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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Crocodile Crocodile - A Kid's Meditation
Crocodile Crocodile - A Kid's Meditation


What is Crocodile? 
Crocodile is a restorative body posture that uses props rather than muscle engagement to support the body and maintain the posture, allowing the body to relax fully.

How does it help me?
Crocodile is a very grounding posture, meaning the body and mind will feel anchored and connected to the present moment rather than scattered and/or anxious. It is very calming and relaxing.

What do I need? 
•    A bolster (or folded up blanket or pillow)
•    A yoga block*

How do I do it?
•    Lie face down on your belly, placing yoga bolster (or folded blanket) under your ribcage.
•    Place a yoga block under your forehead.
•    Relax your arms and legs completely, allowing the body to be fully supported by the props and the floor.
•    Breathe deeply, feeling the belly expand and release against the floor.
•    Allow yourself to be heavy, imagine sinking deeper into the floor with each exhale.
•    Stay in this deeply relaxing posture for 5-10 minutes.

*Tip: If you do not have a block you can stack your hands or fists on top of one another and rest your forehead on the top hand/fist.

By Lisa Roberts

Lisa Roberts E-RYT 200, RCYT, and Certified Children's Yoga Therapist, has worked in the pediatric wellness field since 2006.

The founder and director of YoYo Yoga Therapy ( she works with individual clients and small groups on a regular basis, and teaches at a variety of family and youth support centers in the Saint Louis area including a major children’s hospital where she founded the yoga therapy program offering yoga, meditation and relaxation to patients, patient siblings, parents/families and staff.

Lisa also offers professional trainings on Kids Adaptive Yoga for professionals who work with children. She is the author of
Breathe, Chill - A Handy Book of Games and Techniques Introducing Breathing, Relaxation and Meditation to Kids and Teens.





Super Tasty Sauteed Broccoli
Super Tasty Sauteed Broccoli

Chances are good that you didn’t like it because it was either so overcooked that it was soggy or it was served raw with no flavour.

This recipe is so simple that a kid can do it and is better than any broccoli side dish at a restaurant. In fact, when I say so simple a kid can do it, my 11 year old son who aspires to own a healthy food-truck made and created this recipe for my lunch one day and it takes only five minutes and five ingredients.


Tasty Sautéed Broccoli

2 cups fresh broccoli florets
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
Pinch of red pepper flakes

Cut the broccoli florets into smaller pieces so they cook quickly. Typically each large floret is cut into two to three pieces. In a large sauté pan over medium to medium-high heat, warm the olive oil and then add the broccoli, garlic, sea salt and red pepper flakes. Turning periodically for about five minutes or less. Broccoli should still have a firm texture and be bright green, but be soft enough to enjoy.

By Jessica Wyman



Jessica Wyman is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Yoga Teacher at  She has authored two books available on Amazon, Finding Your Foxy and Girlfriends Organic Kitchen

She believes that women are created by everything they eat, drink, breathe and believe and that concept is the cornerstone of the Wildly Nourished programs she co-created.  As a clean eating foodie and wellness maven, she teaches healthy living without the complicated rituals by focusing on simple ingredients to create your ideal life (and meals). 

Join Jessica’s FREE 5-day lifestyle program at

Connect with Jessica at:



The Stories We Tell Ourselves
The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Judgement of others and self judgement. It keeps us organized and civil. It keeps us going. It keeps us chasing the milestones like mice and cheese. Car, graduation, celebration, engagement, wedding, first home, first car, first car payment, first child, graduation, celebration...

Surrounded by people in a busy coffee shop I sit and observe. Fueling my curiosity. Quietly trying to make eye contact with as many people as possible. Why do we pass others with our heads down? For fear of connecting with another person? Fear of what, awkward eye contact? The moment passes, you nod, they nod, they walk away. We forget the encounter a moment later. 

Judgement fills our active brain space. What if they see me? What if they see through me? We are fearful of exposing the carefully pieced together mask that we present the world. Not a sequin out of place, not one misshapen eyelet. 

I am a student, I am a mother to one and grandmother to three, I am wealthy, I am a doctor, I am a high school athlete and belong at this table not that one, I fought in the war. This is how we define ourselves.

When we meet each other the first question we ask is, what do you do? We base the value of others on their occupation. You have one answer to make it in the club. One answer to make me trust you. 

The result of our frustration is being categorized so quickly by another person. We are more than our occupation, we are more than our family name, we are more than the countries we have visited, or the events of our past.

What is holding you back from living your bliss?

We are infinitely great and are capable of creating endless possibilities for ourselves. We are capable of choosing contentment. 

The only person holding you back is you. 

The only thing that is holding you back is how you define yourself. 

By Cicily Amrita

A life-long athlete, Cicily was introduced to the practice of yoga at a very young age. When she was eight years old, her grandmother began teaching at a small yoga studio in Grand Junction, Colorado. She practiced yoga and varsity dance in high school but did not begin to experience the power of a consistent practice until she left the nest and became a daily practitioner. She has been an avid student of yoga for over 10 years.

Cucumber Radish Salad
Cucumber Radish Salad

Cucumber Radish Salad!

Nothing says spring to me quite like radishes do. They’re always the first to pop up in our garden at home, signaling the tasty beginning of the bountiful harvest ahead.

Radishes could be the perfect Spring Cleanse food. Known for cleansing the liver, radishes help improve digestion and prevent constipation. Radishes are also a great source of vitamin C, fiber and potassium.

Enjoy this crunchy, creamy salad chilled on a hot afternoon. It’s hydrating, fresh and delicious!

What’s on your Spring Cleanse menu? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment below.

With love and spicy radishes,

Cucumber Radish Salad

Yield: 2 Servings


2 cups cucumber, skins on, diced
1 cup radish, diced
1 avocado, diced
¼ cup fresh herb of choice (cilantro, dill, mint or parsley would be delicious)
2 TB lime or lemon juice
1 TB apple cider vinegar
2 TB olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

In a large bowl, toss together cucumber, radish, avocado, herbs, lime juice, vinegar, olive oil until well combined. Avocado should become creamy but still chunky. Add salt and pepper to taste. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes before serving.


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website. 

After you make this yummy recipe try a healing yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez


Living Your Yoga: Beyond the Mat "Stretched to the Limit"
Living Your Yoga: Beyond the Mat

I recently had one of those weeks myself, when my car (in the middle of winter here) began to leak antifreeze and overheat. I borrowed a vehicle from my brother until I could get my car repaired and while I had his car, backed it into another woman’s car in a dark parking lot (yeah, her car was black –didn’t even see it).

This is okay, I think, I have insurance, but as it turns out, my insurance says they won't cover the accident because I was driving someone else’s car. I will have to claim the accident on my brother’s insurance (something I'm not willing to do).

So we’re off to get estimates for the damage (to both cars) and I find out that my fifteen-year-old car has a leaking water pump. With 212,000 miles on it, I decide the repair is too costly for such an old car with a limited lifespan, to say the least. I will just have to get something newer to drive. I start looking online for a possible replacement, but without knowing the cost of the repairs on the other two cars, I can’t even think about buying a new car. Suddenly, I feel stuck. One part of me wants to just push through the situation, to make everything right, but I can't. I just can't do it.

I like to compare these challenging times to the yoga posture, pigeon pose - let’s take that idea a step further, sleeping pigeon pose (the forward fold version). If you have a yoga instructor like mine, she’ll want keep you there deep in pigeon, folded for two full minutes which seems like an eternity with your chest and shoulders shaking as they hover just above your knee, your hip on fire, fighting to get free from the bind.

And if you’re REALLY lucky while you are there, with your hip flexor, hamstring, knee and glutes stretched to the limit, she will remind you, that when things get tough, force will never work. If we push or force the posture we will wind up hurting ourselves. The only real way through the pain is to release and allow. We can even back off a little if we need to. When we can take a deep breath and let go, even just a little, we make room or space for something new. We let go of the things that are binding us and we find a tiny bit more freedom.

