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Anahata Heart Chakra: Doing Your Best is Perfect
Anahata Heart Chakra: Doing Your Best is Perfect

I have struggled with perfectionism my whole life. If you’re anything like me, your ego carries a dialogue within you that charges up your desire to be the best or do it best. 

I have noticed in my own shadow work that words my ego creates around this energy that is essentially draining, impossible to achieve, filled with loads of effort, and yet like the dangling carrot in front of my face meant to be endlessly chased. 

One of the key insights that came about as I looked within myself to work with this energy was a simple yet profound exchange of energy I could create within my body, most especially my fourth chakra, the Anahata or Heart Chakra, which I see as a space that holds shape for the energy that codes my self-esteem. This is the energy center where many of us hold the keys to our self-esteem. 

I was storing the energy in my heart space that said “am I doing it right?” It felt really valid and like it had served some purpose for me. I have been feeling the weight of the energy come to my awareness recently, and as I got curious and looked at how this vibration showed up in my space I decided that it was time to switch things up and recreate how that energy was set. No more trying to be perfect or putting unrealistic expectations on myself, that made me feel less than. 

I let that old vibration go. It appeared like a rusty orange and dropped like the weight of ten bricks in my chest. I then replenished myself with the vibration of, “I’m doing my best.” Ahhhh, it felt like a long satisfying exhale of relief. That brought in beautiful shades of blue and felt like expansion, freedom, grace, as well as an infinite level of permission to just simply do my best, whatever that may look like. 

And while I am sure that there are layers to uncover around this vibrational transformation within my heart, I will say it has felt as if I dropped a lead jacket filled with unnecessary expectations and pressures

Check-in with the space around your Heart Chakra. Are you putting an insane amount of pressure on yourself there to be perfect? Can there be more room to let in feelings of doing your best being enough? Notice if being more accepting towards yourself feels lighter, and give yourself permission to be kind to yourself more often. You might see your self-esteem increase in the process.

By Angela Droughton

Give your Heart Chakra some love with yoga from your home!

Anahata Chakra Vinyasa with Les Leventhal

Heart Chakra Yoga: Backbend Flow with Cicily Carter

6 Prep Poses and Exercises to Help You Nail a Handstand
6 Prep Poses and Exercises to Help You Nail a Handstand

Handstands are one of the more impressive poses that you can have in your arsenal, however, they can be difficult to pull off. This is a pose that you need to work up to, building the muscles needed and mastering variations of the pose before tackling an unaided handstand. 

There are lots of ways you can prepare to master the handstand, but they mostly come down to strengthening your core and arm muscles, as well as improving your general strength and flexibility with regular yoga practice.

Here are some of the key poses and exercises you can do to help you ace your handstands. 


Plank is a great way to strengthen your core and arms, in preparation for nailing your handstands. They’re actually one of the most effective exercises you can do to improve your core strength, by engaging all of your major core muscle groups. You also will benefit from developing your biceps, neck, and shoulder muscles which will help you to hold your body up in a handstand position. With planks, try to build up how long you can hold the pose at a time by starting off by holding for 10 seconds and working your way up. 

You can take your plank to the next level by adding leg raises (or leg lifts). This will help to activate more of your abdominal muscles as well as more lower-body muscles such as glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Simply lift one of your legs in plank, and try to hold it, building up how long you can hold at a time. You can also increase the core work by tapping your toes out to the side, keeping the rest of your body still. 

Another variation of this position is to bring your knee from your lifted position in towards your elbow, and extend the leg back out. Repeat this 5-10 times on each side. This will intensify your core work further, as well as strengthening your hip flexor muscles

Finally, Side plank really helps to strengthen your oblique muscles, as well as your arms and wrists. Side plank is also really important for you to improve and explore your sense of balance, and make you aware of any differences between your two sides - balance is a key part of a handstand!

Boat Pose

Boat pose works out, you guessed it, the core. It can also strengthen your hip muscles, which allows more control while you are in your handstand. Start seated with bent knees, your feet flat on the floor, with your hands beside your hips. Next, lean back slightly with a straight spine, lifting your feet. Keeping your chest lifted and lengthened, lift your arms forward with palms facing. Eventually, straighten your legs so your body is in a ‘v’ shape.


Walkouts are another excellent exercise to strengthen your core muscles, as well as your arms and shoulders. This is slightly more advanced than a plank and will help you on your journey to a handstand. 

Start in a Downward Facing Dog, and walk your feet forward to meet your hands, keeping your hips upwards and keeping your strength in your arms. Walk your feet backwards into plank, then lift your hips to Downward Facing Dog and start over again. Keep your core engaged, and move slowly to keep your form.

Walkouts will also get you used to being inverted in a more accessible way. Try to observe your alignment while doing this exercise. When your feet are near your hands, try to imagine your hips over your shoulders, shoulders over your wrists. You can even imagine lifting your legs up, to mentally prepare.

Warrior 2 

Warrior 2 is a great way to strengthen your legs, and also increase your sense of balance. It also brings awareness to your hips, which we know are a key point of alignment in a handstand.  You can increase the intensity of your Warrior 2 pose by turning your palms and inner elbows in to face the ceiling, drawing your shoulder blades down your back, and then turning your palms to face the floor again. 

Standing Splits

Standing Splits are a great pose to practice as a precursor to your handstand. This pose will warm up both your lower body and your arms, and mentally gets you prepared to have one of your legs balanced in the air. You can also use this pose to explore your balance on both sides and notice inconsistencies, as well as finding a comfortable way to launch into your handstand.

Start in Warrior 2, cartwheeling your left arm up and over your head, then twist your torso to the right, lifting your left heel off the ground. Next, leaning forwards, rest your torso on your right thigh, setting your hands on either side of your right foot. Shift your weight onto this foot, then lift your left leg parallel to the floor. 

L Hops

Similar to Standing Splits, but instead of stretching your leg up, stretch it outwards, so your body forms the letter ‘L’. With one leg extended out, you can gently hop up and down and see what it feels like to have both feet away from the ground. This movement will build up your core and arm strength while allowing you to explore the starting movements of a handstand. 

By Amy Cavill

Ready to learn how to press up into a handstand? Give it a try now, in this Quest for the Press Workshop with Angela Kukhahn.


Quest for the Press: 4-Part Handstand Workshop
Quest for the Press: 4-Part Handstand Workshop

Which handstand camp do you belong to? When it comes to handstands, there is no middle ground, it’s either: I love handstands and press up every chance I can or no way can I balance on my hands. Whether you love them or hate them, this week’s special Quest for the Press Program can benefit you. 

Now, if you’ve never been able to do a handstand or you’ve tried but been unable to achieve one, this program provides a methodical, intelligent, progressive method. Each class builds upon the prior sequence. You’ll work toward overcoming fear and press up into handstand with confidence. And if you are already a handstand aficionado, it never hurts to review technique and maybe even learn some new tips and tricks! 

Certain people should avoid this upside-down pose if they have high blood pressure, spinal issues, or brain injuries. While the reverse blood flow to the brain that accompanies inverted postures is usually an energy booster and benefit, it should be avoided in these circumstances. Also, if your shoulders and wrists lack adequate strength and mobility, handstands could cause injury. That’s why it is so important to work on building strength and mobility in these two key areas. 

So, why put in all the work to perfect your handstand? Besides how much fun they can be and how cool they look? Handstands require core and upper body strength, so practicing them will help improve abdominal and spinal strength. It’s an active posture which means you must stabilize your muscles to remain steady. You’re bearing all your weight on your hands, which helps strengthen the bones in your shoulders, arms, and wrists. Physically, the benefits are clear. 

A handstand requires work to balance in space and doing so requires you to focus your attention. This intense concentration helps improve mental clarity and overall well-being. The inverted position taps into the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you feel happier and more relaxed. Also, by going upside down, you’re enhancing circulation and benefiting your entire system.  

Angela Kukhahn’s skill and talent in encouraging you to find the magic in advanced poses and release fear will motivate you to continue returning to the mat. Her comprehensive press program will help you to build the strength, flexibility, and confidence to help you overcome this challenging entrance into the advanced Handstand pose, while also keeping your wrists and shoulders happy and healthy! This program should be taken at your own pace and modify as necessary. Most of all: have fun with it!

Banana Peel Cupcakes
Banana Peel Cupcakes

If you have been following my posts for a while, you probably know that I really do not like food waste. And yet people do waste a lot of food. I can’t say I’m completely free from this sin. Still, whenever possible, I always try to use up everything I have and plan my weekly menu around the things I already have in the fridge before ordering anything new. One thing that people usually don’t consider food waste is everything we remove from produce before eating - vegetable peels, the outer leaves of cauliflower, carrot tops, banana peels etc. It all makes up a lot of food that we feel is completely normal just throw away. However, this is food waste too!

For all kinds of veggie scraps (as long as they are not dirty), a good recommendation is to keep a separate box of them in the freezer and if the container is full, make vegetable broth. It saves you the money you would otherwise spend on buying the broth, and you will get all the goodness out of the veggies. Out of carrot tops, you can make pesto (I will share the recipe with you soon), and you can even use banana peels in some recipes!

Don’t get me wrong – I usually also throw away the banana peels. As I typically eat at least one banana every day, it would not be possible to use up all of the banana peels, but even using a few of them now and then helps to reduce waste. And, nobody would guess that you also used up the peels in addition to the bananas. Besides reducing food waste, the banana peels are also rich in many nutrients as potassium and fiber. If you decide to give using banana peels in a recipe a try, choose organic bananas. 

