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6 Reasons to Get Your Children into Yoga
On January 23, 2020 in
Daniela McVicker
Even though we spend the vast majority of our childhood learning in formal education settings, there are so many useful life lessons and skills that our schools fail to teach us. Education might be effective in teaching us book smarts, but should go beyond classrooms and homework in teaching our youth how to live a fulfilling, meaningful, and happy life. We’re now beginning to see that growing into a healthy, happy, well-adjusted adult doesn’t just happen. It takes work and we should give our kids the tools and opportunities to learn how to accomplish this goal. Yoga can help us find this as adults, but research increasingly shows that it's helpful for children, who begin yoga and meditation at a young age. Yoga is about much more than the poses (asanas) and physical benefits. This ancient Indian art helps us truly connect with our bodies, our inner world and the web of life that we are all a part of. It's mental and emotional benefits are profound and can be useful in the ups and downs of day to day life. It’s non-competitive and can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels and it imparts values like inclusivity, union and compassion, as opposed to always trying to be the best.
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Benefits of Yoga for Children
Daniela McVicker
How Yoga Helps Kids
Kids Yoga Benefits
Yoga and Meditation for Children
Yoga Benefits
Yoga for Children
6 Heart-Opening Backbends to Attract More Love
On January 21, 2020 in
Keith Allen
It might sound cliche, but it's good to have an open heart. What does this mean though and why is it good? From the perspective of the chakra system, the heart is the place where we love from. Simply put, when your heart center is open, you are more open to experiencing, giving, receiving, and enjoying love with others (as well as being more loving towards yourself). When your heart is closed, you're more closed off from experiencing love. Can doing yoga poses help us experience more love? Yes! Our bodies and minds are connected, and putting your body into a more open and loving shape, can make your mind more loving and open. Think about how someone who is defeated, sad, and heartbroken carries themselves. It's usually a more hunched forward position and closed in the chest. Now think of someone who is bright and confident. Their posture is usually tall, proud, and open, specifically around the ara of their chest. This is an example of the connection between our emotions and our bodies.
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Heart Openers Benefits
Keith Allen
Yoga Backbends
Yoga For Love
Yoga Heart Opening
Yoga to Alleviate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
On January 17, 2020 in
Jennifer Jeane
In modern life, people are often working on laptops and using smartphones. Because of this, there can be a lack of rest for your hands. This often leads to the tissues inside your carpal tunnel to swell, which blocks the median nerve in your wrist, which is responsible for the finger movement. Carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway through which muscle tendons and the median nerve pass through. Issues with your Carpal tunnel, more commonly referred to as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, can be uncomfortable, and get in the way of day to day tasks. Fortunately, there are specific yoga poses and general areas of your body to target in your yoga practice, for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, that will help to heal it naturally. Neck Stretches
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Carpral Tunnel Syndrome Stretches
Jennifer Jeane
Yoga Benefits for Carpal Tunnel
Yoga for Carpal Tunnel
Yoga Poses for Carpal Tunnel
Powerful Benefits Of Yoga and Meditation In Addiction Recovery
On January 3, 2020 in
Jack Agatston
There are many things you can do to enrich your spiritual life while in recovery from an addiction. And I’ve found that without doing so, the stress of learning to live without drugs and alcohol can be so intense that I can’t stay sober unless I find some suitable resources to cope. I wasn’t a big fan of the idea of holistic therapy at first. However, over time I’ve really developed an appreciation for meditation and yoga. They’ve both really contributed to the quality of my recovery. I’m going to explore the benefits of both in detail below. Yoga In the context of addiction recovery, yoga is best utilized alongside traditional treatment options that emphasize professional therapy and participation in a support group like AA.
