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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Speak It. Feel It. Believe It.
Speak It. Feel It. Believe It.

It seems simple enough...right? I promise you it's worth a try. So I thought I would share a few of my favorite affirmations with the hope of inspiring you. Here goes:

1. There is more than enough time in a day to accomplish all that I want to do.
Think of how many times you have heard yourself say the opposite! The more you say it the more it will be true (this works both ways).

2. I love my body and treat it as the house of my spirit.
I try to say this one before I am about to go to Starbucks, skip yoga or buy potato chips.

3. I am beautiful.
Yup! I said it.

4. The world is full of love and opportunity.
Keep repeating this one while you watch the news. We have to keep believing in love.

5. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
You are on the path. Nothing is a mistake.

6. Anything is possible for me and my life.
I realize this is a big one. Keep saying it. Start believing it.

Try to become aware of your conscious language and start reflecting upon what you are affirming regularly. PLEASE share some of your thoughts or favorite affirmations in the comments box below.

By Jackie Casal Mahrou

Jackie Casal Mahrou is a yoga instructor on, and teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative Yoga. Through her teaching and writing, she hopes to inspire as many as she can to live with grace, joy and gratitude. Read more about Jackie at

Start practicing with Jackie's YogaDownload Classes today:

HardCORE Yoga 2 - Balance and Flow 

Gentle Hatha 5 - Deep Release 

Serpentine Wave of Transformation
Serpentine Wave of Transformation

The serpent is depicted in almost every culture. Although in some traditions the serpent represents a dark force, in the yogic tradition the serpent takes various auspicious forms. In Tantra, the snake is the “kundalini energy” coiled at the base of the spine ready to spring up and release latent power. In Hindu myth, the time between the last world ending and the next world beginning,Vishnu, the god of Preservation, sleeps on the mighty coils of the great snake Ananta, also referred to as Sesa, in the primordial waters. This great ancestral snake is the residue of everything on Earth being both flexible and strong enough to transmute, grow, and protect.

In Buddhist tradition, Buddha is said to have been protected by a great serpent as he meditated during a thunderous storm. In both Buddhist and Hindu traditions, serpents function as the “door guardians” at entrances to shrines and they are thought to inhabit the earth’s waters residing as maintainers of fertility and keepers of the life-energy stored within the streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans of Earth.

According to old religions which worshiped the goddess, the serpent represents the energy of birth and regeneration. The serpent, laying against Mother Earth is considered the embodiment of feminine energy that governs the cycle of birth, death, and regeneration.

Humans strong aversion, repulsion, and attraction to the snake is a testament of the powers of this earth-bound creature. A snake will usually shed 4-8 times a year and the process lasts from 1-2 weeks. During this time, the snake’s eyes go cloudy and their vision is impaired causing them to act aggressive. Humans follow a similar process. We too “shed our skin” a few times a year: most often at the New Year, change in the seasons, a time of loss or gain, birthdays, and, for some, the time of the full moon. During the time when we are removing subtle energetic layers, we too can become vision impaired: unable to see our future, we often get irritable, excited, and act in unexpected ways as we release old parts of ourselves to grow bigger and stronger.

During these times of change, many of us will try to resist or rush the transformation occurring afraid of the unknown and our partial blindness to what the future holds. When you embrace the serpent energy within, you embrace the powers of transformation without resistance. As you adjust into 2014, tune into the renewing powers of the serpent. Just as bhujangasana warms and extends your spine, it also opens your heart and exposes your front body. This is a vulnerable yet powerful expression of strength and tenacity. With the flexibility and openness generated in cobra pose we find the our power to change our habits, shed old layers, and reinvent ourselves.

By Kimi Marin

Kimi has a master’s degree in literature and loves to combine the power of stories with yoga. Her Yogic Lore workshops are a fun combination of stories, asana, meditation, and mantra. Kimi was featured in Origin Magazine’s Inspire Series and was the featured ambassador for Ahnu Footwear June 2013. Visit

Begin embracing your serpent energy with the following YogaDownload Classes:

Open Heart Flow - Monica Mesa 

Hearts Wide Open - Dana Damara 


Spinach Artichoke Dip
Spinach Artichoke Dip

We hope you enjoy this food-filled weekend, knowing that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, healthy or completely over-indulgent. Pick a few healthy recipes to supplement some of your traditional favorites and you won’t be left feeling like a linebacker at the end of the game.

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman



Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Maple Bacon Sweet Potatoes
Maple Bacon Sweet Potatoes

This dish is a surefire hit for any super bowl party. No one will ever guess it’s healthy and can be your little secret. Don’t expect any leftovers when you take your casserole dish home.

