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Jo and Jules
Jo and Jules's Blog
Turmeric Black Pepper Chicken with Asparagus
On May 1, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
One of the most important skills we’ve developed is how to modify a recipe to make it “cleaner” or cleanse-friendly, so today we wanted to share some of our processes with you to make it easier for you to makeover your favorite recipes! I (Jo) and my husband found this recipe for Turmeric Black Pepper Chicken with Asparagus online and wanted to make it for our family, but before we could, we had to make some modifications to fit our dietary needs.
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Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Turmeric Black Pepper Chicken with Asparagus
Kid-Friendly Very Berry Green Smoothie
On April 24, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
There’s a reason that conventional wisdom says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But let’s be real – mornings can be hectic, and that’s putting it nicely. Just like with our cleansers, we like to set our kids up right with a quick and easy meal that loads us up with dark leafy greens. Our favorite is this Kid-Friendly Very Berry Green Smoothie! Kids love it and parents can feel good knowing that whatever else happens with their kid’s diet today, at least they got in this serving of fruits and vegetables! Kid-Friendly Very Berry Green Smoothie
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Healthy Recipes
Smoothie Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Sunshine Bites
On April 10, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez are co-authors of two books The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life and their brand new The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook! Together they’ve led thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. Daily Back Pain Relief with Kristin Gibowicz
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Healthy Recipes
Healthy Snacks
Sunshine Bites
The Conscious Cleanse
Paleo Grain-Free Matzo
On March 20, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
This matzo is grain-free, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly! Year after year, Jo has reluctantly bought gluten free matzo (unfortunately also filled with additives and sugar) because matzo plays such an important role in the Passover Seder. But recently she found, Jennifer Robbins’ Paleo Grain-Free Matzo and was converted. For more amazing Jewish recipes, check out Jennifer Robbins’ The New Yiddish Kitchen. We hope you enjoy Jennifer’s recipe as much as we do. Don’t forget to grab your copy of The New Yiddish Kitchen cookbook here. Happy Passover, Jo & Jules
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Healthy Passover Recipes
Healthy Recipes
Paleo Grain-Free Matzo
The Conscious Cleanse
Rainbow Vibrancy Bowl
On March 15, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
One of our favorite simple healthy meals is a vibrancy bowl! Vibrancy bowls are easy, quick, and make great leftovers. They combine a grain base, roasted and/or fresh veggies, and a dressing of choice. You can also add a protein of your choice for an even heartier meal! We’ve got a great how-to guide to make your own vibrancy bowl in our new cookbook, The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook. This recipe makes a hearty vegan meal that we think you’re going to love. Our Rainbow Vibrancy Bowl is a simple, (almost) one-tray meal full of good-for-you ingredients that’s perfect for dinner or lunch. It also contains beets, which means it’s a great way to check up on how efficiently your digestion is working (for more info about this, check out our blog about the Beetroot Test).
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Healthy Recipes
Plant Based Recipes
Rainbow Vibrancy Bowl
The Conscious Cleanse
Chocolate CBD Sea Salt Brownie Bites
On February 20, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
These little brownie bites are simple, sweet, salty, and totally delicious – perfect for a Valentine’s Day dessert. Plus, they contain a secret superfood ingredient: CBD oil! CBD is one of the hottest health supplements right now. If you're interested in learning more about CBD and its benefits, check out our interview with Plant People Founder Gabe Kennedy, on our website, here!
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CBD Recipes
Chocolate CBD Sea Salt Brownie Bites
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash
On January 30, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We’re entering mid-winter here in Colorado, and if you’re like us, the cold weather and extended time inside might be starting to get you down. To counter those wintertime blues, we like to cozy up at home and make healthy comfort food – like today’s recipe: Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash! This is a recipe that I (Jo) and my husband, Adam developed together for our family. Cooking is one of our favorite things to do together – we’ve developed several recipes from our new cookbook, Conscious Cleanse Cookbook together, including the Squashie Pancakes and Curry Chicken Salad. Cooking nourishing, healthy, delicious meals for ourselves and for our 6-year-old and 8-month-old kiddos brings us connection as a family and a lot of joy, and we want to share some of that joy with you today with this recipe. This is one of our go-to healthy comfort meals – it’s warming and filling, perfect for a cozy meal by the fire.
