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5 Steps to a Salad Bar in Your Fridge
5 Steps to a Salad Bar in Your Fridge

I often get asked how I am able to eat a clean diet when I’m constantly on the go, and it mostly boils down to one thing: optimal refrigerator organization.

While I can’t claim to be a pro at organization, I do know that I’ve learned some tricks throughout the years that have helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle. These are things that now are just second nature and it all starts with having a plan.

One of the most things we hear from people all the time is, “I don’t have enough time to make healthy food.” And boy do I ever get that. We have this idea that grabbing food from a restaurant or salad bar will be quicker than eating at home.

However, when we consider the time it takes to drive to the restaurant, place an order, pay for the food, and drive home again, we could have already made our own meal at home for a fraction of the cost. Besides, food we make ourselves is always healthier because that’s the only way to be 100% sure of what’s actually in our meals.

So what’s a busy working mom of two to do? One of my favorite ways of ensuring I always have a quick meal ready to go is by building a salad bar in my fridge.  After grocery shopping, I clean, chop, and store my produce in glass containers (mason jars work great too) so that throughout the week when I need something quick, I simply throw the ingredients together in a bowl and voilá – I have a healthy meal in a matter of minutes!

You might be thinking, this all sounds nice in theory, but I’m far too busy to do all of this.

Wrong! If I can do it, so can you. It’s all about working the plan. Below are five steps to help you transform your refrigerator into you favorite salad bar.

Now I want to hear from you! Are you ready to turn your fridge into a salad bar? Please share your ideas and comments with me below and have fun!

With love and salad bars,


    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Traditional Hot Yoga - Julie Peláez 

Sweet Basil Summer Salad
Sweet Basil Summer Salad

I love fresh food and clean eating, but there are still so many untapped sources in the eat clean produce section. I live for 5-ingredient-clean-food recipes and as you’ve probably noticed, I live for the “eat clean” motto. So I get really excited when I try a food that is new to me and love it.

This recipe has both things I love – new foods and only 5 ingredients. Maybe I lied a little, I am terrified of trying new foods even though 90% of the time it ends well.

So, how about that recipe?! You’re probably dying to know what I possibly made for my first try with basil and that it was so great I want to shout it from the rooftops. Instead I’ll write it on my blog (for you)! It was also so great that my husband ate the first batch in a flash and I had to make it 3 days in a row to keep him happy.

Ingredients (there’s only 5!)                                                        

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
5 basil leaves, minced
1 nectarine, pit removed and diced
1/2 large red bell pepper, ribs removed and diced


Mix the diced nectarines and bell pepper in a bowl. In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and minced basil. Then pour the dressing on the nectarines and bell peppers, toss until evenly coated.

Want more free recipes like this?  Click here to get a FREE digital copy of Jessica Wyman’s cookbook, Girlfriends Organic Kitchen.  She is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher and put together a collection of crazy delicious vegetarian and gluten free recipes.



By Jessica Wyman

Jessica Wyman is a Wildly Vibrant health coach and yoga teacher. She has a well rounded approach to loving yourself like no other + she specializes in 5-ingredient healthy recipes. She was born and raised in Idaho and has never left her hometown area because she has access to the city while surrounded by the mountains that she backpacks with her husband, teenage sons and giant dogs. As a health-coach-mama she has no time to waste and it's her mission to make foxy, fit and fashionable living a breeze. Get her free 5-Day Wellness Program that gives a realistic approach without a diet. Get free healthy recipes and wellness tips you’ll actually use at





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Click Here for Your Free Copy of Jessica's Cookbook!



Make your summer sweeter with the following YogaDownload classes:  

Beach Meditation - Danielle Diamond 

The Gift of Light - Alex Cordoba 



5 Reasons Detox Retreats Don't Work
5 Reasons Detox Retreats Don't Work

And, I have to say, I am a believer in some detoxes and retreats. But here are 5 reasons why a detox retreat might not be the thing for you if you don’t do it properly.

#1 - Too much of a focus on fruit

Many detoxes that involve juicing focus too much on fruit in the juices. While it can make them taste better at first, it’s just going to be feeding most people’s natural sugar addition, not to mention the candida that is lurking around in a lot of us. It also makes it that much harder to acquire the taste for vegetables. The best way I’ve found for overcoming this dilemma, is start maybe with 60% vegetables and 40% fruit on the first day, and then gradually get to 100% veg by day 4 or 5. This makes it a lot easier and healthier. Of course, if you can, start 100% vegetables from day one. And make most of that green by adding some lemon and ginger too, for a bit of zing.

#2 - No real education

My first detox retreat that I went on was really well run from a logistics point of view. It had almost everything. Massage, sea, pool, yoga, sun and so on. Where it fell down though was in the education of the participants. There were no talks or workshops explaining what was going on and why we should or shouldn’t eat/drink in a certain way. Obviously there is not “one size fits all” when it comes to diet, but there are certain fundamentals that do hold true across the board. If you’re not educated while you’re there, the tendency will be to go back to your old ways when home.

#3 - It’s not a magic pill

I met so many people on detox retreats who believe that one week a year cleansing will make amends for 51 weeks of abuse to the body. Having a detox week is a great gift you can give to your body (a bit like a car M.O.T.), but really you need to look after the body all year round and not think to yourself, “Well, I’ll do a detox in January so I’ll do what I want to my body in December.” It’s a flawed paradigm. When you feel amazing after your detox, just imagine how good you could feel year round if you didn’t abuse your body as much.

#4 - It’s all in the mind

When you detox, you might feel amazing. And that might be enough to prompt continuous lifestyle changes. For most people though, although the intention is there, it’s rarely enough. The problem lies that your pattern of thinking hasn’t necessarily changed. The way we think is so very deeply ingrained into us that it can be difficult to break it. Most detox retreats don’t focus enough on the mind. And most people aren’t aware that there are techniques and teaching strategies to help people transform years of inbuilt behaviour in short amounts of time. Techniques from Neuro Lingustic Programming (NLP) can help initiate shifts (on both a conscious and unconscious level) that would be ordinarily unavailable to people.

#5 - No long term plan 

This ties in to point #2, about not providing enough education. Once participants leave a retreat, there’s nothing really supporting them going forward. They may not know what it is they need to do in order to stop having such a big buildup of toxins in the first place. The best retreats I know have some kind of ongoing support. For example, the option to sign up for coaching or leaving with a manual, to be used for continued guidance in implementing healthy everyday practices. The real work to keep your body energized and able to handle toxins really happens away from the retreat.

So I do on the surface agree with detoxes. In fact, I love them and believe everyone can benefit from them - that’s why I run them too (check out for more on that). Just before committing to one, ask whether it covers the above points. Otherwise you could find yourself having a nice holiday, but little else.

By Hari Kalymnios                                                                                             

Edited by Jessica Raye

Hari Kalymnios is a high performance coach whose passion is helping people who need more energy in their lives, understand what it takes to achieve this and live optimally. One of the ways Hari does this is with giving people the gift of experiencing just what a detox cleanse can do for you. To find out more about the ‘Detox with a Difference’ that Hari is running, head to for more information.

Start prepping for your next detox retreat with one of the following YogaDownload Classes: 

Yoga Nidra - Celest Pereira 

Tough Flow - Celest Pereira 


Water-berry Essential Lemonade
Water-berry Essential Lemonade

So, I showed Madeline, my daughter, how to make my Watermelon Strawberry Lemonade.

