with zero refined sugar, dairy, preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup and gluten. It’s just whole fruit blended with a little plant milk and topped with more goodies.

No Chickpea Hummus
No Chickpea Hummus
I absolutely love hummus. The best hummus I ever had was in Istanbul. It was the perfect smooth consistency with just the right combination of lemon and garlic. I'll never be able to top that, so I decided to try a checkpea-less hummus. I used zucchini - mostly because I had a bunch on my countertop, but also because I knew it would blend up well in the food processor. Combined with the lemon, nutritional yeast and tahini, it was a hit at my house as we chowed down while catching up on Suits.

A Smoothie Bowl (Raspberry, Chocolate And Spiced Almond)
A Smoothie Bowl (Raspberry, Chocolate And Spiced Almond)
This morning I really wasn’t planning on making anything overly fancy. If I’m going to be honest I really just imagined myself making a nice bowl of oats and leaving it at that. However, as soon as I turned on last nights recording of Vice (a documentary series that is probably the best thing on TV at the moment) I figured I would be in the kitchen for a while so I may as well mix things up a bit and step away from my usual oats. So instead, I began chopping up some nuts, and fruit and quickly realized that what I was going to end up with was something exciting and created possibly the most delicious breakfast I have ever made!

Grilled Fennel with Olives and Herbs
Grilled Fennel with Olives and Herbs
Today’s recipe is cleanse-friendly and can be easily modified to stay within the guidelines of Purification. Simply omit the olives if you want to be a purist–or keep them in and consider them part of what’s easing you off of your Purification.

Carob Cashew Raw Balls
Carob Cashew Raw Balls
Today’s recipe was created by culinary master Leslie White from Zeal Food here in Boulder. This decadent sweet treat was the closing morsel of yumminess that completed our cleanse-friendly meal last week, and people have been talking about it since.

Crispy Buffalo Cauliflower Salad
Crispy Buffalo Cauliflower Salad
Salads don’t have to be boring. In fact, they should blow your socks off and keep you coming back for more. With all the textures, flavors and hardiness of a full meal, this salad puts all other salads to shame. It’s packed with protein from the hemp hearts, chickpeas and quinoa; loaded with phytonutrients and crunch from the leafy greens and veggies; and just the right amount of flavor from the crispy, spicy, tangy Buffalo cauliflower. Cheers!

Saturday Morning Breakfast Bites
Saturday Morning Breakfast Bites
I Love Saturdays. Part of the reason is because it marks the start of my weekend. However, there’s something particularly relaxing about waking up on a Saturday morning and knowing that you have absolutely nothing to do! This morning I jumped out of bed at 7:30 (I’m in the process of ‘reseting’ my internal clock because I’m really not a fan of sleeping in) and thankfully the sun was well and truly shining!

Shrimp “Pad Thai”
Shrimp “Pad Thai”
By this point in late January, most people have long forgotten about their New Year’s resolutions. In fact, last Tuesday was declared Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day by one source. No big surprise there! Real change doesn’t miraculously happen just because you declare it so! It doesn’t happen overnight, or even in a 14-day cleanse. Long-term sustainable change happens slowly, over time, as a result of practicing new healthy habits. The key is to take action! To DO something everyday that moves you closer to your goal.

Fruit Free Green Smoothie
Fruit Free Green Smoothie
Hey guys! It’s Jules! Today’s recipe was inspired by my sister who has a strong aversion to bananas, but for years has asked me for a deliciously creamy green smoothie sans fruit! As a self-proclaimed fruit lover and full-blown banana addict myself, to say that I’ve been resistant to ditching fruit from my diet would be putting it lightly. After all, fruit is as natural as it comes. I have thrived on a high-fruit diet for months at a time (one of my many food experiments)! Plus fruit is a whole food that comes from the earth and has been known as one of the most healing foods we have on the planet. How could it be bad for us?

Mindful Eating: 5 Ways Yoga Can Help
Mindful Eating: 5 Ways Yoga Can Help
We have another guest blogger for you today and she happens to be not only one of our favorite people on the planet, she’s also one of the funniest, smartest and most talented yoga teachers we know. Meet Gina Caputo.

Healthy Slaw Recipe
Healthy Slaw Recipe
A few weeks ago I met up with a friend for a walk. We hit up our local Whole Foods for a light lunch, and they offered a healthy coleslaw option with a dressing of olive oil, AVC, and local honey. It was so delicious and it seemed pretty straightforward so I set out to recreate it the next day (it was that good). I've pretty much been making it twice a week ever since and it's the perfect, most refreshing and satisfying summer salad so I wanted to share with you.