There is enough sweetness in this recipe from ripe bananas and a little honey in the topping for my liking. In case you love sugar, you probably want to add a little bit in the batter too.

Banana Peel Cupcakes

Yields: 24

Cooking time: 50 minutes

For the cupcakes:

2 organic bananas, with the peel

2 oz soft dates

5 oz Greek yogurt

3 eggs (always free-range)

5 oz whole-wheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

A pinch of salt

For the topping:

5 oz Greek yogurt

5 oz cream cheese

1 tsp honey

1 tsp vanilla paste


Wash the bananas thoroughly, cut off the tough ends. Peel the bananas, and simmer the peels in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drain and repeat the process once more.

Preheat the oven to 360F and butter your muffin tins. I always use the mini muffin tin with 24 holes. If you have a tin for larger muffins, this is okay too, but the baking time will be a little longer.

Once you have simmered your banana peels for 2 x 10 minutes, add them to the food processor with the dates, bananas, yogurt, and eggs. Whizz until fully incorporated.

In a different bowl, mix the flour with baking powder and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix briefly until the batter just comes together. 

Divide the batter between the muffin tins and bake for about 25-30 minutes (a little longer if you use larger tins).

Remove from the tins and let them cool before piping on the topping.

For the topping, mix the cream cheese, yogurt, honey, and vanilla paste. Have a taste and add a little more honey if you feel like it.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

8 Yoga Poses That Improve Digestion
8 Yoga Poses That Improve Digestion

Unhealthy habits and lifestyles can contribute to low energy, weak digestion, and depression. To prevent these challenges from developing in your body, it is better to take care of yourself and do things every day to restore your body in simple, yet effective ways. Fortunately, yoga is one of those ways, and even if your lifestyle isn't perfect, it can make a big difference to your overall well-being and digestive system. 

In yoga, there are specific yoga poses that help your digestive system work optimally. Certain asanas are aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive organs: the liver, pancreas, stomach, and intestines, to eliminate excess tension that interferes with proper blood circulation. Regular practice of these poses will improve digestion and eliminate intestinal dysfunctions and have your digestive system operating in harmony.

Certain families of yoga postures, such as twists, have a direct influence on the abdominal organs. They will help you improve your digestion and metabolism. Perform some of these asanas in combination with other postures that you love, or do them all in one session and notice after a few weeks if your digestive system is feeling better.

8 Yoga Postures that Improve Digestion:


The pose consists of bending down and grabbing the big toes. You can keep your knees slightly bent, your feet the width of hips, and your breath calm and steady. With the help of this asana, a little pressure is applied on the stomach and there is a subsequent release of excess air. This forward fold lowers stress levels, improves blood circulation, and enhances digestive processes.


You can remain in this asana for up to 10 minutes. While it looks simple, it can significantly improve digestion. You can even do this one after eating to immediately help you digest.


This asana activates the work of the abdominal organs – the stomach, intestines, bladder, pancreas, and liver. It has a beneficial effect on the spine and thyroid gland. It also has anti-stress effects.


It is excellent for the entire vertebral column, chest, and neck area. It prevents the appearance of hernias, improves blood circulation and brain function, as well as the functioning of the digestive and pelvic organs.


Child's pose stimulates the digestive system by massaging the internal organs, normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and improving metabolism. It also relieves tension by calming the body and mind.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

In addition to stimulating the abdominal organs, massaging the colon, and improving digestion, Bridge pose tones the reproductive system, relieves the symptoms of menopause, alleviates anxiety, headaches, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue. It stretches the chest area, returns the displaced vertebral discs to their place, and contributes to good posture.


The knees, pressed against the stomach make a kind of massage to your internal organs. The right knee massages the ascending colon, while the left knee massages the descending colon.


This pose translates to something along the lines of, the pose that expels the wind. It's because it eliminates gas formation, improves the digestive system, and relieves tension in the intestinal area. 


This asana aligns the spine, is beneficial for the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and pancreas. Twisting in this pose massages the internal organs, improves the blood circulation in the intestines, helping to keep your microbiome healthy. This is one example of a twist that helps improve digestion, but nearly all twists contribute to better digestion. 

Be healthy and happy! Yoga is a powerful reminder that you can live with lots of vitality and not let stress get in the way of you living a good life.  

By Donald Mena

Donald Mena is Pilates and Ashtanga yoga practioner. He loves the physical, as well as the mental benefits of yoga and exercise and is glad to share his experience.

Practice yoga for better digestion, right now!

Digestive Reset for a Happy Belly with Maria Garre

New Moon Astrology Forecast: February 11, 2021
New Moon Astrology Forecast: February 11, 2021

This New Moon will bring the lessons of the last Full Moon into action. We have a rare and incredibly impactful 6 planet conjunction in Capricorn, with 5 planets (Venus, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter) in one Nakshatra (lunar house). It’s time to unveil the wisdom that lies within your heart and raise the power of your gifts to build an unlimited future.

The theme of this moon will carry you to higher objectives. It will call for a calm mind and tempered emotions to serve the higher ideals. There is a lot of energy stirring my loves, all of these planets in a tight conjunction are playing by Saturn’s rules and will require humbleness in order to unfold their wealth stream. Humbleness continues forward. Remember this is the year of Saturnian energy and since January 20th, humility will be paramount to individual evolution and collective unity. 

Higher guidance has evolved within the psyche and the individual mind will carry these lessons into another perspective of understanding. There have been many opportunities to let go of triggers, to see the truth behind traumas, experiences, and evolve into a more wholesome dedicated self. On this level, you may have seen beyond the ‘me’ and ‘victim’ or blaming mechanisms. You have glimmered into real reasonings, and hopefully found a deeper connection within self and humanity as a unified whole.

Guidance to truth will continue to lead you to unfold lessons and shift perspectives on how to view self within relation to gifts through wisdom. Inner gifts that were revealed last August are becoming more grounded within the layers of self, and unfolding into more materialized forms. This aids in owning one’s own magic, power, and unique offerings. Now is the time to apply your gifts where they are now, perfection is obsolete. Applying gifts and move forward with service to further develop inner talents. 

This moon will aid you in supporting creation, and creating the right conditions. New ownership of prowess as it pertains to cosmic forces. Understand heights beyond capabilities. Know self in a new world. And know the new you more intently. Embrace this new self and serve it. See the world through the new you, this is the dawning of subtleties, and it will require your ‘vibration’ to be more subtle, more refined. This will require your mind and body to be free from the weight of the past, but also open to reception. This point within the cosmos is expediting spiritual evolution, it’s been on hyper speed for some time, and it’s only getting faster. It’s time to rise up without excuses, do not nurture your weakness, but honor your strengths.

This moon will also call for indifference. This indifference is a spiritual tool. If you can be one with everything, every situation, if you see beyond your triggers and others projections, you rise into expansive heights as intended. What unfolds will support your resilience, but you must do your part. Listen and let go. Continue to listen to intuition and inner guidance. Recollection will be an avenue to relook at situations, and experiences in the present and the past.

Can you see behind the lines? Many of you have, if you create silence and listen intently there will be waves of revelations, quite literally it’ll seem like a veil is lifting and you see the reasoning, and understand motivations and see pains of others, of yourself and the roles. This is a recalibration of relating and will teach higher lessons. View it all as service and exercise passive awareness.  

As you apply gifts greater wisdom will unfold. How you view your world must shift. In embracing a new world view, a new view of self, you will draw down energies that support your new self and development of self and of the new world. Thus create from now have the courage to continue and drive efforts and gifts that support you and the wider perspective. The courage to explore, learn, and apply your gifts or talents will be exalted and should be commanded accordingly. Remember to remain humble and of service. 

Lessons of equilibrium and how to be at peace will arise. This was a stronger influence last Full Moon, now emotional security mechanisms should be more apparent, and will continue to reveal themselves through this lunation. It is important to witness what arises, and to practice emotional security within self, and apply emotional maturity to all situations. See the connected whole. You have everything within you. There is nothing missing, nothing lacking. Move from this space of wholeness and this will move the individual into manifesting higher spiritual knowledge within self and their gifts and responsibilities. Manage the mind. This moon will unveil through lessons a deeper meaning. Conquer irrational thoughts and tame emotions.

Be well my loves,

Geenie (Gemma) Celento

For a personal astrology reading and 6-month personal forecast, book here.

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineage. Her classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences. Her website is here.

Practice the Yoga & Astrology series with Geenie now!

Stand Up & Stretch: Yoga to Counteract Prolonged Sitting
Stand Up & Stretch: Yoga to Counteract Prolonged Sitting

Raise your hand if you’ve sat more in the last year than ever before? With stay-at-home orders around the world, many of us have adapted to a new way of life: working from home, Zoom calls instead of going out with friends, and a whole lot of Netflix on the sofa. Even if you’re staying true to your yoga practice, the additional hours on your bum instead of your feet can take their toll. 

Never fear––we’ve got the antidote to all that couch dwelling. This week’s yoga classes are designed to help you squeeze in more standing and more quick yoga sessions throughout your day. But first, let’s delve a little deeper into why all that sitting can leave you feeling not just physically stiff, but also mentally cloudy and emotionally stagnant. We store unprocessed emotion in our hips, so it is vital for our hips to be open and healthy, not just for the physical body, but also for emotional well-being.