At the very least, when we can let go, surrender to the sensations and not judge them (or ourselves) one way or another, we can relax enough to open our eyes and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We remember that we have been here before (or someplace similar) and we came out of the situation with renewed ability to handle stress without breaking.

I don’t know why we experience times like this in our life, but what I do know is that although they can seem pretty overwhelming, they do pass and life eventually returns to something like normal. What we can do to help is examine our judgements about our circumstance, release our expectations and allow the Universe to help us solve our troubles. Deep breathing can help too.

By Tracy Martin

Tracy is a dancer, writer, runner, yogi, and lover of adventures large and small. Breaking through barriers, building bridges and basking in the glow of life's fabulousness. Meeting other fabulous people on the way and telling stories to share the good news that the Universe is indeed All Good!  Visit Tracy at

Blooming Flowers - A Kid's Meditation
Blooming Flowers - A Kid's Meditation

Blooming Flower Breath

What is Blooming Flower Breath?
Blooming Flower Breath encourages our mind and body to experience the freshness, peace and serenity of a garden in full bloom on a gorgeous spring day.

How does it help me?
Tapping in to our senses we visualize our hands as a beautiful blooming flower encouraging a sense of relaxation. Building on this visualization we deepen the experience and sense of relaxation by introducing slow, even inhales and exhales to calm and relax the body and mind. The gentle hand movements provide a beneficial stretch for our — often over-worked and over-looked — very busy hands and fingers.

Ever heard the expression, “Slow down and smell the roses”? Well, here’s your opportunity to do so any time you need to:

How do I do it?
• Begin in a comfortable seated position.
• Bring hands in front of your torso and hook the thumbs together, spread your fingers wide – this is your flower in full bloom!
• Keeping the thumbs hooked together, gently close the fingers and fingertips to touch – this is your flowing closed in a bud.
• Gently lift your bud to your nose and take a deep, long slow inhale – taking in the scent of your flower.
• Spread the fingers wide, allowing your flower to bloom and gently exhale, blowing the air on your flower’s petals.
• Really enjoy the color, shape, scent and bloom of your flower as you continue this exercise for several rounds.

By Lisa Roberts

Lisa Roberts E-RYT 200, RCYT, and Certified Children's Yoga Therapist, has worked in the pediatric wellness field since 2006.

The founder and director of YoYo Yoga Therapy ( she works with individual clients and small groups on a regular basis, and teaches at a variety of family and youth support centers in the Saint Louis area including a major children’s hospital where she founded the yoga therapy program offering yoga, meditation and relaxation to patients, patient siblings, parents/families and staff.

Lisa also offers professional trainings on Kids Adaptive Yoga for professionals who work with children. She is the author of
Breathe, Chill - A Handy Book of Games and Techniques Introducing Breathing, Relaxation and Meditation to Kids and Teens.






Because not believing in magic means that you have an “equation” that works out every single time, for every single thing.  It also means that you can control everything about everything and that it’s all black and white.

I don’t know…there seems to be something wrong with that.

I’m living in vibrant color these days and it’s flippin’ magical!  I say things and they appear, give or take a day or two.  I feel something, and it manifests.  I have to be really, really careful with my thoughts these days.   Truth!

Here’s the deal that brought me to magic…

The stars, the planets, the cosmos, none of us know exactly how they got here right?  I mean for sure, for sure.  You don’t know right?  If you do, please tell me!  Do you have it on video?

And, we don’t get to control the way they all move up there in the Universe as far as I’m aware. And what about the whole “energy of the Moon”, I mean, it creates the waves on the Earth!  That’s kinda crazy isn’t it?  

And how about your own body?  You know, the one you walk around in all day, every day?  Do you wake up and turn your systems on and make sure everything is working according to your plan?  No… I didn’t think so. It just does it’s thing … even while you’re sleeping!

I’m mesmerized by that!

I still remember looking at my daughter, at 2:00am when she was 5 days old.  She was crying and crying, screaming really.  And I held her on my lap and looked down her throat and thought, “Wow, I grew that in my belly.”  Astounding.

That’s magic.

Our body and how it moves, and how the brain functions … to me, magic. And I know doctors have scientific answers for everything but I say, yeah, whatever.  There has to be some magic in there somewhere.  You can’t know it all, you just cannot!

And what about synchronicities?  Or unexpected events?  Or what about love?  Have you ever met your soulmate?  Or your twin flame? Have you ever met someone and instantly felt connected to them, like you had met them before? Or had such chemistry the moment you laid eyes on them?  Have you ever been so connected to your dreams that you woke up and that dream manifested within a day, a week, a month?

I mean … just take a look at the picture I chose for this blog.  It’s by Android Jones and it’s called Union.  It’s my all time favorite painting… ever. How did he do that?  How did he paint that?  It came to him and he did it.  About his own art he says, “If I could distill into words exactly what motivates me to create the art that I make than it would not be worth making it. Instead I have chosen the Pen.”  Magic.

I think our society discounts magic too much.  I think we think too much and rationalize too much and put things in categories and label everything so it “makes sense.”

Magic doesn’t make sense.  It just is and it just happens. 

We can’t plan everything … you don’t WANT to plan everything! At least I don’t.

I want to take care of what I need to take care of, make sure my bills get paid, my kids get where they need to get to (which is magic on some days) and I skillfully continue to find passion in my “work” until the day I pass.

In between all of that I am open to the magic of it all.  I am open to looking at my lover in the eyes and knowing our meeting was magic. I’m open to staring at the ocean and contemplating all its majestic unknown rhythms. I am open to enjoying all Hindu or Greek mythology stories without needing some proof that it’s true.  And I’m open to loving the magic of life unfolding before my eyes.

 It’s way more fun that way don’tcha think?

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!


Meditation Trigger Points
Meditation Trigger Points

I’ve tried to listen to purposeful calming meditative music. The music became so banal its effect worn as quickly as that first jolt of morning coffee. Online discoveries of melodious voices male or female attempting to talk me through stages of quietude reminded me of a priest's last rites droning on to the dying. My mind wandered wondering if the voices were always so relaxing and calm. Did they every yell for a child to “move it” or everyone would be late for school or at a spouse for – well for anything? Maybe their households and acquaintances are in trances around them. My pursuit to incorporate meditation into my life has gone so far as attending a week long Vispassana retreat of forced meditation. I dropped out on day 5. 

Oh how I want the benefits of meditation. So, I defined what meditation is for me: a moment of quiet, inner peace and appreciation for life. Moment, ah ha! Moment isn’t just a time quotient but an image or situation that triggers my definition. Mourning doves or 2 turtle doves if you are a fan of the “12 Days of Christmas,” are my triggers. Mourning doves have a soulful coo, are monogamous and will perch on a bench or post in my backyard for the length of my attention span. When I see the pair I stop and listen or just watch. I’m meditating. My mind is quiet and aware simultaneously. 

Find your momentary trigger for meditation. 

By Karin Cooper

A great admirer and fan of committed people possessing the trifecta of health in mind, body and soul but am an admitted failure of all 3. A writer and college writing teacher. I focus my students on incorporating habits into their writing process and life.