Here’s the deal about the creation of this recipe . . . I’m seeing maple and bacon combinations everywhere – especially on donuts! I’m certainly not suggesting you serve donuts and try to call that healthy. But this alternative could set that craving straight.

WARNING!  Donuts aren’t good for you – but this recipe is!!!
WARNING!  This recipe is really addictive.  Just have one serving.  You can always make it again.
WARNING!  Your family will ask you to make it over and over and over again.

Before you get the recipe, let’s talk a minute about the ingredients...
Sweet Potatoes:  These orange little babes are packed full of nutrients (in addition to being nature’s candy).  Vitamin C helps with immune health and with collagen building.  Say hello to sexy youthful skin.

Bacon:  I know, to anyone who doesn’t eat Paleo, this probably sounds like a dirty word.  While I don’t recommend a daily bacon habit, I do think it’s important to discuss bacon and what to look for. Most bacon is packed with toxins you do NOT want in your body.  Here is what to look for: nitrate and nitrate free - Uncured.  Buy ORGANIC and pasture raised when it comes to your bacon (all meat actually, it’s higher on the food chain).

Bacon bonus:  it’s high in choline which improves your memory, smarty pants.

Cranberries:  These tart little ladies are naturally high in fiber and low calorie.

2-3 pounds of sweet potatoes, cubed
1/2 pound of bacon, uncured-organic-nitrate & nitrite-free
1 tbsp dried rosemary, chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2-1 cup dried cranberries
2 tbsp Grade B Maple Syrup

Wash the sweet potatoes really well.  You can peel if you prefer, but I like to leave the peel on to increase the fiber and nutrients.  Plus it’s less work and I just call it “rustic” style cooking.  Cube the sweet potatoes into about 1 inch pieces for faster cooking.

Toss the sweet potatoes in the olive oil and chopped rosemary.  Spread out on a shallow baking sheet or even a pretty casserole dish you can serve it in.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

While the sweet potatoes are roasting in the oven, cook the bacon on the stove-top.  Over medium heat, cook the bacon until it is lightly crispy.  What does that mean?  You can crumble it and non of the fat is still squishy…but it’s not blackened yet.  This doesn’t take long.  Do NOT add any oil or grease to the pan.

Set the bacon aside on paper towels so the fat can drain off and it will cool.  Once cooled, chop the bacon into bits.

After the 25 minutes of baking the sweet potatoes, remove from the oven and mix in the bacon bits, cranberries and maple syrup.  Transfer to a serving dish.

Serve and enjoy.  Believe me, everyone will enjoy this. 

If you are vegetarian, simply omit the bacon and this dish is still just as delicious!

Click here for a free copy of Jessica's popular eBook Sugar Free Treats. In fact, it’s full of recipes that could be excellent for your Super Bowl festivities.

May the team you’re rooting for win!

By Jessica Wyman

Jessica Wyman is a Hippie in High Heels. Her passion is in the kitchen! She runs online nutrition programs where she teaches women how to eat right for real health. Her popular online nutrition programs help you stop the calorie counting and enjoy a multitude of easy, satisfying and healthy meals. As a multi-passionate business woman serving as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Author and Heart Centered Entrepreneur. She works with women to improve their health and businesses by giving real advice for real women in the real world.

Connect with Jessica at:



Bunless Bison Burger
Bunless Bison Burger

We hope you enjoy this makeover of the traditional Burger. It's ridiculously good!

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman



Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Energy Infused Yoga
Energy Infused Yoga

Yoga is a tool. It is a tool we use to deal with the fluctuations of a crazy world. It is a tool to learn about others; to accept and appreciate differences. It is a tool to understand our lives and better connect with aspects of ourselves as they are forever unfolding. Energy, likewise, can be a tool. It is a tool we can use to deal with emotions, pain and the physical situations in which we find ourselves. It is a tool that can facilitate healing in our bodies. This energy tool can be learned, just like yoga is a learned skill, and energy can thus be directed with our intention.

Yoga practiced with a focus on energy is very powerful “medicine” and it is your birthright. Humanity is ready to learn some of the methods used to direct energy through the vehicle of yoga. Yoga students are ripe for this information since they routinely practice acute focus on different parts of the physical body. There are literally hundreds of ways to use energy as a tool; you need only to learn them and apply them to your life and your yoga practice.

Using, directing and transforming energy is sacred knowledge; just as yoga is sacred knowledge. Yoga has its own language: Sanskrit. Energy teachings also have their own words and terms to describe different situations and levels of existence. For instance, did you know that you are a multidimensional being? Yes, you! The energy that radiates off of your physical body is similar to the infrared spectrum of sunlight, in that it can be categorized into different rays, vibrational frequencies and colors. If you look at the photo that accompanies this blog, you will see an aura photograph of me from several years ago. Human beings are even more bright and energetic than our naked eye processes!