Roasted Mushrooms
Roasted Mushrooms
Now with this recipe I really cannot take most of the credit for it! I've always been a serious fan of Jamie Oliver - I find his entire approach to food to be completely inspirational (and very similar to my own)

One Seriously Wholesome Lunch
One Seriously Wholesome Lunch
This post will be a savory one, and its a damn good savory one at that. I hadn't planned on posting this recipe on my blog, in fact I didn't even know what this dish was going to turn out like until it was finished. I decided this morning, it was time to give myself a bit of a cleanse (and no I'm not talking about a juice cleanse, fasting, or anything like that). Rather it's purely about filling my body with really great wholesome food, cutting out refined sugars, reducing the amount of processed food I eat, drinking a heap of water, and getting enough sleep.

Bieler’s Broth
Bieler’s Broth
The soup we’re sharing today is a not your average soup. We call it a Supersoup (as well as lawn mower pulp), and it’s one of the soups we most recommend during Purification. During our 14-day cleanse, we have two weekends (or two other consecutive days of your choice) where we offer a deeper cleansing process. During this time, we encourage lots of rest and relaxation, and we only take in vegetables and fruits, with no more than 2 tablespoons of oil each day.

Peppermint Chia Bites
Peppermint Chia Bites
One of the things I love most about my mom is that she was never one to follow a recipe. If she didn't have a particular ingredient that a recipe called for, she'd sub for something similar, get creative and put her own little twist on it by adding a completely unrelated ingredient or just skip it. There were definitely some duds in the mix but more often than not, she came up with some awesome dishes.

Cauliflower “Buffalo” Hummus
Cauliflower “Buffalo” Hummus
Let’s face it. Nothing says Super Bowl like chicken wings and cheese dip. But if you want to beat the bloat and the hangover on Monday morning, stick with us. When it comes to healthy Super Bowl snacks, we’ve got you covered!

Spiced Pear Loaf
Spiced Pear Loaf
After logging on to write this post, I was awakened to the very sad reality which is that it has been over 2 months since I have posted anything - I'm terrible, I know. However, I firmly believe that this recipe will cause you all to forgive my lack of dedication of late, due to it being undeniably delicious.

Kickstarting A Healthy Life
Kickstarting A Healthy Life
Today's post will be an introduction to another section of my blog - 'Health', and I figured it would be fitting to write about something I have struggled with a lot over the last few years, the daunting task of creating a Healthier You (I'll be splitting it into three posts: Eating, Physical and Mental).

Ojas Energy Elixir
Ojas Energy Elixir
Happy 2017! A new year full of new possibilities! Are you feeling inspired? Or just a bit hungover and groggy from celebrating? Either way, we’ve got just the thing to help you start the new year right!

Tomato And Chilli Chutney
Tomato And Chilli Chutney
I love all kind of condiment, I'm talking sauces, pickles, chutneys you name it. I feel like it's those kinds of things that take dishes to the next level. I've made pickled vegetables before, but have yet to create a recipe that I think really stands out from the rest. I never made a chutney until a few days ago. After throwing in seemingly random quantities of each ingredient, I ended up with (what I honestly believe) is the best tomato chutney I've ever had.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Heavy Metals. We’re not talking about Def Leppard or Metallica today, ladies and gentlemen! We’re talking about toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and lead, that we’re all exposed to on a daily basis. How are we exposed? Surprisingly we come into contact with heavy metals in everyday life – through the air we breathe (think vehicle emissions and other environmental pollutants), in the food we eat (non-organic foods that have been treated with pesticides and herbicides), if you have dental fillings made from mercury-containing amalgam, and certain types of large fish (such as king mackerel, swordfish, orange roughy, marlin, tuna steaks, and canned ‘white’ albacore).

DIY Holiday Gift Cards
DIY Holiday Gift Cards
With not only holidays, but particularly Christmas very much upon on, the whole dash to find the perfect gift has surely begun. And while I can't actually help you find the present (despite the fact that I would love to), I am here to help you with make the present look beautiful.

A Conscious Thanksgiving
A Conscious Thanksgiving
Hooray!! Thanksgiving is only a few days away and we are so excited to show you our Conscious Thanksgiving feast! Have you finalized your menu? Or are you looking for some last minute inspiration? If you fall into the latter category, we’ve got your back. Throughout this month, we have been sharing some Thanksgiving staples that we have given a Conscious Cleanse makeover. From stuffing to pie, we’ve got recipes that will give you all the flavor without the junk.

Big Kid Pumpkin Soup
Big Kid Pumpkin Soup
So summer is officially over (sadness) and autumn is upon on us, given that that is the usual order of the seasons, and the weather has already begun cooling down (sadness x2). However, the positive here is that soups and deliciously comforting foods begin to become a regular in the kitchen again. Today while looking in the fridge I couldn't help but notice an incredibly lovely looking whole pumpkin staring back at me - so naturally, I decided to chop it up, roast it and then zhoozh it up.