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Full Moon in Aries (10/16/16) - It’s Time to Shine, You Crazy Diamond
On October 8, 2016 in
The Full moon in Aries invites us to take charge of our lives and think outside the box. You know you have it in you: the will to do what inspires you most. Take advantage of this sacred energy and put this power to use. Aries carries the energy and passion of our drives and urges into the world. When used wisely, this energy is unstoppable and a force for positive change and growth. If you’ve been playing small up until now…stop. It doesn’t serve you or your gifts. Those who would benefit from what you have to share are waiting for you to make your move.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Aries Full Moon
Astrological Reading
Full Moon Cycle
Libra New Moon - Get Creating and Start Relating
On September 29, 2016 in
A Libra new moon invites us to get creating and start relating. Libra loves the arts, music and anything beautiful, so this is a good time to immerse yourself in the divine beauty all around you. Any excuse to work with your creative faculties should be taken advantage of, as this new moon sparks the beginning of new artistic works for you. Libra is also the great relator — no matter what kind of relationship needs tending in your life, the Libra energy from this new moon fuels the fire of intimacy.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Libra New Moon
Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Virgo (9/1/16): Embrace a New Layer of Healing
On August 26, 2016 in
September features two eclipses in a row, starting with a solar eclipse during the new moon in Virgo on September 1st. The next event is a lunar eclipse during the full moon in Pisces on September 16th. This makes all of September an incredibly potent month to start, end, renew, reevaluate and deepen all areas of life. The energy of an eclipse lasts six month or more, so use the preliminary energy of Virgo in the month to be cautious and careful of all you cultivate during this cosmic time. The lunar eclipse in Pisces is a good time to immerse yourself in transcendence and oneness, and let go of all that doesn’t serve your spiritual needs.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Astrological Reading
Healing Energy
New Moon in Virgo
September Astrology
Solar Eclipse
Aquarius Full Moon (8/18/16): Be the Force for Change In The World
On August 10, 2016 in
Are you ready to highlight your humanitarian efforts during this full moon in Aquarius? Good, because the world needs it. This is a time to shed whatever is holding you back from speaking your truth, particularly about how things need to shift. Each of us has our own way in which we can be the change we wish to see in our world. There is no singular effort, no one goal that needs to be accomplished right now; all efforts and all goals are equally important. While each of us has our soap box, so to speak, it is now that we need to stand upon it and clear the way for positive change.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Be The Change
Full Moon
Speak Truth
New Moon in Leo (8/2/16): Learning to Let Your Little Light Shine
On August 2, 2016 in
The new moon in Leo invites us to move into the spotlight with laughter and exuberance. If there was ever a time to shine, it is now. Leo’s regal qualities are highlighted right now, encouraging us to laugh freely, commune with friends and take advantage of all opportunities to revel in the attention of others. Imagine sitting at the high table with those you love on either side, and an audience of adorers willing to listen…what would you say? How would you communicate your love? This is happening now, and so you must bring your message of loyalty and love to the world.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Astrological Reading
Leo New moon
New Moon
Deepening My Practice with The Kaivalya Yoga Method
On July 19, 2016 in
New Classes & Programs
Dear fellow yogis, When I started the The Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training with YogaDownload.com in January 2016, I had no idea or conception of what the ride would be like. Wow, that was a training above all trainings imaginable! It certainly took lots of energy, effort, focus, and strong perseverance! I found the beginning modules more challenging for me personally, and as I continued on, I felt like I was opening up a genie (a.k.a. Alanna Kaivalya) bottle that I found on the beach. And, out of the genie bottle continued to arise more and more intrigue, more and more heartfelt information, more and more myths and depth.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Journey of Yoga
Online teacher training
The Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training
Sutra Yourself: New Classes for Yoga's Core Teachings
On July 18, 2016 in
New Classes & Programs
Hello from YogaDownload! We have 4 exclusive new classes to share with you, going back to the core teachings of yoga. The 2000 year-old Sutras (Sanskrit for “threads”) are timeless truisms that brings you closer to your practice. The classes are all offered by the same teacher – and you need to meet this person. She gives us butterflies. Everyone from Ana Forest to Rodney Yee to Yoga Journal has sung her praises. Her books are bestsellers, her workshops sell out all over the world and millions of people adore her music. She is a true yoga scholar, an expert on the sutras, mythology, the anatomy of the body and the creative expression of the practice.
