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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Smoothie ABCs
Smoothie ABCs
Doing your ABCs is an acronym for “always be cleansing,” but it doesn’t mean that you should be on a formal cleanse year-round. Rather, it’s the idea that you can realistically eat and live in a way that supports detoxification and optimal digestion all the time.

The Practice of Patience
The Practice of Patience
Patience is being completely open to each moment, accepting it in it’s fullness, and acknowledging things unfold in their own time.

Embrace This Gift Called Life
Embrace This Gift Called Life
It’s amazing to me … this life, this body we walk around in, our thoughts, our dreams. This entire existence we call life. I slept through a good portion of mine, mainly because I was in pain and didn’t really know how to deal with it. Had no tools at all! I kept running into pain and after falling down over and over again, I began to numb, to stuff and ignore my pain. Traversing through life above my pain was my coping mechanism. Putting it away for another time was easier.

Balancing Out the Heat
Balancing Out the Heat
Let’s face it: summer in the city can be intense. The heat makes us irritable, impatient, and easily frustrated. There are many common ways to cool down such as blasting the A/C but that can be a great waste of energy, or weighing in at your nearest self-serve frozen yogurt shop but that can add up on the body and in the bank. The ancient seers of India had their own internal cooling system that comes from the traditional healing science known as Ayurveda.

Simple Fixes for Summertime Itches
Simple Fixes for Summertime Itches
I hate bugs. I was standing with a friend of mine, talking, completely unaware he had a preying mantis on his shoulder till the thing jumped onto my face!

Patriotic Green Smoothie
Patriotic Green Smoothie
Happy 4th of July! In the spirit of freedom day, I created the Red White and Blue Green Smoothie. I find that if I start my day off right with a boat load of fresh fruit and dark leafy greens, the rest of the day just seems to go better.

The Truth (and Tales) about Water
The Truth (and Tales) about Water
Remember how you used to be told that if you were feeling thirsty, you were already dehydrated? Well, that isn’t true. Your body isn’t designed to tell you when you’re too late, it’s designed to trigger the thirst mechanism when it is time to drink something – BEFORE you are dehydrated!

Sweet 'n Sour Pineapple Limeade Juice
Sweet 'n Sour Pineapple Limeade Juice
Get ready to have your socks knocked off! The recipe I’m sharing today has been one of my favorites lately. Tart and tangy, this tropical juice is refreshing and surprisingly filling.

Summer's Bounty: Taste the Season
Summer's Bounty: Taste the Season
Summer is such a glorious time of year! As a sun worshiper and fruit junkie, June is heaven on earth to me. I love visiting my local health food store seeing the abundance of ripe, juicy, crisp, cool fruit available – all at a great price to boot! From mango to watermelon to cherries to nectarines and apricots. I can’t seem to get enough.

Cell Phone Mindfulness
Cell Phone Mindfulness
It was 9am and I had already been on the phone for almost 2 hours. I knew the rest of my day would be more of the same. I ducked into yoga just to get away from it for 90 min, but all I could hear was bzzzzz, bzzzzzz, bzzzzzz. Was I really getting that many text messages in a row? 90 min later, I really did have 45 new text messages, 6 new FB messages, 18 emails and 3 voicemails. I was glad my Vetiver oil and Savasana had me calm or I probably would have had an anxiety attack. It was 10:30am.

Summer Coleslaw
Summer Coleslaw
When temperatures start to rise and the air grows thick and sticky, the last thing we think about eating is a salad covered in mayonnaise. But many of our traditional coleslaw recipes are just that! Here at the Conscious Cleanse, we love our veggies and aim to make them the star of the show! If you agree, you’re going to love this back-to-basics coleslaw recipe that lets the crunch and flavor of our vegetable friends shine through.

The Meaning of Holistic
The Meaning of Holistic
Being ‘holistic’ is a lifestyle. It’s not just about eating organic food and being a yogi. It’s about looking at your whole life, from food to career to your home to your relationships and removing what’s toxic from it. And it takes time to change your mindset from what’s easy to what’s right.

Yogi Soup
Yogi Soup
It’s been a long week. You’re craving a glass of wine, but you want to treat your body like a temple and at the same time you want to feel comforted. Instead opt for a soul nourishing soup that’s good for your body too!