Prolonged sitting wreaks havoc on our spine, pelvis, and muscles and ligaments. A seated position shortens the hip flexors and psoas at the front of the hip and tightens the hip rotators. The outer hip and buttock work intensely to level and stabilize the hips. Getting up off the couch and practicing standing yoga poses will aid in creating space in the psoas, rectus femoris, and sartorius to provide freedom in the pelvis. Also, standing poses build stability and strengthen the hip stabilizers like the gluteus medius to protect your lower back.

By working to keep the psoas and hamstrings supple, you create space and freedom for your spine, which assists in alleviating lower back pain that accumulates from being sedentary. Standing poses like Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Virabhadrasana poses (Warrior poses) provide a myriad of benefits for improving posture by strengthening the bones, muscles, and ligaments. Balancing postures help address imbalances and work to bring the body back into proper alignment. 

It’s a great idea to stand up every thirty minutes or so and walk around the room, strike a yoga pose, or perform some gentle stretching. By breaking up the hours in a seated position, your body can stay healthy, your mind has a chance to clear, and your emotions elevate. Taking a quick yoga break once or more during your day can also keep you feeling your best on every level. Try one of this week’s offerings and see for yourself!

Jackie Casal Mahrou - 15-Minute Yoga Reboot (FREE class)

Elise Fabricant - Stand Up & Yoga!

Keith Allen - Hips & Leg Love

Dia Draper - Get Up, Stand Up: Lumbar Love

Vegan Solyanka Soup
Vegan Solyanka Soup

Solyanka is an old Russian soup that, in its original form, always contains a lot of meat. The most classical version includes 7 different types of meat, including kidneys. So the recipe I am sharing with you is definitely not an authentic one, but it sure is delicious. I promise you that the taste is still very similar to the original one and is so much better for the body. If you have a meat addict in the house, feel free to let them add some meat products (leftover roast, frankfurters, salami, whatever they like) to the soup after it is ready. I do add eat meat sometimes, but I don’t feel it is necessary to use it in this recipe, and I definitely would never add 7 different types of meat in my soup. Who would even have so many various meat products just lying around in the fridge? 

Anyhow, meat or not – the essential things in this recipe are onions, pickles, black pepper, tomato paste, and olives. The mushrooms are definitely not mandatory, but I like mushrooms, and they fit well here. The soup needs to be sour, salty, and a little spicy from black pepper. I sometimes also add capers and lemon slices if my pickles are not sour enough. All in all, it is a balancing act as most soups are. 

To serve, I recommend enjoying a slice of dark rye bread with the warming bowl. Many people in Estonia also like to add sour cream directly to the soup. I personally am not a fan of sour cream in a hot soup, but as 90% of people seem to love it I figured, it would be good to give you this recommendation too

Vegan Solyanka Soup

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4


3 large onions

2 celery stalks

1 tbsp rapeseed oil

6 large sour pickles

10 oz mushrooms

1 cup of tomato paste (the strong stuff of at least 25%, nut just jarred tomatoes)

4-5 cups of hot vegetable stock


Freshly cracked black pepper

2 bay leaves

20 black olives


Peel and chop the onion (I like to use half circles in this recipe, but it doesn’t really matter). Chop the celery. Place both in a pot with the oil and sprinkle of salt, and throw in the bay leaves. Sweat at medium temperature, giving it a mix every few minutes until the onion is translucent and slightly starts to brown.

In the meantime, chop up the mushrooms and add them to the pan once the onion is translucent – increase the heat and let the mushrooms mingle with onions and celery for a few minutes.

Chop up the pickles and add them to the pot with tomato paste. Mix everything well and season with a lot of black pepper. 

Pour the veggie stock and give the soup another mix. Add in the halved olives, taste and season the soup more if you feel like it. 

Leave to boil for 5-10 minutes and serve with rye bread. 

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

The Inspiration Download: Interview with German Yoga Teacher Sandra Bracy-Toscani
The Inspiration Download: Interview with German Yoga Teacher Sandra Bracy-Toscani

The Inspiration Download interview series features different people who are bringing ideas to life and sharing something with the world that they are passionate about, whether it's through teaching yoga, creating a business, doing work in their community, creating art, hosting events, bringing to life new wellness products, or more.

These interviews highlight real people who have brought ideas to life and give real-life insight and inspiration on their processes and journey. 

This session is with Sandra Bracy-Toscani, a Berlin, Germany based yoga teacher. 

Sandra's BioMy journey began in chaos. I was insecure with talking in front of people, I oftentimes had panic attacks & not to mention, an issue with self-love and self-esteem.  Better to say I never experienced high self-esteem and self-love

I, always being attached to men, subconsciously put them in front of me.  A position I should have held for myself. Until one day I decided I wanted more from my life, and so my story began. I began to stand up for ME.  I began to connect with ME. 

I then started my Yoga Teacher Trainings, my Dance Therapy Education, studied about Self Love, different techniques on self-care, and the inner workings of myself. 

Because SELF LOVE is a never-ending journey; I know that it will never end, from day to day I will learn more about me, and with each day I will grow in strength.

So, with all that I have uncovered within the field of self-love and personal compassion.  My mission at present is to assist in the unfolding of those women that find themselves crumbled.  To do my best as my clients and I journey hand in hand, to retrieve those aspects of themselves that have been forgotten. 

What are you passionate about sharing with the world and how does this inspire you?

I’m working a lot with movement, from yoga, to dance, traumatic release, to Women's Circles about self-love through movement. This is my way of healing. So my passion to share is, connecting with people, sharing what I have learned in the past years and giving this as a gift to others. You do not have to be a professional in anything.  So I try to remind my students, friends, and movers all the time to look inside, express, and distance themselves from any shame society teaches them. 

It inspires me because each of us is an individual.  So with all the classes I teach, you can see something new; new expressions, new smiles, new processes, which lead to growth.

How does your at-home yoga practice benefit you?

I can finally follow classes from friends and teachers all over the world. It unites us through different styles of teaching and practices. Secondly, it gives me the feeling of traveling. I had so many workshops online, with friends from all over the world, which makes for the feeling of connecting internationally. 

Why do you think it can be hard for people to show up to yoga regularly?

I think many people do not see yoga as a lifestyle, more as a sports program that they can change anytime. Instead of going deeper and deeper with their practice and seeing themselves growing from inside through their practice. 

How would you encourage someone to stay consistent in their yoga practice?

Learn more about the history of yoga & more connection of breathing and movement. 

What do you think about the current yoga culture?

I think many people use the word Yoga for advertisement rather than a lifestyle. 

What brought you to teaching yoga?

Yoga helped me a lot through my panic attacks in the past. So I started to learn more and more. I am interested in giving this feeling of healing to others.

How has teaching evolved for you as you continue to teach? Do you stay consistent in your style of teaching or does it change?

I started planning my classes with a certain topic. I listen more to my intuition. My practice has changed completely if I compare it to the beginning. I now really love Yin classes, but also my Vinyasa Flow classes changed completely. I try to always practice different styles and take the most beneficial parts and implement them into my classes. 

What are the qualities of an excellent yoga teacher for you?

To be creative, and have the ability to give students the ability to forget about the outside world. I like it when teachers try new things. 

How have other teachers helped you as both a student and as a teacher?

It is like going to school. From each class, you can learn something new. For instance new cues, new adjustments. But also as a student new styles of teaching. 

What is one of your favorite postures and why?

Half-moon (Ardha Chandrasana) is my absolute favorite. Why - because it takes a lot of discipline and forces you to focus on your breath, to activate your Uddiyana bandha, and stay present. 

What are some books or podcasts you recommend? 

My favorite books are: Attached by Amir Levine, Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith, Healing the shame that binds you by John Bradshaw.

What keeps you motivated?

Joining different classes & also different activities. I am attempting to diversify more instead of doing one thing. 

Why are rituals or practices important in modern life?

I think that ritual keeps you present. For example, I have a morning and evening gratitude practice, or a yoga and dance class and it allows me to forget my surroundings and brings me back to now.

What is the key to feeling balanced for you?

Moving my body.

Where are you from?


How do you think where you are from or where you live has shaped you?

I lived for a while in Koh Phangan, Thailand. I lived there in a huge spiritual community which opened my eyes. 

How do you have good relationships in your life and why is connection important to you?

I would say, open communication is the goal. Always communicate your boundaries and your needs. Do not feel ashamed to say out loud what is going on in yourself. 

Do you like to have a regular schedule?

I do not like maintaining a regular schedule. I love to plan each week from the beginning and have different structures of appointments. It makes me feel free. 

What is one of your biggest blessings?

I love to help people and be there for others.

What helps you in your life?

Again, movement helps me a lot, but I’ve learned to first take a moment to listen inside before making decisions.

What is one of your wildest dreams?

To open a hostel on the beach next to the ocean. Where I can combine yoga, nutrition, and movement altogether and still maintain the feeling of traveling.

What keeps you grounded?

Kundalini Yoga 

What are you grateful for?

To be able to feel love, having a healthy body, and access to healthy food. 

Connect with Sandra on her website or Instagram:

IG: @sandragiveslove

Practice yoga from the comfort of your home right now, to experience the freedom from anxiety Sandra describes.

6 Tips to Stay Positive This Year
6 Tips to Stay Positive This Year

Now that 2020 is behind us and we're settling into 2021, it’s time to start looking ahead to the future, even though we're still living in a pandemic. Given how difficult the past year has been for all of us around the world, if you’re having a hard time thinking positively, you’re not alone. There’s no guarantee the rest of 2021 will be perfect, but with the right attitude, you can still make the most of the year ahead.