It’s a cross between a fruit smoothie and a lemonade, and has just the right amount of sweet and healthy to satisfy sweet cravings and keep us all cool and hydrated. Plus, it’s super simple, take a look!


What You Need:

8 cups watermelon

Juice from 4 lemons

1 cup strawberries

1 Tbsp agave (or raw honey)

3 drops Lemon Essential Oil (supports immune, respiratory and digestive health)

2 drops Lime Essential Oil (supports emotional, digestive and respiratory health)

Not only do essential oils add a hint of flavor to the drink, they are therapeutic for your body.

What You Do:

1). Blend all ingredients in a blender or vitamix.

2). Serve over ice, freeze for slushies, or pour into popsicle molds.

I have just given you a great recipe for your a sweet treat that’s perfect for the summer. What’s your go-to healthy, sweet treat in the summer? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below.

XO, Hayley

photo credit:

Previously posted on Hayley's Blog

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get Happy with one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 

Core Yoga 4 

Sweet 'n' Spicy Pull-Apart Chicken
Sweet 'n' Spicy Pull-Apart Chicken

You may have also picked up that I’m someone who is powered by a plant-based diet, eating the occasional piece of fish here and there when I crave it.

That being said, I’m the least likely person to be writing a blog post on chicken but since I live with two growing boys and a hubbie who says, “salad is what dinner eats,” I’ve had to (and continue to) educate myself on all-things meat related.

We always encourage our participants to become label detectives and this skill is never more important than when it comes to shopping for meat. Unfortunately, these labels can be the most confusing–causing the best of us to become a vegetarian! (Wink, wink.) Although these labels can guide us into making healthier decisions, they can also be misleading because the regulations behind the stickers are often vague.

So let’s demystify some of these marketing claims!

Let’s start with the term “Organic.” Just as with produce, buying “organic” chicken is always solid choice. Organic poultry means that the birds were raised on feed containing no antibiotics, hormones, artificial ingredients or preservatives. Yet unless the labels reads “100% Organic,” the chicken feed likely contained GMO-components, like corn and soy.

Next option is “Vegetarian-Fed.” This too can be misleading because a normal chicken diet is omnivorous, since chickens naturally eat grubs, insects and worms, in addition to grasses and grains. In fact, the omission of bug protein usually means even more GMO corn and soy!

Stickers that read “Free-Range” or “Cage-Free” are widely used and sadly, generally useless. These terms do imply that the chickens are not tightly compartmentalized and that they have access to open air, yet there are zero requirements ensuring that the chickens actually spend time outside. “Pastured” or “Pasture-Raised” may be a more transparent term because it has been widely adopted by small farmers who insist that their grass-fed chickens actually see the light of day. Unfortunately, it has no legal definition and, therefore, can be applied without consequence.

So how do we stop playing chicken with our chicken?!

The best way to find out where your chicken comes from is to go right to the source. If buying from a local farmer, ask about their practices for feeding and raising their birds because even if they’re not “certified organic,” they might be doing everything right. If you’re unfamiliar with your local agriculture, use a farm finder such as LocalHarvest to find fresh produce and meat. Participating in a local farm’s CSA program is another way to hone in on clean poultry sources.

Using a grocery delivery service like Door to Door Organics, can also help you weed through the options and their customer service department is available to answer any question about the products they carry. Use the code “detoxdelivered” for $10 off your first order now though the end of August.

The bottom line when shopping in your everyday health food grocery store is to look for “100% Organic” poultry.

Now that you’ve done your research, we bet you’re expecting a pretty great chicken recipe.

Well, you’re in luck! This week, our natural chef extraordinaire and Conscious Cleanse certified health coach, Jessica Bartlett, helped us create a spin on a favorite finger-licking dish: pulled pork!

Instead of pork, we’re using our well-sourced chicken and a BBQ sauce that isn’t tomato-based. Just like the original dish, we’re slow cooking the meat (in a slow cooker so it’s easier) and the result is spicy, sweet and downright comforting!

Enjoy and please be sure to leave us a comment below. This recipe was a request by one of our readers so we’re ready and listening. What other favorite comfort food can we make cleanse-friendly for you? Be sure to tell me in the comment section below.

With 100% organic grass-fed love,

    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

The Yoga Zapper - A Novel
The Yoga Zapper - A Novel

In 1933 James Hilton, in his novel Lost Horizon, wrote about the legend of Shangri-La (a variant of the original Shambala,) a valley hidden deep in the Himalayas, whose inhabitants lead extremely long lives. He placed Shambala in the south-eastern part of China in the Himalayas. The book was instrumental in introducing the mysticism of the East to Western readers; yet Hilton had knowledge of only a small part of the entire narrative.

In his book On the Way to Shambala, Dr. Edwin Bernbaum writes about visiting a Buddhist temple in Nepal and coming across a scripture which described a passage to that mythical valley. He placed it as being somewhere in the north of Nepal. Over the years, some of the more esoteric locations described for Shambala are the Arctic, the Western Himalayas and even the middle of the earth.

Yoga has its own mythic stories – a recounting of its origins, its progression, its diminution over time, its disappearance and finally, its rebirth.

Both Hindusim and Buddhism describe time as being circular, and each cycle of time as being composed of four distinct ages or epochs: Satya yuga, the beginning age, then Treta yuga, Dwapara yuga, and finally Kali yuga. Moral characteristics such as honesty, non-violence and mercy decline steadily over the passage of time, until finally, at the end of Kali yuga, they are practically non-existent.

In a Hindu text, the Bhagavat Purana (also known as the Srimad Bhagavatam), it is mentioned that yogis and rishis meditate in an invisible state in Shambala. Their goal: to preserve within themselves the teachings of the Vedas and the Yogas and to reintroduce them to the world at the beginning of the coming Satya Yuga. Buddhism has a similar story: Shambala is a place where Buddhist wisdom is protected from degradation over time.

The Yoga Zapper - A Novel is the story of two young American brothers, who, thrust into strange worlds, find within themselves the courage and faith to grow, change and discover their unimagined destinies.

While trekking in the Himalayas, Steve and Jack encounter a dying priest who thrusts into their hands a Sanskrit scripture which Jack names the Yoga Zapper.

“You do not understand,” cries the old man. “Your lives, no, the future of the entire world depends on it!”

Little do the brothers know that the text is a prescription for time-travel. In the midst of a deep conflict with each other, they discover its powers. Steve, who has an intellectual approach to life, is transported to a peaceful village at the beginning of time. He falls in love with the beautiful Shanti and finally connects with his heart. In search of his brother, they join a group of yogis in a pilgrimage to Shambala. There, they learn how to live in an ethereal state for thousands of years.

Jack, irresponsible and immature, finds himself in a society ruled by an evil despot. Sucked into the intrigue and treachery of a civilization unraveling at the end of time, he is at last forced to become accountable for his actions. He is imprisoned, but escapes to Shambala.

When the dictator attacks this valley, Kalki Avatar descends and a great world-consuming struggle between good and evil at the end of time ensues, featuring mystical weapons, ancient flying craft known as vimanas, as gods and demons battle each other. The dictator who orchestrates the destruction is killed and the earth, abused for so long, blooms anew, the wheel of time turns again, the yogis are saved, and the eternal teachings of yoga are reintroduced to world.

