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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Practice Yoga with Love
Practice Yoga with Love

One of yoga’s most beautiful benefits is how it can shift your emotions in a pure, positive way. Even if you come to the practice for other reasons, your emotional makeup will transform, whether you’re trying to or not! Our subtle body, which is a blueprint of our physical body, contains our emotional energy. Through targeted practice, we can enhance how we feel. 

The subtle body contains the chakras or emotional energy centers. To feel more loving, we want to make sure our energy is balanced from the base of our spine or Muladhara (Root) Chakra to our Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra. In order to tap into your own heart and open to more love in your life, you’ve got to be willing to release fear. Yoga practices that create more space in the Anahata (Heart) Chakra will create space in your physical body to experience joy and love.

The Anahata Chakra contains the essence of compassion and selflessness and symbolizes when we rise above our egos to care more for others than ourselves. Anahata is associated with the element of air, the color green, the sense of touch, and the thymus gland.

Often, when physical issues arise with the heart and chest region, lungs and breathing issues, and circulation, it is tied to an imbalance in the chakra. Poses to balance the energy include all types of backbends and also arm balances. Also, learning to shift emotional and thought patterns helps.

Another source advocating focusing on practices of the heart is from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Practicing Maitri or loving-kindness helps keep the mind open. Yoga Sutra 1:33 discusses cultivating virtuous feelings and what yoga philosophers refer to as the four mind locks. 

I-33:  Maitri karuna mudita upekshanam sukha dukha punya apunya vishayanam bhavanatash citta prasadanam. 

To paraphrase: there are four locks in our minds and in the character of other people: happy, unhappy, virtuous and non-virtuous. To confront these attitudes – whether others’ – or ours, Patanjali suggests: “Befriend the happy; have compassion for the unhappy; delight in the virtuous; be indifferent toward the non-virtuous.”  

To break it down further: be happy for others’ joy, be empathetic for others’ sadness, be happy for others’ good fortune, and don’t allow the suffering of the world to overwhelm you. These practices go right to the heart. Being compassionate towards ourselves is also key. Try this loving perspective throughout your yoga practice on and off the mat. 

We’ve got beautiful offerings for you this week. Whether it's an acro yoga class to connect with another person or a Vinyasa class with a loving intention, add some love to your yoga practices. 

Nourishing Slow Flow - Caitlin Rose Kenney

Therapeutic Acroyoga Basics - Shy Sayar

Pradeep Teotia - Practice with Love

Jeanie Manchester - Sita, Rama & Hanuman: Unconditional Love

Jalapeño Cilantro Mezcal Margarita
Jalapeño Cilantro Mezcal Margarita

We thought this was the perfect time to share a Conscious Cocktail recipe! Since we eliminate alcohol during the cleanse, this recipe is a great way to transition into your 80:20 eating plan. For more information about our 80:20 Lifestyle Program, click here.

This recipe features a spirit that got a lot of attention this summer – mezcal!

Mezcal, like tequila, is a distilled spirit made from the agave plant. While tequila is only made from blue agave plants, mezcal can be made from any agave plant. When making mezcal, instead of steaming the agave before distilling as is customary for tequila production, the agave is cooked in large earthen ovens with charcoal and lava rocks. This is what gives mezcal its signature smoky taste.

We’ve created a cocktail that combines the smokiness of mezcal with the tartness and sweetness of grapefruit. Add to that the kick from the jalapeño, and you’ve got a margarita that’s sure to impress your guests.

Do you have a favorite cocktail you’d like us to give a Conscious makeover? Let us know in the comments below!

With love and smoky cocktails,

Jalapeño Cilantro Mezcal Margarita

Yield: 1 cocktail


1/2  grapefruit, juiced
2 limes, juiced
2 oz Mezcal
1-2 jalapeño, sliced
⅛ cup cilantro
1 tsp agave (optional, omit for low sugar)
Pineapple slices, for garnish (optional)

Pour ¼ cup lime juice into shaker. Add jalapeño and cilantro. Muddle jalapeño and cilantro in the lime juice. Add remainder of lime juice, grapefruit juice, mezcal and agave (optional) and ice into the shaker. Shake to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Fill your favorite glass with ice and pour contents into shaker. Garnish with a slice of pineapple, a sprig of cilantro or jalapeño for extra spice. Enjoy!

Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve led thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show.

Practice Yoga for Detox, Cleansing, and Vitality, if you need to detox after these cocktails. This program features a class from Jo of the Conscious Cleanse.

Want to be a Traveling Yoga Teacher? Here's How to Mentally Prepare Yourself
Want to be a Traveling Yoga Teacher? Here's How to Mentally Prepare Yourself

Being “nomadic” - the idea of traveling the world, bouncing from place to place doing as you’d like, exploring culture, exploring untapped parts of the world, and most importantly, better exploring yourself is quite a popular trend these days.

Often I get asked “how do you do it? How do you travel the world so much? What are you doing for work?” When my answer to them is: "I teach yoga", most people question how I do it.

After all, teaching yoga isn't a job that is known to make you rich, nor fund you the needs to travel long-term. One part of the shorter answer in how I travel and teach yoga, is finding jobs on Yogatrade, which is one of several platforms that allow people to find teaching jobs all over the world.

But to be honest, it takes a lot more than just finding a job to take a risk, leave your friends and family, and move across the world. If you've been playing with the idea of teaching yoga abroad, here are a few small steps to mentally prepare yourself:

1. Start Practicing Being Fearless

Being brave is like a muscle that you can strengthen. Start a new hobby that scares you, ask that cute guy out, and start the practice of moving into fear. Fear is just the unknown.

What we don’t know, scares us. But the only way we can expand is by doing what scares us, (ironic, isn't it?). Start with the small stuff — then the big scarier stuff becomes easier.

2. Follow the Smallest Sign

If your mind doesn’t know where to go, your soul already does. There’s probably a place, or an opportunity that has been calling your name. If you want to take off to some part of the world, but you don’t know where — then follow the first and smallest sign. I’m talking about overhearing a conversation on the subway - or seeing an Instagram post of a location that makes you feel excited. Follow the whispers of your heart. It always knows what your mind doesn't. 

3. Don’t Travel - “just to travel”

Don’t travel ‘just to travel’ - this will get boring. Wherever you go, go with a purpose. Trust me on this one —- sipping cocktails on beaches and partying at hostels can only amuse you for so long before you start to feel purposeless and unfulfilled. Go to India for that yoga teacher training you've been wanting to do, or go volunteer at a school in Vietnam. Go somewhere for a calling that is deeper than selfies and checklists -- here you will find your purpose. 

4. Work / Trade your Skills Abroad

As a yoga teacher, the internet has become my best friend in helping me find opportunities to live and work all over the world. I've been able to teach yoga at a cool surf hostel in Sri Lanka, a boutique hotel on the east coast of Bali, and at a permaculture farm in the south of Costa Rica.

Not a yoga teacher? Check out sites like workaway for opportunities in any work field, from nannying, to gardening, to construction. If you think that money is the only thing holding you back from traveling, then this is your solution to traveling without spending a single dime. 

5. Get your Shit Together

Finally, the adult stuff. Just because I'm nomadic doesn't mean I don't have responsibilities and cares in the world. If you're seriously thinking about moving towards a nomadic life, make sure you cross your T's and dot your I's. I still invest in important items like travel insurance, identity theft insurance, and of course, an international phone plan so I can phone home to ensure my parents I am still alive.

My last piece of advice for you is simply to go for it! Quit the job, dump the toxic boyfriend, change up your life if you’re not currently satisfied, and make the leap of faith into the unknown. If people think you’re crazy, then you know you’re on the right track.

By Brooke Nally

Brooke is a freelance writer who has been traveling the world for about two years, teaching yoga everywhere she lands.

Want to get better at teaching? Take your practice with you, by joining with over 1600+ classes, including these, specially designed to help yoga teachers. 

Power Yoga: Everything You Need To Know
Power Yoga: Everything You Need To Know

If you’ve never tried this invigorating and fast-paced practice of power yoga, you might be wondering what it’s all about. Here’s our rundown on what power yoga is, where it came from, and how it might improve your health!

What is Power Yoga

Power Yoga - it sounds daunting, but what actually is it? Power yoga is a sequence of postures that are specially designed to build on strength, stamina and flexibility, all while being fast moving. Power Yoga is derived from the Ashtanga yoga tradition, which can be equally as physically demanding, but works through building heath in your body, and moving through the vinyasa sequences in a fast paced way. 

Unlike Ashtanga, power yoga practice doesn’t have a set sequence of postures, and any class can be different from the next. However, it will usually start with Sun Salutation poses, to build heat within your body, and will often feature a strong focus on yoga poses that will build up strength and get your heart pounding and body sweating - power yoga can be a full on cardio workout!

Power yoga is growing in popularity, and it is a class prefered by the more hardcore gym goers, due to it’s aerobic style. Power yoga is predominantly fitness based, and is often referred to as ‘gym yoga’. 

History of Power Yoga

Power yoga is fairly new and recent style of yoga, that came onto the scene in the mid 1990’s. The style of power yoga was founded by Beryl Bender Birch, in New York, and Bryan Kest in LA. Birch started practicing yoga in 1979, in the style of Ashtanga yoga - this is where the roots of Ashtanga and Power Yoga connects. 

Bender Birch loved the traditional and dynamic ways of the Ashtanga Yoga practice, and wanted to take it to make it a little more accessible to western students - she wanted to achieve this by moving away from Ashtanga’s set sequences and allowing more freedom in the classes she taught. 

To help differentiate between the intensity of her classes, and it’s fast paced style, and the more relaxed, meditation based yoga styles of the time, she named the practice Power Yoga. 

Kest, who studied under Ashtanga guru Sri K Pattabhi Jois, also wanted to make Ashtanga more accessible to western audiences, and almost simultaneously adopted the practice - just on the other side of the USA!

Benefits of Power Yoga

Being a very intense form of exercise, there are a lot of benefits of practicing power yoga, which include, but not limited to:

Improved strength and endurance

Strong muscles are not only aesthetically pleasing but also help to support your body during day to day life. Improved strength and endurance can help to reduce your risk of injury in both exercise, and help to improve your cardiovascular abilities. 

Improvements to your pulmonary function

Your lung function can have the best benefits on your overall body health. More oxygen getting around your body helps you to enjoy greater energy levels, and also reduces the risk  of illness and disease. One study on the benefits of practicing faster paced sun salutations showed that pulmonary functions were improved. Additionally, breath work is vital when practicing yoga - so by breathing deeply and fully during a harder class like power yoga, you can increase your oxygen intake and use the full range of your lung function.