Here are 6 simple tips to foster and maintain a positive outlook throughout the year:

1. Commit to Positivity

Life is full of challenges and the only thing that really matters is how you respond to them. Instead of reacting to difficult situations with negativity or fear, embrace the opportunity to rise above. Commit to starting each day with a positive attitude and be mindful about how you act in the face of difficulty.

2. Get a Handle on Negative Self-Talk

Though you may not always be aware of it, we all have a stream of self-talk running through our heads. It may seem harmless but using negative language even in your own thoughts can affect your emotions and how you perceive the world around you. When you notice yourself thinking negatively, try to reframe your thoughts in a more constructive if not positive light.

3. Set Goals for the Rest of the Year

You can’t always predict what life is going to throw your way but setting goals for yourself may help you keep moving in a forward direction. By setting short- and long-term goals for the year ahead, you’ll feel like you’re making progress. Each milestone you hit will serve as motivation to strive for the next.

4. Take Time to Unwind

Stress is a constant in life for many people, but if you don’t take time to unwind that stress can start to negatively affect your mental and physical health. It’s important to take time for yourself on a regular basis, even if it’s just 30 minutes a day. Make time to do something you enjoy or give meditation a try. Yoga is a great activity for stress relief as well and you can find online yoga classes and instructional videos online to get started.

5. Be Grateful for What You Have

It’s too easy to get caught up in the things that don’t go your way. If you want to maintain a positive outlook, however, you may want to shift your focus to the things you do have and away from the things you don’t. Start a gratitude journal to make note of the things you have to be thankful for and you may find that, over time, you find it becomes easier to recognize the good things over the bad.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Changing your attitude can be difficult and it may not be something you can do entirely on your own. Speaking to a licensed therapist – or even a trusted friend – can help you pinpoint some of the triggers for negativity in your life as well as patterns of negative thinking. Talk to your healthcare professional or schedule a telepsychiatry consultation to get the help you need from the comfort of your own home.

Life is unpredictable. There’s no guarantee that this year will be completely different from the last, but you have the power to choose how you respond to the challenges life throws your way. With a positive attitude and a little self-awareness, you can make 2021 a year to celebrate.

By Amelia Ma

Amelia Ma is a freelance writer with over 10 years of experience from San Francisco, California. She enjoys writing articles for professionals that are interested in self-improvement, health, and wellness. 

Ready to feel uplifted? Try these free yoga classes from home!

Head Up, Heart Strong with Christen Bakken

25-Minute Full Body Yoga with Keith Allen

Yoga for Strength & Grace
Yoga for Strength & Grace

How are you handling conflict and challenges these days? Is there adequate space in your reaction time or has the stress of the last year amplified to a point where you aren’t quite as patient and kind as you could be? If you’ve experienced more fear and edginess and anger, you aren’t alone. This week, we’re focusing on cultivating your own unique sense of grace and strength in your yoga practice. 

The word grace derives from Old French and means “pleasing quality” or simply a pleasing way of moving or behaving. A graceful person is one with poise, decency, honor, and elegance. Sometimes if you’re being pushed to your limits by the events of the world and personal circumstances, it can be difficult to react gracefully. Developing grace under pressure is one of the greatest gifts yoga can impart. 

Yoga encourages us to become aware of how we are feeling by creating stillness within. During challenging times in life, it can be easy to slip back into a fight or flight mode and react to what’s happening around you instead of reacting from a place of quiet strength. So, through asana, pranayama, and meditation, we tap into our inner strength and true natures. By turning our senses inward, we recognize our authentic selves and can work to refine our outward expression.

Yoga helps us react with more grace and poise in every aspect of our lives. For example, you hear about the concept of “letting go” often in yoga class. Whether you’re letting go of tension in your muscles, freeing yourself from repetitive negative thoughts, or releasing emotions that no longer serve you, you are clearing space for more inner strength. An example of grace in action would be choosing to forgive a past wrong committed against you. When you forgive, you’re able to move on.

When we feel lighter within, we are also more mindful. Mindfulness translates to a strong yoga practice because we’re embodying grace through asana and breathwork. The more disciplined and present we are on the yoga mat, the more we hone our poise and elegant expression.  

Every person's embodiment of grace will be unique and yoga can help you discover your own graceful qualities. Explore these fantastic yoga classes for movement and inspiration. 

1. Shannon Paige - Strength for Grace

2. Christen Bakken - The Next Right Thing

3. Mark Morford - Absolution Flow: A Call to Arms

4. Pradeep Teotia - Practice with Grace

Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash
Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash

We’re entering mid-winter here in Colorado, and if you’re like us, the cold weather and extended time inside might be starting to get you down. To counter those wintertime blues, we like to cozy up at home and make healthy comfort food – like today’s recipe: Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash!

This is a recipe that I (Jo) and my husband, Adam developed together for our family. Cooking is one of our favorite things to do together – we’ve developed several recipes from our new cookbook, Conscious Cleanse Cookbook together, including the Squashie Pancakes and Curry Chicken Salad.

Cooking nourishing, healthy, delicious meals for ourselves and for our 6-year-old and 8-month-old kiddos brings us connection as a family and a lot of joy, and we want to share some of that joy with you today with this recipe. This is one of our go-to healthy comfort meals – it’s warming and filling, perfect for a cozy meal by the fire.

You can easily make it totally plant-based by swapping out the turkey filling for one made with chopped mushrooms, quinoa, or chickpeas. 

This recipe falls into our 80:20 Lifestyle category because of the food combination – during our cleanse we eat proteins (like turkey) and starches (like winter squash) separately to help ease digestion and encourage detox. To learn more about our online program, including our cleanse and 80:20 Lifestyle, click here.

We hope you enjoy this recipe, and let us know if you try this recipe in the comments below. We love hearing from you!

With love and cozy comfort food,

Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash

Yield: 4 servings


4 small acorn squash 
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 carrots, finely chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 apple, finely chopped
2 TB. olive oil
1 lb ground turkey 
2 tsp dried rosemary 
3 TB. parsley finely chopped
1/2 tsp Himalaya sea salt
Ground black pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Using a long serrated knife, cut squash in half. Scoop out the seeds. Place squash facing up in a large baking pan. Brush with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Bake for 30 minutes.

While squash is cooking, warm 1 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic, and cook until translucent, stirring occasionally. Add in ground turkey, and cook for 7 to 8 minutes, stirring and breaking meat into pieces.

Add in carrots and celery, and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Add in remaining ingredients, and cook for 2-3 more minutes.

Divide the turkey stuffing between the squash. Place squash back in the oven for 20 minutes, or until meat is golden brown. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve warm.

Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez are co-authors of two books The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life and their brand new The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook! Together they’ve led thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show.

Daily Back Pain Relief with Kristin Gibowicz

Alone Together. Re-Defining Friendship in a Pandemic
Alone Together. Re-Defining Friendship in a Pandemic

The yoga sutras say “Through transgression of the original rules there  is non-attainment of the goal.”  

So what are the rules—or even the goals- in life as we know it and to live now in the midst of a pandemic? Many of us are still looking back at how it was a year ago, putting everything in our lives on lockdown as we wait,  and wish and hope life will be ours again in three months, six months, or a year.  

Even our friendships are affected and changed during the pandemic. Suddenly they feel distant, uncertain—practically unknowable. 

It’s almost like we have returned to when we were about 5, and there was a thing called an “imaginary friend.”. It was someone you invented, who didn’t actually exist but that you talked to and played games with and basically hung around with in your mind. 

Over the past 8 months, we seem to have returned to a life of imaginary friends. People who once were so real and such a presence in our everyday life now feel imaginary because we never actually see them in person and while they continue to exist somewhere in the world, they’re just not here in ours.  

Perhaps it’s more accurate to say they have become E-maginary friends!

Our real friends have become characters on our computer; like our Netflx friends such as Elizabeth in The Queen, or Emily in Paris, or Daphne in Bridgerton.  

Our friends too have names and stories and we can see them if they post a picture of themselves on Facebook or Instagram and we can actually talk to them on zoom or the phone, but just like our Netflix friends, we can ONLY spend time with them through a  machine. 

Suddenly every relationship is a long-distance one. Even our yoga has become screened off—from being a shared activity in a special room filled with a group of living, breathing, people, it is now a solitary experience in a not so special room in our house or apartment that we can’t seem to get out of. 

We have heard over and over again in our practice that we need to strive to be here now! To be present in this moment!

Some days, these days, it feels like all we have are moments.  There is little other activity –just time passing. Moment after moment.  

But wait a minute—what if we put those moments to good purpose? 

Maybe we can redefine moments. Maybe there is a possibility for a new way. Perhaps, in this moment to moment, in what feels like an undirected, unfocused, freefall life, we can find some enlightenment, make our own rules, and find a new perspective. We can make our lives real again. 

Perhaps yesterday we had an office, a job, places to go, and people to see. And, if we are honest, we may remember how many times we wished we didn’t have to go there, do that job, or see those people! We fantasized about how we would spend our time if only it really was our time and not being meted out according to the rules of others. 

Well, it is our time now!

And our yoga is a way to connect with it, and our mind, body and soul every day. Even if we feel we are practicing yoga alone at home, and may be one solitary person in our room, we are also one with the universe. 