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Alanna Kaivalya
The Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training
Yoga Sutras
Yoga Teacher Training
Capricorn Full Moon (7/19/16) - Manifesting Real Meaning In Our Life
On July 13, 2016 in
Capricorn, the wise elder, gets the full light of the moon this month, bringing awareness to our level of maturity, commitment to discipline, being overworked and developing strategies for our career or lifestyle. The energy of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and so there is constant pressure to get work done and work the plans we’ve crafted. On the low side, however, this pressure leads to workaholism and forgetting the human element in our endeavors. Capricorn can be cold and ruthless when it comes to achieving its goal. The light of this full moon gives us a clearer vision to understand who, why and what we are working for at this time. If our goals have become trivial, materialistic or narrow minded, this is a good time to broaden our view and reintroduce meaning back into our life’s work.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Capricorn Full Moon
Healing Energy
Cancer New Moon (7/4/2016)- Diving Into the Shadow: Finding Meaning In Our Greatest Gifts
On June 27, 2016 in
Cancer finds itself in its element during this new moon. Ruled by the moon, Cancer’s watery nature is in high gear during this new moon cycle, and you likely find that your emotions are ebbing and flowing at this time. As the bearer of the unconscious, the moon and Cancer work within us to house our shadow, drives, intuition…our greatest gifts. Like the crab, we usually protect these things at all costs, when really, protection is not what they need.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Cancer Moon
Fourth of July
New Moon
Sagittarius Full Moon (6/20/16) - Aim True and Shoot for the Stars
On June 13, 2016 in
The Sagittarius full moon fuels our philosophical fantasies and launches us into a stratospheric search for wisdom and meaning. Nothing tickles the great archer’s fancy like higher pursuits in education, travel and religion or philosophy. As a centaur, Sagittarius loves to take aim at something that others find impossible, in order to shoot for the stars. Often overextending himself, the centaur can find himself spread thin. Our goal in this new moon is to aim high, but stay focused while keeping our energy levels up and engaging in self care.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Sagittarius Full Moon
Gemini New Moon (6/4/16): Learning to Speak Your Truth to Power
On May 31, 2016 in
Gemini has a penchant for chatter, hidden messages, and a little playful trickery which is all enhanced by this New Moon. If you are interested in clearing up your communication, spreading a powerful message clearly, and extending yourself either via travel or broadcasts, then this is your time. The fact that this new moon is so closely conjunct Venus heightens any communication around love, beauty, sensuality, art or even finances.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
Sagittarius Full Moon: Aiming High and Staying True (May 21, 2016)
On May 18, 2016 in
Sagittarius, the great archer, is ready to take his aim and hit his target during this full moon in May. Charged up by Mars, this Full Moon gives us great energy to move toward any goals in higher education, publishing, exploring foreign culture or high-level (meta) teaching. While all these Sagittarian qualities are driven and expanded at this time by Mars, we may also pay special attention to the opportunity to explore our connection to religion, personal philosophy or our soul’s purpose. Nothing drives Sagittarius energy more than an interest in refining our belief system. If we have walked away from (or pushed away) a religious practice, then this is a good time to reconsider what might actually be potent and important to you in your life. Our early religious experiences (for better or for worse) shape and mold our unconscious mind and those impressions run deep. Though the external practices or dogma may have lost their luster for you, take time to find some personal, internal practice that ignites a spiritual spark inside your soul. Take back your religion on your own terms, and utilize this Full Moon energy to shine some light on what allows you to deeply connect to yourself.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Full Moon Cycle
Reinvigorate the Love
Sagittarius Full Moon
What You Really Learn in Yoga Teacher Training
On May 6, 2016 in
Making the decision to sign up for a teacher training for most people is a big deal. Many register for programs in order to become a yoga instructor, but people also register in order to simply learn more about yoga. What most people don’t count on is how much you learn about yourself through the teacher training process. While learning alignment for Down Dog and how to cue people into a Warrior One is great, gaining tools to thrive and uncovering a new way of looking at life are even better.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Online teacher training
Yoga Teacher Training
Taurus New Moon: Earthly Connections and Spiritual Explorations (May 6, 2016)
On May 4, 2016 in
Taurus’ stellar ability to manifest earthly beauty and abundance are brilliantly enhanced during the New Moon. A thrilling combination in the sky create an opportunity to expand on your transformative powers and throw out any rigid beliefs that are getting in your way. This New Moon brings richness and offers supremely powerful energy to enhance your finances. If there is a money-making endeavor that has presented itself, go for it! And, if you have been waiting on your payday, it is just around the corner, provided you clear whatever energy may be blocking your inherent success.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Earthly Connections