Better flexibility

Power yoga, as well as yoga in general, can help to improve your flexibility. Holding postures that force you to stretch and twist, especially in a fast paced and dynamic way can help to build up your flexibility levels in your body. Being flexible helps to reduce the risk of injury, lubricate your joints, helping to keep your body healthy

Boosts your mood

A happy mood and relaxed mind go hand in hand with yoga practice. The focus on your breath while moving through poses creates a moving meditation and allows your mind to quiet. Studies have proven that yoga affects your mind - decreasing anxiety and depression. 

Better fitness

As power yoga is more aerobic, there’s no surprise that it will improve your fitness. The fast pace and hard poses have an undeniable impact on your overall fitness levels. 

How is it different from other forms of yoga?

Although power yoga is heavily inspired from Ashtanga, there are a few key differences. Ashtanga will allow follow the same set sequence, which never changes - while Power Yoga can vary from class to class. It consists of a combination of varied postures practiced quickly. Power yoga is also a lot more relaxed, and offers more creativity, but Ashtanga has a heavy focus on breath and focus.

Power yoga is also similar to Hatha, in the way they both place emphasis on the physical side of yoga - but it’s much more passive. Hatha is a slower practice that holds poses for longer, while power yoga flows from one posture to the next quickly.

By Amy Cavill

Want to give it a try?

Power yoga is invigorating and electrifying. This faster, more physically challenging style of yoga makes you sweat and push yourself. If you enjoy a challenge, this week's classes are perfect for you. If you've never tried power yoga, give it a try!

Fast & Furious with Celest Pereira

Ready to Sweat with Pradeep Teotia

5 Reasons to Practice Power Yoga with Infographic
5 Reasons to Practice Power Yoga with Infographic

Are you ready to feel empowered, strong, and challenged this week?

Power Yoga is a sweaty Vinyasa flow class with increased intensity, usually through a faster pace or an emphasis on strength. Or both!

While Power Yoga does focus more on the physical body than some more spiritual classes, you’ll still gain all the emotional and mental benefits too.

Here are 5 reasons you should try these invigorating Power Yoga classes this week.


1. Build Stronger Muscles, Bones, and Joints

Power yoga works the entire body and challenges all muscle groups for a fit, toned body. Because much of the practice is a series of standing postures, you receive the benefits of weight-bearing exercise, which strengthens bones and joints.

2. Increase Stamina

This energetic fast-paced practice can be an excellent cardiovascular and muscular endurance workout. You’ll strengthen your heart muscle and develop more stamina from the challenge of flowing quickly between poses and holding some poses for longer periods of time than in other styles of yoga.   

3. Boost Mood

Like other vigorous forms of exercise, like running or cycling, Power Yoga releases endorphins, which give you a natural high. Stress and anxiety is also reduced, leading to more balanced moods and emotions. The focus on flowing breath to movement calms anxiety and calms the mind. 

4. Improve Quality Of Sleep

Your sleep will improve because after a well-rounded power yoga session, you’ll have worked yourself thoroughly from head to toe. Your muscles will be loose and relaxed and your mind will be quiet. 

5. Hone Concentration and Focus

One of greatest benefits of Power Yoga is the emphasis on tuning out distractions and being in the present moment. With the intensity of the strength-building postures and vigorous pace, you won’t have the energy to think about anything else on the mat. After practice, your mind will feel more clear and able to concentrate on whatever you need to do for the rest of your day.

Check out these four sweaty, fast-paced classes and see how wonderful you feel.

1. Pradeep Teotia - Ready to Sweat

2. Mark Morford - Yoga Alchemy: The Doomed

3. Christen Bakken - Head Up, Heart Strong (FREE CLASS)

4. Celest Pereira - Fast & Furious

Healthy & Delicious Pumpkin Pesto
Healthy & Delicious Pumpkin Pesto

Pumpkin pesto? Most of you probably think I am nuts since surely pesto is made out of basil, right?

Well – yes, and I LOVE traditional pesto, but since I have grandparents who grow pumpkins and there always seems to be too many of them I need to get creative, and I promise you, pumpkin pesto is the next big thing!

If possible, then I always recommend choosing smaller pumpkins, since they tend to have more flavor. My favorite is Hokkaido pumpkins, which in addition to being ultra-tasty is also extremely high in protein. 

Just as the traditional pesto, my pumpkin pesto contains parmesan cheese. My diet is strongly plant-focused, but I am not vegan or even vegetarian, so I go for parmesan in this recipe, but if you prefer a vegan option, it can be substituted with nutritional yeast. I have replaced the ridiculously expensive pine nuts with pumpkin seeds, and in addition to being just a very logical choice (pumpkin seeds in pumpkin pesto, right!), they also work exceptionally well in pesto.

Occasionally I even use them in basil pesto. Sometimes I also love to add some chili flakes. To be perfectly honest I like to add them to most of my meals, but if you are making the pesto for the first time, I recommend you omit them at first and then add later – this way you will get a better idea how the pesto tastes like without the extra chili.

Talking about multifunctional, you can use the pesto everywhere. Some examples – on a toast, on a pizza, just straight from the jar or as a pasta sauce, like I did today.  Delicious!

Healthy & Delicious Pumpkin Pesto

Cooking time: 50 minutes


10 oz pumpkin (choose a smaller one, if you can – these tend to have more flavor)

1 ¾ oz parmesan cheese

1 ¾ oz pumpkin seeds

The juice of 1 lemon

Chili flakes (optional)


Good quality extra virgin olive oil


Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Slice the pumpkin (no need to peel), remove the seeds, lightly brush with olive oil and bake until the flesh is tender. It usually takes around 30 minutes, but have a look a little earlier, because the ovens and pumpkins can be very different. 

About 2 minutes before the pumpkin is fully cooked add the pumpkin seeds to the pan to lightly toast them.

At the same time, grate the cheese.

Let the pumpkin cool, and then remove the flesh with a spoon – it should be quite simple to do.

Using stick blender mash together pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, mix in the cheese and lemon juice. Have a taste and add salt, if needed. If you wish, you can also mix in chili flakes.

Enjoy with whatever you fancy!

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves healthy food and cooking and for her, these two are often the same thing. Cooking meals from scratch, you know exactly what goes in it and even without holding back with sugar or fat we end up using a lot less compared to ready-made frozen stuff from the supermarket.

She does love to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

Want some yoga to enjoy before or after your delicious pumpkin pesto? Practice some of these top rated FREE yoga and meditation classes, now!

Intro to Yoga Nidra with Erin Wimert

Sweat, Sweat, Sweat with Pradeep Teotia

5 Benefits Of Doing Surya Namaskar Early In The Morning
5 Benefits Of Doing Surya Namaskar Early In The Morning

Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutations, is a set of helpful yoga asanas that can open up a world of benefits for your physical and mental health

As the name suggests, Surya Namaskar means bowing in reverence to the sun. The sun is the source of all life forms on our planet. Solar energy is the most nourishing life force, without which all living beings (plants, animals, and humans) would cease to exist. In yoga, the Surya Namaskar is a practice that seeks to pay homage to the sun and show gratitude for the importance it holds in our daily lives. 

While Surya Namaskar is a healthy exercise for your body whenever it is practiced, early morning hours are popularly considered the best and most auspicious for these asanas. Early morning is usually when it is calm outside, helping your mind to also be at its most peaceful and still. This meditative state is beneficial when practicing Surya Namaskar. It allows you to awaken your body, focus your mind, and experience a feeling of gratitude as you begin a new day. 

Surya Namaskar is, at its core, a formal bow of gratitude to the sun. So, it makes sense to do it in the morning, facing the rising sun. The rays of the sun emit positive energy that can recharge your mind and body, as well as improve your overall health. 

In the absence of external demands and distractions, the early morning hours are ideal for practicing Surya Namaskar in a state of meditation, which helps to energize you mentally.

Read on for 5 incredible benefits of doing some form of a Surya Namaskar yoga sequence every morning.

It helps improve the flow of 'Prana' or energy in your body.

Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 consecutive asanas. Practicing the various movements, especially in the early morning, opens up the pathways in your body that allow for the flow of energy. After lying in bed all night, it is essential to open up your mind, body, and spirit each morning, to set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

It balances you spiritually.

Yoga is a complete workout that affects your body and your soul. The three primary constitutions of the body are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Surya Namaskar helps maintain a balance between these three. If you can attain this spiritual balance every morning, before you begin your day, it will give you strength and immunity against all kinds of stress. So take that yoga mat out and find your balance through Surya Namaskar before you head out for the day!

Sun Salutations have a positive effect on your digestive system.

Modern lifestyle has punished many people with chronic indigestion. Surya Namaskar is particularly helpful as the forward bends involved in each sequence can prevent constipation and promote better digestion with regular bowel movements. It helps release trapped gases from your stomach, while also secreting more digestive enzymes. Practicing this sequence regularly every morning can help take care of any digestive ailments you have, including piles and constipation.

Early morning Sun Salutations help fight stress and anxiety.

Mornings are the best time to focus on your mental health. Doing yoga in the morning, especially Surya Namaskar and the attached deep breathing techniques, help relax your nerve cells significantly. Relaxed chakras have a positive impact on your brain function, especially balancing the right and left sides of the brain. With regular practice, Surya Namaskar can make you more emotionally stable while also boosting your mental strength, memory, and creativity. It also calms you during stressful times by helping to ease your anxiety. 

It stretches your muscles before intensive workouts.

Starting your day with Surya Namaskar can be an excellent way to warm up your body. If you are used to gymming or running in the morning for exercise, Surya Namaskar can help you avoid nasty muscle pulls. As the 12 asanas in the sequence put the focus on various parts of the body, each set can be used as a full-body stretch before moving on to more rigorous asanas or cardio exercises. Regular practice will also bless you with greater flexibility and toned muscles.

Apart from the above five benefits, Surya Namaskar is helpful to your body in many other ways. The full-body workout can help you lose weight if done regularly and correctly. It improves blood circulation in the body, which lowers cholesterol levels, keeps your heart healthy, and enables you to live longer. And guess what – the healthy body that you'll get from regular Surya Namaskars will also show up on your face in the form of a radiant glow! 

So stop looking for more excuses and start saluting the sun every morning. It will do you a world of good!

By Nisha Baghadia

Nisha has a great passion towards writing and loves the idea of sharing. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps reading articles on different blogs that gives a kick to her passion and provides her with different ideas. She is growing day by day and mastering herself in writing appealing articles. She is a regular contributor to & Other few websites too.

Practice Sun Salutations to start your mornining with yoga and give gratitude to the sun, right now!

Surya Devotion Flow with Mark Morford

Anytime Sun Salutations with Jackie Casal Mahrou

Want to make morning yoga a regular habit? Commit to the Rise and Shine Morning Yoga program, now!