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Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Recovery
Jack Agatston
Meditation and Addiction
Meditation and Recovery
Yoga and Addiction
Yoga and Recovery
Combining Yoga & Different Styles of Music to Create a Flow State
On November 21, 2019 in
Scott Pine
When we are considering different things to pair together, it is always a subjective matter. For instance, there might be people who love salted chocolate, while others want salt nowhere near their chocolate! The same can be said about adding music to your yoga practice. Some people love vibration support and melodic inspirations when they are flowing from one pose to another and find it improves their practice. Others revel in the silent internal waves of just their breath and prefer yoga without any music. There’s no right or wrong answer here, it’s simply a matter of preference. Regardless, music has become increasingly popular to complement a yoga practice and seems here to stay for those who like this combination. Because of this, there are people who are always looking for new excellent music choices for their yoga sessions. If you’ve been moved by music during a yoga class, you can appreciate the beauty of this combination. Music can add another layer to a deep, rigorous flow and can support you in the challenging moments of a class, or keep your mind from wandering. Many have opened to new music artists and styles of music from tracks they discovered that moved them during yoga. What Is Yoga?
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8 Limbs of Yoga
Benefits of Yoga and Music
Flow State
For Yoga Teachers
Music and Yoga Combining
Scott Pine
Yoga and Music
Yoga Benefits
Yoga Music Flow State
Yoga Philosophy
Benefits of Going Back to the Basics in Yoga & Best Poses to Revisit
On November 19, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
When you’ve been practicing yoga for a while, you might have built up a bit of an ego. You might be seeking out the most advanced poses and classes, with the toughest teachers, and you might be pushing yourself as far as you can. Sound familiar? Pushing yourself too far in yoga can get you into sticky situations, especially if you try poses that are too advanced before you are ready for them. This is why going back to yoga basics every once in a while can be immensely beneficial to you, even if you’re not a beginner to the yoga mat. A basics yoga class can be so much better than pushing yourself into advanced practices, and perhaps injuring yourself. Here’s a few simple reasons why going back to basics can actually help you on the way to becoming more advanced at yoga, and a few basic poses to go back and master.
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Amy Cavill
Back to Basics Yoga
Best Foundational Yoga Poses
Why All Yogis Should Go Back to Basics
Yoga Benefits
Focus on Strong Foundations: Revisit the Basics for Your Best Yoga Practice
On November 18, 2019 in
Are you seeking to find your best yoga practice? Often, the most powerful way to manifest transformation in your life and your yoga practice is to stop wherever you are and assess the strength of your foundation. Just like you can’t build a home that will last for generations on unstable soil, you can’t build a sustainable yoga practice by focusing only on how it looks or feels on the surface. This week hit the pause button and dig deeper to ensure your foundation is solid. If you’ve been rolling out your yoga mat for a while, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of just focusing on learning new skills or taking every asana into its most advanced variation. Practicing this way isn’t necessarily the path of becoming an advanced yogi. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, cultivating an enduring yoga practice was compared to being a gardener or a farmer. Planting seeds and tending the soil on a consistent basis is key for successful growth. A healthy lifelong yoga practice at times isn’t apparent from looking solely on the surface. The strength stems from the roots, beneath the soil.
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Back to Basics Yoga
Focus on Strong Yoga Foundations
Foundations of Yoga
New Yoga Classes
Optimal Yoga Practice
Yoga for Beginners
How to Prepare for a Yoga Vacation
On November 15, 2019 in
Nisha Baghadia
A yoga retreat is a nice opportunity to take a step back from the distractions of daily life. They also help you focus on and immerse yourself in your yoga practice, while also experiencing new places with new people. As rejuvenating as this experience can be, many find the idea of a retreat slightly intimidating. Yes, for some, even a retreat may seem daunting at first, as many wonder if it's really a relaxing vacation or a challenge that puts you too far outside your comfort zone. Here's a few handy tips and tricks to help you get the best out of a yoga vacation and feel ready to immerse yourself in yoga and travel. Pick the right retreat Your experience all depends on the retreat you choose, as different retreats have different areas of emphasis and intensity. Some are more yoga focused, some have more time for sightseeing and others are more about delicious food. Others incorporate other things like meditation, reiki, time in nature or even wine tasting and cooking classes. Some are more of a vacation and others are more serious about yoga. If you're craving discipline and practicing multiple challenging yoga classes each day, there's a retreat for you. If you want a vacation on the beach with nice relaxing yoga class as an addition, there's a retreat out there for you also. Make sure you look around and find the retreat that suits you best. Some are more of a vacation and others are more serious about yoga. At most retreats, all classes and activities optional, which means you get to choose your own adventure and are not confined to a strict schedule either.