Picking Off the Past
Picking Off the Past

Through research I learned that when blackberries overripe they mold and grow a fungus which affects the whole plant. In other words, when not picked berries harden and affect their neighbors. I can’t help but think about this on a personal level. When we stifle our hurts, don’t move toward opportunities, become afraid of change, or cling tightly onto the past, we can become hard but more importantly we don’t grow our “fruit.” When the blackberry is not picked, the bush does not fruit. When we do not move forward, we close up. 
Similar to how fungi on overripe berries infect the entire plant, our attachment to past experiences can limit our capacity to grow in subtle but vital ways. Some yogi belief suggests we are made up of seven energetic levels, each vibrating at a different frequency. Our physical body is the lowest vibration and visible to everyone. Although we may not be witness to the remaining six layers, they are always functioning and always affecting each other. For instance, our emotional body, the second level, often is reflected in our physical body. When in a state of joy, our skin is flush, eyes bright, and our whole being radiates. When depressed our skin is ragged, hair greasy, and sometimes we physically feel pain in our muscles and bones. 
Many of us are afraid of feeling or expressing emotional pain. We avoid confronting others and ourselves because we don’t want to experience hurt. But, we must feel, and we must let go in order to move on and flourish to our full potential. Just as we are to acknowledge our pains, sorrows, and losses, we must also release joys and successes. To fixate on a past love, past success or glory can be so fun at times, but sometimes we attach ourselves to shining moments and therefore dim everything else in comparison. When we do this, we dishonor the present and no longer see the amazing gifts in our life. This often occurs in relationships. We can cling to the good times, unable or unwilling to see how both people are unhappy. Or we move on from the relationship and compare everyone we meet, every new experience against the past relationship, thus making us unable to forge new bonds. When we refuse to let go, we only hurt ourselves. 

We all know that change is inevitable yet so many of us resist any form of transformation. Yet, when we don’t allow ourselves to evolve, like the overripe blackberry, we shrivel up. We harden and do not fully develop into our majestic self. Take time in your yoga practice, in your meditation, and in your day to day life, to feel and experience your natural rhythms and let go of the past. By releasing the old baggage that weighs you down, you will find yourself lighter, happier, and more apt to enjoy the fruits of life. 

By Kimi Marin

Kimi has a master’s degree in literature and loves to combine the power of stories with yoga. Her Yogic Lore workshops are a fun combination of stories, asana, meditation, and mantra. Kimi was featured in Origin Magazine’s Inspire Series and was the featured ambassador for Ahnu Footwear June 2013. Visit




Dream Big
Dream Big

Much like a coal miner coming out of the cave they work in, the light looks brighter – shockingly so – when we emerge. The air smells fresher. The sounds sing sweeter.” – says Chani Nichols about my Leo path.  Ah… I’m not sure she realizes just how spot on she is with this.

You see … About 6 years ago I decided to leave a life that was seemingly so stable and lovely and secure.  From the outside it was beautiful and perfect.  But inside I knew I was dying.  And as I look back from an even deeper place, I know now, there wasn’t anything wrong with my life; I just wasn’t being true to myself.  I had hidden myself behind so much and I knew I couldn’t shine until I faced it all.

I knew I had to leave, but there was so much preparation that had to happen.  I slipped into an underground survival mode and went to work.   I stashed money away, worked my ass off, and prayed every day.  I prayed for forgiveness, for clarity, for protection, for grace, and for truth.  But most of all, for freedom.

Freedom from my pain, my past, my hurt and the lies I told myself about what my life was supposed to be.  I had put myself in a safe little box but my light was not shining … at least I didn’t feel it.  People around me could see it, but my heart was so clouded by my past, I just couldn’t see it.  And I didn’t feel safe to share it completely.  There was healing to be done and it couldn’t happen in the space I was in.

I knew I had to leave in 2009 but spent an entire year planning and praying.  Then, in 2010 I traveled to Squaw Valley with two very dear friends and on our way back to the NW, I told them I would be leaving my current life.  I was gifted this beautiful bracelet that I have worn every single day since.

In 2011 my life completely unraveled and I was scared shitless.  The noise outside of my head was so loud and it was an effort to block it out, listening to only my heart.  I realized that this underground journey had only just begun.  Through fear, guilt, shame, rage, grief, judgment, ridicule and projection, I kept walking, kept yoga-ing, kept praying, and kept diving in deep.

Only 11 months into the first transition, in 2012 I was offered an opportunity to change my life even more and I took it.  It would change things drastically and force me to step out onto a huge ledge.  The ledge I stood on was this:

You are going to be alone – this is your path.You must be self-sustaining – you cannot rely on anyone for help.
You must leave your two daughters for an indefinite period of time.

I could stand on the edge of those fears and peer over the side or I could leap.  Heart wrenching; still brings tears to my eyes when I think of it.  But the BIG DREAM required BIG RISK so I leaped.  And keep in mind, big risk is just that, it’s a risk; there are no guarantees.  And let me be clear; the BIG DREAM had nothing to do with fame or fortune … only freedom.

Truth, freedom and love.  Period.

My move wasn’t all roses and chocolate.  Nope.  It involved being vulnerable, transparent and it involved hard work, and sleeping on lots of couches. It involved asking for help and kicking ass. It involved me looking at all of my dark stuff with truth and compassion.  It involved setting boundaries that hurt and put me into a space of even more needed isolation.  It involved losing my mind over my heart, big time.  It involved leaving my soul mate whom I loved dearly.  It involved crying alone and meditating a lot.  It meant putting lots of miles on my car in the hopes to make a difference and an impact.

You see, when you leave it all, I mean all of it, and arrive with only what fits in your car, you start over.  You believe, you trust, and you keep moving, and you keep loving.  You keep praying, you keep yoga-ing, and you keep moving.  There isn’t time for intimacy, or partnership, or doubting, or partying.  There’s work to be done when you rebuild for the sake of a big dream.

The Guru Mantra, Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Ganesha and Shiva all became my consort.   A far cry from the Catholic home I grew up in that’s for sure.  But it worked!  Quan Yin was my protector every single day.  Live in compassion for it all.

In 2013 my lovely daughters moved back in with me.  After nine months of being apart, nine months of traveling into the dark corners of my life, nine months of deep introspection, I emerged a lighter being.  My heart was at ease.  But still, work to be done, as always.  Still somewhat underground.

Truth, freedom and love.  Period. 

 In 2014 I could afford to take my kids to Palm Desest on vacation.  I exhaled, finally.  I stopped worrying about how I was going to pay for food, clothes and gas in my car.  I could finally breathe a bit easier and didn’t grind my teeth at night.  I stopped fighting about what I thought was fair or just and began falling into the space of flow instead.

This year… this year feels good.  I am dreaming big.  I see my light and I am moving swiftly into an even brighter light, which of course is scary, but so necessary.

Truth, freedom and love.  Period.

We live in an apartment that is on the bottom floor of our building and faces the trees.  We don’t get direct light but it’s beautiful.  We just bought a little furniture set to sit out on the deck.  My kids do their homework out there and argue over who can use the table.  I have to get the other one now to match, so they both have one.  I can do that.  I have the resources.

I think of these words from the wise Chani Nichols,

“You are ending a recent and significant underground-type of journey but the good news is that it ends with Friday’s solar eclipse/new moon. Above ground you go!

Much like a coal miner coming out of the cave they work in, the light looks brighter – shockingly so – when we emerge. The air smells fresher. The sounds sing sweeter.”

every time I walk up three flights of steps and emerge from the beauty of my safe place, my apartment where I became self-sustaining, self-loving and at ease with growing.  The words that permeate my heart when I emerge every, single morning is

“I am so ready to move up into the light.”

It’s time to dream bigger than you can imagine.  Don’t plan it, just move into the light without fear, doubt of worry.  It’s time.


By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!


Tips for Choosing a Yoga Mat
Tips for Choosing a Yoga Mat

My mat of choice is the Jade Fusion, it was an absolute game changer. Given that I have some of the boniest knees on the planet, I tried numerous mat and supplemental padding permutations. When I found the Fusion mat, my life changed. No more folding mats or setting up towels, I could just kneel and focus on the stretch, rather than counting the seconds until I could get back up.