5 Reasons to Add Pilates to Your Routine Today
5 Reasons to Add Pilates to Your Routine Today

We’re excited to share a unique new program, which is the perfect fusion of Pilates and yoga, from Claire Petretti Marti. While Pilates and yoga have some similarities, in practice, they are quite different. The fusion of these two practices offers unparalleled benefits for your body, mind, and spirit. The two modalities complement each other and adding Pilates to your current routine can help you take your yoga practice to the next level.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise method created by Joseph Pilates and documented in his 1945 book, Pilates Return to Life Through Contrology. In Pilates, the core is called the Powerhouse and the emphasis is on strengthening the deep abdominals, the obliques, and the back in order to create a resilient support system to protect the spine. Joseph Pilates believed that age isn’t gauged by years, but by the suppleness of the spine.

The traditional Pilates method is a series of thirty-four exercises, with five to ten repetitions each, performed in a flowing routine on a mat. The focus on deep rhythmic movement, with increasingly challenging exercises, builds a stable center, helps lengthen the lateral body, and creates a strong and supple physique. While flexibility is a key component of the practice, the focus on strength is excellent for people who need to remedy hypermobility. The focus on deep consistent breathing is also a key element of the practice.

Several pieces of apparatus, like the Universal Reformer, Wunda-Chair, and The Cadillac utilize springs and pulleys for additional resistance. Regardless whether you perform Pilates on the mat or in a studio with different equipment, the purpose is the same: to strengthen your center. And strengthening your center in this precise disciplined way will enhance your yoga practice. 

5 Ways Pilates Improves Your Yoga Practice: 

1. Strengthen your core and use it consciously throughout your yoga practice to aid in balancing poses, both on one foot and upside down.

2. Improve alignment from working on creating greater symmetry and length to the side body. This translates into better alignment in all your yoga poses. 

3. Increase body awareness from the focus on precise, mindful strengthening exercises and see how your awareness improves on your yoga mat.

4. Enhance your pranayama abilities with the disciplined focus on mindful breathing with every Pilates exercise.

5. Prevent injury: if your core isn’t strong enough and you aren’t using your center properly during yoga practice, you can be overcompensating with other areas of your body and get injured. 

Are you convinced yet? Claire is excited to share her knowledge from teaching Pilates for the last decade with you in this fun format. Try the new Pilates Yoga Fusion Intensive this week and check out the differences in how you feel on and off the mat. 

If You Love Yoga, Here's Why You Should Try Pilates
If You Love Yoga, Here's Why You Should Try Pilates

If you practice yoga, Pilates can help to complement your yoga practice. Yogis who practice pilates as well, can create greater stability, better alignment and have stronger cores. This deeper strength can give greater control over your movements, allowing you to move between poses and hold them for longer.

Pilates is an 85 year old system of body conditioning, which can complement asana practice. It’s focus is on building and engaging a strong core - essential for advanced yoga poses. It was developed by Joseph Pilates, who studied a number of forms of exercise including yoga to come up with the practice. 

Similarly to yoga, the focus is on connecting the mind and body to create the movement, but the movements themselves are very different. How Pilates and yoga are different is that while yoga holds each pose for a while, or flows through in vinyasas, Pilates is a practice which one repeats precise movements up to ten times in a rhythmic flow. The method to pilates is an emphasis on the controlled flow of movement.

This focus on targeted movements that develop core strength in Pilates, can help yogis to build a strong and stable center, lengthen the body and increase your awareness of your alignment. Pilates can help you get stronger, avoid injury and advance into trickier poses that you may be struggling with.

The emphasis with Pilates is the proper use of the core, to support the spine and back, and create stability in the core. Your core muscles are the deepest layer of your lower abdominal muscles, including your pelvic floor or the lower back muscles closest to your spine. Strengthening these muscles will allow your spine to move safely without causing pain or injury and improve flexibility - which are essential in yoga.

Pilates also helps to improve posture and correct any imbalance in your body. It can help to strengthen the weaker and unused muscles in your body, and relieve tension in thigh muscles.

Pilates also helps you to become aware of any imbalances you have between the sides of the body. Bringing balance to the body is very important in yoga, as incorrect posture and imbalance can lead to injury, pains and aches in the body, as well as joint problems.

Pilates can help your yoga practices, as a strong and well engaged core helps you hold you balance better - which is useful for poses such as Tree pose and Headstand. This in turn helps your mind calm, allowing you to reap the mental benefits of a yoga practice. 

Having that core strength that Pilates builds up can also prevent strain on your body and joints. Poses like Child's pose can put stress on the hip joint, if you don’t have any core strength to support your joints. 

However, it’s not just your core. Pilates is whole body fitness, which trains your body as a whole. Pilates workouts promote balanced muscle development and increase range of motion in your joints. It’s hard to find a whole body workout quite like it.

You can also try the practice whatever your level and needs. The foundations of Pilates can be picked up by any age or fitness level. There are thousands of exercises and modifications, with pilates being able to be tailored to your individual needs. 

Pilates helps to create long and lean muscles which are useful in yoga and more difficult asanas. Instead of creating bulk muscles for show, you are working to build toned muscles that work together in the body, cultivating functional fitness needed for all sorts of activities. Pilates uses a type of muscle contraction and eccentric contractions to create these lean and strong muscles. This works towards a safer stretch of the muscles and helps increase the range of motion in your joints, helpful to all yogis on the mat.

Posture is also improved by practicing pilates. Good posture is a sign of good alignment and a strong core, and it’s essential in all movements, especially during yoga. Pilates trains your body to have good posture through its movement and repetition through the exercises.

Finally, Pilates can increase awareness and improve the mind and body connection that’s essential in yoga. Joseph Pilates created the practice to be about the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Practicing each movement with total precision helps to connect the mind and body, and increase awareness - similarly to how yoga helps connect both aspects.

By Amy Cavill

Why not try it? Our 5 Day Pilates Yoga Fusion Intensive with Claire Petretti Marti will help you reap the benefits of both practices to improve your time on your yoga mat!


Apple Pie Smoothie
Apple Pie Smoothie

The mornings are getting cooler here in Colorado, the leaves are changing up in the mountains, and the Fall Equinox arrived (where did the summer go?!). The change of season always brings a new crop of fruits and veggies into season which makes it that much more exciting.

Apples are one of our favorite autumn fruits, so we wanted to share a smoothie recipe we’ve been loving lately – Apple Pie Smoothie! This smoothie tastes like fall in a glass, and gives you all the apple pie flavor you love without all the added sugar.

Apples a great source of fiber, plus they’re rich in immune-boosting vitamin C and antioxidants. Even though they contain naturally occurring sugars, they have a low glycemic index because of their high fiber content, making them a great low sugar option. Besides adding great flavor, Ceylon cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar levels, making this the perfect smoothie to enjoy when you’re craving something sweet but want to avoid the mid-morning crash. As the mornings get colder, you can make this a warm smoothie by heating up the almond milk in a saucepan over low to medium heat. 

What’s your favorite fall treat? Let us know in the comments below, and we might give it a Conscious Cleanse makeover!

With love and fall excitement,

Apple Pie Smoothie

Yield: 1 quart


1 apple (green if you like it tart, red if you like it sweet)
2 cups spinach
1” piece of ginger, peeled
2 cups homemade almond milk (warm your milk if you want a warm smoothie)
1 tsp. Ceylon cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg


In a high-speed blender combine apple, spinach, ginger, almond milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg until creamy. Serve immediately.

Jo Schaalman and Jules Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve led thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show.

5 Surprising Benefits of Yoga on Oral Health
5 Surprising Benefits of Yoga on Oral Health

Yoga is a great way to stay healthy and keep the body supple. However, yoga offers amazing benefits to oral health as well. Thanks to these benefits, you must consider incorporating yoga in your life for your dental care, amongst it's numerous other benefits. 

5 benefits of yoga on dental health include:

Reduced Inflammation

High stress levels cause an increase in the production of cortisol, which is the stress hormone. This increases inflammation, which will worsens the swelling of gums if you suffer from them. Gum swelling will increase the risk of gum diseases. 

Yoga helps in reducing stress levels, which further reduces inflammation and swelling. 

Alleviates Jaw Pain

Yoga promotes better posture. When you slouch or have rounded shoulders, the head will fall forward and go out of alignment with your spine. This misalignment will result in 2 things: Discomfort in the jaw and an affected bite.

If you have chronic jaw pain, it may be because of temporomandibular disorder (TMD). This condition affects your ability to chew food, sleep and talk. Different yoga poses help the body back into proper alignment, thus reducing jaw pain.

Stimulates Saliva Production

One of the benefits of yoga for oral health is its ability to stimulate saliva production. Saliva naturally rinses the mouth and washes away harmful bacteria. It also removes food particles that can be stuck in the teeth. Saliva contains antibacterial enzymes that help in breaking down the food. 

When there is low production of saliva, the mouth will get dry and the bacteria will flourish. Chronic dry mouth leads to bad breath, tooth decay, a build-up of plaque and gum diseases. One of the first signs of dry mouth is bad breath. 

Certain types of yoga such as vinyasa yoga and poses that incorporate forward bends, twists and inverted stances stimulate the salivary glands. This will increase saliva production. Yoga can also prevent the mouth from drying, thus preventing bad breath and several oral diseases. 

Improves Posture

Good posture offers numerous benefits. Some of these include stronger core muscles, improved breathing, better brain function, more energy, better productivity, and better mood. 

Poor posture affects the spine, mouth, and neck. When you hunch over, the lower jaw will shift forward. This causes the upper and lower teeth to come out of alignment. The skull also moves back and compresses the spine. This movement will put stress on the surrounding joints, muscles, and bones. If this is left untreated, it will create pain and inflammation in the joints and muscles when the mouth opens and closes. 

Bad posture can also lead to jaw problems like temporomandibular joint disorder, more commonly known as TMJ. Those suffering from TMJ also suffer from headaches, jaw tenderness and a change in jaw alignment. 

When poor posture causes the head to jut forward, it creates stress on the neck, spine, and collarbone. It can also cause compression of the ear canal and poorly balanced shoulders which can cause stress on the ribs and the organs underneath.

Just by improving the posture, you can prevent a lot of pain and many oral issues. Yoga poses help in correcting the posture, which pulls the shoulders back and puts the head in alignment. This takes the strain off the jaw and helps in preventing dental issues. 

Reduces Stress

Stress affects the health of the teeth and gums. Stressed individuals tend to grind their teeth or clamp their jaws. This causes the teeth to be worn out and can lead to broken fillings and micro-cracks in the teeth. This can also cause nerve damage. 