By Mohan Ashtakala

Mohan Ashtakala is a writer and a yoga practitioner. He was editor of a regional publication in Colorado for thirteen years. He has studied the original texts of the yoga traditions for many years, and has lived in ashrams across India. His goal is to introduce the fascinating, authentic narratives and wisdom stories of the yoga traditions to the Western audience, The Yoga Zapper – A Novel is his first novel.  Visit 

Check out Mohan's video about the Introduction to The Yoga Zapper FAQ video

Go deeper into your yoga practice with the following YogaDownload Classes: 

Increase Your Yoga IQ w/ Webinars from Alanna Kaivalya 

Yoga Teaching Inspirations: Chakras - Alanna Kaivalya 


Top 10 Reasons to Retreat
Top 10 Reasons to Retreat

Retreats have been valued for a long time, shown by this quote, “Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power or judgment…” written by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th Century! Even way back then, the brilliant artist recognized the value of retreats!

I have been participating and facilitating retreats for the last 16 years. Retreats offer a rich and valuable experience to help you lead your most authentic and intentional life. Here are my top 10 reasons why:

1. We change our environment, we change our mind. When you are away from your email, piles on your desk, children, messy closets, and yardwork, it frees your mind to think about your life in a totally different way. It creates space in your mind to explore, contemplate, and ponder things on a larger scale.

2. We have to be quiet in order to listen. We are so busy with so much stimulation around us today, it is rare to have any quiet time. Our still, inside voice of wisdom, (the one we often don’t pay much attention to) comes through loud and clear when we take the time to be quiet.

3. We all need to be part of something bigger. Being with a group of like-minded people is powerful. Strong bonds are made, even in a weekend when you spend time eating, talking, and practicing together inside the community of a retreat.

4. We experience something new. Much of the power of going on retreat comes from a willingness to open to the adventure of the complete experience. I can’t tell you how many of my participants have done something for the first time on their retreat—from surfing to horseback riding.

5. We flow with nature. Most retreats are centered around nature. Whether it is the ocean, a river, or the mountains, when we experience the passionate flow of nature, we are reminded how we can choose to flow in our own lives.

6. We experience breakthroughs when we take the time to stop. A new perspective is powerful. You take a step outside your “normal” life and things become more clear, transparent, and obvious, all setting you up for a breakthrough in your relationships, your work, or your handstand.

7. We give ourselves the permission and space not to be “doing” something all the time. There is not a busyness, but a real business in retreating. You learn how much you really are doing for yourself, by doing nothing.

8. We find our way back to ourselves. We renew, rejuvenate, and recharge with the mental, emotional, and physical rest a retreat provides and remember our true nature.

9. We experience freedom. You get to choose when to eat, sleep, take a walk by yourself, or join the group hike. When you focus on what you need moment to moment, you experience a sense of peace and contentment with your freedom of choice.

10. Your Retreat is a gift you give yourself, but it is also a gift to others. After you experience the power of a retreat, you return home more present, attentive, and intentional with yourself and everyone else in your life.

Past Retreater Comments:

“It’s hard to say what I liked most about the weekend. The hikes, the sharing, the massage, and even the food was great! Connecting with so many supportive and open people was a highlight for me. Thank you for a wonderful experience.“

“This retreat was well worth the price of admission. I realize I can’t afford not to give myself something so important. Thank you for the opportunity to practice extreme self care for an entire weekend. I’ll be back!”

“I was able to be alone by the stream, and with the group at meals. I was able to unwind with the quiet and be energized with the drumming circle. Thank You! All of my needs were met.” 

“It was the perfect space to relax and regroup for my transitions ahead. I have learned how to lead a heart-centered life, and forgive. Forgive others, and more importantly forgive myself.”

“I came back from my retreat amazed by the strength we all hold within and a renewed sense of my own ability to create the kind of life I want and deserve. Can’t thank you enough for fostering the conditions that made the retreat so successful for us all!!!”

Now that you know the power a retreat has to offer, what are you waiting for? You could always take yourself on a retreat, but the problem is you have to figure out all of the logistics, and the perfect time, and if you really have the money, and, and, and,…you may not quite get around to doing it.

I encourage you to look online, talk to people, and book your retreat NOW. To get you started, here is the information for my next Your Mindful Year Mountain Retreat THIS August 15-17 - there are only a few spaces left! Also, check out Costa Rica Retreat January 26-February 2, 2013. I know you do want to get away and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you do!

By Diane Sieg

Previously published on Diane's Blog


With a career that has taken her from the chaos of the emergency room to the calm of her yoga mat, Diane Sieg first discovered yoga as a great source of physical and emotional healing during a personal crisis and has been practicing ever since. Today, as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher, professional speaker, published author, retreat facilitator and life-saving coach, Diane empowers people to live their most authentic life, both on and off the mat. Her teaching style is a calm intensity with strong alignment based principles. Diane is the creator of 30 Days to Grace: A Daily Practice to Achieve Your Ultimate Goals, both in CD and book format. Read more about Diane at

Your Mindful Year Mountain Retreat is coming up in August 15-17 in Peaceful Valley:

Immerse yourself in the practices of mindfulness with a weekend of yoga, meditation, deep breathing, journaling, body scan, and walking meditation. Spend the weekend in the beautiful Colorado Rockies with an intimate group of likeminded people to get the support, experience and community you need to create your mindful year.  Find out more and register here!

Get retreat-ready with a YogaDownload class!

30 Days to Grace - Diane Sieg 


Let Your Compass Guide the Way - Kylie Larson 


Yoga to Touch Your Soul - Christen Bakken 


DIY Yoga Festival
DIY Yoga Festival

Here is your schedule:

 7:30 am: Morning Hike & Meditation

Yes it's early, but this is when the magic happens. You and the sun will reveal your strength at the same time. No need to go all the way to a National Park for a mindful hiking experience, it's all in the intention. Go to a local trail or park, or just a walk through a beautiful neighborhood. Notice what's around you, what you hear, the way the ground feels under your feet. And when you get to your favorite place on the route, Arrive in the Present Moment with this guided meditation from Jackie Casal-Mahrou

10 am: Homemade Smoothie Bar
There are few things that make you feel better in your body than taking a vibrant basket of fresh fruits and vegetables and eviscerating them into a sweet, nutritious smoothie. We’ve collected a few favorite recipes at YogaDownload, but when you combine flavors you love, it's hard to go wrong. So make it an experience: have everyone bring their favorite ingredients and let the creativity flow. 

 11 am: Yoga with Ashley Turner
Roll out your mats somewhere you don't often practice – out in the yard, on the roof of your building, maybe somewhere touristy. When the place feels special, your practice feels special – that's the festival experience (and thankfully YogaDownload classes can go anywhere, even places with no cell or WiFi service). You and your friends are in for a treat: a Twisting Detox Arm Balance Flow with one of the nation's top yoga teachers, Ashley Turner. You’ve seen her at the festivals and in the media, now she's coming to teach you to fearlessly play with balance. 
12:30 pm: Spraytime Playtime
It wouldn't be a yoga festival without water. Get to the nearest pool, pond or garden hose for some splashing, leaping and uninhibited silliness. Grab a healthy lunch while you're at it.

2:30 pm: Yoga with Shiva Rea
Yes really. The queen of Shakti herself is teaching at YOUR festival. This is a true privilege, exclusive to YogaDownload and the DIY Yoga Festival. Reach open from your heart and get ready to get blissed out on a Solar/Lunar Flow
4:00 pm: Wind Down
You're doing something awesome for your mind, body and spirit today – enjoy it! This is your creative free time. Bust out the hula hoop, or freewrite in a journal. Pump up the Chill Rhythms and experiment with AcroYoga – since it's just you and your friends, this is a judgment-free zone!