This is not to say I think this is the right mat for everyone, it has some downside. First, it cost a small fortune by comparison to other mats. Second, it weighs as much as my cat, so lugging it around can be a burden. And, because of the extra density, it makes balance poses a bit more challenging. But to me, those are prices I am more than willing to pay.

My standard advice when buying a mat is look for density. There are some nice mats out there that won’t break the bank. If you have been practicing for a while and are ready to treat yourself to a premium mat, check out Jade and Manduka. I have a Manduka mat that I use at my office and it is really nice, not quite as dense as the Fusion, but a really good mat at about half the price.

There are good options at places like TJ Maxx and Target. Gaiam is probably best known, they have a premium line which I am seeing a lot of and people seem pleased with them. When looking at mats, try to find a minimum density of 5mm, you can generally tell by the size of the roll how dense the mat is, if it looks like a taquito, it is probably 3mm so move on.

Also, consider length. Standard length is 68” which is fine if you are 5’8 or shorter. If you are taller, there are longer mats available, you just may have to order them. For taller clients, I recommend they spend the extra few bucks for the 74” mat, it is a rarely regretted decision. Extra wide mats also exist, so don’t just buy the first thing you see, get what you need.

While there are plenty of mats which will serve you well out there, I have definite opinions about those big puffy “fitness mats.” Stay away from them. They are not designed for yoga, they have no grip, the ends roll up, and they condense to a tissue thin sheet when you press on them. I cannot tell you how many people have bought them thinking the puffiness will make them more comfortable, only to be disappointed and frustrated when they don’t work.

Bottom line when buying a mat, consider how often you practice, if it’s more than once a week, spend a little more for a premium mat. If you practice once a week or less, get yourself a nice quality 5mm from one of the mass retailers. 

A final word of warning, if you float the idea of getting a mat as a present, be specific about the mat you want, otherwise the decision will be made on color and price and that does not always end well.

By Tara Kestner

Previously published on Next Level Yoga's Blog

Tara Kestner is a registered yoga instructor who specializes in working with athletes of all levels. She designs programs based on specific sport requirements and challenges. Utilizing the principle that strength plus flexibility equals power, her classes give athletes the tools they need to enhance their performance. Tara is the owner of Next Level Yoga, Ltd., in Toledo, Ohio.



It's Time for an Information Detox
It's Time for an Information Detox

Seriously! So many people are glued to their computers, iPhones, TVs ALL DAY LONG. They don’t even really know how to talk to each other anymore. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they say LOL or IDK? Really?? Actually laughing or saying ‘I don’t know’ doesn’t take more effort.

I’m probably a hypocrite for giving you this advice because I spend most of my day between my phone and my computer, doing work. Even Madeline knows that I spend a good chunk of my day on the ‘conkuter’. I am working, reaching out to clients, responding to emails and text messages, placing orders for my essential oil business. But I am not rotting my brain or my body on all the other crap.

I’m fired up about this because it seems like we Americans keep getting fatter and fatter, and lazier and lazier, and it scares me! Where are we going to be in 20 years if we’re all constantly glued to our technology? Like those people in the movie, Wall-e, who speak to the person next to them on a screen in front of them instead of turning their head, and can hardly walk when they get out of their chairs??!! We all need a technology and information detox. Here’s what I want you to do:

Turn off the news
My husband makes fun of me for not knowing what’s going on, but the news is stupid. Do I REALLY need to know about the guy from 10 that just killed his whole family? Do I need to know about every car accident and murder that’s happened in the world? The news has become so sensationalized anyway, you never know if what they’re telling you is the truth. If something big is happening, I’ll hear about it. I’ll read it on Facebook or friends will tell me about it.

Turn off the TV
Yes, Madeline watches movies, but they’re on her iPad. There’s just so much crap on TV, stuff that I don’t want her to see, stuff that I really don’t want to see either, it’s hardly worth turning it on. Reality shows are like a sociology experiment gone wrong - do I REALLY CARE if some goofball ‘survives’ on a desert island? Please - SURVIVE???!!! In 30 days on that show, they’ve still eaten more than the average person in India has. Gimme a break. Is THAT what you want to spend your time on?? Watching someone pretend they’re acting ‘natural’ while actually being scripted and directed to have a temper tantrum? Shouldn’t you be out walking or playing catch with your kid in the front yard? The only time I watch TV is for a few specific shows that I like to watch, as I’m winding down for the night. Other than that, the TV is off.

Turn off the computer
Whether you’re in an office or working from home, it is so easy to spend the entire day sitting in front of a screen. Not only is it hard on your eyes, your brain is being constantly stimulated by the light. And if you’re following your Twitter or Facebook feed, you’re being over-stimulated by the constant influx of information. Whether you work for someone else or for yourself, force yourself to find a stopping point and then shut it off! Take a walk around the block, find a spin class to take, go read a book! Your Facebook feed will be there in the morning. I promise.

Turn off your phone
I admit, I am one of those people that will leave my cell phone on the dinner table - and I will look at it while I’m eating with my family, if I don’t turn it off. Every time I get out of a workout or a class, anything that I can’t have my phone with me, I have to check my phone. All day long, I am answering texts, emails, phone calls. I get nervous and can’t sleep if I go to bed without responding to people who have contacted me. Yes. I know. I’m obsessed. That is why I HAVE to turn it off. I force to wait 30 minutes after I get up to check my phone - it gives me a little peace before my day really gets going. And when it’s time to put Madeline to bed, I turn it off for the night, to guarantee that she and the rest of my family have my undivided attention. Just… put the phone down and walk away from it! Cover it up with something if you really have to keep it out of sight to stay off it. Give it to your spouse! I bet they’ll help you forget where it is!!!

Take a wifi vacay
It is amazing how relaxed you get when you don’t have any gadgets constantly going off in your face. A girl on my marketing team recently had a weekend at a cabin in the mountains, where there was no wifi or cell signal. It took hours for her ears to stop ringing and her eyes to adjust to natural light and she slept better than she had in months, without the constant bombardment of technology. But you don’t have to go to the mountains to get that peace. Just… shut everything off! Sure, your friends will miss you if you’re not there for every single post - won’t it be fun to catch up when the vacation is over?

Your body and mind deserve to unplug from the steady flow of information thanks to technology. Your family and friends deserve your undivided attention.

I’ve just given you some suggestions for how to do an information detox. How do you unplug? 

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Enjoy one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 


Core Yoga 4 


10 Signs You Need a Cleanse
10 Signs You Need a Cleanse

This time of year we often feel the urge to tend to our gardens, our yards, our closets and our living spaces. It’s a natural and healthy result of being in sync with the seasons and the world around us. And it can be very therapeutic to do so. Just think of how good it feels to clean your house from top to bottom with the windows open and the fresh crisp air blowing in the sweet smell of springtime.

But how do we prepare the physical body for this big transition?

Just like the brown grass and weed-filled garden, our body needs tending to. We need to excavate the residue of winter and reset the body back to a “new normal.”

Are your insides in need of some spring-cleaning? Let’s find out!

Check out our list below to find out if you’re due for a tune up. If you answer yes to any of these symptoms, join us for our next live cleanse. You can get the details for the upcoming program here.

Regular and seasonal cleansing is foundational to vibrant health. It’s like planting seeds now for the season of harvest ahead.

Check out the list of signs below and then leave me a comment. How are you not feeling your best? Are you ready to ditch the heavy comfort foods and lighten up before summertime?

With love and springtime cleaning,

10 Signs You Need a Cleanse

1. I feel fatigued, lethargic or low energy a lot of the time.
2. I have trouble sleeping and/or I wake up not feeling rested.
3. I have brain fog and am unable to focus.
4. I have pain in my joints or recurring headaches.
5. I’m constipated and only go to the bathroom every couple of days at most.
6. I have a hard time releasing extra weight.
7. I have bags under my eyes and/or a puffy face.
8. I have acne or other skin conditions.
9. I have irregular mood swings and sometimes feel depressed.
10. I have regular indigestion, gas or bloating.