When the teeth grind down to the dentin, it will result in sensitivity to cold and heat, loose teeth, gum recession, and gum pockets. Headaches and aching jaw are also common. 

Moreover, stress also slows down the production of saliva and increases inflammation. This leads to dry mouth and gum issues. 

Yoga is a great stress buster and it brings down the stress levels. This helps in protecting the gums and teeth apart from relaxing the entire body. 

As you can see, there are myriad benefits of yoga for dental health. Yoga along with proper oral hygiene habits like regular brushing, flossing and dental care will ensure you a healthy set of teeth and gums. 

By Anu Isaac

Author Bio: Dr. Anu Isaac, DMD, runs a successful dental practice in Salem, MA. As the founder of Coral Dental Care, she is dedicated to creating healthy, beautiful smiles for her patients and also to educating dental and non-dental community with her engaging articles on all things related to oral health, recent dental innovations, and latest treatment modalities.

Convinced? Practice yoga now for benefits not only to your mouth, but also the rest of your body and mind!

Stand Up & Stretch with Jackie Casal Mahrou

Yummy Yoga Flow 5 with Claire Petretti Marti

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Procrastination
Top 10 Ways to Avoid Procrastination

We’ve all probably experienced procrastination whether its at school, at work or in our home lives. Some tasks and chores just seem impossible to keep focused on, and procrastination can seriously hinder our productivity levels.

Here’s 10 ways to help avoid procrastination. 

1. Get Organized

You won’t be able to get anything done if you don’t know what actually needs doing! Buy a planner, use apps, or set up your own personal organization system to keep track of all tasks and assignments that need doing, and by when. This will make it easier to stay on track and know what needs doing, and when.

2. Set achievable goals

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to do, it’s easy to let yourself get distracted. An easy way to avoid this type of procrastination is to set yourself simple goals that you know you’ll be able to achieve. Make the goals specific, like ‘I will write 500 words in my essay tonight’ so it’s easy to check off, and less intimidating than ‘I will finish my essay’.

3. Give yourself a schedule

After you have your organization and your small goals, give yourself time to complete them. This could be a schedule or just a regular time each day that you devote to certain tasks. You can keep yourself on schedule with regular reminders and alarms. When you know you only have a certain amount of time to do something, you’ll be more inclined to stay on task. 

A good tip for this is to dedicate the first 30 minutes of your day for work - rather than get distracted by social media and go down a black hole of browsing the internet. If you start your schedule with 30 minutes of work, it can be easier to stay focused throughout the rest of the day, and stay on task.

4. Remove distractions

Make sure you rid yourself of any distractions or potential distractions before you start working. This will help avoid you from getting sidetracked halfway through when your concentration starts to wane. This can involve turning off the TV, putting your phone away, going somewhere quiet - try changing your environment to somewhere like a library or a coffee shop if getting things done at home proves too distracting.

5. Take Regular Breaks

Time yourself and take a break every hour to prevent burnout. It’s important to take a mental break every now and then. Give yourself a 10-15 minute break every hour and take your mind off your work, and relax a little. These breaks will make it easier to stay on task when you’re working.

6. Use Incentives

Rewarding yourself for a job well done is a great way to stay on task. Use incentives to reward yourself and help you want to get the job done. It can be something simple, like rewarding yourself with a glass of wine or an episode of your favorite TV show after working on a task for a couple of hours - or it could be a bigger goal, like a weekend away after meeting an important work deadline. 

7. Get the Hard Things Out the Way First

With every task there are those big, cumbersome things to check off that everyone always leaves till last because they just seem so hard. But when you check that big difficult task off your to-do list, it’s going to be so much easier to get everything else done on time. It’s best to complete the most challenging tasks first, to free up your time for those little things that need to get done. They’re not going to do themselves, so buckle down, work hard and move onto the easier stuff.

8. Make Yourself Accountable

If you make your goals public, you become accountable for them, giving you the motivation to work hard. Let people know what you are working on, and they’ll start to ask you about your progress - and you’ll want to report back that you have made some!

9. Don’t Take on Too Much

Make sure you’re realistic about what you can achieve and don’t take on more than you can handle. If you’re looking at your plan and there just seems more tasks on there than hours in the day, you’re allowed to say no and move something back, or even cut things altogether. 

10. Accept Imperfection

When you have to make a tough choice or deal with a difficult task, you might be aiming for the result to be perfect - this can make it hard to get started because you’re so distracted by that ‘perfect result’ that you can find it hard to make decisions and start working. Accept imperfection, and start working with the ideas you have, rather than waiting for a great idea that may never come. Getting something done is better than nothing, and you can always go back over your work and improve it. 

Bonus tip: Yoga and mindfulness can help to keep you focused and on-task. If you feel like you've got lots to do, this week's classes will help get your brain and body focused.

If you enjoy challenging yourself and giving yourself to-do lists and/or work endeavors that require you to show up, be consistent, focus, and utilize your brilliant potential, good for you!

However, sometimes our intentions are out of alignment with our energy levels and vitality, and ability to focus on what it is we desire and are passionate about achieving. Movement, exercise, working up a sweat, stretching, breathing, and the meditative focus of a yoga practice can help boost motivation, productivity, and output. This week's classes will have you moving and ready to focus!

Jackie Casal Mahrou - Yoga for Focus & Concentration

Josey Prior - Heron: Patience & Determination

Erin Wimert - Raising the Barre

Claire Petretti Marti - Yummy Yoga Flow 5

Yoga for Focus & Motivation
Yoga for Focus & Motivation

After a great yoga practice, you’ve probably experienced how your mind feels more clear, calm, and balanced. Many practitioners find the mental benefits of yoga to be the most important, even more than a strong, supple body.

Who doesn’t want to be focused, motivated, and able to experience life to the fullest? This week’s classes will release stress and boost your ability to focus and motivate yourself. 

Interested in why and how yoga does this? Step back about 5,000 years and tap into the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras. Yoga Sutra 1.2 Citta Vritti Nirodhah is often translated as: Yoga is the ability to direct the mind without distraction or interruption. This skill is difficult, takes constant practice over time, but can be achieved! 

Patanjali outlines a practical how-to manual to reach a state of yoga: the eight-limbed yoga path. The eight limbs are:  

1. Yamas—the five moral restraints

2. Niyamas—the five moral observances

3. Asana—physical asanas or postures

4. Pranayama—mindful breathing

5. Pratyahara—withdrawal of the senses

6. Dharana—concentration

7. Dhyana—meditation

8. Samadhi—absorption/enlightment/union

Concentration or Dharana is the sixth limb and is the action of focusing or directing your attention exclusively on something. In order to reach Dharana, which is considered the first level of meditation, it is vital to be able to withdraw the senses of touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste and turn the senses inward. By practicing asana and pranayama first, you prepare your mind to be able to sink into a deeper state of yoga. 

When we practice with a focus on our breath and our movement, it quiets the busy-ness in our brains. Freeing ourselves from external distractions opens up the ability to truly focus on what we desire

This week’s classes will start you off toward an active, focused mind. There is power in movement and mindful breathing which goes much deeper than strengthening muscles and developing flexibility. So press play and hone your ability to concentrate and stay clear on your path.

1. Erin Wimert: Raising the Barre

2. Claire Petretti Marti: Yummy Yoga Flow 5

3. Josey Prior: Heron: Patience and Determination

4. Jackie Casal Mahrou: Yoga for Focus & Concentration

Simple Pearl Barley Salad
Simple Pearl Barley Salad

The autumn is slowly sneaking in here in Estonia, and for me, it always means some changes on my menu. I still love salads, but instead of leafy greens that are main heroes in my summer salads, they are now a little heartier. Hence barley in today’s delicious bowlful.

Barley is somewhat a national food for us Estonians, or at least it used to be. It is traditionally cooked with potatoes and pork, and then lightly mashed to something called ‘Mulgipuder.’ Mulgipuder is often served with crispy fried pork fat (greaves in English, I think) and sour cream. I don’t even remember when was the last time I had it, but now thinking about it I just started graving it… Especially the leftovers heated up on a frying pan, so it turns nice and crispy… mmm!

Talking about Estonian kitchens, it is traditionally a cross between German (sausages and sauerkraut) and Russian (potatoes, a lot of meat, soups) but today leaning more towards the clean Scandinavian kitchens. So here was a sneak peek to Estonian cuisine.

Should I share some Estonian recipes with you sometime soon? Let me know in the comments! 

Anyway, back to the salad, this is very far from anything traditional. No pork or potatoes used in any way – in fact it is fully vegan. However, it is delicious! I like how simple it is to throw together and how fresh it is from different herbs. You can play around with different herbs and veggies to customize it to your liking and the massive bonus for this salad is that it stores well. Perfect for office lunch or make-ahead dinner. To prove that it is a crowd-pleaser – I once served it to 4 of my friends for lunch, and within a week 2 of them already showed off their concoctions on Instagram!

Simple Pearl Barley Salad

Serves: 5

Cooking time: 40 minutes


10 oz pearl barley (if possible, then soak them for a few hours before cooking)

2 larger tomatoes (I always prefer heirlooms)

1 large cucumber

½ daikon

2 ripe avocados

A handful of fresh dill

A handful of fresh basil

A handful of fresh parsley

Zest and juice of 1 lemon

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Salt and plenty of freshly cracked pepper

Instructions: Cook the barley and let cool. Presoaked parley takes around 20 minutes to cook; if you don’t have time for soaking, the cooking time will be longer.

Chop up tomatoes, cucumber, daikon, and avocado.

Chop the herbs and zest the lemon.

Mix the cooled barley with lemon juice and oil, and then carefully fold in everything else. 

Season with salt and pepper, have a taste. If needed, add more herbs, seasoning or lemon.

You can either serve the salad immediately or store it for later. Tried and tested that it still tastes good in 2 days.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves healthy food and cooking and for her, these two are often the same thing. Cooking meals from scratch, you know exactly what goes in it and even without holding back with sugar or fat we end up using a lot less compared to ready-made frozen stuff from the supermarket.

She does love to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

Eat healthy with recipes like these and practice yoga to keep your body and mind in optimal shape. Never tried yoga before? Explore with this entry level 5-class Beginner Yoga 101 series!

Coconut Oil 101: 8 Health & Nutritional Benefits of this Superfood
Coconut Oil 101: 8 Health & Nutritional Benefits of this Superfood

Coconut oil is truly a superfood. It stands out from all other oils due to its extremely high nutritional content.

If you’re already consuming coconut oil regularly, that’s great! We will provide you with information on how it benefits your body. If you don’t regularly consume coconut oil, you might want to try incorporating it into your diet by the end of this. Let’s get started!