6:00 pm: Wine Tasting
This IS a celebration after all! Pick up some organic wines or wines produced near you and treat yourself to a tasting. Does the wine taste better after a day of yoga and mindful fun? 
7:30 pm: Healthy Dinnertime

Cooking together is fun. Pick up some fresh produce for a recipe that sounds interesting! If you need some inspiration, try a Millet Buddha Bowl - they're healthy, easy, and totally customizable! 

9:00 pm: Dance Party
Every good summer festival ends with dancing outdoors. Your turn to celebrate this awesome life by frolicking around to sweet beats. Dance like no one is watching because this dance is just for you.

Happy DIY festivaling! Take lots of pictures (and tag @YogaDownload in them)!

Become Unbound from Fear
Become Unbound from Fear

I was talking with a client the other day and she said “I can’t make a decision, I’m just so scared!”

It got me thinking about how fear can rule our lives. Our bodies have been programmed since the beginning, with a “fight or flight” response to keep us alive. There were REAL dangers: being eaten by wild animals, invading armies, disease and sickness. Here’s the crazy thing – our bodies don’t really know the difference between staring down a wild animal and being afraid of losing a job or a boyfriend when our brains view the threat in the same way.

We, as human beings, are hardwired to live. Unfortunately, however, far too often we become fearful of situations in our modern every day lives the way our ancestors did about being eaten, over situations that are far less life threatening, and, instead of it moving us to action the way it should, it paralyzes us. We get so caught up in the scenarios and outcomes and we let the fear of those possibilities prevent us from taking necessary next steps. We let the “what if’s” overwhelm us and get in our way.

It is absolutely appropriate to respond to the fear of surviving being hunted down by a mountain lion. It is not appropriate to apply the same fear response to surviving tax season or a big break-up. You’ve got to live in the here and now.

One morning a few weeks ago, I got a call that a neighbor’s daughter had been in a freak car accident that sent the truck she was in into a creek, where she was swept away and died. I was in shock. Horrified. My very first response was “Where’s my daughter”. She wasn’t in the house. I panicked – my heart started pounding out of my chest, all my muscles were tight and I couldn’t think straight. I was simultaneously grieving for my friend’s horrible loss and terrified that the same was happening to me. It was totally irrational to think that way but that’s exactly how your body is supposed to react in “fight or flight”. I found Madeline about 10 minutes later playing in the bushes in the backyard. It took me another hour to recover from the panic.

A week later I couldn’t find my wallet. I panicked – my heart started pounding out of my chest, all my muscles were tight and I couldn’t think straight. My body reacted the same exact way to the fear that my daughter was missing, as it did to the fear that my wallet was missing.

Get this – If I can’t find my wallet, sure, it’s going to be a pain in the butt to get my cards replaced, but no one is going to die. But my body doesn’t know the difference.

When your brain decides ‘this is scary’, your body is going to react.

Fear lives within each one of us but we have a choice whether to let it rule us. I’m not saying that dangers don’t exist. But getting lost in the ‘what ifs’ over situations that are a far cry from life threatening, in a future you can’t predict, is a waste of energy.

Here are a few ideas on how to combat fear if you find it residing inside of you:


The future does not exist yet. Your thoughts and projections into a future aren’t real. Stay in the present, tuned in to your senses and use your mind. You are hard-wired to survive. There is an unconscious aspect of your being that inherently knows what to do.


Even self defense instructors teach their students to take a breath when they are faced with a physical threat. By reminding yourself to breathe (sounds silly, but you CAN forget to breathe when you’re completely freaking out), you are not only ensuring that your brain gets the oxygen it needs to function properly, but deep, deliberate, slow breaths, slow your heart rate which calms your body, making it easier to think more clearly. When you are in a calm state of mind, you are better prepared physically to choose how you are going to react to your situation.


So much of our fear has to do with how we perceive ourselves and our strengths. If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything. If you doubt yourself, you will not succeed. You are what you believe, so even if it seems crazy to believe you can outrun a mountain lion, survive a flood, a devastating divorce or a run in with the IRS, believe it.

Belief is power.

I have just given you 3 outstanding tips to overcome fear. What are you afraid of? How have you overcome fear? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below.

If you found this post informative or useful please share it with friends. Post it on FB, Pinterest, or Tweet it.

XO, Hayley

Previously published on Positively Positive and Hayley's Blog

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get Happy with one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 

Core Yoga 4 

Smoothie ABCs
Smoothie ABCs
If you’ve done the Conscious Cleanse with us you know that one of our secrets for maintaining vibrancy is through practicing what we call “doing your ABCs.”

One of the best ways we know how to do this is with our beloved green smoothie ritual. This one simple habit has the power to transform anyone’s health. Keeping dark leafy greens at the center of your food universe is key to maintaining vibrancy!

As you may recall, the Conscious Cleanse has partnered with Door to Door Organics to make it even easier to maintain this daily healthy habit by delivering fresh organic produce and natural groceries to your doorstep at no extra cost!

Be sure to check out Door to Door Organics’ website for a collection of Conscious Cleanse recipes that make doing your ABCs a cinch.

If you’re in their delivery area, be sure to enter “detoxdelivered” to get $10 off your first order. But hurry because this offer won’t be around forever.

Below is one of our most popular green smoothie recipes called 
Hearty Smoothie Love. This is a delicious “starter smoothie” if you’re new to the green smoothie revolution. It’s full of antioxidants, minerals, protein and healthy fats, which will help you feel full longer.

Check it out below and be sure to leave me a comment.

How are you doing your ABCs?

With green smoothie love,

    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Forrest Yoga 2 - Adv. Intermediate - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

The Practice of Patience
The Practice of Patience

Jon Kabat-Zinn says patience is a form of wisdom.

Patience is remembering you can’t push the river—which I sometimes try to do when in unfamiliar or uncomfortable territory. Like when I am forced to look at a limiting belief I have become so familiar with, and it takes way longer than I expect to let it go. Or when I make a significant shift in my business plan and it takes way longer to execute and see benefit than I can imagine. Or when I am stuck on the runway for hours due to weather and finally arrive at the gate, obsessed with every painful minute it takes to deplane, decreasing my chances of making my connection.

Any of these life situations go so much easier when we practice patience. These truths adapted from Rick Hanson’s Just One Thing help me remember why patience is a form of wisdom:

- Impatience is dissatisfaction and resistance—Patience is possibility
- Impatience is angry—Patience is peaceful
- Impatience focuses on what’s wrong—Patience is wide open to the big picture
- Impatience is controlling and clinging—Patience is letting go
- Impatience can’t stand unpleasantness—Patience is tolerance

Practicing patience allows us to let go of our often unrealistic expectations and consider the long-term effects of everything we are doing and be present all along the way. This is why patience is an important intention of mindfulness.

Where in your life today could you embrace the wisdom of patience and stop trying to push the river?

By Diane Sieg
Previously published on Diane's Blog


With a career that has taken her from the chaos of the emergency room to the calm of her yoga mat, Diane Sieg first discovered yoga as a great source of physical and emotional healing during a personal crisis and has been practicing ever since. Today, as an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher, professional speaker, published author, retreat facilitator and life-saving coach, Diane empowers people to live their most authentic life, both on and off the mat. Her teaching style is a calm intensity with strong alignment based principles. Diane is the creator of 30 Days to Grace: A Daily Practice to Achieve Your Ultimate Goals, both in CD and book format. Read more about Diane at

Your Mindful Year Mountain Retreat is coming up in August 15-17 in Peaceful Valley:

Immerse yourself in the practices of mindfulness with a weekend of yoga, meditation, deep breathing, journaling, body scan, and walking meditation. Spend the weekend in the beautiful Colorado Rockies with an intimate group of likeminded people to get the support, experience and community you need to create your mindful year.  Find out more and register here!

