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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Zeal's Bomber Broccoli Slaw
Zeal's Bomber Broccoli Slaw
Ever since our last Zeal Dinner I’ve been craving this delicious, vegan, broccoli slaw. It’s the perfect salad for the Fall because it’s grounding, hearty and dense, which I appreciate this time of year. It’s so good that I’ve been eating it almost daily for the last week.

Am I Misappropriating Yoga
Am I Misappropriating Yoga
The continued rise of Instagram-influenced yoga has led to a new wave of criticism among East-Indians and academics alike. Accusations of cultural appropriation are being levied just as long-held myths are being debunked. Many earnest practitioners find themselves confused by the discord between what they see and read in the media and the experience they have of Yoga in their lives.

What Every Soccer Coach Should Know about Yoga
What Every Soccer Coach Should Know about Yoga
Hey coaches, I’m talking to you. As a yoga instructor who works with sports teams I’ve heard every excuse; we don’t have time, it’s not in the budget, or my favorite “this is not a girls’ soccer team you know.”

Yoga is the Exact Same as Football: The Proof
Yoga is the Exact Same as Football: The Proof
Have you noticed that yoga and football are like, the exact same thing? We’re here to throw a flag on the idea that Sunday gameday has to get in the way of your Sunday practice. In celebration of our new Yoga For Football and classes for a Tight End, we found 7 pieces of proof that we’re on one universal Special Team:

Meditation for Athletes
Meditation for Athletes
Meditation? Seriously? I know what you're thinking, but yes, seriously I am going to talk about meditation for athletes. I consider myself to be a very practical person so my approach to yoga has always been from a real world perspective. Meditation has always seemed like a bunch of new age hokum. OK, so I was wrong, it happens.

How Taking a Yoga Retreat Cultivates Contentment
How Taking a Yoga Retreat Cultivates Contentment
“The result of contentment is total happiness. The happiness we get from acquiring possessions is only temporary. We need to find new ones and acquire them to sustain this sort of happiness. There is no end to it. But true contentment, leading to total happiness and bliss, is in a class by itself.” – T.K.V. Desikachar

Quinoa Beet Arugula Salad
Quinoa Beet Arugula Salad
“Shockingly delicious” is the phrase my “non-health-food-fanatic-husband” uses to describe quinoa.

Yoga for Firefighters and Physically Demanding Jobs - Shoulder Edition Part 1
Yoga for Firefighters and Physically Demanding Jobs - Shoulder Edition Part 1
This series of articles was originally entitled Yoga for Firefighters as it was written for my firefighter specific class, however I have expanded it to other physically demanding jobs since the advice is equally valid and helpful to the construction trades, police officers, super heroes and military personnel. I will to address some of the specific physical challenges that firefighting and other such jobs create.

I have always been one to follow my intuition. Not a strategic plan … an intuitive knowing. And to be honest, it’s drove a lot of people close to me crazy and in some cases, away from me. And that’s fine by me because honestly, I can’t live any other way. I’ve tried and it hurts, it physically hurts to live outside of my intuition.

The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety
The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety
In honor of the Halloween holiday, I recently recorded a class and meditation “On The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety” for the OUTLAW Yoga Channel.

7 Healthy Snacks you Will Love
7 Healthy Snacks you Will Love
Ready to get back into a healthy routine. Ready to get back into somewhat of a normal schedule.

A Simple Way to Cope With Fear
A Simple Way to Cope With Fear
Fear can feel painful, overwhelming, even paralyzing. Whether you’re facing a major life change like an illness or a break-up, or a more specific fear like giving a presentation to colleagues or standing in front a group and teaching a yoga class, I hope this post gives you some idea for navigating fear with more ease.

Thank Goddess for this theme! After all the astrological upheaval that began all the way back with Venus Retrograde, followed by a deep dive into the Sun by Venus, followed by a Solar Eclipse, then Mercury in Retrograde, then a Lunar Eclipse, finishing with the finale of Mercury stationing direct, where else can we go but into balance?

A Meditation to connect the Ajna to the Anahata Chakra
A Meditation to connect the Ajna to the Anahata Chakra
The Ajna Chakra is the powerful center located in the middle of the forehead, also referred to as the 3rd eye. It’s an internal place that holds so much wisdom and so much innate intuition. The light and depth that resides in this internal center is so profound, that the ancient yogis as well as sages from other spiritual traditions have revered the 3rd eye as the center point of focus as they practiced long hours of meditation.

Yoga for Digestion
Yoga for Digestion
It’s Vata season (fall), which means all of Vata’s wonderful qualities become heightened until Spring. As a quick recap, Vata is made up of the elements air and ether (space) and its qualities can include digestive irregularities, feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, creativity, and movement. Think wind, dryness, and cool air – all properties present in autumn.

Pumpkin Turkey Crockpot Chili
Pumpkin Turkey Crockpot Chili
It’s Fall, y’all – and we’re pumped. Pumped for pumpkin, that is!

7 Ways to Stay Happy, Healthy and Aligned
7 Ways to Stay Happy, Healthy and Aligned
To connect with your true nature and the nature of the cosmos – especially as we transition into autumn - be sure to make the following actions a habit:

Mega Yoga
Mega Yoga
Once heralded and esteemed, yoga conferences have lost much of their appeal as livelier yoga festivals have come into emergence and birthed new forms of yoga events. Large-scale gatherings and demonstrations, happening under the auspices of group yoga practice, are setting new precedents and are emblematic of ever expanding roles yoga is playing in our culture.

Superfood Cashew Clusters
Superfood Cashew Clusters
We’re still very much in an 80:20 mood here at the Conscious Cleanse and nothing says 80:20 like raw chocolate!

Yogic Living 101: Try this Transformative Mindset Shift
Yogic Living 101: Try this Transformative Mindset Shift
Ever get stuck in a rut of negative thinking? Feel overwhelmed by the amount of complaining in your life, both by you and those around you?

Find Your Stance
Find Your Stance
As a beginner, among the many confusions of learning yoga, is figuring out your stance for standing poses (meaning Warrior II, Side Angle, Triangle, etc.). How long from the front foot to the back foot? How much width between the heels? What are the angles the feet are turned? Is there an absolute right way? And it’s also highly probable you haven’t given this a second thought and just step your feet apart and do your best to make the shape. Here’s a step by step guide to keep it simple and increase the power of your postures.

The Beginner Mindset
The Beginner Mindset
Happy Autumn Equinox! I don’t know about you, but it’s slowly starting to feel like fall around here. Cooler weather. Pumpkins on display at the grocery store. Cravings for soup and hot tea. Northface jackets. And of course, football!

Hibiscus Tea Cooler
Hibiscus Tea Cooler
Happy Friday! We’ve been anxiously awaiting this day since we’ve been in decompression mode from the last Conscious Cleanse. And now we’re ready to celebrate! Who’s ready for a Conscious Cocktail?

Love Your Body
Love Your Body
One day during savasana (the relaxation pose at the end of a yoga class) I basically ‘woke’ up. In that moment, I felt completely content, possibly for the first time in my life. I began to clearly see the suffering I was putting myself through in relationship to my body and eating.

Cashew Cheese Stuffed Squash Blossoms
Cashew Cheese Stuffed Squash Blossoms
As I was cruising around the Farmer’s Market last Saturday I noticed these beautiful bright yellow and orange flower-like veggies at one of the stands. Upon further investigation, I realized that these beauties were squash blossoms!