Coconut Oil is Anti-Microbial

Coconut oil has been known to kill harmful microorganisms in your body. It contains helpful fatty acids that do this, specifically Lauric acid. Lauric acid accounts for around 50% of all the fatty acids found in coconut oil.

Once you digest the coconut oil, the Lauric acid creates a different substance in your body called monolaurin. Together, these two things have been scientifically proven to kill any harmful pathogens in your body. Whether it’s bacteria, fungi, or even a virus, coconut oil has the power to kill them.

If you struggle with yeast infections, coconut oil might be the answer to get rid of this issue for once and for all. Lauric acid has also been proven to kill Staphylococcus aureus, which can be a very harmful pathogen if left in the body.

Not only does coconut oil kill these harmful pathogens, it also helps to prevent any bacteria from entering your immune system in general.

Coconut Oil Can Increase Good Cholesterol Levels (HDL)

We can have both good and bad cholesterol in our bodies. The good cholesterol is called HDL, which is found in the blood. Coconut oil has been proven to increase this. This happens from the natural saturated fats contained in this oil.

In addition to increasing your good cholesterol levels, coconut oil can even decrease the bad LDL cholesterol found in your body. Good levels of healthy cholesterol contribute to overall metabolic health along with a lessened risk of getting heart disease.

Coconut Oil as a Weight Loss Food

Coconut oil contains something called MCTs. This stands for medium chain triglycerides. Many other oils such as canola or soybean oil contain LCTs (long chain triglycerides) which aren’t as effective as fighting weight gain.

MCTs are beneficial for those who want to lose weight because they boost your metabolism and increase your energy expenditure. Consuming around 1 tablespoon or more of coconut oil a day can help you burn an extra 100-120 calories daily, depending on your starting weight.

You might not think that 100 calories are day is enough to make a difference in your weight loss, but it truly is. Over the course of a year, this equates to an average of 36,000 calories burned. That’s at least 10 pounds of fat!

Coconut Oil Helps Regulate Hormones

If you’ve ever struggled with hormone imbalances, you know just how much of a toll it can take on your body. Whether you are dealing with too much or too little hormones, estrogen or testosterone, coconut oil can help regulate both.

Lauric acid is the key to this. This fatty acid works to keep your hormones in check, especially during menopause. For those women who struggle with low estrogen levels, studies have proven that it can increase these levels in your body.

Coconut Oil Boosts Brain Function

Whether you are studying for exams or just trying to do the best you can at your job, coconut oil can help boost your brain function for both these tasks. That makes it especially beneficial for those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or any form of dementia.

Those who commonly struggle with memory loss might not be getting enough glucose in certain parts of the brain. Ketones, which are found in coconut oil, can work as an alternate energy source instead of glucose.

Whether you are looking to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s or simply prevent it, the MCTs in this oil are especially beneficial for improving overall brain function.

Coconut Oil for Oral Health

You might not think that oils would have anything to do with oral health, and usually they don’t. However, with coconut oil that all changes. Coconut oil has been proven to strengthen your teeth. Some even make homemade toothpaste out of it.

The most effective way coconut oil improves your oral health is through oil pulling. This is a process where you take around a teaspoon of oil and swish it in your mouth for around 15-20 minutes. It’s recommended to do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Be careful not to swallow any of the oil, and spit it out when you’re done.

After this, brush your teeth as normal. The point of oil pulling is to remove and extract bacteria from all over your mouth. It not only extracts this bacteria, oil pulling kills the bacteria as well. During the process, it also strengthens your teeth and gums and can fight against bad breath.

Coconut Oil Helps With Mineral Absorption

Mineral absorption is especially important for our bones. If we aren’t absorbing the minerals that we need properly, our bones won’t be as strong. Coconut oil helps to improve your body’s ability in absorbing certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

This makes coconut oil especially beneficial for the older generations as well as anyone who either has osteoporosis or is prone to getting it.

Coconut Oil as an Energy Source

If you’re looking for increased energy throughout the day, coconut oil can help with this. It’s often used by athletes and bodybuilders to give them more energy in their workout. It can also enhance their endurance and overall performance.

Coconut oil is also great for providing energy to those who are dieting. Eating fewer calories than you normally would can make your body feel weak and de-energized. However, adding coconut oil to this can help you feel better.


We hope that you’re now more aware of the countless health and nutritional benefits you can receive from this magical oil. No matter what reason you are choosing to consume it for, you’re likely to receive more benefits than you expected!

By Alice Webster

Alice is the founder of Alice loves to cook and spends much of her days in the kitchen experimenting with creating healthy nutritious food. For more reasons to love coconut oil, check out this blog form our friends at Alice’s Kitchen.

Ready to feel healthy? Enjoy more healthy recipes, on YogaDownload's blog here, or practice the Yoga for Detox, Cleansing, & Vitality program! 

6 Easy Life Hacks to Fit Yoga into Your Busy Schedule
6 Easy Life Hacks to Fit Yoga into Your Busy Schedule

Life is pretty busy, and although we might love the idea of slowing down, taking some time for ourselves, and reaping the benefits yoga practice promises, sometimes in practice, it can be hard to simply just find the time. Yoga urges you to slow down, but sometimes, work, housework, responsibility and family duties don’t give you an opportunity for some time off to roll out your mat. 

If you’re finding it hard to juggle a busy schedule, you might have brushed off yoga as something you just don’t have time for, and start denying yourself those minutes in the day that are just for you. Taking time for yourself is important, and yoga can massively benefit both your physical and mental health - so don’t be so quick to write it off as something not important. Even the busiest of people can benefit from all yoga has to offer - here’s some tips on how to fit yoga into your busy schedule. 

Keep Your Yoga Mat in Eyesight

Rolling up your yoga mat and putting it away in a cupboard or up on a shelf is a sure fire way to make sure you never get it out again! The effort of getting it out can be just what your brain needs to say ‘oh I don’t have time’, and it turns your yoga practice into a bigger mission. Having your mat where you can see it, or already rolled out in a quiet spot in your house can help you to practice yoga more frequently - and means you can fit in a quick practice when you have the time - waiting for dinner to cook, in between ad breaks in television, if your mat is already out, it’s so much easier to fit in a few minutes. 

Tell Yourself That All You Can Do is Enough

If you tell yourself that a short yoga practice is enough, you’ll be more motivated to go do it. If you’re used to hour-long yoga classes, or even longer yin practices, you may think that a shorter practice just isn’t worth it. But even a few minutes of stretching is enough for your body to feel it and reap the benefits! If you don’t have a full hour, or even half an hour, you can still fit a yoga practice in - and you won’t feel bad for running late for that meeting, or missing out on family time because of your dedication to the mat. Every little helps, so do what you can and don’t punish yourself if it’s not very long!

Don’t Beat Yourself Up if You Don’t Have Time

Sometimes life gets in the way and you literally just don’t have any free time for yoga. That’s okay! Things happen, whether it’s a household emergency, or work commitments, or you just want another glass of wine instead. Even if you don’t have time for the physical asana, you can use these days to take the lessons you learn on the yoga mat into the outside world with you.

These include focusing your breath, practicing mindfulness, and being kind to yourself - aka don’t beat yourself up that you missed your practice!

Practice When Your Body Needs To

Some people aren’t morning people - so a 6am yoga practice before heading off to work is just not going to work for them. We all know our body clocks and when we feel the most energised during the day, so it’s impossible to try and work around this - no matter how many times you read the benefits of a morning yoga practice. The key is to remember everyone if different, and to not feel bad if you prefer a few more moments in bed rather than on the mat - just practice in the evening instead!

Yoga practice is supposed to feel good- not torture that you force your body into! It’s much easier to find the time and to keep committed when you practice at a time that’s best for you.

Change Up Your Practice

Changing up your practice to what you have time for in the moment is a great way to stay committed and to fit it into a busy day. Maybe if you have more time, you do a more dynamic practice, or if you have 15 minutes before you head out the door, you do a slower less strenuous practice that means you’ll be less sweaty. Yoga is a great exercise, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t always need to be intense, and if some days you only have time for a mild practice, that’s totally ok! Be present for the practice of yoga itself - rather than the burn or the weight loss. This is what will keep you returning to the mat, and finding time in busier days.

Do it for Yourself

The simplest way to fit yoga into a busy schedule is to allow yourself to come first. We all hold many commitments to other people, and spend much of our time and energy meeting others needs, colleagues, partners, or children. Allowing yourself to become the priority, and saying no to others, gives you the time to practice yoga (or even do something else for yourself).

To help you, This week's classes are all about giving yourself permission to relax and chill. These classes are here to help you unwind, recharge, and remember to relax. Yes, while determination and ambition are essential, it's also important to take a break from your task oriented mindset, and simply relax. Fortunately, yoga can help in this process. These classes will help not only your body, but also your mind relax, with a mix of different yoga styles and a meditation class.

By Amy Cavill

Ready to make yoga a consistent part of your busy schedule? Try the 14-Day Yoga Challenge for Busy People and receive your shorter class choices delivered to your inbox everyday. 


Yoga Quickies for Busy People
Yoga Quickies for Busy People

Leading a full life is a blessing. Leading a life where you feel you don’t have time to take care of your own well-being is a problem. In order to live your best life, you must carve out time to refill your own well. Balance is key to achieving a joyous fulfilling life. We’re here to help you with four quick powerful classes so you don’t sacrifice your yoga practice! 

We know you’re busy, so we’ll keep this short.

Here are three tips to keep your yoga practice on track, no matter what other commitments you are managing in your life. 

1. Schedule your yoga time in your planner: When you write down what yoga class you’re going to take in your calendar, it’s part of your daily schedule. You don’t need to waste time pondering if you have time. You do have time––written out clearly in black and white.

2. Remind yourself of how you’ll feel, even with a short time commitment: You’ll feel stronger, more flexible, more relaxed, and also more energetic. Your sleep will deepen, and your posture will improve. The mental benefits of a quick yoga practice are incredible: you can return to your work day with heightened concentration and a clear mind. 

3. Practice first thing in the morning: Prioritize your personal yoga practice and do it first, maybe even before your morning coffee or tea. Set your alarm for twenty minutes earlier than usual if necessary. Unexpected events often arise once your day gets going and can steal your scheduled yoga time. If you take care of yourself first, you’ll be better equipped to handle your day, no matter how busy it is! 

Have a wonderful week!

1. Jackie Casal Mahrou - Morning Power Boost

2. Becca Riopelle - Cardio Express

3. Claire Petretti Marti - Quick Energy Flow 4

4. Ellen Kaye - Brain Break

Sugar Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins
Sugar Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins

Today’s recipe is entirely free from refined sugar, but I promise than nobody will miss anything. The banana adds just enough sweetness, and the darker your bananas are, the sweeter they will be. Since I really hate food waste, I sometimes deliberately pick out the darkest bananas from the market, bring them home, slice and store them in the freezer to be used in smoothies, banana bread and in these little muffins.