Start practicing a patient life now with a YogaDownload class!

30 Days to Grace - Diane Sieg 


Gentle Hatha Yoga 5 - Deep Release - Jackie Casal Mahrou 


Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga 2 - Dave Farmar 


Embrace This Gift Called Life
Embrace This Gift Called Life

As a child we know that we are naturally connected all that is. We know that we are naturally joyful. We know that we are one with the Universe. But sometimes we are born to families who have become hard and have forgotten that magical piece.

It’s not their fault, it’s an old pattern… one that I am at the forefront, with many others, breaking through. I know different and thank God I know enough in time to share this important knowledge with my kids! That’s what’s most important … our lovely future generation! Still so pristine and awake. What a gift.

But pain is interesting to me. I believe that all physical pain is a manifestation of something deeper. Even accidents, I believe, can be caused by something deeper. Some unknown fear or imbalance in the emotional body. And what we do with that pain is indicative of how we are living our life.

My suggestion? Look at it the pain deeply. What part of the body are you experiencing it in? How did it happen? Remember that you are a dense piece of matter with a soul… look deeper into the pain. Don’t just put a band-aid on it or take some pill to relieve the immediate annoyance. It’s going to come back later and will keep coming back until you dig in and get to the root. The root is where the healing is. It’s not in the surface scrape, it’s deeper.

When I started studying the systems of the body and then the subtle body and then dove into the energy and ethereal, I began to re-member. I remembered who I was beneath the pain: a really bright light. A being connected to God and to everything else that existed.

When you wake up to that, your life expands and it’s amazing! You see everything differently! Life makes sense! You meet people just like you! And you all share and love and rejoice! Everything seems lighter!

However, if there is lingering pain, which there most likely is, you’re still going to have to deal with it. But now you have tools, and new friends, and you can practice looking at everything with compassion and grace. You can see your hurt from a new place that is blessed with forgiveness.

Pain is going to show up in your life over and over again. My invitation to you, and to us all, is to look at and examine it. See it for what it is and heal it, with every tool in your box.

I ask my girls, when I see them in pain, “Where are you feeling this? What does it feel like? Why do you think your feeling it?” When they cry, they cry until they are done. When they are mad they are mad until they are done. They have a safe place to share their feelings … no matter what. We are respectful, no outbursts in public places unless it HAS to happen. Let’s try and wait until we at least get in the car… then we drop everything and listen.

They also know the energy body … the masculine and feminine … the chakras. They know enough to ask questions. It’s the program that runs everything and has been forever. It’s essential in healing the body on the root level.

I’m not sure all of our systems and chakras and life will ever be in perfect balance. However, I strive for learning, for expanding and growing every time something comes up. And I intend to share what I know, all my imperfections and works in progress, with these two little beings that are staring at me and listening to my every word.

I intend to remind them of what perfect beings they are amidst any bit of pain or trauma they may experience. That’s what will expand ALL of our lives… that one bit of knowledge. Remember who you are … light and love.

Previously published on Dana's Blog

By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

Visit for more inspiration from Dana.

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


Hearts Wide Open 

Balancing Out the Heat
Balancing Out the Heat

Ayurveda comes from two words: “Ayu” which means life and “veda” which means science so Ayurveda quite literally is the science of life. It is based on the premise that we each have a combination of elements that make us up, known as doshas.

The three doshas are: Earth and water, or kapha, fire and water, or pitta, and air and space, or vata.

From an ayurvedic perspective, we all have a certain combination of each of these elements. Too much of any of these elements takes us out of balance. It makes a certain amount of logic when you think about it: excess earth creates lethargy, depression, and additional mucous in the body. Too much air and space and we are easily distracted, flighty, and ungrounded. Too much fire, we are impatient, judgmental, and think that we are always right. Sound familiar? Luckily, there are many ways to keep these imbalances in check. Let’s take a look at some common pitta imbalances so you can check in yourself.

Fire manifests in the body as acid water, located in the stomach and in the digestive organs. Since pitta is responsible for metabolism, too much pitta can create acid indigestion, reflux, and diarrhea. It can also cause high blood pressure, acne and inflammation of joints. And just like a burning wire, excess pitta can shorten our fuse, leading to aggression in both our personal and professional relationships, as well as in the community at large. It’s no surprise that crime rate and violence increase during the summer, particularly as a result of heat waves.

Despite this, many yoga classes continue to offer a practice that is heat building, sweat-inducing and pitta-aggravating in the height of summer because that is what we are used to. As a culture, we tend to take the “no pain, no gain” approach onto our yoga mats. If savasana isn’t experienced in a pool of sweat it somehow means we didn’t do enough. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoy a good sweat like the rest of them but that does not mean I need to go to extremes when the temperature takes me there already. The experience of yoga is not calibrated by the amount of perspiration you emit but by the depth of connection you have to the moment. That is what we can take back with us to our friends, our spouses, our children, and our co-workers. If you leave class feeling more imbalanced than you were when you arrived, something’s not working. Here’s a few tips on how to shift your yoga practice to create more equanimity both on the mat and off. If you’re new to yoga, fear not! These are tips that are available to anyone at any time.

1. Avoid practicing surya namaskar in excess. Rather practice moon salutes.

2. Add a restorative pose to your practice or to your day. Legs up the wall is cooling, calming for the nervous system, lowers the heart rate, and slows down the breath. All of these things help counter a pitta imbalance.

3. Practice sitali breath: curl the end of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth. If you can’t do that (you’re not flawed: some people anatomically are unable to!) then simply open your mouth as if you are giving a fake smile. Breath in through the tongue or the teeth. Pause at the top of the inhalation and then exhale our through the nostrils. Try this about 6 times and notice the effects. It helps cure heartburn, acid indigestion, and creates an internal cooling system. Although it might look funny, this comes in very handy while you’re waiting on the subway platform in intense heat. Give it a try!

4. Avoid spicy or acidic foods like peppers and tomatoes and eat cooling ones such as coconut, cucumber, and melon.

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages if your pitta is up. It takes all of those imbalances into more imbalance! Although it might feel cooling at the time, it will only fan the fire in the end.

Stay cool and Namaste.

Previously published on ISHTA Blog

By Sarah Platt-Finger

Sarah co-founded ISHTA Yoga, LLC with her husband, Alan Finger in May 2008. She holds the title Yogiraj and developed her own signature class “Sweat and Samadhi,” which is taught by ISHTA teachers worldwide. ISHTA classes and trainings are offered in Stockholm, Munich, London, and Japan. Sarah aspires to share the joy, inspiration, and self-tranformation with her students that she has received through the practice of yoga. Her daughter, Satya, inspires her every day to live a life based on love and self-empowerment. Learn more about ISHTA Yoga at and @ISHTAyoga.  Follow Sarah on Facebook and Instagram.

Balance your pitta with the following YogaDownload Classes: 

Moon Salutations Flow - Lisa Richards 

Yin Yoga - Elise Fabricant 

Simple Fixes for Summertime Itches
Simple Fixes for Summertime Itches

I hate poison ivy. On my 40th birthday, I woke up with it and wound up in the hospital begging for cortisone shots.