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How to Prepare for a Yoga Retreat
How to Prepare for a Yoga Vacation
Nisha Baghadia
Yoga Retreat
Yoga Travel
YogaDownload Retreat
4 Effective Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk
On November 7, 2019 in
Akash Bhowad
Those that have office or desk jobs may have to spend much of the day in the same place or sitting at a desk. It can be too easy to ignore our bodies’ need to move regularly and experience stress and tension because of how we have sit to work. Repeating the same cycle for weeks, months, and years can lead to more serious responses from the body, causing the immune system to continually be on defense and increasing poor posture. This pattern worsens as time passes unless you are proactive and take preventative measures, like yoga. The best way to break this cycle is to start making small changes. While there are several ways to start having a healthier and more positive routine at the office, this can be done from the comfort of your desk or chair. Below, you will find 4 of the best poses that you can do while at work and create a more stress-free workday and future.
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Akash Bhowad
Desk Yoga
Office Yoga
Work Life Balance
Yoga at Your Desk
Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance
On November 5, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Those who practice yoga often know the importance of balance on the mat, be it balance in the body, balance in tree pose, or balance between the breath and the movements. But not many of us transfer this balance into our day to day lives, especially our work-life balance. Yoga can help us practice so much more than the physical movements and poses. It helps us practice things like our breath, calming our minds, pushes us outside our comfort zone and allows us to grow and self reflect. This self-reflection will ultimately help in maintaining a strong work-life balance, as understanding patterns, strengths and weaknesses are essential in setting the boundaries we need to balance our lives. In layman's terms, a work-life balance is how you maintain the time you dedicate to working vs having fun and living your life. Finding a balance that works for you requires work and self-reflection. There are many ways yoga can help you improve your work-life balance.
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2 Week Lunch Break Yoga Challenge
Amy Cavill
How Yoga Improves Your Work Life Balance
Lunch Break Yoga
Work Life Balance
Yoga & CBD: Benefits, Precautions, and Everything You Need to Know
On October 31, 2019 in
Kimberly Torres
Yoga has long been known as an effective means of increasing mental and physical well-being. The focus on breathing and poses help increase one’s mindfulness and focus. Yoga has seen a recent surge of popularity in the West due to these mental and physical benefits. However, some are saying CBD can increase the benefits you can get from yoga. CBD yoga has become increasingly popular in recent years and combines the therapeutic effects of yoga with the therapeutic effects of CBD. Several anecdotal stories from users recount how CBD dosing has made their yoga experience more effective and beneficial. However, there is still a lack of clinical scientific evidence on the matter, so it's very important to educate yourself to understand if trying this combination is right for you. In this article, we will talk about how CBD and yoga can work together to relax the mind and body, precautions, and what CBD is.
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Ganja Yoga
Kimberly Torres
Yoga and CBD
Yoga and Essential Oils
Yoga and Marijuana
6 Ways Yoga Makes You Braver
On October 29, 2019 in
"Feel the fear, and do it anyway." - Susan Jeffers Sometimes fear works in our favor and motivates us, however, most of the time things that scare us are based on nothing more than a story of thoughts. However, we have the ability to ignore, quiet, and overcome any fears if we're brave enough to and yoga can help. Sometimes fearful, made up stories of the future can hold us back from experiencing some of the magic that life has to offer. We have to be brave and get out of our comfort zones to take chances, have new experiences and greater satisfaction. It can be easier to stay and feel stuck and safe, instead of choosing to be brave though. For most, the familiar is more comfortable than the unknown, and it's preferable to stay within the boundaries of what you know, instead of diving into unknown possibilities.