Sometimes I come home with a full box of bananas because they look so sad on the counter and otherwise they would be just thrown out in the evening.  So I sometimes think about myself as a banana savior. Since I love overripe bananas it is a very simple saving job for me, so win-win.

In addition to being sugar-free these little muffins here are also wheat-free and if you choose gluten-free oats, they can be gluten-free.

Preparing these muffins could not be any easier, and the most time-consuming part is swirling in the peanut butter on top of the muffins. For me, these extra swirls are 100% worth the effort, but you can skip this to save an extra 5 minutes of your time.

The muffins are perfect little bites for breakfast and very simple to bring with me to snack on during the day. And they are healthy enough, that I sometimes treat my yoga students with these after the class.

Sugar Free Chocolate Peanut-Butter Muffins

Yields: 24 mini muffins 

Cooking time: 40 minutes

1 ¾ oz full-grain oat flour

1 ½ oz cacao powder

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

4 ripe bananas

2 large eggs (always free-range, please!)

3 tbsp coconut oil

1 tsp vanilla paste

3 ½ oz + extra for swirling peanut butter

1 tsp lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 350 F. In case your muffin tins are not nonstick, use the spray or line with little muffin papers.

In the first bowl, mix flour, cacao powder, baking powder, and salt.

In the next bowl mash the banana with a fork, add the eggs, coconut oil, vanilla, peanut butter, and lemon juice. Mix everything (a stick blender is a good choice here, but it can be done just with a spoon as well).

Add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and fold carefully without overmixing.

Divide the mixture between muffin tins. Top each muffin with a little extra peanut butter and swirl it in using a toothpick.

Bake around 15-20 minutes (depending on the oven and the size of your muffin tins) until baked.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves healthy food and cooking and for her, these two are often the same thing. Cooking meals from scratch, you know exactly what goes in it and even without holding back with sugar or fat we end up using a lot less compared to ready-made frozen stuff from the supermarket.

She does love to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

Eat healthy with recipes like these and practice yoga to keep your body and mind in optimal shape. Never tried yoga before? Explore with this entry level 5-class Beginner Yoga 101 series!

8 Reasons Why Men with Back Pain Should Practice Yoga
8 Reasons Why Men with Back Pain Should Practice Yoga

Back pain is a serious problem in the modern day with 80% of Americans expected to experience it at some point during their lifetime. So, any activity that can help to guard against it should be welcomed right?

Well, this is exactly what yoga can do. As the flexibility and increased range of motion it gives you can really take the pressure and strain off your back throughout the day. While the core strength you’ll gain will keep your back better supported while also improving your posture.

However, despite these benefits most yoga classes continue to be dominated by women as many men remain reluctant to give it a try.

But why is this?

Well, despite originating in India as a practice for men only, yoga has often been seen in the western world as a predominantly feminine activity. And this has created a stigma in certain parts of society that has discouraged some men from practicing it.

Why Is There Still Such a Male Stigma Towards Yoga?

The male stigma surrounding yoga is not as bad as it once was. However, it’s still going strong within many male-dominated environments such as building sites and factories, with many ‘real’ men in these environments telling us yoga is for females. However, this is a real shame as yoga benefits men as much as women. 

So, what exactly are the hang ups and stereotypes with yoga that keep certain men for trying it?

Some of the most common complaints are:

Yoga is only for girls or hippies.

It’s not competitive and you don’t get a proper workout from it.

Stretching is boring so why waste your time on that when you could be running or lifting weights instead?

Being in a class full of women and doing a ‘woman’s activity’ would be embarrassing.

If your mates ever found out you’d never hear the end of it!

And so on.

The problem is that for some men this stigma is so deep-seated that it’s hard to change their minds. But with more and more people championing the benefits of yoga for athletes such as footballers, boxers and hockey players, in keeping them strong and fit, this will hopefully start to change and open the door for more men to feel comfortable practicing yoga.

As it’s not just great for their overall health and well-being, it’s also especially good for their backs too.

8 Ways That Yoga Benefits Men with Back Pain

Yoga has been found in many studies to be a really effective way for people living with persistent back pain to be able to manage it and improve their quality of life.

But how exactly does it help?

Well, there are a number of ways and I’ll go through each of them now.

1. Yoga Increases Your Flexibility, Which Relieves Pressure on Your Back

One of the best things about yoga is how it keeps your body loose and flexible. You are constantly lengthening and strengthening your muscles as you run through the different poses and postures. This is great for people that suffer from back pain.

The increased flexibility, especially in your hamstrings, will keep your body balanced and relieve pressure and strain on your back as you move around throughout the day. And you don’t need to go overboard to get these results either.

As one study from the University of Doncaster showed that even one 90-minute yoga session per week was enough to increase the flexibility of the participants significantly. So, yoga can be a great way to relieve pressure and ease the burden on your back.

2. It Strengthens Your Core Muscles, Giving Your Back Better Support and Stability

Practicing yoga is great for building up your core strength. Because when you are holding your body in the various yoga poses you are having to support different levels of your own body weight.

This is great for strengthening the deep-lying core muscles which help to support and stabilize your spine. This also gives your back better protection throughout the day.

If you’re exposed to more intense movements involved with more physical jobs, strenuous activities, and hobbies such as gardening or playing competitive sports, you'll want to give your back more support to stay pain and injury-free. Regular yoga sessions are an excellent idea to strengthen your core and protect your back.

3. Yoga Improves Your Posture Which Lightens the Load On Your Back

Maintaining a healthy posture whether sitting, standing or moving around is really important to keep your back free from pain. This helps you stay nicely balanced and spreads the pressure of gravity evenly across your body.

When you hold yourself in an awkward posture your body is forced to compensate, with your lower back tending to take on most of the extra burden. Which leads to extra pressure, strain, and inevitable pain.

But the good news is that yoga is ideal for helping you maintain a healthy posture. It improves your balance and helps to release the tight muscles that can cause your body to hunch over. The increased flexibility and core strength you gain from it makes it much easier to stay upright and comfortable, which will relieve the pressure and strain on your body and back throughout the day.

4. Yoga Increases Circulation and Blood Flow

The stretches and postures involved in yoga practice are great for relaxing tight muscles and relieving tension. By stretching and relaxing these tight muscles you also open up pathways that increase the blood flow to them, which is important for keeping you free from pain.

As this increased circulation allows your body to deliver the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and tissues that they need to heal, repair and stay healthy. While also flushing away any trapped waste and toxins which may be causing pain and inflammation. So, good news all round for your back.

5. It Helps You to Relax

When you suffer from persistent back pain it can leave you feeling extremely stressed, angry and frustrated. However, allowing ourselves to feel this way will only make this pain worse.

Because the tension this creates can seep into our bodies making everything uncomfortable and a struggle. So, it’s really important that you learn how to relax and let go of any stress you’re feeling. One powerful way to do that is through yoga.

The combination of deep stretches and controlled breathing is great for alleviating this tension. Not only does yoga relax your body and help tight muscles to release. It also calms your nervous system and slows your heart rate which puts you into a really relaxed state. This has been shown in studies to be really effective in relieving the stress, anxiety and tension that may be causing you pain.

6. You’ll Get a Good Night’s Sleep After Yoga Practice

Another by-product of the relaxing effects of yoga is that it can help you drift off if you have trouble sleeping.

Because stretching and relaxing your body while simultaneously calming your mind with controlled breathing during yoga practice puts you in the ideal state for sleep afterwards. The practice can make you feel more calm, relaxed and at peace with yourself.

So much so, that some of the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had have come after evening yoga classes. This is really important for people with back pain. As it’s during sleep that your body gets the chance to rest, repair and heal itself from the day’s stresses and strains.

Which means your tired and aching back muscles are able to recover and regenerate themselves. So, if you want to rid yourself of back pain and wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings rather than stiff and sore, then you need to be able get into a deep and restorative sleep.

However, many people with persistent back pain struggle with this. With one study from Morocco finding that a massive 78% of the people with back pain that they tested had sleep problems. So, it’s wonderful that practicing yoga can help people like us to get over these issues.

One study from the Harvard Medical School found that yoga could also helps those with chronic insomnia. After 8 weeks of daily yoga practice, the study participants were falling asleep easier and sleeping longer and deeper. So, if you think you may not be getting the quality of sleep you or your back needs then you should definitely give yoga a try, and some classes are specically yoga for better sleep classes. 

7. It Encourages the Release of Endorphins

Endorphins are fantastic. As not only do they give you a warm and happy feeling inside. They also work as the body’s natural painkiller which is great for keeping back pain at bay. The good news is that practicing yoga is a great way to encourage your body to release endorphins into your system.

So, if you want an easy way to give yourself some natural pain relief then get on your yoga mat and let the good times roll.

8. Yoga Puts You in a Positive Mood That Helps You Handle Back Pain

Yoga is far more than just a physical practice. And while some men may scoff at the spiritual side of it, this can be just as good for helping you to avoid or get rid of back pain.

As the deep controlled breathing and being mindful of your body and movements during yoga can really help to calm and soothe you mentally and emotionally. So, not only do you feel stronger and more relaxed in your body afterwards, you also feel this way in your mind too. And this gives you the self-confidence and positive attitude you need to be able to fight the challenges that persistent back pain brings.

Leaving you feeling happier, healthier, more energized, and well equipped to be able to live a better quality of life. So, if you want to tackle and beat your back pain you need to remain positive and yoga is an excellent way to do that.

How to Get Started

I hope I’ve convinced you to at least consider giving yoga a try after reading through that list of benefits. But if you’ve never tried yoga before then going to your first class can feel a bit daunting.

You might feel like you won't have a clue what you’re in for and worry that you won’t be able to keep up with the rest of the class. So, it’s a good idea to start slowly and build up your confidence. And you can do this by searching for a beginner’s class in your local area rather than heading straight into a class full of experienced yogis.

Also try to find a Hatha yoga class as this is a slower form of yoga and the one that’s well suited to anyone just starting out.

But if the thought of going to an actual yoga class really doesn’t appeal to you then don’t fret, because you still have the option of taking online yoga classes from the comfort of your own living room.

There are even some with classes designed especially for men that you can find on YogaDownload. But whichever way you choose, don’t let something as silly as a stigma or false preconceptions put you off from trying yoga, as the benefits it can bring for your back as well as your overall health and well-being are fantastic.

By Dan Singleton

Daniel Singleton is the founder of Back on Site, a website dedicated to helping people fight back against persistent back pain using the latest medical and scientific advice as well as his own personal experiences with the condition.