The very meaning of the word yoga is to join, to yoke together.  And it is through our quiet meditation, our asanas, our spirits, hearts, and breath that we are united with all others in friendship, love and peace. 

And every time we get on our mat, in rooms around the world, we are one trikonasana closer to attaining our goal!

By Gaillane Grosso

Gallane is a creative director/writer with a long career in advertising and PR. She has written a novel called The Other Side of NIce and served on the board of directors of the Iyengar Institute in New York. She has been practicing for 35 years--gratitude to Eddie Stern, Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman Yee, Seane Corne, James Murphy, Debby Green, Karine Plantadit, Erika Halweil, Alison Cramer and so many more gifted inspirational guides.

Practice yoga from the comfort of your own home, and energetically connect with others around the world here!

Full Moon Astrology Forecast: January 28, 2021
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: January 28, 2021

The full moon on January 28th is all about learning, unveiling universal truths, and how to manifest a thriving life through universal laws and through the upliftment of humanity. This moon will ignite a new beginning of Saturnian energy that will influence the remainder of the year and will work to unfold new heights within consciousness, the collective, and the individual. This unfolding will occur within the mind, but will also play out in experiences with our fellow man. It will show a new level of healing, learning, and attainment through interpersonal relationships. 

As the full moon rises it will stir interdependence and self-dependence. This placement is strengthening one’s ability to recognize truth within self and be with all realities. This can become turbulent for some. Internally you must be able to be at peace with your truth, and honor other’s truth. Not in opposition to your own. The ability to be tranquil and listen to divine guidance and intuition is at a fulcrum. In order to use this energy, you must be willing to sit with yourself, to see all sides, and even release thought processes you once relied on. Quieting the mind and unfolding higher levels of consciousness will recreate and integrate the ego. Here, the small self will succumb to inner light, and, touching that inner light is easier. Be mindful of ‘hard-headedness’, the need to be ‘right’, or seeing your directive as the only feasible route to reaching goals, and personal evolution. Remember that humility is the way higher wisdom is being facilitated. Manage the mind.  

Be willing to learn. Educate yourself on anything that will support your future, mankind, and be willing to learn about yourself. Learn from within, and through the divine. This full moon will ask for faith in the divine plan, to create unflinching confidence in oneself. Cosmic plan reaches within new levels of the mental and emotional body for recognition. Purification of the psyche and intuitive perception will rise to receive the divine plan.

Dharma (purpose) and righteousness is the primary impulse. It is immersed in materiality but imbued with maturity. You will be shown how this affects self, confidence, and personal dharma. If there is mental agitation, there is ego and it will show tamas: which is inertia and resistance. This will be an indication to let go, there is nothing to armor this is the ego. Allow the mind to become nimble. 

Achievements and how one views themself (recognition) will be more aligned to inner wisdom, which will aid in shifting the mental and emotional body with the divine directive within the psyche. Primary themes that will come to light this lunation are calmness of mind, right way of thinking,  and exposing weaknesses and false thinking. Relax rigidity. Underlying conditions will shift and bring much to light. This will aid in creating connections, and sacrificing outcomes.

You must stay focused, especially through the fluctuations of emotions and outer conditions. Perseverance to realize success and assimilate lessons and karmas. Do not push the river, Saturnian energy is heavy, during this full moon and will teach devotion through patience. This will require greater detachment. Rest assured, realizations will be quick but the Saturnian energy will unfold throughout the year, and this full moon marks the beginning. Working with these energies will require continued commitment and devotion. Surrendering outcomes and personal timelines will continue to come up.

One must face obstacles, both external and self created. Strengthen the mental and emotional body, become indifferent to discontentment, expectations, and instant gratification. Attachment to personal will and preconceived outcomes will cause turmoil. Weather discontentment, again another point of sacrifice and reward awaits those who are willing to ride the tides. This is the path of the student, and as will be rewarded with good karma sown into the next cycle.

Power and prestige will not rule during this time, this is a time of humility, of service to fellow man and moving more towards unity. Do not seek to conquer, seek to serve. Great compassion will be called forward within self and for your fellow man. Exercise it abundantly. Patience is a method of making space, it allows the mind to be calm, to be free of frazzled energy of searching. Learn these attributes and what you sow will have greater fertile grounds to bloom. 

Another aspect of this lunar cycle is emotional security. How emotions are assigned, how emotional security is gained, and how we tether that to our physical standing. What may come to light is how emotional security has been created through past experiences and karmas. This is ending emotional securities that were linked to false attachments, especially ones that sacrificed the self for the ideas of security. Emotional relationships and how one nurtures their inner security will come to light.

During this process, one must be extra mindful of the emotions entwined around the ego, and how emotional attachment is established with others. Mother energy here will ask that you nurture your inner self, through faith in your path and with your own wisdom, it will ask that the emotional binds you once created may require dissolving, can you let those go with grace? This will create new lines within the mental and emotional bodies. Here we take a detached look at the emotional effects on the physical and how the mind can weather the storm, create the storm, or stabilize through all of it. This will unfold for each of you in unique ways. Stay true to your inner light my loves, not the ways you sought to receive light. Rest powerfully in the unwavering inner light. 

Be well my loves,

Geenie (Gemma) Celento
For a personal astrology reading and 6 month personal forecast, book here.

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineage. Her classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences. Her website is here.

Practice the Yoga & Astrology series with Geenie now!

Branch Out with More Uncommon Styles of Yoga
Branch Out with More Uncommon Styles of Yoga

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and the seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change, there is power." -  Alan Cohen

Change is good! We know it’s a wonderful feeling to step onto your yoga mat and practice with your favorite teachers. We all have our preferred types of practice, whether it’s a range from Ashtanga to Vinyasa to Power to Yin. Mixing it up helps us stay fresh mentally and emotionally and also ensures we don’t physically injure ourselves through too much repetition. So be adventurous this week and try something new. 

Have you heard of Katonah Yoga? The buzz is increasing around this style that’s been growing in popularity. Katonah focuses on alignment, but less muscular alignment and more sacred geometry principles. It involves a focus on organs as opposed to muscular engagement and seeks to shift your perspective by approaching the poses in a different way. It incorporates the Taoist principles of Yin and Yang, but doesn’t focus on one over the other. You’ll feel more like you’re in a workshop than a flowy Vinyasa class and the benefits are profound. Check it out and see if it resonates for you. 

Tantra Yoga: The use of the term tantra has been distorted so that many people associate it with sex. Tantra means to weave or expand. Tantra Yoga helps you get in tune with your authentic self and when you’re more connected internally, you more easily deepen your relationship with others. The practice teaches how to meld the entire person––physical, mental, energetic, wisdom, and bliss body––to become clear on what our deepest desires are and pursue them for ultimate happiness. A Tantra yoga class incorporates various styles of Hatha yoga like Kundalini and Ashtanga, depending upon the instructor. Chanting and meditation are also key parts of the practice. 

Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini yoga is a form of Bhakti yoga, (the yoga of devotion) Raja yoga, (the yoga of royalty) which is a practical systematic style of yoga that incorporates Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga path, and Shakti yoga, (the yoga of harnessing your personal energy). A typical Kundalini class is made up of three parts, an opening chant, a spine warm-up, and a kriya, which is a special sequence of postures and breathwork. Fans of this style of yoga love it for the feeling of freedom and purpose it invokes from within.

The final class this week is less yoga and more of a mind-body experience. Barre class is a full-body workout that incorporates elements of Pilates, ballet, and yoga and is all about exhausting the smaller accessory muscles to improve muscular endurance. Each body part is worked to fatigue with high repetitions and light resistance. If you’ve never experienced the shaking that only a barre workout imparts, you’re in for a challenge! And the mental benefits are excellent because you can’t focus on anything other than the work you’re completing. Trust us on this one.

What are you waiting for? Step out of your comfort zone this week and try some new styles of yoga!

Ali Duncan- Tantra Yoga

Noemi Nuñez - Katonah Yoga Flow

Shapadpreet - Kundalini Yoga: Relax & Restore

Erin Wimert - Grin & Barre It


Homemade Mustard
Homemade Mustard

Mustard is a common ingredient in many cuisines and widely available all over the world. But I still felt that I need to spend time to make a condiment from mustard seeds from scratch. It started as an idea to add to Christmas presents – homemade cookies, sourdough rye crispbread, vegan Nutella truffles, and pickled mustard seeds – all packed up in nice little jars. Add a (vegan) cheese to this, and I am sure that most people would be happy to get this kind of present!

Since preparing the mustard seeds this way for the first time, I am adding them everywhere. They are relatively mild in taste but add a wonderful zing to many dishes. The texture slightly reminds caviar bursting in the mouth, adding a wonderfully gentle and warm spiciness.

So far, my favorite uses have been on deviled eggs, oven-roasted potatoes, seared salmon, sandwiches, and a condiment on a cheeseboard. I am sure there are many more ways to use these little pearls, so if you try them out somewhere else – don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments section! 

Homemade Mustard

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Yields: 2


1 cup yellow mustard seeds

1 cup apple cider vinegar

1 cup water

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp salt


Add all ingredients to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer on low for 35 minutes.

Depending on the mustard seeds, it might be that you need to add a little more water. Make sure there is some liquid left in the bottom of the pan at all times. 

Taste mustard seeds halfway through the cooking. Add sugar, salt, or vinegar as needed to suit your taste buds.