I hate being uncomfortable. I hate being too hot, too cold, too sunburned, too itchy, and summer is the worst time for all of it, with all the bugs, going to the pool or beach, air conditioned buildings.

I will do ANYTHING to avoid being itchy. Here are some suggestions to help get you and your skin through the summer in one piece.

Sunscreen – I use sunscreen whenever I go outside, whether I’m going to be out running or just running to the grocery store, if my skin is exposed to the sun, I spray on some sunscreen before I go.

For Sunburns – Unfortunately, the best intentions with sunscreen don’t always pan out. I recommend aloe gel to soothe sunburns. You could even keep an aloe plant growing and break off leaves as you need them (great for kitchen burns too, by the way) Peppermint oil is also very soothing and cooling. Add a few drops to a spray bottle full of water to spray yourself.

For Dry Skin – Truly, hydration is the key here. Make sure you’re drinking enough fluids. Sleep is also really important for your skin, so make sure you’re getting enough sleep every day. And of course, keep feeding your skin a good, natural moisturizer. {Are there ingredients they should look for to consider it ‘good’?} Coconut oil is a great option. Apply it, or any body oil, as soon as you’ve finished a shower as soap and hot water can be very drying for your skin, and the water already on your skin will help the oil to soak into your skin.

For Bug Bites – A few drops of lavender in a spray bottle of water will soothe bug bites. Melaleuca or tea tree oil applied directly to the bite will also calm the itching.

For Poison Ivy – You obviously want to get the oils away from you as quickly as you can and scrub them off of your body to avoid rash, but if you’re too late for all that oatmeal, lavender peppermint, frankincense, myrrh, and jewelweed are all great for soothing itchy, inflamed skin.

Keep some peppermint leaves in the freezer to apply to sunburns or bug bites.

I’ve just shared some great tips to help keep your skin hydrated and soothed through the summer months. What are your natural remedies for itchy skin during the summer? Share them with me on Facebook.

XO Hayley

Previously published on Mind Body Green and Hayley's Blog.

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get Happy with one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 

Core Yoga 4 

Patriotic Green Smoothie
Patriotic Green Smoothie

What do you think about this? Do you find you can make healthier decisions later on when you fuel yourself with healthy choices earlier on?  

Let me know in the comment section below.

Enjoy your holiday weekend. Eat (or drink!) your greens and remember to drink lots of water.

With love and firecrackers,

    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

The Truth (and Tales) about Water
The Truth (and Tales) about Water

But here’s the tricky part. Your body is after hydration and nourishment. You get a lot of your hydration needs from your food. Ever juice a cucumber? It’s mostly liquid! Sometimes, your body will kick out “I’m hungry!” signals when you’re actually thirsty and craving hydration!

This “You must drink 8 glasses of water a day” doctrine only became the fashionable when we stopped eating our veggies and started eating more processed food. Yes! Your body needs to be hydrated, you can’t live without water. There are studies out there nowadays that are showing that we’re already getting a lot of water in our daily diets, especially if we’re eating healthy with lots and lots of vegetables and fruit. And let’s face it – water can get pretty boring.

There are lots of great ways to get the amount of water your body needs to keep you hydrated. I drink a 20oz. smoothie every morning, go through a 20oz. water bottle that I carry around with me all day long and I drink at least one or two probiotic Kevita drinks a day. That alone is almost 64oz. of liquid! And that’s not even counting all the vegetables I eat daily.

Here are some tips to help you get the water your body needs to keep up with your busy life:

1. Eat your Fruits and Veggies

Cucumber, celery and radishes are more than 95% water! Throw some in your salad or keep some spears handy for snacking (add some hummus for also important protein). Tomatoes, green peppers, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, baby carrots, are also great vegetables for their water content. Watermelon, star fruit, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe are sweet treats that are all more than 90% water.

2. Don’t Overdo it

You CAN drink too much water. You can actually flood your system with water, producing low sodium levels, flushing out minerals and vitamins that your body actually needs to perform at peak condition and do a number on your kidneys. If you’re eating lots of clean veggies, you’re getting LOTS of water. But when you do drink water, don’t chug it, you’ll just wind up peeing it out without doing much to hydrate you. Sip it throughout the day instead. And speaking of pee, THAT is the real sign of your state of hydration. It should be a pale yellow color. If it’s almost clear, you’re drinking too much. If it’s dark yellow, go drink something!

3. Make Your Water More Interesting

Filter your water whenever you can. Infuse it with calorie and sugar-free flavors, a slice of lemon or a chunk of cantaloupe. Figure out if you prefer glass, plastic or stainless steel containers and then get a bunch and keep them filled and handy. It sounds silly, but having a glass or bottle you enjoy drinking out of can make a difference in how you feel about drinking! Drinking champagne out of a juice glass isn’t nearly as fun as drinking it from a champagne glass, right?

Everything you drink contributes to your daily water consumption. Just remember that caffeinated drinks will dehydrate you, so you should replace them with something to hydrate.

Water is not the goal, hydration is. Keep your water consumption interesting, listen to your body, and you will always be hydrated.

I’ve just given you really important information about water and helpful hints on how to keep hydrated. What fun ways do you have to stay hydrated? Share them with me!

XO Hayley

Sweet 'n Sour Pineapple Limeade Juice
Sweet 'n Sour Pineapple Limeade Juice

Cucumbers are one of nature’s best beauty foods–full of minerals (especially silica) that promote healthy skin, hair and nails. And pineapple contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme, bromelain, which aids digestion.

If you want to get a radiant summer glow, this is the juice for you. Both detoxifying and hydrating, this juice will delight your taste buds with its burst of citrus twist! I hope you enjoy it as a morning juice or a refreshing summer snack.

Are you ready to fire up your juicer and give this sweet summer juice a whirl?

Let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

With tart and tangy kisses,

    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Summer's Bounty: Taste the Season
Summer's Bounty: Taste the Season

The other day as I was enjoying yet another mango snack, I started daydreaming of the time spent in Costa Rica studying abroad in college. One of the young local girls that I lived with ate a few mangoes a day sprinkled with lime juice and salt. Talk about a nutritious and delicious snack! Fresh, ripe fruit is literally nature’s candy.

This got me thinking about the importance of eating seasonally.

There are many excellent reasons to enjoy produce at its peak. One of the top reasons being taste and nutritional value, and the close second being cost.

Produce picked and enjoyed at its prime is literally bursting with flavor. It smells sweet and fragrant and is often perfectly delicious when enjoyed in its raw, natural state.

When produce is allowed to ripen on the vine it actually makes it more nutritious too, providing us with all the minerals and nutrients that our bodies need to thrive and feel satiated.

The other awesome reason to eat in tune with the seasons is take advantage of the abundant supply of certain foods. When there is a lot of one type of produce being harvested, it naturally drives the cost down. Take for example strawberries (delicious after the cleanse once you determine you don’t have a strawberry allergy or sensitivity). I’ve noticed at my local health food store that in the dead of winter, a package of organic strawberries costs about $9 bucks! In June, the same size package goes on sale for about $5.

Eating in season is good for our health and our wallets!

There is also a more subtle, perhaps abstract reason to eat in tune with the seasons and that is to eat in a way that nature intends puts us into a framework that says “I trust life and know that all of my needs (nutritionally or otherwise) will be met.”