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Healthy Recipes
Healthy Winter Recipes
Herbed Turkey Stuffed Squash
Planted Based Turkey Alternatives
The Conscious Cleanse
Marinated Veggie Medley
On January 16, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Have you ever had the thought “I don’t have time to do a cleanse because it takes too much time to prepare healthy food”? If so, please read on! I’m a big fan of easy when it comes to food prep. Mostly because I have two small children, work full time running a business, health coaching and teaching yoga, and try to maintain some resemblance of balance when it comes to practicing what I preach. I admit it does take extra time and some planning ahead (I could do better here) to eat healthy and feed my family nourishing meals, but to me, it’s totally worth it! And, it doesn’t have to take nearly as much time as we think it does with a few tips and tricks. Below is one of my secret weapons.
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Marinated Veggie Medley
Healthy Recipes
Quick Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Root Vegetable Latkes with Homemade Apple Pear Sauce
On December 12, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Hanukkah is just around the corner and today we wanted to share one of our favorite Hanukkah recipes with all of you – Root Vegetable Latkes with Apple Pear Sauce! These latkes are a tasty and festive way to get some extra veggies in, and pair deliciously with our homemade apple pear sauce. The perfect addition to your family’s Hanukkah traditions! This recipe is one of the many delicious healthy holiday recipes you’ll find in the extra special bonus Holiday eCookbook we’ve put together this year as a FREE instant download when you purchase our new cookbook. We’ve included all our personal faves that we love to cook up for our families during the holiday season. We hope you love them as much as we do!
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Healthy Hanukkah Recipes
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Curried Carrot Soup
On December 6, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Enjoy and let us know what you think in the comment section below. Have a personal favorite fall recipe? Tell us about it. With love and orange smiles, Curried Carrot Soup Yield: 8 bowls Ingredients: 3 TB. coconut oil 2 tsp. curry powder 8 medium carrots, peeled and sliced thin 4 medium stalks celery, chopped 1 medium yellow onion, coarsely chopped 5 cups vegetable broth 1 TB. freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp. sea salt Freshly ground black pepper
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Curried Carrot Soup
Healthy Soup Recipes
Healthy Winter Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Creamy Banana Chia Pudding
On November 29, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Years ago, I’d do anything for a box of Junior Mints or Peppermint Patties. I’d fallen prey, like many of us, into the low calorie, nonfat mindset of the 90’s where Snackwells and Fig Newton’s were all the rage. As I’ve transitioned into a healthy lifestyle and new way of eating, I’ve found myself looking for healthy sweet treats. I’ve realized that the packaged so-called “health foods” just fed my sugar demons, leaving me with an artificial sense of healthy and a sugar hangover to boot. Instead of going cold turkey, I started looking for other options to satisfy my sweet tooth, something delicious and decadent that could replace, if not outperform my old guilty pleasures. Below is one of my favorite new recipes. It’s so rich and creamy you’ll hardly believe it’s actually good for you!
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Creamy Banana Chia Pudding
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Nightshade-Free Curry
On October 3, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
One of the core tenets of the Conscious Cleanse is removing common inflammatory foods from our eating rotation for 2 weeks to allow our systems to detox and find underlying food sensitivities. Tomatoes fall under the category of nightshades, so during our 14-day cleanse, we keep them off our plates because they can cause inflammation. Just like many people are sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, and other common allergens, some people have a reaction from eating nightshades, including tomatoes.
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Curry Recipe
Healthy Recipes
Nightshade Free Curry Recipe
Nightshade-Free Curry
The Conscious Cleanse
Roasted Carrot & Chickpea Arugula Salad
On September 19, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We often get asked for tips to help with meal prep and sticking to your clean-eating goals, so we decided to start a series of blogs with tips to help you thrive in your new clean-eating life! Today we’re focusing on how optimal refrigerator organization can simplify your meal prep. One of the most common things we hear from people all the time is, “I don’t have enough time to make healthy food.” We totally understand! Many of us have this idea that grabbing food from a restaurant or salad bar will be quicker than eating at home.