Cool the seeds in the same pan; this way, they keep absorbing all the moisture. 

Store in nice jars and enjoy on top of deviled eggs, salads, sandwiches, and everywhere else you usually use mustard.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

Balance Your Solar Plexus Center: The 3rd Chakra, Manipura
Balance Your Solar Plexus Center: The 3rd Chakra, Manipura

The Third Chakra, Solar Plexus (also called Manipura Chakra), relates to the region of the body that goes from the navel to the lower third of the rib cage. 

If the physical body were a cell, the third chakra would be the mitochondria. The solar plexus creates our relationship with what we are physically able to achieve. 

The third chakra may also correspond with our to-do list and the expectations we have on ourselves for what we want, or may not want to get done on a physical level. 

While anxiety and burn-out may have a way of creeping into any chakra, I often see those frequencies manifest within this region of the body. 

We can do energy work on “burn out” until the cows come home, but often the body desires much more than meditation to refresh, restore, and transform the body’s longing for relief, space, and nourishment. 

Meditation can help create the container in which we give ourselves more space and drop us into the present moment, and that can help us co-create a reality in which more physical space and room to breathe may manifest. 

Another highlight of this region is how it interplays within that survival space we all have, depending on your history with how fight, flight, or freeze responses have played out in your unique history. 

Now, just because we may have some energy triggered in our third chakra, doesn’t mean it can’t physically affect regions of our body that aren’t within the navel to lower rib cage. 

For instance, a lot of the foreign energy I have found within my third chakra tends to physically manifest for me in the area around my neck and upper back. 

Often times when we are working on transforming the energy within a certain chakra we find the next layer of a pattern we are working on, in other various regions of the body that are physically asking us for attention. 

One of the best ways to dive into this is using your own awareness and sense of self-discovery to quiet the mind and get in tune with the breath

Sitting or laying, breate in and out with an awareness on the breath for the first 10-15 cycles of breath. Then notice if there are regions of the body where the breath wants to go. Hold the intention that the inhale in creating space within those regions of the body and the exhale is releasing energy that is no longer serving you or is no longer in affinity with your truth, in those affected areas.

You can also use our breath to help us release the energy of our to-do list being stored within the body. Inhale space for your body to vibrate in the present moment, and exhale the energetic demands of what needs to be done so that we may process it as we physically function as opposed to energetically bathing in it within the realm of that third chakra. 

By Angela Droughton

Practice yoga for your third chakra, from home, right now!

Awaken Your 3rd Chakra with Valerie D'Ambrosio

Best 9 Yoga Poses To Do At Your Desk
Best 9 Yoga Poses To Do At Your Desk

Getting up and onto the yoga mat regularly is great for your health and mind, but if you work at a busy desk job, your regular practice still might not be enough to combat the stress and pressure you are putting on your body - and your posture!

However, there are many ways to alleviate this pressure, but the easiest ones don’t even involve getting up from your chair - perfect for those days when you’ve just got too much work to do. 

There are many yoga poses you can practice at your desk, and we’ve put together some of the best to help the areas that get the most strain sitting down, to reduce back pain, posture issues and stress. 

Even if you only have time for one of these yoga postures, they will still bring benefits to your workday!

Seated Crescent Moon

Slouching is all too common when we’re busy at work and not thinking about our posture. Hunching over a computer is a very easy yet bad habit to get into, which will make your neck and shoulder uncomfortable after a while. This pose will help to elongate your spine and get you thinking about sitting up straighter. 

Simply lift your arms over your head, stretching out your fingers and stretching your spine tall. Take a few breaths leaning to one side, then repeat on the other. Voila! 

Hand Stretches 

Typing away at your desk all day can increase tension in your finger and wrist muscles. Giving your hands a stretch every so often will increase blood flow and give a little relief to those areas. 

Drawing circles clockwise and anticlockwise with your wrists is a great way to get these joints moving, followed by spreading your fingers then closing into fists a few times to stretch your fingers. This will get rid of any tension in these areas. You can also bend and stretch your wrist inwards and outwards to stretch your wrist muscles further, holding each side for a few breaths to get the best benefit. 

Spinal Twists

Seated spinal twists are a great way to alleviate any tension in your lower back that can be created by sitting down at your desk. Placing your left hand on your right knee, hold your chair with your right hand. With each inhale, sit a little taller, and then turn to your right with each exhale. Sitting taller on the inhalation will help to deepen the twist, so take a few breaths here before switching sides.

Chair Pigeon

If you tend to sit crossed legged or lean on one side more than another at your desk, you can create an imbalance in your hips and spine, which affects your alignment and posture. Chair pigeon is a great pose to alleviate this. 

Sitting at your desk, put both of your feet flat on the floor, and cross your left leg over your right at a 90 degree angle, flexing your foot to protect your knee. Try to keep your weight evenly distributed across your sitting bones, and sit up straight. Hold this for a few breaths before switching sides. 

Seated to Standing position

Sitting down all day can lead to our leg muscles and glutes taking a break, which can lead to strain on our upper back when it's time to sit up again. Doing this movement a couple of times a day can awaken up your leg muscles and relieve the pressure on your back.

Start seated with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Try to make your way up to a standing position pushing down from your heels, without using your arms or moving your feet. Then, slowly make your way back down, keeping your hips straight and your body upright.

Desk Chaturanga

You can adapt the Chaturanga pose to use your desk, to help you strengthen your muscles and give your arms a boost of energy. It’s also a great way to get up and out of your chair.

Resting your hands on your desk (make sure it’s sturdy!), step your feet back so you are diagonal to the floor. Bending your arms to a 90-degree angle when you inhale, and pressing back out again on your exhale, like you’re doing a push up against your desk. 

Desk Upward Facing Dog

Follow your Chaturanga pose by opening up your chest and shoulders with an upward dog - modified to do at your desk. This pose will help to straighten your posture and combat that rounded spine we can get hunched over our work. Stand in the same position as you prepared for your Chaturanga, but this time instead keep your arms straight and lower your hips towards your desk, stretching your chest out and pushing your chin up. 

Plank Pose

Finally, one more pose before you can sit back down again - planks are great to increase strength in our muscles and get our bodies working. Standing with your feet under your hips, put your hands shoulder-distance apart on the edge of your desk. Hold this position for a few breaths to shake off the tension you can build up after sitting down all day.

Restorative Resting Pose

While in a yoga class we would get a peaceful savasana at the end of our practice, sitting at our desks can still allow for a small moment of restoration. It’s important to still take a few moments to ground ourselves. Placing your feet flat on the floor, cross your arms on your desk and lay your forehand flat down on your arms. Breathe deeply for as long as you are able to, allowing your mind to unwind, giving you a boost of mental energy to get on with your day. 

Try to set aside even a couple of minutes each workday to breathe deeply, clear your mind and stretch your muscles - your body will thank you, and you’ll find those busy workdays become a little more manageable with yoga.

By Amy Cavill

Ready to practice yoga at your desk, for a quick breather? Try the Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package!

Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package
Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package

We’ve all been living in a time of major global stress and transition. A consistent yoga practice is vital to stay balanced and manage the shifts occurring around us on a daily basis. We’ve got good news––even on the days where you’re really busy, you can sneak in a ten-to-fifteen-minute yoga break. A consistent daily practice can keep you grounded––just remember quality over quantity.

Many of us used to head into an office, but now work from home. While you’re saving time because you don’t have to commute any longer, somehow it still feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to practice yoga. Distractions abound at home, right?

Everything from dishes, to walking the dog, to family demands, to the temptation of a catnap can pull you out of your resolve to move and breathe and meditate. 

In order to operate at your optimum levels, it’s important to take breaks and carve out time for yourself. When you’re deep into work mode, especially if you sit at a desk, your body grows stiff, your brain becomes fuzzy, and your stress levels can escalate. Instead of reaching for caffeine or a mindless snack, stand up and try one of this week’s short yoga focused classes. These measured breaks will benefit your mind, your body, and your spirit. 

Depending upon your needs on any given day, there’s a short practice designed by Dia to address it. Many of them don’t even require a yoga mat! Develop a habit of taking a break at least once an hour. If your neck and shoulders feel tight from hunching over your computer, concentrate on opening up your muscles. If the words on your computer are blurring, close your eyes and try some pranayama or a simple meditation for five minutes. Download your favorite yoga breaks for easy access anytime.

We all want to enjoy the benefits of a regular yoga practice, like feeling more energized, happy, and supple. Don’t worry if you only have time for a ten-minute pranayama (breathwork) or meditation. It all counts. Do what you can, when you can. Remember that a consistent daily practice still imparts profound benefits. Who knows, maybe by incorporating short practices throughout the day, you’ll be one step closer to living your yoga 24/7

Ready to add yoga to your workday? Practice Dia Draper's Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package.


Marinated Veggie Medley
Marinated Veggie Medley

Have you ever had the thought “I don’t have time to do a cleanse because it takes too much time to prepare healthy food”?

If so, please read on!

I’m a big fan of easy when it comes to food prep. Mostly because I have two small children, work full time running a business, health coaching and teaching yoga, and try to maintain some resemblance of balance when it comes to practicing what I preach.

I admit it does take extra time and some planning ahead (I could do better here) to eat healthy and feed my family nourishing meals, but to me, it’s totally worth it! And, it doesn’t have to take nearly as much time as we think it does with a few tips and tricks. Below is one of my secret weapons.