Did you answer YES to any of the symptoms above? Join us for the next live cleanse here.

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website. 

After you sign up for the next cleanse, try a yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez


Epic Transitions
Epic Transitions

Here’s a little skinny….

This Friday, March 20th, as the sun emerges from it’s deep sleep and moves into the Spring Equinox, it is obscured by a Solar Eclipse, creating opposing energies of forward motion and a sitting back and waiting.  This isn’t anything new you know, movement forward, movement backward.  This is what happens in transition, even though an astrological event like this in the cosmos rarely happens, transitions certainly have their hiccups.

I think it happens again in like 2034 but Chani Nichols can tell you for sure.  This is indicative of transition though if you think about it.  A little forward motion, a little reverb back to the old.  It’s called the human experience.

The Spring Equinox happens around 3:45pm PST and it’s coupled with an end of the Astrological calendar, meaning we end at zero degrees Pisces and transition into Aries right around that same time, if I’m reading all of this correctly.

Not only that but we are coming off of a Pluto/Uranus square meaning more transition and potentially a shift in energy that we’ve been sitting with since around October 2012.  The Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurs at 2:36am PST on that same day, creating what I liken to a portal … a portal that you get to choose how you approach.

This time is all about transitions, big ones this time.  And I mean it.  Even with all that craziness, I still believe you can shift 2 degrees or 180 degrees; that you can create effort or ease; that you can struggle or flow.  I believe that our perception is a choice.  However, the option to change is not because change is inevitable.

I also believe that we are always transitioning; always evolving, always growing and we get to choose how that looks.  With all of this epic movement happening out there, do you really think that YOU are exempt from that energy?  Do you REALLY?

Newsflash .. you’re not.

So I’ve been asking myself … how do I want to enter into this new paradigm?  Because that’s what it is you know.  A completely new reality.  And, when we enter into transitions like this, it’s not like we just sit down and intend our life.  No, we have to really look at the whole ball of wax and ask ourselves what works and what doesn’t.  We must be willing to release the fucking grip we have on the old so the new can come in.  And, I also believe that if we don’t release our grip, the Universe is so powerful it’s going to do it for us.

So, we have a choice as always.  Let go or be dragged.  Up-level or stagnation.

How will you embody these transitions?  In you relationships?  Your career?  Your environment?  Your finances?

If you can remember that everything happens in response to your perception and in favor of your evolution, transition can’t be anything but epic.  So why do we fight it?

Fear, worry, doubt … all nonsense.  Listen, if you’re reading this and you think you have control of anything, take a look up at the sky.  Figure out how the Moon makes waves.  Tell me how Mars and Venus align and how all this epic shit happens on one day while you are alive!

Tell me how all that alignment happens while you sleep!

Then settle into what is, buckle up, smile that smirky smile, and get in for the ride.  Make it epic … because it always is!

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!


Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz
Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz

In many ways I have reformed my addiction and reduced the sweet stuff from my diet, but since having a baby and getting only four hours of sleep a night, I’ve noticed that I’ve developed a “healthy” sugar addiction to keep me going.

My old habit of York Peppermint Patties from years ago are no longer my crack. As of late, it has morphed into raw so-called “healthy” desserts, like our beloved Raw Brownies or other sweet treats. One day I caught myself day dreaming about what sweet treat I was going to eat later in the day and I realized I had a problem.

As we teach in our programs, vibrant health is a life-long pursuit, it’s about correcting course and getting back on track when we veer astray. So when I felt like I wasn’t able to shed some of my baby weight, and my energy was low and moods a bit erratic, I knew I had to ask myself the question I had been dreading; “What foods do I love and crave the most?”.

The answer was plain as day. It was sugar!

Although I wasn’t eating “the bad” sugar, I decided for myself – and the health of my baby, to take the sugar-free plunge.

It’s been two weeks now sans all types of sugar – fruit, dried fruit, maple sugar, honey etc. And I’m happy to say that I feel fantastic!

I should also mention that I’m completely grain-free too. For those of you considering  a clean break from all forms of sugar, just know that grains can awaken the sugar beast as well.

This new level of health tastes so much better than my healthy sweet treats at the end of the day. I’m sleeping better, waking up more refreshed even with little sleep. The bags under my eyes are going away. I have more energy. And a bonus is that my physical body is responding and I’m releasing the extra baby weight.

If you think that you might be addicted to sugar, take our Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz below.

Please leave me a comment below. Are you a sugar addicted? Are you ready to take the sugar-free plunge with me?

We’re here to cheer on and love you up!


P.S. If you need some extra TLC, we’d love to coach you in our next Live Conscious Cleanse program. Come join us now!

Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz:

1. I can’t pass up a plate of cookies or (insert your favorite sweet treat here) without over-indulging.
2. I LOVE and crave sweet foods all of the time.
3. It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning.
4. After having fruit or even a green smoothie with lots of fruit my head feels foggy.
5. I have digestive problems i.e. constipation, gas, bloating or diarrhea.
6. I have been on antibiotics more than once for a significant amount of time (2 weeks or longer).
7. I feel emotionally up and down throughout the day, irritable or even edgy at times.
8. I’ve struggled with alcohol and drug addiction or someone has in my family.
9. I need to end my day with something sweet.
10. My family loves sugar too!

If you answered yes to 3 or more of the above questions, it’s very likely that you have a sugar sensitivity.

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website

After you register for a Conscious Cleanse coach, try a healing yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez



Patience with my kids…
Patience with my "wusband"…
Patience with my self….
Patience with the process…
Patience while I listen intently to the Universe and try to decipher its plans for me.

To be quite honest, I’ve been sitting in the lap of abundance.  But what I’ve found is that just because you’re experiencing abundance does not mean that everything is in it’s Divine order for you in this moment.  Sometimes it’s actually overwhelming ….

All my life I’ve wanted to know what’s next.  I’ve wanted to hurry to the next thing.  And when an opportunity presented itself, I would think, “I better jump on this opportunity because well, it’s here for me to take it right?”

No, not so much.  Opportunities are not here for us to “take”.  They are here for us to observe.  To recognize its alignment with who we are in THIS moment.  To sit with and feel into.  To resonate or release.

What I’ve learned is that patience, when we really breathe into it, reveals the truth. I’ve also learned that sometimes, when an opportunity comes up, it’s only there to show you an example of what’s coming.  And if you wait just a hot little minute, what’s coming when you release that opportunity (because there is something off about it anyway), is much more magnificent than what you could have dreamed up.

You feel me on this one?

I remember, when I was younger saying, out loud (this is no joke), “I wish I could wiggle my nose and get to where I am supposed to be next.” When I got older and I was going through a tough time, instead of dropping into the struggle, I would run away and move onto something else. So instead of having patience with the process and learning from the journey, I just wanted the destination or the end result.

What did that do?  Re-create lesson after lesson after lesson until I finally woke up and recognized the pattern. The pattern of thinking I knew it all. The pattern of not-enoughness …I better grab THIS opportunity, another one might not come along.
The pattern of skimming the surface of my life for an illusion of perfection.

None of that works.

We don’t know it all. There are infinite opportunities and an abundance of resources. The depth of our journey reveals our connection to the Divine.

Patience is not just a virtue .. it’s a pathway to the Divine. It is the key to soulful living. Patience is the recipe for truth, freedom and love.

So we sit and we wait;  we wait for the breath of the Divine to guide us into our truth and we have patience as we observe our life and all the amazingness that happens as we move through each connection, each struggle, each embrace and each disappointment.  We have patience and when it’s right and it’s time .. we know.  That’s all … we just know.

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!

Thai Coconut Soup
Thai Coconut Soup

Years ago my husband and I spent a month in Thailand. One of our fondest memories is of the time we spent in Chang Mai on a farm in northern Thailand. We took a cooking class there learning some of the best Thai dishes that we still make at home today.