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Keith Allen
Leaving Comfort Zone
Yoga Benefits
Yoga for Bravery
Yoga for Courage
Yoga Makes You Braver
Yoga to Overcome Fear
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: How it Heals the Mind, Body & Soul
On October 17, 2019 in
Cassidy Webb
Addiction is a threefold disease. It affects the mind, body, and spirit in various ways. While there are many traditional methods of treating addiction with behavioral therapies, more and more programs are beginning to incorporate holistic methods into their treatment programs. By taking a holistic approach to treating addiction, the healing process occurs on the mind, body, and spirit. As a result, individuals in recovery are given tools to achieve and maintain lasting recovery. One holistic method that is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment industry is yoga. It is a safe, healthy, and natural medicine that can greatly enhance the recovery process. Since addiction affects the whole person, the whole person must be treated. Yoga allows people to learn how to connect the body, mind, and breath to focus their attention inward and gain self-awareness. Why Yoga?
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Benefits of Yoga
Cassidy Webb
Mental Benefits of Yoga
Yoga for Addiction Recovery
Yoga for Healing
Yoga for Recovery
Want to be a Traveling Yoga Teacher? Here's How to Mentally Prepare Yourself
On October 11, 2019 in
Brooke Nally
Being “Nomadic” - the idea of traveling the world, bouncing from place to place doing as you’d like, exploring culture, exploring untapped parts of the world, and most importantly, better exploring yourself, is quite the popular trend these days. Often I get asked “how do you do it? How do you travel the world so much? What are you doing for work?” When my answer to them is: "I teach yoga", most people question how I do it. After all, teaching yoga isn't a job that is known to make you rich, nor fund you the needs to travel long-term. The short answer in how I travel and teach yoga is Yogatrade, which has allowed me to find teaching jobs all over the world. But to be honest, it takes a lot more than just finding a job to take a risk, leave your friends and family, and move across the world. If you've been playing with the idea of teaching yoga abroad, here are a few small steps to mentally prepare yourself:
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Be Fearless
Brooke Nally
How to Be a Traveling Yoga Teacher
Travel Yoga Jobs
Traveling Yoga Teacher
Yoga Teacher Inspiration
5 Benefits Of Doing Surya Namaskar Early In The Morning
On October 3, 2019 in
Nisha Baghadia
Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutations, is a set of helpful yoga asanas that can open up a world of benefits for your physical and mental health. As the name suggests, Surya Namaskar means bowing in reverence to the sun. The sun is the source of all life forms on our planet. Solar energy is the most nourishing life force, without which all living beings (plants, animals, and humans) would cease to exist. In yoga, the Surya Namaskar is a practice that seeks to pay homage to the sun and show gratitude for the importance it holds in our daily lives. While Surya Namaskar is a healthy exercise for your body whenever it is practiced, early morning hours are popularly considered the best and most auspicious for these asanas. Early morning is usually when it is calm outside, helping your mind to also be at its most peaceful and still. This meditative state is beneficial when practicing Surya Namaskar. It allows you to awaken your body, focus your mind, and experience a feeling of gratitude as you begin a new day.
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Morning Sun Salutations
Morning Yoga
Nisha Baghadia
Sun Salutations Early in the Morning
Surya Namaskar Morning
If You Love Yoga, Here's Why You Should Try Pilates
On September 30, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
If you practice yoga, Pilates can help to complement your yoga practice. Yogis who practice pilates as well, can create greater stability, better alignment and have stronger cores. This deeper strength can give greater control over your movements, allowing you to move between poses and hold them for longer. Pilates is an 85 year old system of body conditioning, which can complement asana practice. It’s focus is on building and engaging a strong core - essential for advanced yoga poses. It was developed by Joseph Pilates, who studied a number of forms of exercise including yoga to come up with the practice. Similarly to yoga, the focus is on connecting the mind and body to create the movement, but the movements themselves are very different. How Pilates and yoga are different is that while yoga holds each pose for a while, or flows through in vinyasas, Pilates is a practice which one repeats precise movements up to ten times in a rhythmic flow. The method to pilates is an emphasis on the controlled flow of movement.