Convinced? Start your yoga journey to heal your back pain or for me, from your own home with the two programs below!

11 Quick Ways to Manage Stress and Feel More Relaxed
11 Quick Ways to Manage Stress and Feel More Relaxed

Stress and anxiety are all to common in the modern world. In fact, up to 70% of adults say they feel stressed or anxious on a daily basis. There are many ways to combat stress of anxiety, but if you’re having a bad day and need a quick fix, here are some quick ways to manage stress and feel more relaxed. 

Work out

Exercise is one of the simplest ways you can relieve stress.  It may make you scratch your head, but actually, the physical stress that you put your body through during exercise can actually help to relieve mental stress. Try to work out regularly to reap the most benefits. This is because of stress hormones. Working out and moving your body can reduce the stress hormones in your body, and can also release endorphins, which improve your mood.

Working out can also improve sleep quality, which can be a major cause of stress. Think about your mood the last time you didn’t get enough sleep - the two are very intricately connected! Exercise can also boost your confidence, and introduce a new fun hobby into your life!

Certain Vitamins & Supplements

There are a few supplements that can help reduce both stress and anxiety. For example. Omega 3 has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms by up to 20%  in a recent study. Lemon balm is also useful to use for it’s anti-anxiety effects.Ashwagandha is an herb that is used to reduce stress in the Ayurvedic medicine.Finally, green tea helps to increase serotonin levels, which reduces stress.

Scents & Aromatherapy

Lighting candles or using essential oils in certain scents can help to reduce feelings of stress. Scents such as lavender, rose, neroli, and ylang ylang can be some of the most calming out there. This type of aromatherapy uses scents to treat your mood, and several studies show that it works to reduce stress and improve sleep.

Drink Less Coffee

Your morning coffee might be a necessity to get you feeling awake, but did you know that high doses of caffeine can actually increase stress and anxiety? If you’re drinking so many cups of joe you feel jittery and anxious, it’s probably time to cut down. While coffee can be healthy in moderation, but it’s not for everyone, and everyone has different tolerances, so make sure you’re only drinking enough that’s right for you.


Physical affection such as cuddling, kissing, hugging and sex can all help to reduce stress. This is because positive physical contact releases oxytocin and also lowers the stress hormones. This can help to lower some physical symptoms of stress including blood pressure and heart rate.

Deep Breathing

When you go through a period of mental stress, your sympathetic nervous system is activated - this is what signals your body to go into fight-or-flight mode. This can activate symptoms such as quickened heartbeat, faster breathing and constricted blood vessels.

Deep breathing can counteract this by activating your parasympathetic nervous systems, which control your relaxation response. The goal here is to make your aware of your breath, making it slower and deeper. This expands your lungs fully, slowing your heart rate and making you feel more peaceful.

Reduce Physical Tension

Reducing the physical tension in your body can help to make you feel less stressed. You can use a tennis ball or a foam roller to apply pressure to tense spots. Before you do this, place a warm wrap on the area for ten minutes. Reducing physical tension can help to relieve mental stress.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal of things you are grateful for can be a great way to reduce stress by helping you remember the good things in your life. Being grateful and recognising your blessing can help to cancel our your negative thoughts. You can journal little things that have made you smile throughout the day, or document larger achievements. When you feel stressed, take a look back through your journal and remind yourself of the important things in life.

Chewing Gum

For a really fast and simple stress relief, try chewing gum. Chewing gum can actually cause relaxed brain waves, by promoting blood flow to your brain!

Spending Time with Loved Ones

Social interactions are essential to help you get through stressful periods. Being a part of a social network can give you a sense of belonging, and spending time with these people can release oxytocin in your body - a natural stress reliever. This is the opposite of the body’s stressful fight-or-flight response.

Take a Yoga Class

Yoga is a popular and effective method to relieve stress and help you exercise. The main goal of yoga is to join your body and mind, and yoga does this primarily by increasing awareness in your body and breath. Studies have shown that yoga has a positive effect on mental health. Yoga can enhance your mood and in some cases can be as effective as medication for depression and anxiety.

This is due to yoga’s effect on your nervous system and stress responses. It helps to lower your stress hormones, that’s your cortisol levels, as well as blood pressure and heart rate. Yoga can also increase the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid - this is a neurotransmitter that has lower levels in mood disorders.

By Amy Cavill

Why not try this week’s classes on Yoga Download?

These classes are here to help you unwind, recharge, and remember to relax. Yes, while determination and ambition are essential, it's also important to take a break from your task oriented mindset, and simply relax. Fortunately, yoga can help in this process. These classes will help not only your body, but also your mind relax, with a mix of different yoga styles and a meditation class.

1. Patrick Montgomery - Root Back & Relax

2. Shy Sayar - Therapeutic Wall Yoga for Hips & Back

3. Geenie Celento - Transform Tension into Vitality

4. Shannon Paige - Saraswati Hangs in the Stars

Permission to Chill: 5 Benefits of Yoga to Relax and Recharge
Permission to Chill: 5 Benefits of Yoga to Relax and Recharge

How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I’m too busy to…fill in the blank?” Once a week? Once a day? Once an hour? We all want to live a full, beautiful life, but cultivating a balance between action and relaxation is essential. This week, how about adding in a quieter type of yoga to your repertoire? 

Consider these 5 benefits of taking the time to chill out:

1. Pacify Your Nervous System

Slowing down and settling into a relaxing, restorative pose encourages you to step away from stress. For example, in a supported Vipariti Karani (Legs up the wall pose), your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and calms your stress levels quickly. If you’ve had a tough day, restorative yoga is a way to reset. Soothing your nervous system helps keep your body and mind healthy.

2.  Strengthen Your Body Acceptance

In a mellow yoga class, your focus shifts from “doing yoga” to “being yoga.” You aren’t flowing or sweating, instead, your body can relax and simply be perfect. When you aren’t attempting to arrive anywhere, you have space to appreciate your physical body exactly how it is. 

3. Intensify Your Awareness

Restorative and slower paced yoga classes encourage you to turn inward and tune into how you’re feeling. When you settle into stillness and there’s no action required except to breathe and relax, a sense of freedom arises to examine your thoughts and emotions. You enter a safe space to tune into your authentic self. 

4. Prepares You for Deeper Contemplation and Meditation

Many of us need to release the tension we’re holding in our tissues before we can quiet our mind. A sweaty Vinyasa class can be wonderful to relax the muscles, but a quieter slower practice does too, and on some days when we’re experiencing extra stress we need the deepened awareness of a quiet practice. You may be able to settle into the meditative state during yoga, before you begin a more formal meditation. 

5. Balance Your Perspective

Life is a dance between rest and work, softness and strength, and yin and yang.  When we make time to truly relax and restore our body, mind, and spirit we create more energy for the times we need it. Imagine if you didn’t sleep at night? In a matter of days or even hours, you’d collapse. Similarly, if you don’t give yourself permission to chill out, you can burn out. 

Allow yourself to release and surrender in order to stay balanced. This weeks classes will help not only your body, but also your mind relax, with a mix of different yoga styles and a meditation class. 

1. Patrick Montgomery - Root Back & Relax

2. Shy Sayar - Therapeutic Wall Yoga for Hips & Back

3. Geenie Celento - Transform Tension into Vitality

4. Shannon Paige - Saraswati Hangs in the Stars


Easy Chocolate Avocado Truffles
Easy Chocolate Avocado Truffles

Truffles are usually heavy on cream, butter and maybe even some extra sugar in addition to chocolate that is already sweet on its own. But not these truffles! 

My truffles are as delicious and creamy as their unhealthy brothers are, but at the same time, completely vegan and I would even go as far as calling them healthy! Of course, they are only healthy if consumed in reasonable amounts and not all 20 of them in one sitting ☺. For me, they are just rich enough that 1 or 2 after a meal with a nice cup of tea are just sufficient to satisfy my sweet cravings.

A bonus is that they only require two ingredients + whatever you choose to coat them with. Can you guess what the components are? 

The first one is a no-brainer – dark chocolate just has to be involved when talking about truffles. The darker, the better, I always prefer 80%, but you can test with different ones to find your favorite. 

The other ingredient is my old favorite – avocado! Avocado is just such a versatile fruit – it is good both in savory and sweet dishes and gives everything a luscious creaminess. Just try to find the one that is just ripe – soft enough, but not overly ripe yet. A small trick on how to find the best avocado – choose the one that is soft to the touch, but if you remove the stem, you can still see the bright green color.

Chocolate Avocado Truffles

Serves: 20 truffles


4.5 oz dark chocolate (80% would be perfect)

1 large ripe avocado (7 oz)

A pinch of salt

Crushed nuts, coconut flakes, cacao powder or extra melted dark chocolate to coat the truffles.


Melt the chocolate over double boiler. You can also melt it in the microwave. I am not a fan of using a microwave myself, but if you have one, then you can use it to heat the chocolate for 10 seconds, then stir and repeat the process until its smooth and melted.

Once the chocolate is melted, add the avocado with a pinch of salt and puree everything together with a stick blender.

Let the mixture cool completely and let set in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

Roll the mixture into bite-sized balls (I got 20) and coat with whatever you fancy. I chose crushed pistachios and cacao powder this time, but coconut flakes, any other crushed nuts or even some extra dark chocolate would all be delicious with these truffles.

By Kadri Raig

Kadri is a food blogger and yoga teacher from Estonia. She loves healthy food and cooking and for her, these two are often the same thing. Cooking meals from scratch, you know exactly what goes in it and even without holding back with sugar or fat we end up using a lot less compared to ready-made frozen stuff from the supermarket.

She does love to spend time in the kitchen, but most of her recipes are simple and don’t take more than 20 minutes of active cooking time. She thinks that everybody can find time to cook healthy food at home, it is just a question of planning. "I work in an office full time, teach yoga 7-8 hours a week and write a blog. So if I manage to cook most of my meals, then so do you!" Connect with Kadri and enjoy many more of her delicious healthy recipes on her website here:

Eat healthy with recipes like these and practice yoga to keep your body and mind in optimal shape. Never tried yoga before? Explore with this entry level 5-class Beginner Yoga 101 series!

Can Meditation Help Your Weight Loss?
Can Meditation Help Your Weight Loss?

Losing those extra pounds and having a toned and fit body is something many people desire. Weight loss is usually associated with two things - regular exercise and a healthy diet plan. However, if your focus is only on these two factors, then your weight loss strategy is incomplete. A fit body is a combination of a healthy mind and a healthy body, so some component of mindfulness and also creating healthy thinking, is essential for a successful weight loss strategy. 