Otherwise known as Tom Kha Gai, this soup is a spin on a Thai classic, Thai Coconut Chicken Soup. Using fresh herbs like lemongrass, ginger and cilantro, this vegan version is filled with flavor and packs a serious kick. I was peeling off the layers of clothing during dinner as my insides heated up.

We like spicy food although I’m way more of a wimp when it comes to “Thai hot.” If you’re like me or are making this for a family with young children, start slowly with the crushed red pepper. A little goes a long way and the longer this soup sits on the stovetop, the more the spices and flavors will develop.

I hope this spicy soup warms you from the inside out giving you the energy you need for this final push of winter weather.

Stay warm,

Thai Coconut Soup

Yield: 4 servings


  • 2 cans full fat coconut milk
  • 4 cups veggie broth
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 2 TB. fresh ginger, peeled and minced
  • 1 stalk fresh lemongrass, cut into 3 long pieces
  • 2 cups shitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 small baby bok choy, thinly sliced
  • 2 TB. fresh lime juice
  • 1 TB. coconut aminos
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • ½ to 1 tsp. crushed red pepper
  • 1 green onion, finely chopped for garnish
  • Handful fresh cilantro, finely chopped for garnish

In a medium saucepan, combine coconut milk and veggie broth, and bring to a low boil. Add onion, garlic, ginger, and lemongrass and cook until fragrant (about 3 minutes). Reduce heat and add mushrooms and bok choy, simmering for another 5 minutes.

Finally add lime juice, coconut aminos, salt, and crushed red pepper stirring to combine. Garnish with green onion and cilantro.

Discard lemongrass and serve as is or with brown rice.

Meat Lovers Variation: Add 1 pound of boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into 1-inch strips before mushrooms and bok choy, cooking until chicken is white on the outside, about 10 minutes.

Another option is to bake the chicken breast in the oven, cutting into strips and adding to the soup bowls of the meat eaters.


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website

After you make this yummy recipe try a healing yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez


Spring Clean from the Inside Out
Spring Clean from the Inside Out

Below is a list of suggestions to get you back on track to living with a clean, cleared slate:

1. Make a To-Do List

A to-do-list is a list of tasks that need to be carried out. Making a list and following through with it will keep you organized and allow you to feel less anxious. Each time you begin to scratch away one more thing off your list, you will feel more organized, less stressed and you will bring more calmness into your state of being. That feeling of being overwhelmed begins to dissipate and dissolve away. 

2. De-clutter

An accumulation of clutter or chaos in the home can increase stress levels and may create a feeling of overwhelm in our daily routine and life. Tackling your to-do-list in small baby steps can lead to calmness and peace once again. We become stressed with an environment that is cluttered and in disarray. House clutter is a visible manifestation of procrastination. Being disorganized in the home is a daily reminder of disorganization and it can continue to eat away at us. So unleash all the accumulated clutter in your home. Open your windows. Let the fresh air come in. Raid the closets of unwanted items and donate them to a local charity. Putting your home space in order will put your life back in order.

3. Eat Clean, Be Clean

Now that you began to rid the home of unwanted clutter, start to focus your attention on the philosophy, you are what you eat. Set and begin your day with the mantra "eat clean, be clean." Fuel your body with great food options. You are what you eat so why not fuel your body with natural goodness? Drink plenty of water with a twist of lemon. Eat fresh fruits and tons of veggies more often. Enjoy a smoothie filled with homegrown goodness. Juice it up daily with a glass filled with exploding vitamins. Enjoy the natural ways of eating, and make it a lifestyle change to a better way of feeling and a better way of being.

4. Get Yogafied!

Use springtime to detox your body and your life through yoga. Yup, that four letter word "yoga" is one of the best ways to rid the body of toxins. Yoga helps to calm your mind to clarity, it builds a fit vehicle for your soul and it melts away every hint of tension, which lies deep within your core. So get to a yoga class, breathe in the life force, get blissed out and twist and bend yourself back into a place of feeling good once again. Being physically active not only makes you look and feel good, it helps reduce stress levels so you can take on the rest of your day in a calm manner. Feeling good on the inside will make you glow on the outside.

De-cluttering your life from the inside out will create more room to breathe, to enjoy and to live a life filled with happiness: physically, mentally and spiritually. Clearing away the past of unwanted clutter in and out will present a future filled with clarity of mind, body and soul.

By Linda Summer

Yogini Linda Summers is a Canadian girl, a mamma to two beautiful children, Namaste Yoga Studio owner and a yogini in every aspect of her being. Linda loves living the life of a yogini on and off the mat and she teaches with the intention that each individual leaves class feeling strong and vibrant so they too can live each day to the fullest.


Compassion is an Inside Job
Compassion is an Inside Job

I love this quote.  So much so that I have been reading in class all week long, in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed.  The world needs more compassion.  I know how prophetic that sounds, but it’s true.  And despite what you might think,  compassion has to be an inside job.

Compassion is not “needing to understand” anything about or even why anyone does anything that they do.  We can judge all we want.  We can make assumptions.  We can project our own ideas about why … but guess what?  We know nothing.  We have not walked a minute in anyone else’s shoes so we know nothing.  Best to just hold space.

The other thing is … you are perfect.  Which means, so is everyone else.  You are not here to fix anyone. You are only here to love them.  In all their imperfections, you are here to love them unconditionally.  And oh, by the way, no one needs to fix you either, so stop looking for that outside help.  Remember, compassion is an inside job.

I love that she says, “Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others.”  This is so important.  Know thyself.  Know what you love, what you live for, what you’d die for, and what triggers the shit out of you.   Because your trigger is your greatest gift.  It’s the key to compassion.  If it’s still triggering you, it’s something to look at with the eyes of compassion.   FYI, if it’s triggering you, it’s not outside of you, it’s inside.

You know, to be completely transparent, I spent this whole week not sitting in loving compassion for the amazing life I get to participate in.  No, I spent it being triggered for a moment, and yes only a moment by my mother, my ex-husband, and my former lover.  I spent it looking into the mirror asking the questions:

“Where am I exhibiting this behavior?  How can I shift my reality?  What is real for me?  How can I still love this person?  And what is beautiful about this relationship that has evolved me?”

Here’s what I found:

You can experience deep love and compassion while still being able to carry on a relationship; even if it looks differently than what you want.   
It is possible to see the bigger picture and make decisions from that place as opposed to reacting in a moment. 
And sometimes, you just have to let go in deep love for yourself, because their energy field just didn’t resonate with you any longer. 

Personally, self-compassion and self-love won, and propelled me into creating boundaries for myself that had to be established in response to this shift in my own reality.  They didn’t need to change, my response had to change is all.

One of my favorite teachers says, “There is nothing you can do to make me love you any more than I already do.  And there is nothing you can do that can make me love you less.  I simply love you.”  You know where you start reciting that?  Yup, in the mirror … today.  Start there.


By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!


Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well.  What does that mean anyway?  To judge well?  I’m not sure I agree with that definition. In my humble opinion, discernment can be best described as:

a moment in time where we are offered an opportunity to know what is right for us.  A moment in time when we choose what resonates deep within our heart. A moment in time when we make a choice that best suits the evolution of our soul.

I like to think of it as the space between breath and reaction.  The quiet stillness between the conflict of the ego and the soul.  An internal knowing of what is elevating us and what is contracting us.  It’s the emotional time out we take before reacting from a patterned, triggered place.

The issues with discernment, as I see it are instant gratification and old triggers.

We have this appendage we call our phone, and it can get us the information we need right when we need it.  The question is, do we really need it?  And do we really need it in that moment?  If we can find what we think we need, in a moment when we think we need it, are we offering up space to evaluate if we really even need it or not?

