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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from's Blog

YogaDownload's Response to YogaGlo's Patent Application and Cease & Desist Letter to Yoga International
YogaDownload's Response to YogaGlo's Patent Application and Cease & Desist Letter to Yoga International
In the wake of the controversy over YogaGlo's recent patent application for their methods of filming online yoga classes and their subsequent Cease & Desist Order against Yoga International, we would like to chime in and offer our thoughts regarding this situation.

National Yoga Month
National Yoga Month
September was National Yoga Month. Did you notice? Was there a parade, a prime time special or an acknowledgement at your local yoga studio? Right now, National Yoga Month is a nice idea, but let's not rest on our laurels - we certainly haven't seen what it can do yet.

10 Best Colleges for Yogis
10 Best Colleges for Yogis
It’s back to school time. And all over the US, millions of college students are heading back to the dorm, out to the quad, into the campus center – and for many, onto their yoga mats.