Recipes like the Marinated Veggie Medley are awesome because grabbing a quick lunch is a given and when my little ones literally start going bonkers because they’re hungry at 5 pm I can also create a quick and delicious dinner.

So how do I do it?

The secret is to be able to toss together something delicious, super healthy, and flavorful so that food boredom doesn’t ever set in. Marinated Veggie Medley is the perfect “go-to” dish because the longer it marinates the more delicious it becomes – I can have it in the fridge for a few days and re-purpose it in several fun and creative ways.

So far I’ve enjoyed it on top of a bed of baby spinach. I’ve wrapped it up in collard greens with a few slices of avocados and eaten it like a burrito. I’ve also enjoyed it on top of some kelp noodles.

There is so much flavor going on in this little dish made with such simple ingredients that you might just consider making double the marinade to use as a salad dressing or to marinate a piece of fish. See how simple and easy it can be?

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think in the comment section below. Get creative and use the veggies that you have in your fridge today.

With love and a rainbow of veggies,

Marinated Veggie Medley

Yield: 4 cups


3 stalks celery, sliced
1 medium zucchini, sliced
8 – 10 radish, sliced or shredded
1/2 head purple cabbage, shredded
1 fennel bulb, chopped
3 TB. cilantro with stems, chopped
2 small cloves garlic, minced
1 heaping TB. ginger, chopped
1 TB. ume plum vinegar
2 TB. olive oil
2 TB. freshly squeezed lemon juice
Dash cayenne pepper
Pinch sea salt


In a large bowl mix together celery, zucchini, radish, cabbage and fennel. Feel free to substitute any of your favorite veggies for this medley – broccoli stems, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers or kale would all work well too.

For the marinade, combine cilantro, garlic, ginger, olive oil, ume plum vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and sea salt in a mini food processor or blender until well puréed. Pour over veggie medley and mix well to coat fully. Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour for the best flavor.

Use as a topper to any bed of mixed greens, or as a filler for collard or nori wraps.

Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. They've also just released their brand new cookbook! Together they’ve led thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show.

Enjoy this FREE 30-minute yoga class, from the comfort of your home!

Daily Back Pain Relief with Kristin Gibowicz



10 Ways to Stay Positive During the Pandemic
10 Ways to Stay Positive During the Pandemic

Stay positive with 1,700+ yoga and meditation classes!

Around the world, the current global pandemic has changed our lives. Although we might be getting used to this new normal way of living, we are all still affected in 2021 by the COVID-19 pandemic. Isolation, social distancing, and ill-health can all be tough on our mental health, and many of us might be feeling anxious, scared, and lonely.

It’s important to have some ways to manage any negative mental health effects the pandemic might be having on you, to help keep feeling positive when things get tough.

Here are some ways you can try to keep your head afloat during the pandemic, to give you a boost of positivity.

Allow Yourself to Feel Anxious

When you are feeling scared or anxious about the situation, it’s important to acknowledge and allow yourself to feel your feelings. If we immediately push away negative feelings and disallow ourselves to feel them, they tend to get stuck, and we can find ourselves worrying more.

Try to give yourself some time each day to allow yourself to feel any of the worries that pass through your mind - writing them down can help to get them out of your brain, and gives distance between you and your worries. Allowing yourself to acknowledge anything that’s causing you anxiety can give you a feeling of relief, and help you get on top of any intrusive thoughts.

Connect with Loved Ones

Staying in touch with your friends and family is so important to keep yourself from feeling isolated and lonely. We’re lucky that in 2021 there are so many methods to keep in touch with people who we are unable to see in person, from video calls to emails. Reaching out to loved ones when you feel stressed or worried can help you to feel calmer and a little safer, and can help you maintain a more positive outlook when things feel bad. 

Have Structure in Your Day 

Keeping a routine during times of lockdown and isolation can help with feeling productive and on top of your day to day tasks. Try to set an intention when you wake up each day and have at least one thing to cross off your to-do list. Even if you are struggling, try to do at least one small thing, and be kind to yourself to get it done. If you’re working from home, remember to take breaks and keep to a timetable if need be, to aid your productivity. Keeping busy and getting things done will help to keep a positive mindset. 

Get the Basics Right

If you’re really struggling, focusing on the basic needs we all need to function is a good way to start. Try to take the steps needed to get enough sleep, eat healthy, and to stay active. This will help keep your physical health intact, which will aid in regulating stress and boosting your immune system. Avoiding smoking, alcohol, and drugs will aid in keeping you feeling calm, and stop exacerbating your anxious thoughts.

Do Things You Enjoy

While, depending on your lockdown situation, it might be hard to do all of your favorite activities, it’s important to remember the things that bring you joy, and try and indulge in them when you can. This will help to take your mind off the difficult situation and bring a little normalcy to these uncertain times. If you find yourself at a loss, try taking up a new skill or hobby to fill your free time.  

Limit Your News Consumption

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the pandemic, taking in too much information and news can make you feel more anxious and worried. Try to limit your time spent catching up on the news and especially on social media - and make sure the information you are taking in is from a reliable source. Keeping well informed while not taking in too much negative news will help you keep a level head and view things realistically - which can help you from getting too overwhelmed with anxiety.

Eat Well

It can be easy to slip into bad eating habits when we feel stressed and overwhelmed, especially if you are relying on delivery services or are isolating. While treating yourself can be important every now and again, it’s important to keep a balanced and healthy diet. Healthy food gives our brains the nutrients needed to maintain a positive mindset, and can hugely help if you’re struggling with your mental health. If you’re stuck inside, you can use this time to learn new recipes, and eat healthy meals that you make yourself. This will give you so much more energy, helping you stay productive and boosting your mood.

Get Outside

If you’re able to, getting out at least once a day for exercise, even if it’s a walk, can boost your mood. Getting out in nature can reduce your stress, even if you just get out for 10 minutes. Going for a run, or a walk, and staying socially distant can help increase your happiness levels. 

Practice Yoga and Meditation

If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, practicing meditation or a yoga class can help to bring your stress levels down and feel more calm. Staying grounded in the present is essential during this time of uncertainty, and an easy way to do this is to practice deep breathing when things feel bad. Deep breaths will calm you down and increase your feelings of relaxation.

Feel Grateful 

Practicing gratitude each day will help you feel more optimistic. Practicing gratitude may be hard to start out, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed, but even trying to focus on small things can help you feel more positive. Try to keep a journal each night, of things you are grateful for, and look back when things feel hard. 

While times may feel hard wherever you are in the world, remember that all of this is temporary and the world will not be like this forever.

Trying to keep on top of our mental health in a pandemic is no easy feat, but taking these small steps to boost your positivity can help us come out of this feeling more resilient and optimistic. 

By Amy Cavill

Practice yoga and meditation for free right now, from the comfort of your own home

Or simply practice with one of our free classes:

You Are Resilient AF with Kylie Larson

Meditation: Release Reactivity with Geenie Celento

New Moon Astrology Forecast: January 13, 2021
New Moon Astrology Forecast: January 13, 2021

This new moon is another planetary packed lunation. The moon will sit at 29*04’ of Sagittarius with the Sun resting at 29*03’ of Sagittarius, both creating a bridge into the Capricornius constellation. This new moon is bringing a clean slate for the conjunction (multiple planets sitting together) to shine through. There is a lot going on, but it’s all moving you to take greater ownership of this precious life you are creating.

These conjunctive energies will show how to sharpen new tools to cut away karma, how to dispel karmic debts, and how to rise into our dharma through devotion, and ownership. Anything that is a distraction, a delusion, or a habit that displaces one's power and dharma will come to light. You are being asked to rise in all levels of the self: spiritual, mental, and physical. Align with your heart and you will feel dissonance and misalignment on all levels if you are not following your heart. This is stronger guidance for your purpose and personal evolution.

There is a new means to co-create with the divine. A new reality is assimilating through multiple planetary energies impacting psychological nature. The psychological emanations are triggering responsibility and how comfort can be a limiting ‘safe haven’ to hide. There's a great chance to disable 'bad' habits, laziness, or apathy. These energies are carrying the self forward.

The spiritual transition is unfolding within the internal. This may make some more reclusive. During this time be gentle with yourselves. This is a very spiritual process, reshaping the individual to their truth and purpose. You will feel dissonance and misalignment on all levels if you are not following your heart. This is stronger guidance for your purpose and personal evolution. Detours may occur to put one back on their highest path. Guidance is extremely high at this time, so tune in and notice patterns, witness thoughts. Take responsibility for your co-creative power, for the collective rise. This is calling for your commitment and involvement on a greater level. In this ownership and sacrifice, one is asked to defend honor not ego. 

This new moon is giving you insight into reprioritizing principles, higher goals, and self. The reprioritization will aid in releasing stuck energy, and is an integral part of transformation and creation. Any patterns or methods of playing small, or not being fully responsible or involved in one's own life are strongly aspected here. Your comforts will be challenged. Free the self from comforts, stand strong in what you seek.

This my loves require courage, discomfort, and steadfast resolve in a future yet unknown but built with faith and fortitude. The courage lies within you, the light is rising within you. It is being asked that you rise into your truth even through unsettling, unfamiliar, and unpopular ground.

Seek not approval, but, own the resolution and confidence from your inner self. These shifting energies will carve out the strength of a warrior, the wisdom of a sage, and the ownership of a King. It is asked that you know these aspects of self, not for the self, but for your dharma. The energy is stirring inner greatness. It is asked for you to lead, to take responsibility for yourself, to make way for personal vitality, and personal power. Control your actions and stay focused in your pursuits for higher goals. This ownership will create greater ownership of your gifts.