A Conscious Cleanse Guide to Mindful Eating
A Conscious Cleanse Guide to Mindful Eating
Jo Schaalman of the Conscious Cleanse provides five greatly beneficial practices to achieve mindful eating. Taking time to eat in general can be somewhat of an inconvenience to busy schedules; not to mention actually concentrating on the act. The benefits of this practice, however, range from increased energy, brighter mood and improved mental capacities. Who doesn't have time for that?

Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present
Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present
The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Mason Jar Meals
Mason Jar Meals
I love food. I like to be on the go. Sometimes that’s a bad combination for my health goals…unless I prepare.

The Tragedy of Normalcy
The Tragedy of Normalcy
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures and beauty that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” ~ Jawaharlal Nehru

Sesame Ginger Grilled Bok Choy
Sesame Ginger Grilled Bok Choy
Summer is just around the corner and that means it’s time to fire up the grill! As the resident vegetarian in my household, I’m always looking for veggie options to throw on the grill. I love me some grillin’ season because it’s fast, easy and the best part–there is little to no clean up! Can I get an Amen!

Ditch Your Scale for Good!
Ditch Your Scale for Good!
After battling my own weight for years, I’ve come to realize that the harder I try to lose weight the less weight I actually lose. Sound familiar?

15 Lessons a Yogini Learned About Marriage and Relationships
15 Lessons a Yogini Learned About Marriage and Relationships
Through my practice of yoga and during my yoga teacher training program, I learned so much about how to be more neutral and open-minded. The biggest yoga lesson that allows my marriage to help me learn about myself and life is to allows have a beginners mind. At no point will I believe to "have this down" or "be an expert on marriage". However, I will know what feels right at that moment and how I can get better at my relationship with myself and my partner. I look forward to seeing what my marriage lessons will be like in 5 more years when experiencing it each day with a beginners mind.

7 Tips to Get You Cooking Like a Pro
7 Tips to Get You Cooking Like a Pro
We hear it all the time. “I don’t have time to spend all day in the kitchen making my own food.” I get it. Not all that long ago, 4 years to be exact, “cooking” in my world used to mean swinging by the Whole Foods’ salad bar. Frankly, I didn’t think I had the time to cook for myself, nor did I really want to put forth what seemed in my head to be so much effort.

30 minutes to Change
30 minutes to Change
Want to change the world? “Be the change you wish to see.” Mahatma Ghandi said that. Don’t try to change the world, just change yourself. Sounds familiar right? I’m sure you’ve seen quotes like this everywhere. Seems easy enough right?

Thought For Food: 5 Things You Must Know
Thought For Food: 5 Things You Must Know
When we begin working towards a new health or fitness goal, we often consider what we’ll need to do physically and sometimes even what we might change in our eating habits. But rarely do we consider what needs to change in our minds. The reality is however, without serious consideration to how you feed or exercise your mind; you are setting yourself up to repeat previous patterns of results. Fine if your results have equaled success, but not so good if they’ve not gotten you to where you want to be.

Ho’oponopono What?
Ho’oponopono What?
Think you have an open heart? Can you backbend like there’s no tomorrow? See the row of yogis behind you in Ustrasana? Fabulous … now dig deeper. Can you talk about emotions? I mean really be vulnerable with someone you love – not knowing if they love you back. Or say it like it is when your feelings are hurt and there is an obvious injustice. Can you honestly say that you do not project any old hurt in any new relationship? That you have let go of it all (including your issues with your mom, dad, teachers and old lovers), and have created all new patterns in every relationship that comes across your radar? If so ... fabulous. I bow deeply to you.

Making Meditation and Deep Breathing Fun for Your Kids!
Making Meditation and Deep Breathing Fun for Your Kids!
Kids today are more stressed than ever before. Loaded with schoolwork, extra curricular activities, responsibilities and expectations, they experience physical stress from using computers and carrying heavy backpacks, as well as psychological stress from bullying and peer pressure. Technological advancements have introduced stressors into the lives of modern children that previous generations did not experience. Cyber-bullying is a big issue that has received a lot of attention in the media, but the need to always be connected along with the demand for instant gratification also grossly impacts our children’s stress levels.