Maybe not.  Then we’re left with information taking up brain space that we really didn’t need.

Old triggers … yeah, you know what I’m talking about. Something happens that’s not really in alignment with your “chi” and you fly off the handle.  You say something that feels “old”, react in a way that is less than love and then you’re left standing there wondering “who the hell was that person?”

Don’t tell me you’ve never experienced these things either.  I know you have.

How to remedy this?  You take a breath.  FYI, it’s free.  And it feels good.

In that one breath, space is infinite, presence is palpable, love is emanating, and the soul is ignited.  In that moment, that one moment in breath, we are offered a second to discern what is really happening. And we are better able to act from a place more in alignment with our soul.

Discerning what is real, not judging what is right. This one simple act can change the world.

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Click here to download or stream one of Dana's YogaDownload classes!




Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles and Chimichurri Sauce
Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles and Chimichurri Sauce

Filled with robust flavors of fresh herbs, lemon and garlic, these meatballs are the perfect anecdote to the mild flavors of turkey and zucchini. If you’re new to the idea of making noodles from zucchini welcome to a whole new world! Be sure to check out my post on how to make them here.

Chimichurri is traditionally a green sauce from Argentina primarily used as a marinade for grilling steak. It’s another name for pesto, made with herbs, garlic, oil and vinegar that also pairs well with veggies, chicken and fish. It’s quite tangy so drizzle slowly at first to make sure you get the right amount to your liking.

Read on for the recipe and be sure to leave me a comment below.

With love and tangy turkey meatballs,

PS – If you’re the vegetarian among a bunch of meat eaters, serve yourself zucchini noodles with steamed veggies and kalamata olives drizzled with chimichurri. Yum!

Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles and Chimichurri Sauce

Yields 4 servings

Ingredients for chimichurri:

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 1 small shallot, minced (about 1 TB.)
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley
  • Handful fresh basil
  • 2 TB chives, chopped
  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Ingredients for meatballs and noodles:

  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 3 small cloves fresh garlic, minced
  • Zest of 1 small lemon (about 1 TB.)
  • 1/4 cup flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • 2 TB. fresh basil, chopped
  • 1 TB. fresh oregano, chopped
  • 1 small shallot, minced (about 1 ½ TB.)
  • 3 large zucchini, spiralized to make noodles
  • 2 TB. olive oil, divided
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Instructions for chimichurri:
In high-speed blender, combine vinegar, olive oil, honey, shallot, garlic, herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let stand at room temperature for about an hour or refrigerate overnight to let the flavors develop. Bring to room temperature before serving.

Instructions for meatballs:
In a medium bowl, combine the turkey, garlic, lemon zest, herbs and shallot. Use your hands to combine then add a big pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Mix just until everything is combined, then wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a large sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium-high heat. Remove the meat from the fridge. Pinching off about 2 tablespoonfuls at a time, roll into meatballs.

Cook the meatballs until browned, flipping once (about 2 minutes per side.)

Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet, then bake in the oven for 5 minutes to cook through.

Remove from the oven, and serve with the zucchini noodles and chimichurri sauce.

Instructions for zucchini noodles:
In a large sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Add zucchini noodles and stir for 3 to 5 minutes until warm and tender. Drizzle with chimichurri sauce.


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website

After you make this yummy recipe try a healing yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez


Fast and Flexible: Yoga for Runners, Part 3 - Hips, Glutes & Low Back
Fast and Flexible:  Yoga for Runners, Part 3 - Hips, Glutes & Low Back

Low back pain, three words everyone can appreciate. It is the common thread which binds all people from world-class athletes to 75-year-old grandmas. This pain can have a variety of causes, sitting too long, picking up stuff, wearing high heels, and commonly, the repetitive pounding of running.

Depending on the actual problem causing the pain, medical intervention may be necessary and if you suffer unrelenting back pain, seek medical advice. But, as with the hamstrings, low back issues are easier to prevent than they are to heal so read on.

Much low back pain can be avoided or alleviated by keeping the hips loose. The hip joint is the most stable in the body because it is surrounded by muscles on all sides, if any of them tighten up it can affect the function of the joint. The joint itself is a deep-set ball and socket, and may take a little more work to open than a shallow joint like the shoulder.

If I could only use one yoga pose it would be Pigeon. This pose is like medicine for all issues related to the low back and hip area. I use it in almost every class, for every athlete regardless of their sport, it is truly the universal solvent. The following poses are all great for establishing and maintaining flexibility in the low back, glutes and hips.

FIRST POSE- Pigeon three ways.

Pigeon, prone version.
The prone version of pigeon is the most effective, but I find a lot of athletes describe it as an enhanced interrogation technique, therefore, I am going to offer three versions, choose the one that suits you.

For prone pigeon, start in downward facing dog, extend and lift your left leg behind you to level out the hips and bring the joints of the ankle, knee and hip into a line. From this cleverly named, “three-legged dog” position, bend the knee towards the center of chest and place it on the mat behind your left wrist. 

Reach back with the right foot and drop the right knee cap onto the ground. Untuck the right foot and press the top of the foot into the ground.

The closer your front knee is to a right angle, the more intense this will be, so bring the foot more under your front leg the first time. Lift onto your fingertips and look at the ceiling, envision a long, straight spine. 

If you are tipped to either side, correct this before you proceed. Lower down onto your forearms, and maybe stack your fists or forearms and lower your forehead down so you can rest. You are going to be here a while so get comfortable (comfort being a relative term, of course).

Hold this pose for 1-5 minutes, then repeat on the other side. Yes you read that right, 5 minutes. Close the eyes, focus on your exhales and allow your self to sink in, it will get easier after about 30-45 seconds, so stay with it. 

I cannot overstate the value of this pose for any athlete. If this version seems impossible because your hips are welded shut, then try the reclined version of this pose.

Reclined Pigeon pose.
Lie on your back with bent knees, feet on the ground. Place one ankle on the top of the other knee, similar to how you sit in a chair with loosely crossed legs. Raise the foot on the floor, maintaining a right angle in the leg. Reach through the triangle that is created by the legs and grasp the back of the thigh and draw the leg towards the chest. Hold this pose for 1 to 5 minutes on each side.

Another nice option is to plant the bottom of the liftted foot against a wall. Reclined pigeon fantastic pose to gently release the low back, hip, glutes and, to a lesser degree, the hip flexors and hamstrings.


Ahh Dead Bug, how I love you, your weird name guarantees laugh every time. It is great pose to release the low back and stretch the hips. Lie on your back, draw your knees toward the chest. Reach the hands inside the knees and either grab the outside edge of the foot or the big toe with your peace fingers. Draw the knees down as you aim the soles of your feet at the sky.

To get maximum benefits from this pose remember to keep your low back firmly pressed on the ground. You can rock gently from side to side if that feels good. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.

If you are stiff and sore and only have 10 minutes to stretch, please do these poses, they will give you the most bang for your buck. I know I am not supposed to have favorites, but let’s just say I am very fond of these poses and leave it at that. 

Eating Healthy While Traveling
Eating Healthy While Traveling

Make Time for a meal

Trying to be at the top of your game is really tough to do when you haven’t eaten, especially if you’re headed straight from the airport to a meeting or conference. I know my hosts mean well when they have cheese and cracker or fruit trays, but I can’t eat the cheese and crackers and I can’t live on fruit alone. Instead, I’ll make time to eat at one of my favorite restaurants that’s located at the Denver airport, especially if I know when I land, it will be a while before I’m able to eat again. It makes all the difference when I get there.

Plan and pack ahead

If I can, I pack food for my trips. Sometimes, it will be raw veggies for the flight so I’m not stuck with pretzels or peanuts. Sometimes, I’ll pack my Nutribullet blender (small enough to fit in a suitcase) or my shaker cup, portion out some protein powder and hit a grocery store when I arrive before getting to the hotel, to pick up almond milk, fruits and veggies to make up smoothies in the morning. I just know that the hotel breakfasts of eggs, waffles, and sugary carbs, aren’t going to have anything I can eat. I want my energy to last to lunch, not till they bring out the danish trays and coffee!