By Geenie (Gemma) Celento

To learn more about your planets and, book a full astrology reading here.

Book a fixed star reading to understand your mental/emotional body and how to empower your yoga through your lunar birth star.

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineage. Her classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences. Her website is here.

Practice the Yoga & Astrology series with Geenie now!

Yoga to Open Your Mind
Yoga to Open Your Mind

Students come to yoga for a variety of reasons: physical, mental, and spiritual. Regardless of why you started practicing, your entire being benefits. It’s easy to focus on mastering the asanas or physical postures first. But traditionally, yoga’s primary intention is to gain control over your mind

The seminal text on yoga, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, were compiled centuries ago and the wisdom proves true today. The Sutras are divided into 4 Padas or chapters which provide a pathway to journey toward Samadhi or enlightenment. 

The pillar of the entire text is stated in Sutra 1.2 Chitta vritti nirodaha. In a nutshell this means that yoga is the ability to direct the mind without distraction or interruption. Yoga equals sustained attention.

Many translations claim this means working toward a cessation of mind activity, but that is incorrect. In a state of yoga, the mind is active. Yoga equals sustained attention. If you’ve ever had a tough time meditating, you know how challenging this can be. While this topic could fill volumes, we’ll point out a few highlights of the principles of mastering your mind.

It’s vital to understand this work takes discipline and time. It’s explained further in Sutras 1.12-1.16 that it takes effort or practice (Abhyasa) and relinquishment/detachment (vairagya) to overcome the barriers to a calm, open mind.

The fundamental obstacles to yoga, to Samadhi, are called the Kleshas (major impediments) and are outlined as the roots of suffering in Sutras 2.3–-2.11. All of these are mistaken perceptions or Avidya. Avidya is ignorance or essentially the fundamental inability to see things as they are. The practice of yoga is moving away from these misperceptions toward Viveka, the ability to discern and see clearly. 

When we delve into our yoga and meditation practices, we quickly discover how distracted we really are. We generally have the same series of redundant thoughts circling around in our minds, over and over and over again. Most of them are not particularly interesting either. Sorry!

Learning to quiet the monkey mind, or as Patanjali put it “chitta vritti nirodaha” (to still the fluctuations of the mind)—we all have a pack of wild monkeys zooming around in our heads. 

When we settle into the present moment through our yoga practice, we are eliminating worries of the past and anxiety for the future and we are just feeling the now. At the heart of Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga path, is the concept that a steadier mind is a clearer mind. This week, our classes center on the concept of creating more clarity and stability. Check them out and quiet those monkeys!

1. Kylie Larson - Fuggetaboutit & Flow

2. Caitlin Rose Kenney - Fluid Body, Open Mind

3. Celest Pereira - Yoga for Strength & Focus

4. Ron Alexander - Mindful Meditations for Creative Transformation

Spinach & Mushroom Vegan Dumplings
Spinach & Mushroom Vegan Dumplings

In Estonia, we are big on foraging. Berries, mushrooms, some wild herbs – we have gathered them from the forest since we were kids. As this year has been exceptionally warm (in some years, we have snow in October), you can still find mushrooms in the forest, and I used some chanterelles I picked myself. As I know that you can not go foraging all over the world, I substituted the mushrooms in this recipe for oyster mushrooms as they are easier to find from the stores. If you can’t find those, button mushrooms are okay too. 

Dumplings of this style are not typical for Estonian cuisine at all, but I don’t think that everything should be traditional all the time. I love how the miso paste in this recipe rounds the whole filling up, the spinach and lemon give extra brightness, and ginger is just an excellent ingredient that also boosts the immune system. I am sure that we could all benefit from a healthy immune system in this bizarre year.  

Spinach Mushroom Dumplings

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Yields: 20 dumplings


20 dumpling wrappers

A tiny bit of oil

3 ½ oz spinach

7 oz oyster mushrooms

A thumb-sized piece of ginger

Chili flakes, to taste

1 tbsp miso paste

1 tsp lemon juice


Chop the mushrooms and mince the ginger

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the mushrooms and ginger on medium for 3 minutes. Feel free to stir it now and then so it would cook evenly.

Add spinach to the pan and let it wilt for a minute. 

Season with chili, lemon juice, miso, and a little salt if you feel that it is needed. 

Let the mix cool down.

Now it is time to get folding. If you have another technique, feel free to fold them differently, but I decided to do the tortellini type of folding today. For this, add a small spoonful of filling in the middle of the dough square and wet the edges slightly using your finger. Fold the dough into a triangle and make sure to push all the air out. Take the triangle's outer edges and lift them on top of the filling; you might need to use a little more water to stick the edges together. 

Now it is time for steaming. Heat the water in a wok and arrange the dumplings on your steamer, so they are not touching. Also, make sure that the bottom of your steamer is not touching the water (it happened to me once, and nothing good came out of it)—Cook for about 6 minutes.

To serve, I like to mix soy, sesame oil, lime juice, and a little sugar to a dipping sauce, but you can also use a premade Asian sauce.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

10 Tips to Detox from Social Media
10 Tips to Detox from Social Media

The irony of reading this on a screen and possibly linked from a social media post is obvious. Social media is not all bad, and in fact, allows us to access a vast array of useful information and connection with one another. However, many of us have become unknowingly addicted to social media, our devices, and endless browsing, to which there are real downsides. 

Like anything else, the key is balance. The purpose of these tips is not to villainize social media, or torture ourselves by abstaining from things we like or disconnecting people we love. It's about leaving room to be more present, and in the moment, versus always thinking ahead to how you're going to share something with your audience, being distracted by your phone all the time, or stuck in loops of comparison.

Beautiful moments can happen, without them being shared in a post.

There is growing evidence that excessive social media usage contributes to higher levels of anxiety and lower self-esteem. Things like constant comparison and external validation are prevalent while one spends endless hours scrolling. We are hard-wired as a species to want social validation, acceptance, and approval. We are not however made to receive these things daily through the click of like buttons. 

Here are 10 things you can do to make your social media use more sustainable, less addicting, and find what unique balance works for you.

1. Don't check your phone or social media first thing in the morning

When you awake is the ripest time you have for meditation, yoga, and to get your head on right for the day ahead. However, many of us go for our phone first thing in the morning. Even 15 to 30 minutes of mindfulness first thing in the morning before reaching for your phone or going onto Instagram, can have a massive benefit on the rest of your day. 

2. Don't check your phone or social media right before bed either

Similar to the morning, the moments before you drift off into slumber are powerful to start your next day off on a good foot. Do you fall asleep scrolling each night? If so, try to turn it off, even 30 minutes before bed, to give yourself space to clear your head from the day before.

3. Pick a day a week of the week where you sign off completely

You can pick and choose how much time is suitable for you here. Maybe a day without your phone is not an option, but a day without going onto Facebook is. Find what feels doable, but just uncomfortable enough that you get a real break from social media and your devices. 

4. Delete your social media accounts for a month (or week) at a time

Again, this one might not be for everyone, as we live in a time where many use these platforms for work and business. However, what I found was that after a few weeks of not participating in social media, my anxiety levels went way down, I felt more present in my in-person relationships, and I could have good moments in life without thinking about how I was going to portray them with others. 

5. Go for a walk in nature without your phone

Plain and simple, there is nothing like going back to the Earth to reconnect with yourself and drown out the noise from the outside. If you need to drive to nature, leave your phone in your car. You might notice incessant urges to grab for it frequently!

6. Do something epic without sharing it with anyone

Yes, it's possible. The world outside of our screens is also beautiful and worthwhile. You can have sweet moments without anyone but yourself and the others there, knowing about them.

7. List out what you love using social media

This is where the biggest variation often occurs. When surveyed, people report their favorite things about using social media to be the things you'd expect. Things like staying connected to loved ones, getting life updates from friends who don't live nearby, and staying connected usually top the list.

However, when this list is compared to how people actually spend their time on social media, there is a massive disconnect. People spend hours upon hours mindlessly browsing instead of using the tools how they say they like to use them. Get clear on why you're active on these platforms, and you're more likely to be intentional about how you use them. 

8. Learn more about the addictive nature of social media

Books like Digital Minimalism and the film like The Social Dilemma, go in-depth about how technology companies have designed these apps to get us hooked and how they profit from the more time we spend browsing. Information is knowledge and understanding why we get addicted to these platforms in the first place, can make us more empowered to not be controlled by them.

9. Prioritize mental health and good habits

More than fighting things you don't want, like social media addiction, focus on adding more good habits, like a daily yoga practice, reading books, or meditating. Even if you lose control of your social media habits, you can take solace that you're also doing other things with your time that benefit you. It's not about being perfect.

10. Don't fight with people online

Guess what? Trying to change someone's mind or political views on Facebook, never really works. Usually, a political fight online ends up in frustration or outrage. Save your energy for something worthwhile and do your best to not get lost in neverending online arguments. You're not going to change everyone's worldview to suit your own. The days before social media revealed every political, religious, or social thought one had at any given moment, did exist. This transparency has taken away the ability to get to know someone in a genuine way. We all have different perspectives based on different life experiences. While I don’t agree with everyone, I’d like to be able to make my own opinions of people based on actual experiences and not their Facebook posts.

By Keith Allen

Meditate right now!

Meditate and Cultivate Calm