When we look to nature we notice that there is a natural, I would say divine, order to things. Everything has its place and purpose, and for good reason.

If you’re feeling inspired and wondering what foods are in season right now domestically check out the partial list below. I’ve also included a new green smoothie recipe inspired my days in Costa Rica that I know you’re going to love. It’s called Mango Unchained.

What about you? What are your favorites from summer’s bounty?

With love and mango smooches,

    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Cell Phone Mindfulness
Cell Phone Mindfulness

My phone is my #1 tool for my job, it goes everywhere I go and is a huge part of my life. I’m not kidding. A few weeks ago, I freaked because my battery was only lasting 2.5 hours. The guy at the Apple store laughed it me. “Sorry to say, Miss, nothing is wrong with your phone. You just go through more data than I’ve ever seen.” He’s ever seen? Seriously? He works at Apple! Now I have 3 batteries, plus my charger and I can’t leave home without them.

My phone makes it possible for me to do business on the go, so that I can have flexibility in my life, and be able to spend time with my daughter and husband. But the phone also gets in my way all the time. I’ve taken conference calls with an earbud in my ear while giving Madeline a bath. Not good. I’m there with her, but… not really, you know? It might be like going over homework with the news on for you. Or playing Candy Crush while you’re on the phone with your mom. We’re there, but not really?

I can’t not answer it either. If I don’t respond immediately when clients contact me, I run the risk of losing them. It has happened. I quickly became a slave to my phone. I hate to confess it, but I have been ‘that girl’ who’s texting during Savasana at yoga. It drove everyone crazy – my husband, people around me. It drove ME crazy.

Now, I could give you a list of “NO PHONE RULES”. Like:

Rule #1: No phones at the dinner table
Rule #2: No phones in the bedroom
Rule #3: No phones at yoga class

But that’s not realistic. I’ve tried to implement these rules myself, but when I’m dealing with people in different time zones, I have to be flexible to that too. Besides which, a list of rules really isn’t going to get to the source of the issue. Communication is.

My phone is probably the source of half my arguments with my husband. We had to have a really honest conversation about cell phone usage. We laid it all out. I need my phone to have the flexible lifestyle we’re building. But the phone interrupts intimate moments and he often feels ignored. It impacts our daughter. We both groan when we hear it chiming at 11pm.

It wasn’t a pretty conversation and it will not end all of our arguments, but he got clear on how integral the phone is to my business and I got really clear on how important it is for me to not be tied to a computer to make my living. And we both got really clear on how technology impacts our lives.

So here are the three things that I think you need to do to have your phone NOT rule your life.

1: Take an honest look at why you are using your phone. Do you really need to be that connected? Is keeping up to date on social media adding to your life or taking away from it? If you discover that you are using your phone to put distance between you and other people in your life, that might be pointing to a larger issue in your relationships.

2: Communicate and compromise. In the grand scheme of things, arguing about a phone is pretty silly. Talk to the people who you’re impacting by being attached to the hip to technology. Really understand that impact and find common ground to compromise on.

3. Lay some ground rules and boundaries – for yourself AND for your clients. I literally cannot be in the same room as my phone in order to have space from it so I won’t hear that little buzz telling me I have work to do. I can’t bring my phone to yoga with me. In my world, sitting down with my family for a meal is a rare pleasure. I leave my phone in the car, to be completely present when we do. But the people who expect you to be available 24/7 – remind them that texting at midnight or 5am isn’t appropriate. They’ll get it. I know they will.

I’ve just given you some great advice for balancing your life with your cell phone. Got tips and suggestions you’d like to share? Post your suggestion here!

XO Hayley

By Hayley Hobson
Previously published on Positively Positive and Hayley's Blog.

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get centered with one of Hayley's classes today:

Happy Hips 

HardCORE Pilates 

Core Yoga 4 

Summer Coleslaw
Summer Coleslaw

It’s said that we “eat with our eyes first” and this salad is truly a summertime feast for the senses! A colorful plate, besides being beautiful, also reminds us of another key cleanse principle: nutrient density! This salad is overflowing with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory vitamins, such as the bone building vitamin K and the immune boosting vitamin C. And if that wasn’t enough, this salad is great for the gut! Fresh asparagus contains a large amount of inulin, a type of dietary fiber, which happens to be a favorite food for beneficial intestinal bacteria. Parsley too is packed with L-glutamine, an amino acid that is key to GI repair and strength. Wow! Please pass the salad!

The other thing we adore about this salad is its versatility. The recipe is large enough to feed a crowd at a potluck or summer BBQ. It’s also a tasty way to add color and crunch to a Spicy Black Bean or Bison Burger. Have you tried our Millet Buddha Bowl yet? This salad would be a brilliant substitute for the plain cucumber and cabbage.

Since the walnuts in this recipe are optional, this is the perfect recipe to illustrate how easy it is to adapt recipes to fit within the food combining guidelines. Simply omit the nuts if serving atop or along side an animal protein or non-gluten grain.

With love and a rainbow of veggies,


    Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman

Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they've lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They've been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

The Meaning of Holistic
The Meaning of Holistic

My husband was not on board with the changes – AT ALL. He just didn’t want to deal with it or the extra spend money on expensive all-natural products. If I didn’t do the shopping, we wound up with Windex and Pepto Bismol. At first, I fought him on it. Then I just started throwing things out, wasting money and he hated that way more. When he saw the results of me being happier, healthier, the kids, he was willing to experiment himself. The other day, I came home to a bottle of generic Lysol on the counter and I gave him this look. He explained that it was actually a natural brand, but he didn’t want to just throw out the old bottle. He recycled an old bottle! I was so proud.

For myself, I believed in it because I had to. I had so many health issues, there was so much toxicity and inflammation in my system – between my type A personality, my parents and stress. I had to educate myself to change all these products and my life has been so much better since.

There are so many things you can do to create a healthy, holistic life. The key is to eliminate what’s toxic and create alternatives. These were the first three baby steps I took:

1. No More Chemical Products
I stopped buying all the cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals. Even chain grocery stores now offer several lines of eco-friendly cleaning products – including the bottle they come in, and they’re no more expensive than the name brands. Better still, search the internet for how to make cleaning products at home. Did you know that vinegar and salt will unclog a drain?

2. No More Drug Store Remedies and Cosmetics
Most drug store ‘remedies’ only mask your ailment symptoms, they don’t cure the ailment. Essential oils and fresh herbs will get rid of a headache, nausea, itchy, rashy skin. All those cosmetic colors in your purse are a result of chemicals mixed together, and many have been tested on animals for your safety. Anti-perspirants and moisturizers also contain pore-clogging chemicals that will build up in your system over time. There are healthy, natural products out there for all this.

3. Mute and Unfriend
You can’t let people drain your energy. Sucking energy out of people is one of thet most toxic things in our life. We all have toxic people in our lives. I’m not saying you have to break up with them, but you don’t have to engage them either. You can’t expect the world to change for you. So change how you deal with it.

4. No More Grocery Produce
Search the internet for nearby farmer’s markets and co-ops. Going to the farmer’s market can be a fun family activity. If you don’t have time for that, co-ops are a great alternative. Both of these options support your holistic lifestyle and your local growers.

Adopting a holistic lifestyle doesn’t require instant, overnight changes. You don’t have to go purge your cabinets and refrigerator of everything you’ve already bought. Replace the toxic with the non-toxic alternatives as you run out of what you already have. Adjust how you respond to toxic people. One day, you’ll wake up and realize how much better you feel.