Meditation helps not only in keeping brain healthy but also helps in enhancing self-image, managing cravings, promoting regular exercise, and more. Today with an increase in the awareness about meditation, people are using it as a tool to understand their body and adopt healthy eating habits, which further helps in losing weight.

What is Meditation?

Meditation can be considered as a brain exercise which helps connect our body, mind, and soul. It brings a sense of calmness. People have been practicing meditation for thousands of years. In many religions, it is considered as a spiritual practice. Meditation also helps in reducing stress and anxiety. 

Different people follow different ways of doing meditation. Some focus on breathing, whereas others chants mantras during their meditation sessions.

Irrespective of the type of the method, meditation helps in understanding the function of our mind and body. It also provides a clearer understanding of our thoughts. 

How is Meditation Connected to Weight Loss?

Many people think that burning calories and avoiding calorie intake are the only ways to reduce their body weight. People overlook the importance of a healthy state of mind and the benefit of meditation, in losing weight. 

If you want to lose, you need to have strong willpower and determination. Also, you need to find the reasons which have resulted in weight gain. There might be subconscious issues of holding onto things or a lack of self-love. 

These questions can be answered only with a clear mind. Meditation is very helpful in finding answers to such questions. In addition to this, meditation helps in building a healthy relationship with food.

Various studies have shown stress as one of the major reasons for overeating. Meditation reduces stress, henceforth resulting in weight loss. In addition to this, meditation helps in reducing the levels of C-reactive Protein and cortisol in the body, which are responsible for causing obesity.  

Specific Ways Meditation Helps Support Weight Loss

Meditation Lowers Your BMR Effortlessly

Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR refers to the calories needed during rest time or at the time when we are just breathing. Regular meditation decreases BMR. This means meditation reduces the calories needed by our body, hence resulting in weight loss. 

Meditation Aids in the Assimilation of Food

Many times, people after heavy workouts, end up taking more calories. This increase in appetite continues beyond post-workout sessions as well as at times when you have not exercised. This occurs due to the assimilation of food. Meditation helps in improving this condition. In addition to this, stress and hormonal imbalances result in indigestion and overeating. Regular meditation helps in reducing stress and balancing hormones in the body. This also helps in reducing weight.

Meditation Moderates Unhealthy Urges for Fast Food

Our cravings and taste buds are the biggest roadblocks on our way to become healthy. We need to have the willpower to ignore such cravings. Meditation helps in rejecting such temptations, and we also become internally aware of what we should eat and what should be avoided. With time, these healthy eating habits become part of our food habits. 

Meditation = Less Stress

Stress hampers our body mentally as well as physically. Daily meditation helps in reducing stress and also relaxes our body and mind. Sometimes, under stressful situations, we don't even realize what we are eating. 

Meditation Boosts Commitment

Starting a weight loss routine and following it rigorously are two different things. One has to be 100% committed to be successful in losing the weight they want to lose. This can be only achieved if you have faith in yourself and a strong will to continue. Meditation helps in clearing our thoughts and intensifying our intentions. Hence, making meditation a part of your weight loss routine is essential.

Simple Step by Step Guide to Learn How to Meditate:

Meditation is about both focusing and calming the mind. It aims at attaining inner calm and self-awareness. Meditation does not require any equipment. 

All you need is some time to make meditation a part of your daily routine. For beginners, 10 minutes of meditation on daily or alternate days is quite reasonable and can provide noticeable benefits. 

Find A Quiet Location

Meditation needs to be performed at a peaceful location, which is free from distraction. All your concentration and focus should be on your body and mind. Select a place where you have privacy and will not be disturbed while performing meditation. If you like music, you can play a soft, calm, and repetitive tune. You may even play music based on natural sounds like the sound of raindrops or running water. 

A Comfortable Posture

Traditionally meditation is performed by sitting on the ground, in lotus or half-lotus position. But it might not be a comfortable position for those who have any back problems or lack flexibility. Hence try to find a position in which you can sit comfortably for the entire duration of meditation. Just make sure that the position selected by you let you sit in a straight and balanced manner. Don't restrain yourself to a sitting position if they don't work for you, as you can do meditation even while lying down, standing, or even walking. 

Deep Breathing

Once you found your comfortable position close your eyes relax and take a deep breath and hold it for few seconds. Breathing meditation is one of the basic and simplest ways of meditating. While meditating breathe naturally and focus on your calming breath.

Continue Focusing on Your Breath for 5 to 10 Minutes

Focus on your breaths and follow them in and out with your awareness. Follow the pathway of your breath, starting from nostrils till the movement of your abdomen. Avoid judging or trying to perfect your breathing pattern and keep breathing naturally. Continue this for 5-10 minutes.     

 An Open Mind and Good Attitude

While performing meditation, your mind might lose the focus and may start wandering. It's quite normal, so don't overthink it and try to bring your attention back to your breathing pattern. Try not to get frustrated and gently bring yourself back to focusing on your breath each time.

By Jessica Ann

Jessica Ann has written many blogs across the spectrum, but specializes mainly in weight loss and dieting. With several years in the field, Jessica has been helping people get healthy and is dedicated to providing information for those who need it.

Convinced? Try our 14-Day Meditation series now, or sign up for Yoga for Weight Loss program.

8 Easy Ways to Feel Happy Everyday
8 Easy Ways to Feel Happy Everyday

Happiness can sometimes evade us.  Reading bad news, a rainy day, or just feeling generally grumpy can lead to us feeling unhappy and negative. However, there are some small steps you can take to help you on your way to happiness everyday. If you’re feeling down in the dumps lately, here’s some quick wins to help you on your way to happiness. 

Get Enough Sleep

Seven to nine hours, to be exact. A healthy sleep schedule is the first step to being happy. Have you ever had a bad night’s sleep and the following day almost everything frustrates or annoys you? This is because a lack of sleep can make you less alert, less logical and can also contribute to health issues such as obesity and can exacerbate mental health issues. All these things can lead to a breakdown of your good relationships, make you struggle at work, and make it harder to feel happy and productive. Struggling to sleep? Try to have a warm shower or bath before getting in bed, and put your phone away from your reach.

Wake Up a Little Earlier

This might seem counteractive to the step above, but having a little extra time in the mornings can lead to a smoother, more prepared, and happier day. If you’re a fan of the snooze button, try to get yourself out of the habit - those 10-15 minutes spent snoozing won’t make you feel less tired! If you adopt the seven to nine hour sleep cycle, this shouldn’t be too hard. This will give you extra time in the morning to start your day right - without rushing around or forgetting to brush your hair! This extra time will also help to get your head in the right frame of mind to start your day. 


Meditation is such a simple and quick way to feel calmer and happier, and shouldn’t be underestimated! Simply meditating for even just five to ten minutes when you wake up can give you immediate benefits that last the entire day. Increased clarity and focus are just a couple of the benefits that meditation can give you. You will also give yourself the time to set a positive intention for the day, keeping yourself living mindfully and in the moment, and breaking out of negative thought patterns. There’s also been studies that prove that meditating can help to prevent stress and anxiety, that might hinder your day to day life and cause unhappiness. 

Keep your Space Clear

How many times have you gone shopping in a bad mood, only to realise you feel worse after buying material goods?

Accumulating possessions, especially those we don’t need can actually negatively impact your mental and emotional well-being. However it’s easy to reverse this and give yourself a dose of happiness by simply decluttering. Spend a few minutes each day cleaning and clearing your space, whether it's your home, your bedroom, or your desk at work. Commit to one area at t a time and donate anything that you don’t need. And next time you find yourself drawn to the shops, remember how your clear and clean space can make you happy - and don’t buy the things you don’t really need. 

Learn a New Skill

While you might be afraid of failure, or worried about the stress of picking up something new you’ve never tried before, learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby can actually boost your wellbeing. Focusing on improvement and making progress with something can help to put you in a state of flow, which can improve happiness. Learning something also boosts your self-confidence and can make you feel sharper and more intelligent. Why not try a new type of yoga?


Just 30 minutes of moving a day can help to balance your nervous system - and a balanced nervous system means less anger and anxiety. 30 minutes may seem like a lot but all your movements will soon add up. If you don’t have the time to hit the gym, try a few minutes of yoga stretching in the mornings, or walk down the stairs instead of using the lift, these little things will add up and allow you to get your full 30 minutes a day!

Turn Off Social Media

Social media is one of the biggest and most recent causes of anxiety and depression. Too much social media can negatively impact your mental health, so be more mindful of how often you pick up your phone to scroll. Why not take the time you usually spend on instagram doing something productive like reading the news, or listening to a podcast - you can even devote this time to your new skills, or your 30 minutes of exercise. Doing things that bring you joy rather than mindlessly scrolling is a great way to boost your happiness levels. 

Do Nice Things for Others

Acts of kindness and generosity are a great way to boost your happiness levels while also improving someone else's day. Generosity acts actually activate the parts of the brain that are stimulated by both food and sex - both great causes of happiness! You’ll feel great knowing that you’ve made a positive impact yo someone’s life, and they’ll be inspired to pay it forward too. 

By Amy Cavill

Why not try our 3-week yoga challenge as a way to boost your happiness this month?

21-Day Yoga Challenge: Time to Shine!
21-Day Yoga Challenge: Time to Shine!

Commit to 21 days and learn to live for today. Often when we create intentions, we focus on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. When we focus primarily on the prize instead of the steps to achieve it, we are living for the future. One of the most important principles in yoga is learning to be in the now. Committing to our 21-day yoga challenge can help you embody living in the present moment. 

If you overthink how you’re going to squeeze in 21 consecutive days of yoga, you might quit before you begin. You’ve got family and work and workouts and commitments, right? Why add something else to your overflowing plate? Simple: By choosing to practice yoga every single day for three weeks, you are opening yourself to being fully present in your body, your mind, and your heart. 

If you look at the yoga challenge as a day-by-day commitment, a commitment to practicing yoga today and not worrying about the rest, you are committing to living in the now. Appreciating the air around you. Appreciating the scents, the sounds, the sights, and the sensations. Not brooding over the past. Not planning for the future. Simply living your life. 

Allowing everything else in your life to fade away for twenty, forty, or sixty minutes will recharge your batteries. Clear your mind. Reset your nervous system, your digestion, and your perspective. The benefits of yoga are always three-fold: physical, emotional, and mental. Whatever your reasons for participating in the challenge, you’ll receive all the inter-connected gifts of the practice, day by day. 

All you need to do is show up and press play. We’ve created this program to both support you and challenge you. Structure and accountability and choices help you focus on the yoga. Each day you will receive two class choices in your inbox, so choose the one that resonates more for you on any given day: short, long, fast, gentle. Join us and enjoy living in the now!

Shine today and sign up for the challenge right now!