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About pilates
Amy Cavill
If you love yoga here's why you should try pilates
Pilates and Yoga
Pilates Benefits
Pilates history
Pilates Yoga Fusion Intensive
5 Surprising Benefits of Yoga on Oral Health
On September 26, 2019 in
Anu Isaac
Yoga is a great way to stay healthy and keeping the body supple. However, it offers amazing benefits to oral health as well. Thanks to these benefits, you must consider incorporating yoga in your life for your dental care. 5 benefits of yoga on dental health include: Reduced Inflammation High stress levels cause an increase in the production of cortisol, which is the stress hormone. This increases inflammation which will worsens the swelling of gums if you suffer from them. Gum swelling will increase the risk of gum diseases.
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Anu Isaac
Surprising Benefits of Yoga on Oral Health
Yoga and Oral Health
Yoga and Teeth
Yoga for Your Mouth
6 Easy Life Hacks to Fit Yoga into Your Busy Schedule
On September 17, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Life is pretty busy, and although we might love the idea of slowing down, taking some time for ourselves, and reaping the benefits yoga practice promises, sometimes in practice, it can be hard to simply just find the time. Yoga urges you to slow down, but sometimes, work, housework, responsibility and family duties don’t give you an opportunity for some time off to roll out your mat. If you’re finding it hard to juggle a busy schedule, you might have brushed off yoga as something you just don’t have time for, and start denying yourself those minutes in the day that are just for you. Taking time for yourself is important, and yoga can massively benefit both your physical and mental health - so don’t be so quick to write it off as something not important. Even the busiest of people can benefit from all yoga has to offer - here’s some tips on how to fit yoga into your busy schedule. Keep Your Yoga Mat in Eyesight
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Amy Cavill
Busy Yoga Tips
Fit Yoga into Busy Schedule
Yoga for Busy People
Yoga Life Hacks
8 Reasons Why Men with Back Pain Should Practice Yoga
On September 13, 2019 in
Dan Singleton
Back pain is a serious problem in the modern day with 80% of Americans expected to experience it at some point during their lifetime. So, any activity that can help to guard against it should be welcomed right? Well, this is exactly what yoga can do. As the flexibility and increased range of motion it gives you can really take the pressure and strain off your back throughout the day. While the core strength you’ll gain will keep your back better supported while also improving your posture. However, despite these benefits most yoga classes continue to be dominated by women as many men remain reluctant to give it a try. But why is this?
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Back Pain Yoga
Dan Singleton
Yoga for Back Pain
Yoga for Men
Yoga for Men with Back Pain
Yoga Men Stigma
Best Yoga Poses to Open your Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
On August 27, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
The 7th Chakra is the crown chakra, and it can teach about unity and transcendence. It encompases the top of your head, where the other 6 chakras integrate. It’s important to try and keep your Crown Chakra balanced, as it can help you to understand the world and your existence in it. When your 7th Chakra is activated, it can unify your mind with your higher self. This Chakra is associated with wisdom and enlightenment, and awakening this Chakra can help to shake off confusion, self-doubt and hesitation. The name for the Crown Chakra in Sanskrit is Sahasrana, which is translated as ‘the thousand petal lotus’. The energy collected in this Chakra helps you to be connected to everything in the world, and when it is unbalanced you can start to feel disconnected and attached to certain aspects in your life. This imbalance can also feel like you’re ‘stuck in your head’. If you want to activate your 7th Chakra, here are the best poses to help you: Headstand
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Open Your 7th Chakra
Open Your Crown Chakra
Yoga for 7th Chakra
Yoga for Sahasrara
Yoga Poses for Crown Chakra
Inspiration for Life as a Yoga Instructor
On August 22, 2019 in
Shannon Connell
I chose to have my career as a yoga instructor. There is a lot that goes into it and it constantly develops an array of skills and parts of myself, such as public speaking, my creativity, and courage. It continually motivates me to show up in the present moment too. There is so much to this beautiful job, but what really qualifies us to teach yoga is simply that we continue to practice yoga. We must practice what we teach. We also must really love people. Like any other mission, or purpose in life, it can present challenges, but as yoga teachers if we are humbly willing to show up to the moment, focus on growing and healing ourselves, and do all that we can to be of service to our community, this is such a rich profession. It is a great honor to be of service and inspire people back to their true nature and back to joy. One goal of teaching yoga is to assist others in the experience of yoga, guide them towards enlightenment, a more liberated consciousness, and freedom from attachment and separation.