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Roasted Carrot & Chickpea Arugula Salad
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Peach Pie Smoothie
On August 15, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
It’s peach season here in Colorado, and it wouldn’t be summertime in Colorado without some fresh peaches from our local farmer’s market. In honor of one of our favorite stone fruits, we thought we’d share a recipe today that is just ‘peachy!’ Nothing says summer more than biting into a fresh, juicy peach, and this green smoothie recipe is the perfect way to use all those perfectly ripe peaches that start popping up in local farmer’s markets this time of year. Peaches are a relatively low-sugar fruit, so they won’t spike your blood sugar and leave you crashing in a few hours. Peaches are also high in dietary fiber to help keep you regular, and a great source of immune-boosting Vitamin C.
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Healthy Recipes
Healthy Smoothie Recipes
Peach Pie Smoothie
The Conscious Cleanse
The Big Island Salad
On August 1, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
One of the staples of the Conscious Cleanse eating plan are great big meal-sized salads! When the weather heats up, standing over a hot stove to cook a meal is not ideal. So we wanted to share some of our favorite summertime salad recipes with you today! We love salads, but it’s easy to get tired of the same old salad day in and day out. The best way to keep coming back for more greens is to get creative with the salad dressing and toppings! All these salads use flavorful dressings plus unique and tasty toppings to upgrade your summer salad experience. This brand new recipe that’s exclusive to our online cleanse program. That’s right – if you become a Conscious Cleanse On Demand member, you’ll get access to recipes that are available just to YOU!
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Big Island Salad
Healthy Recipes
Meal Size Salad
The Conscious Cleanse
Easy Gluten-Free & Vegan Oatmeal Banana Pancakes
On July 25, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Summertime weekends are our favorite times to dedicate to family – we love gathering together with our families for a big hearty breakfast or brunch before embarking on all those warm-weather outdoor adventures. That’s where this recipe comes in! Jo’s daughter Ilse LOVES these pancakes – they’re the perfect special weekend brunch treat. They’re super easy to make and take less than 15 minutes of prep and cook time. A great recipe to whip up for a weekend breakfast in bed or laid-back stay-at-home brunch.
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Easy Oatmeal Banana Pancakes
Gluten Free Banana Pancakes
Healthy Breakfast
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan Banana Pancakes
Kohlrabi Cabbage Slaw with Spicy Almond Butter Sauce
On July 18, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
In the heat of mid-summer here in Colorado, no one wants to be spending time in a hot kitchen! So we’ve been looking for more ways to add cooking-free recipes to our meal planning rotation. That’s where today’s recipe comes in. This delicious spicy slaw is the perfect hot weather recipe that features one of our new favorite veggies – Kohlrabi! Kohlrabi is a funky looking veggie but don’t let that deter you – it’s super tasty and easy to eat! It has a sweet-peppery flavor similar to a cross between an apple and a radish and its texture is comparable to broccoli stems. It also has great nutritional value – Kohlrabi is high in fiber, essential vitamins and nutrients, and it can help aid in weight loss, support healthy digestion, and help regulate blood pressure. All in all, this unique veggie makes a great addition to your regular rotation.
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Healthy Recipes
Kohlrabi Cabbage Slaw & Spicy Almond Butter Sauce
Summer Healthy Recipe
The Conscious Cleanse
Raw Cherry Pie
On July 11, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
The summer is upon us here in Colorado. We’re looking forward to relaxing at home with small (socially distant) gatherings of friends and family. Summers are notorious for being filled with food and fun (sometimes too much!). It can be tempting to over-indulge in less healthy foods and drinks until you wake up the next day inflamed, hungover, and hurting.
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Gluten Free Pie
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Raw Cherry Pie
The Conscious Cleanse
Chilled Cucumber Dill Soup
On June 20, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Summer is here in Colorado, and as we’re heading into week 1 of our June Group Cleanse, we’re looking for quick, veggie-based meals that don’t heat up the house. When the temperature rises, we reach for refreshing, water-rich summer veggies like cucumbers, and this is the perfect recipe! This soup is the ideal meal for a hot summer day. The avocado adds a creamy texture and the cucumber, lemon, and dill make the flavor light and refreshing. Pair it with a massaged kale salad and grilled chicken or salmon, top with hemp seeds or pumpkin seeds to make it a meal – or just enjoy it as is as a snack or a lighter lunch/dinner!
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Chilled Cucumber Dill Soup
Healthy Recipes
Summer Soup
The Conscious Cleanse
Plant-Based Protein Shake (2 Flavors!)