Healthy options at the airport

If I don’t have time to pack food, or stop at the restaurant in the Denver airport, or if I have Madeline with me, airport concession stands nowadays are a really good alternative. They have some really good, healthy options. The key is high protein, hydration, low salt, low sugar. I’ll pick up some protein bars, nuts, raw, fresh fruit or cut up veggies and bottled water because I know that if I go anywhere near the high calorie, processed and fast food stuff, it is going to slow me down and in no time I’m going to feel like crap. All that sugar, fat and salt are going to bloat you and dehydrate you simultaneously, and then you’re going to do is crash. If you’re an omnivore, go for the lean, low-salt meats like chicken or turkey. Your digestive tract and energy will thank you.

Knowing my destination

Boulder is such a healthy city, filled with vegan, organic, healthy restaurants and grocery stores. But when I leave, especially when I go overseas, it’s all about meat. Almost the entire center of the United States is meat and potato country. When I know I’m going to places like that, I research the grocery stores, the restaurants, and spend time preparing for where and how I’m going to eat. If I come up with really limited options, it is a guarantee that I will be packing my protein powder and shaker cup. If I’m going to be gone for just a day or two, I’ll use the time as an opportunity for a juice cleanse, then it’s super easy!

Fit in a little exercise

I used to be super neurotic about exercise, obsessed with getting a full workout even when I was traveling. But that’s even harder to do than eating right, so I work out hard before I leave and when I get back and just try to take the travel as a break, to focus on getting done what I can. If it’s a long trip, I’ll bring my running shoes and try to get on a treadmill or go for a walk on the beach. If I’m visiting someone I’ll ask to go to a yoga class. Even 30 minutes on an elliptical machine is something, and it usually helps me to relax a little from all the craziness of a trip.

You’re not always going to be able to eat healthy when you’re traveling, so when you get home, be kind to your body. Lay off the sugar, salt and caffeine and detox your body with a few days of smoothies, rehydrate with a bunch of water and a few drops of peppermint oil to fight inflammation. Most of all, be gentle to yourself.

Got any tricks for surviving travel diet? Share them on the YogaDownload comment section or on my Facebook page.

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Enjoy one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 


Core Yoga 4 



Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops
Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops

​Suffice it to say, I am a lamb chop neophyte. I’ve never cooked lamb chops. I’ve never shopped for them either. Thank goodness for the Whole Foods butcher who gave me a thorough education on the many different cuts of lamb available (I gave him my six heads look again), and to lamb in general, which is notoriously simple to cook (right up my alley!).

Lamb is a great source of protein, iron and zinc. It also delivers a healthy dose of vitamin B12, selenium, and niacin. To get the most nutrients out of your lamb, go beyond organic by asking for 100% grass-fed. That will help ensure that you’re getting all the healthy omegas. If you purchase a rack of lamb and cut it in between the bones, you get lamb chops (who knew?), which are apparently the most tender and least fatty of all the cuts. They’re also best medium to medium-rare, so be careful not to overcook them.

Thank you to my hubbie and 5-year-old, the meat lovers in my household, for the help with this week’s recipe. It was a new one for us and turned out to be the easiest meat dish I’ve ever been so glad to make. I hope you enjoy it too!

Be sure to leave me a comment below. Do you love lamb? How else do you prepare it? Lamb stew may be next up on my list of challenges.

With love and mad chops,

Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops

Yields: 4 lamb chops


  • 4 rib loin lamb chops
  • 1 large clove of garlic
  • 1 TB. fresh rosemary, chopped
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the broiler on high and move rack 3 to 4 inches from heat source. Place a cast-iron or other ovenproof skillet on the rack about 10 minutes before your ready to cook the meat.

Cut the clove of garlic in half and rub it over both sides of the lamb chops. Sprinkle both sides with rosemary, sea salt and black pepper.

Broil the lamb chops for 2 minutes per side or until nicely browned on both sides. Serve with roasted carrots, steamed asparagus and a large garden fresh salad.


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit their website

After you make this yummy recipe try a healing yoga class with Jo or Jules:

Conscious Cleanse Detox FlowJo Schaalman

Heart Opening Forrest Yoga Flow - Jo Schaalman

Traditional Hot YogaJulie Peláez


The Power of our Stories
The Power of our Stories

KenK (technically my stepdad) and I have had a checkered past, one that (for various reasons I go into a deeper degree in my book Outlaw Protocol) - had locked us into an ongoing story of conflict.

From verbal to physical altercations, we had fought our way to a place where we were on the brink of never caring to see one another again.

The story that had its hooks in us went something like this:

- My stepdad/son is an @sshole who doesn't respect me.

- When I see him next he will act like an @sshole.

- I will then respond by acting in kind…

The story proved true time and time again. Until we realized that a story was writing itself in our minds. One who's truthfulness we had both become identified with to the point where being right had become more important than having a relationship with each other.

Had KenK been an @sshole in the past? Yes.

Had I been an @sshole in the past? Oh yeah.

But that it could be different in the present popped into my head one night (I had popped a few substances into my head – unknowingly breaking this constant, conflict creating stream of self-perpetuating story).

In that space grace was allowed to emerge in the form of a maybe. Just a maybe – and not anything close to a probably – “maybe the next time we met, things would be different” went the new line of story.

Written on a fresh page free of the stale prose of the past this new line, carefully and consciously crafted, was all it took to get the old hook out of my mind.

In the space of maybe a new narrative of possibility emerged. One in which KenK proved more patient, forgiving, and far more cool than he ever had before. He did this by being willing to step out of the suffocating story of our past and onto a new page in our present.

"Want to play music in yoga class with me Friday night?" I asked him in our new story.

He arched his eyebrows at me, shrugged, and finally nodded. "Sure, what the hell."

In that instant we reclaimed the unique responsibility for the authorship of our lives…

We spent three hours on a set list and then went in and brought the house down. The next week a hundred students showed up...the week after that another hundred.

Since that day over three years ago we have continued to put the power of our presence into writing a new story.

There’s still conflict – he won’t play Sweet Home Alabama no matter how often I ask – but we never fail to remind one another that the basis of our new story is our love and respect for one another, that we are committed to this new story, a story that evolves every day and does not fall prey to the tales of the past.

In that space we have forged a friendship that will last and a class experience that is unsurpassed (thanks largely to the fact that my ol' man is a helluva rock n' rolla' as evidenced in his new studio CD Everything So Beautiful). His new record features 10 original songs, some inspired directly by the yoga community that helped to community fund it and flows and grows to it across the country and, increasingly thanks to Yogadownload, around the world. It features several amazing yogi/musicians, boasts a grammy winning producer, and is available at

Click here to check out the free 25 minute preview of The Power of Our Stories or take the full practice if you have the time, but either way feel free take a page out of our book and consider where a little maybe – just a maybe, not a probably – could help you craft a new story around someone in your life today.

At the end of the day, you might be wrong…you might actually be right about how awful your mom is, or how right you are about your boss being an @sshole.

But consideration costs us nothing...and its lack can cost us everything.

By Justin Kaliszewski

Justin Kaliszewski is a reformed meat-head and former amateur cage fighter. He brings a lifetime of travel and world's worth of experience in battling the ego to the mat. An avid student, artist, and treasure hunter, he infuses a creativity and perseverance into his teachings, along with a distinct blend of humor and wisdom that redefines what it means to be an Outlaw and a yogi...He teaches Outlaw Yoga across the country and is happy to call Denver home for now. Author of Outlaw Protocol: how to live as an outlaw without becoming a criminal, you can find him at