New Moon
Scorpio Full Moon: The Sorcerer, the Source and the Strength of the Shadow (April 22, 2016)
On April 19, 2016 in
A full moon in Scorpio shines light on all our darkest depths: the secrets we carry beneath the outer facade, hidden in the shadow, waiting for the light. At its worst, Scorpio energy forces these secrets to the surface at the worst possible moments, often wounding others (and ourself!) in the process. However, when we consciously bring acceptance and awareness to our shadow, the hidden depths reveal not darkness, but long buried treasure that is the source of our greatest healing, wisdom and truth. In this way, the deep processing required by this illuminated Scorpio energy brings things to light that ultimately reveal our power.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Full Moon
Fearless and Radical New Beginnings: Aries New Moon (April 7, 2016)
On March 30, 2016 in
This Aries New Moon is a prime time to charge forth into action and move ahead in life with courage and fearlessness. As the first sign of the zodiacal year, Aries kicks things off and starts things up. The cardinal force of this sign is powerful and there is no time like a new moon in Aries to start something new. The tenacity and focus of Aries is perfect for new endeavors, but you must beware of a “ready, fire, aim” mentality and make sure to plot your course with care. As you do this, be sure to support yourself well with a self-care routine to manage any feelings of being overwhelmed and keep stressed adrenals in check. Aries energy is very fierce at times, so you must work to counterbalance it with some gentle consideration for yourself.
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Alanna Kaivalya
New Moon
new moon horoscope
Weighing the Options: Full Lunar Eclipse Moon in Libra: Alchemical Ritual Inside - 3/23/16
On March 14, 2016 in
With this Libran full moon, we are blessed with a lunar eclipse which powerfully enhances all the effects of this lunation. Coming off our recent Pisces new moon that featured a solar eclipse, here we are, just two weeks later with another reason to be rocked by the stars and planets. Libra, the balancing scales of the sky offer us an opportunity to explore our artistic sides, engage with our lover, counsel friends, or find harmony or balance in our own lives. We must watch the tendency to fall into indecision at this time. Libra is great at weighing the options, but at some point we must act! Luckily, a nice angle with the planet Mars gives us an energetic boost towards action once we’ve assessed the situation.
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Alanna Kaivalya
full moon horoscope
Virgo Full Moon (Monday - 2/22/16) : Harvesting the Wisdom of the Night Goddess
On February 17, 2016 in
Virgo, the great goddess of the night sky, embodies the properties of nurturing, self-care and cleanliness. Often misunderstood as simply, “the virgin,” Virgo gives us much richer feminine qualities than the sanitized virginal element she is often believed to represent. This Virgo Full Moon invites us to explore the most potent qualities of the feminine (regardless of our gender identity) and let go of those overdone, negative qualities that are passé, such as, martyrdom, self-criticism and control…these things always get in the way of our fullest expression and leave us fearful of simply being who we are, which Virgo energy calls us to be.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Fruits of Labor
Virgo Full Moon
Aquarius New Moon (Monday - 2/8/16) : Manifesting the Magic of our Truth
On February 2, 2016 in
The new moon is in the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. Often likened to the figure of Jesus, the water bearer holds similar qualities that shine through the darkness of the new moon. Known for humanitarian efforts, revolutionary thinking, individualism and speaking the truth, the Aquarian energy also finds trouble with being exiled for radical thought, and going into seclusion to avoid skepticism (or, as a result of it!). It is all these qualities that the new moon calls forth from within you. At this time, you must speak the truth about what is most important to you, and walk your own path. For, when you do, you inspire others to do the same. Nothing is more important than starting your own revolution, whether it be quiet or loud, and living the life you are destined for.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Alchemical Ritual
New Moon
Leo Full Moon 1/23: Lead the Way in the Limelight!
On January 20, 2016 in
The Leo Full Moon is an opportune time to revel in your creativity and play, while ensuring that you make enough time for rest and self-care. As the full moon shines into the qualities of Leo, we are called to reflect on the ways in which we seek the spotlight or take active leadership roles.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Hermit from the Tarot
Leo Full Moon
Teacher Training
Sacred Sound
On April 8, 2014 in
Mantras are an important and essential part of most every eastern spiritual practice. They are sacred sounds and phrases that have their origination in the historical texts of the eastern traditions and it turns out, there is actually a correlative mythology behind them. The function of mantras is to provide a codex that unlocks deeper access into the psyche, just as their mythology provides the context to better understand how our psychology effects our everyday life.
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Alanna Kaivalya
Sacred Sound
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