I’ve just given you 4 really basic tips on how to become more holistic. What have you changed to create a holistic lifestyle for yourself? Let me know here or on my Facebook page!

This post has been published on Mind Body Green and Hayley's Blog.

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get Happy with one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 

Core Yoga 4 

Yogi Soup
Yogi Soup

This one is packed with tons of nutrition and even a few detoxifiers to keep your body nourished and clean.



This recipe is about 2 servings. Eat half now and half later.

• 12 toasted seaweed sheets
• 6 mushrooms, sliced (Choose a variety you like or is available - button, crimini, baby bella, etc.)
• 1 cup radish, thinly sliced
• 1 cup broccoli, chopped
• ½ cup shelled edamame, non-GMO
• 2 tbsp miso
• 2 tbsp tamari sauce
• ½ tsp ground ginger
• 6 cups filtered pure water

Bring water to a boil and then add the broccoli, mushrooms, radish, broccoli and shelled edamame. Reduce temp to medium and cook for 3-4 minutes. Cut nori sheets in half lengthwise and then into strips. Add to the pot and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let it rest for 1-2 minutes and then add the miso and tamari.

Want more free recipes like this? Click here to get a FREE digital copy of Jessica Wyman’s cookbook, Girlfriends Organic Kitchen. She is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher and put together a collection of crazy delicious vegetarian and gluten free recipes.

By Jessica Wyman

Jessica Wyman is a rockin’ wellness maven with a passion to show you the ropes of living your best life.  As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher, Jessica has a grounded and balanced approach to being your best.  If you want to learn how to have your best body yet without counting calories, crazy gimmicks or challenging meal plans, then join Jessica for her 28 Day Nutrition Program, Healthy is Sexy.  {Yoga, Smoothies, Fashion, Wellness and even Natural Beauty Tips} to help you with your Healthy is Sexy life and body. Glow from the inside out.  Get free healthy recipes and wellness tips you’ll actually use at

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Click Here for Your Free Copy of Jessica's Cookbook!



Boost your energy with the following YogaDownload classes:  

Yoga to Touch Your Soul - Christen Bakken 

Infinite Freedom - Alex Cordoba 





A Conscious Cleanse Guide to Mindful Eating
A Conscious Cleanse Guide to Mindful Eating

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. 

To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 

Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Conscious Cleanse Detox Flow - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present
Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present

I love my work. I love running a business and I spend large portions of my day on my phone between emails, texts and client calls. I have perfected “being in the zone”. When I’m really focused on work, it's almost like nothing else exists. I like to think when I close my laptop, I can shut work off, but my brain just doesn’t do that. Last night, my daughter crawled into my lap while I was working and proclaimed it “bath time”. I closed up what I was doing and took her to the bathroom where we filled the tub with bubbles and I hopped in with her. I was kind of proud of myself for shutting down early and focusing on Madeline. Until Madeline starts belting out “Let It Go” from Frozen at the top of her lungs and I realize that I had been sitting in the tub with her this whole time, running through my to dos and planning out my trip, not paying any attention to her at all.

I think the key to being present in your life – for your kids, your husband, family, friends – is to set some ground rules for yourself, to attend to the things that would distract you from being fully present for them. Here’s what I suggest:

1. Plan and then let it go.

I’m so busy, and let’s face it, I’m one of those driven Type A people that I actually have to force myself to shut down in order to be present every day. Sometimes, I even put reminders in my calendar to block out time that is just for Madeline or my husband. But I also know that if I plan my day – schedule out every project I need to work on and stick to it, that when it’s Madeline’s turn, I won’t have all those work tasks looming over me, unfinished. Every morning, the first thing I do is take time to plan out my day. I’m not talking huge to do lists – I hate them, and will quickly ignore them if they get too long. And then stick to the time you promised to be present. If I don’t know what’s coming, I can’t even make the time for my family or myself.

2. Define ‘meditation’ and then do it.

Again, I’m Type A. The very thought of sitting still with my legs folded, back straight, palms up on my knees – doing NOTHING is excruciating (2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10). It actually causes stress – trying to live up to some standard of what I’m supposed to be doing. The idea of meditating is to create a calm, clear, centered mind and there are a million ways you can do that if the ‘usual’ definition of meditation doesn’t work for you. I’ll do an extra long yoga class because I know I actually need the first 20 minutes to get out of my head. Running is another meditation because I get out of my head and into my body. If you can devote yourself to taking some time each day – whatever way works best for you – you will quickly see the value in having a clear, calm mind for everything else.

3. Create phone rules and enforce them.

I admit it. I am all but surgically attached to my phone. Once it is in my hand, I am on it nonstop until I put it down again at the end of the day. Texting, emailing, phone calls – ALL. DAY. LONG. I have 3 additional batteries charging at all times so that I can switch them out as the day goes on in addition to the battery in my phone, and I will go through ALL of them in one day. But I realized that my family was suffering. I was suffering because I could never put my phone down. So, I had to create rules for myself and then force myself to live them. I don’t charge my phone at my bedside, so I’m not tempted to look at it if I wake up in the night, or the minute my eyes open in the morning. I forced myself to wait a little while when I wake up in the morning before I check it for the first time. When I have a family day, the phone stays home.

Putting Madeline to bed last night, I didn’t bring the phone in with me. She started telling me this story. I just sat there for 20 minutes listening to her talk to me, completely focused on her story. That is what being present means.

I have just given you 3 great tips to help you live in the present. In what ways do you get distracted? When do you notice it the most? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below.

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please share it with others. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it.

XO, Hayley

This post has been published on Positively Positive and Hayley's Blog.

By Hayley Hobson

With her unique specialization in the combination and complement of pilates, nutrition and yoga, Hayley offers a cocktail of lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Hayley is a columnist for Elephant Journal and has been featured in Pilates Style Magazine, Natural Health Magazine and Triathlete Magazine. She currently lives in Boulder, CO with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Read more about Hayley and check out her new book at

Get Happy with one of Hayley's Empowering classes today:

Empowerment Flow 

Tighten Your Core 

Core Yoga 4 

Mason Jar Meals
Mason Jar Meals

That means I have to plan ahead so I can make healthy eating a breeze. In fact, figuring out healthy eating tips for the busy woman is the most common area of concern for my clients.

We’re here, we’re there, and it seems we are bustling around everywhere.

One of the best tips I can share is to make ahead. I am a huge advocate of cook once and eat twice, or even three times. What if you could even make it five?

There is one kitchen item that makes it’s so easy, and even adorable. Drum roll…..the mason jar. I’m not suggesting canning your food for storage. They are inexpensive and even if you lose the lid, they are a dime a dozen (not literally, but close). You don’t have to go buy a whole set of Tupperware just to have a lid for that one container. Plus they’re just cute in a Pinterest or Instagram worthy way.

By Jessica Wyman



Jessica Wyman is a Hippie in High Heels. Her passion is in the kitchen! She runs online nutrition programs where she teaches women how to eat right for real health. Her popular online nutrition programs help you stop the calorie counting and enjoy a multitude of easy, satisfying and healthy meals. As a multi-passionate business woman serving as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Author and Heart Centered Entrepreneur. She works with women to improve their health and businesses by giving real advice for real women in the real world.


Click Here to learn about Jessica's new 5 day Mini Nutrition Program



Boost your energy with the following YogaDownload classes:  

Bound Wild Thing - Kyle Weiger 

Infinite Freedom - Alex Cordoba