On June 13, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
When embarking on a new fitness regimen (like our upcoming June 3 Group Cleanse plus Daily Workouts), you may look for a way to supplement your protein intake. Though we generally believe that most of our nutrients should come from the whole foods we eat, we understand that when you’re exercising more frequently, you might need to find ways to add more protein to your diet. When paired with regular exercise, a protein supplement can help reduce soreness after working out and aid in quicker muscle recovery.
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Healthy Recipes
Plant Based Protein Shake Recipe
The Conscious Cleanse
Vanilla Cherry Raw Truffles
On May 9, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Happy Mother’s Day from the Conscious Cleanse! Since many of us are still staying at home, we may not all be able to celebrate in person with our moms so we wanted to share an easy recipe that makes the perfect Mother’s Day gift. As a mom of three boys (Jules) and a mom to a girl and one on the way (Jo), Mother’s Day is a very special day for us. This year we are especially introspective about what this day means to us. As the world has been turned upside down, we’re more grateful than ever for our families. We realize that health is not something we can guarantee and that the simple, everyday moments are the times we will look back on most fondly as our children grow up.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Sugar Free Dessert
The Conscious Cleanse
Vanilla Cherry Truffles
La Paloma Rosa
On May 2, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We’re in 80:20 mode! Who’s ready for a refreshing and delicious drink?! Be sure to check out La Paloma Rosa recipe below. Known as one of Mexico’s most popular cocktails, La Paloma is a perfect combination of sweet and tart with grapefruit, lime, and a pinch of salt. We’ve given this a Conscious Cleanse 80:20 spin by adding one of our favorite sugar-free sweeteners, Lakanto, plus a touch of mint.
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Cocktail Recipe
Mocktail Recipe
Sugar Free Cocktails
The Conscious Cleanse
Sweet Potato Pecan Muffins
On April 25, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We’ve been seeing lots of people using this time at home to bake, so we knew it would be the perfect time to share this awesome recipe from one of our amazing cleanse community members – Susan of Nourish & Charm! Susan is a long-time cleanser and also one of our good friends! She runs an amazing blog where she posts healthy recipes and entertaining tips (she is a fabulous host!). So when (eventually!) you’ll be able to entertain friends and family again, make sure to check out her tips for hosting on her blog. These muffins are the perfect, easy home-baking project. They’re free from most common allergens, plus they’ll make your house smell like cinnamon spice and everything nice.
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Healthy Muffin Recipes
Healthy Recipes
Sweet Potato Pecan Vegan Muffins
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan Muffins
5 Clean Eating Essentials from the Conscious Cleanse
On March 14, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Clean eating is a super hot topic in the world of health and wellness – but what exactly does “eating clean” mean? Here at the Conscious Cleanse, when we talk about eating clean, we mean eating whole foods in their natural form, while avoiding highly processed, packaged foods. Focus on foods that are minimally processed, chemical-free, and very close to the way they appear in nature. Basically, if there’s an ingredient you can’t pronounce, don’t eat it. We’re talking dark leafy greens, herbs, sprouts, non-gluten grains like brown rice and quinoa, legumes, nuts, seeds, organic lean meats and wild fish.
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Clean Eating Essentials
Health and Clean Eating
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Warm Shiitake and Pine Nut Salad
On February 29, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
During these cold, wintery months, it can be hard to get excited to eat a cold salad. That’s where this recipe comes in! Developed with award-winning chef Gabe Kennedy, our Warm Shiitake and Pine Nut Salad is the cure for your winter blues. This salad is the perfect cold-weather salad – it’s warming, delicious, and hearty enough to keep you feeling fuller longer. The nutritional stars of this recipe are the shiitake mushrooms – these unassuming fungi are packed with superfood properties. They’re high in B vitamins and contain all 8 essential amino acids. They also help support immune function, can aid in weight loss, and contain phytonutrients that support cardiovascular health. The other stars of this salad are the amazing flavors! The balsamic vinegar provides a lovely sweetness, the pine nuts add the perfect amount of crunch, and the arugula adds a sour tanginess – all combining to create a flavor profile that is earthy, grounding, and comforting.
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Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Warm Salad Recipes
Warm Shiitake and Pine Nut Salad
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