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Life as a Yoga Instructor
Shannon Connell
Yoga Instructor Inspiration
Yoga Teacher Career
Yoga Teacher Inspiration
The History and Philosophy of Ashtanga Yoga
On August 20, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga has come a long way, and in these modern times, the average yogi has a wealth of options when it comes to classes and styles of yoga. Each style of yoga can be vastly different from the next, all linked with a focus on physical and mental strength, flexibility and mindfulness. Ashtanga yoga is a style that can be the most intensive, and requires a lot of disciple and determination. Ashtanga yoga is a standard set of asanas, focusing on breath, and internal mental space. Ashtanga yoga is a rigorous workout, and it’s known for its fast pace and difficult postures. Ashtanga typically features more traditional transitions and poses are held for a longer time than in some faster modern styles of yoga. Ashtanga is a great style of yoga for those who want to get a good workout and also clear their mind. It’s most similar to Vinyasa, however, it differs as Ashtanga series stays the same every time, whilst a Vinyasa flow can differ from class to class. Ashtanga also incorporates many aspects such as chanting and breathing that are parts of traditional yoga, and vinyasa flows can sometimes leave out.
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About Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Primary Series
Ashtanga Yoga Immersion
Ashtanga Yoga Philosophy
History of Ashtanga Yoga
9 Tips to Show Up On Your Yoga Mat Consistently
On August 16, 2019 in
Keith Allen
Several years ago I read something that said something along the lines of 'mastery' simply being the result of doing things you've committed to or decided you would master, even in the moments when you really don't feel like it. I resonate with this, and have often returned to the lightbulb moment this perspective gave me, on days when I do not feel like showing up on my yoga mat. When I manage to overcome the obstacles of getting onto my mat (which are usually made up excuses), almost always, I'm happy I practiced. Very seldom, if ever, do I regret taking the time to do yoga. Can you also relate to this? The benefits of yoga are too numerous to list, and so rich for those that feel the effects of a regular practice on their well-being. Life can feel challenging sometimes, and having something to return to that brings a greater sense of peace, is priceless. I've learned that for whatever reason, the yogic combination of focusing on the breath while putting the body into these powerful shapes, has the ability to transform our thinking, and has left me feeling more relaxed, happy, and content, time and time again.
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Benefits of Yoga
Consistent Yoga Practice
Life Hacks
Showing Up to Practice Yoga
Yoga Tips
7 Epic Outdoor Yoga Destinations
On August 13, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga is a practice that can be done anywhere, as long as you have a mat and a quiet space. It’s super easy to take your yoga practice outside, but have you considered taking your yoga practice overseas and somewhere international? There are plenty of beautiful outdoor spots all around the world for you to roll your mat out, where the nature and scenery is part of the yoga experience. Yoga is deeply symbolic of nature, from the names of many postures (Tree, Mountain, and poses named after animals), to the corresponding elements of certain poses (Earth, Air, Water, and Fire). The yoga community is widespread around the globe, so there are special places for you to treat yourself to a purposeful and beneficial yoga travel adventure, and also bring your yoga practice into the open air.
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Eat Wine Yoga Retreat Itlay
Outdoor Yoga
Outdoor Yoga Destinations
Travel Yoga
Yoga Destinations
Yoga Retreats
6 Hilarious Types of Yoga Students that Yoga Teachers Can Relate to
On August 9, 2019 in
Serena Dorf
Yoga continues to grow in popularity. The practice is no longer for one type of person and a new modern culture has developed around yogis and yoga studios. Understanding of simple studio etiquette is one good example. With any subculture comes stereotypes too. While exaggerated, as they always are, they're also good reminders not to take ourselves, our image, and the hobby of practicing yoga, too seriously. Yoga Instructor Marissa Anniston has shared 6 hilarious stereotypes of yoga students that yoga teachers might be all too familiar with. Yoga is all about love and understanding in the end, so do your best not to judge anyone you might come across in the yoga studio. Remember, we are all just doing the best we can. 1. The Frequent Texter
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For Yoga Teachers
Hilarious Types of Yoga Students
Serena Dorf
Yoga Humor
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