Learning about energy is a process. It takes time to learn, just as your asana practice took time to learn. You had to learn the poses, you had to learn the names, and then, you learned about the muscles that were used, the flexibility that was needed. And now, to continue the unfolding of your yoga–to learn yet another facet of your being, the energetic aspect is waiting to be discovered. It is a whole new world that is exciting, scary and even reveals new pieces of your life that you never noticed.

Have you ever considered that your past lives, energetically imprinted in your body, are affecting your yoga abilities and life? Do you have one exceptionally stiff part of your body that you can’t explain? These and other impediments holding you back can be released with Energy Infused Yoga once you start to use the tools. This is the power of energy work. It is a deeper level of work. It is timeless–the lessons and healing will stay with you literally forever.

This article has also been published on the Cozy Orange blog.

By April Laliberte

Striving to incorporate a mix of asana, pranayama and meditation into all of her classes, April offers her students a well-rounded and transformative yoga experience. She brings “playful and the skillful” together on the mat, where the body and breath become yoga. Read more about April at her blog, and check out her company,Nomadic Import Traders

Try April's Energy Infused Yoga today!

Energy Infused Yoga 

Essential Inversions 

Chakra Awareness Meditation 


Who Do You Want to Be?
Who Do You Want to Be?

 I love spending my time with inspiring women and speakers. Afterwards I spend time reflecting on the wise words I had the opportunity to hear. Time to snuggle in at home and goal plan – and not just business or financial related goals, but about who I want to BE!

I know that my gift in life is to share health with women. But what do I plan to learn from the process and who will I become is the question to myself. I am always amazed and inspired by the wonderful people I encounter and eager to see what lessons I learn from the inspiration.

I have 4 goals that I have set for embarking on this journey to get to know me and share my gifts with others.

Meditate every day – to FREE my mind of obstacles and negative thoughts. I want to see past what is holding me back from achieving goals and feeling love and happiness at all times. I honestly believe that it is possible to only have good days. Wise words for best selling author and entrepreneur Jen Groover, “I only have good days.” She said she shared this with her daughter and that after quite some time of saying that she only has good days, she honestly has only good days. Yes, things are not always perfect, but so much unhappiness and anger are actually perceptions. I know that with meditation, even if only 5 minutes per day allows my mind to let go and I will be able to have positive perceptions.

 Move. There are so many benefits from this. It helps me take care of the body that houses my spirit. It gets my blood circulating. Muscle is 12 times more effective at burning calories. It makes me feel good inside and out. It gets endorphins going that provide me with energy. It helps move out negative feelings that might be lingering. It sets a good example for my kids.

Be COURAGEOUS – This will make me step out of my comfort zone and follow through on the things I really want to do to help inspire women take steps to improve their health. Recently I made some massive life changes, leaving behind my full time corporate job of 14 years to pursue my true passion. Now I have the time to share my gifts with other women. I hope to educate and inspire every woman who I reach, in person or online, to love themselves fully and show it with courage by taking actions that might be scary for them. That might be learning to prepare a new meal or reaching out to a friend to start a walking group, or to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings with meditation or journaling.

Plan AND Execute. – YES, a plan is only as good as the execution. It is easy to make excuses for not doing what I had intended to do. I will be able to know when I will be active, when I will meditate, when I will plan my meals so that I choose foods that nourish my body, when I will work on my business, and when I will make time for ME. I am a bit of a procrastinator, but I committed to planning and then executing. I will do at least one thing on my to do list each day.

Use the comments box below to tell me how you find yourself? Who you think you want to be? Or simply tell me if you are ready to just start the journey.

By Jessica Wyman

Jessica Wyman is a Hippie in High Heels. Her passion is in the kitchen! She runs online nutrition programs where she teaches women how to eat right for real health. Her popular online nutrition programs help you stop the calorie counting and enjoy a multitude of easy, satisfying and healthy meals. As a multi-passionate business woman serving as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Author and Heart Centered Entrepreneur. She works with women to improve their health and businesses by giving real advice for real women in the real world.

Connect with Jessica at:



Click here for a free copy of Jessica's popular eBook Sugar Free Treats

Become empowered with one of the following YDL classes:

Let Go & Let Love
Let Go & Let Love


We are bombarded with so much negative information that unconsciously holds us back in life. You might say, “But it’s important to know what is going on in the world”. I used to say that all the time. It’s no surprise that I was always down and thinking about how bad the world is.

Is the world that bad? Maybe it is. The news makes it look that way. But the reality of life is that there are so many great people doing wonderful things that we just never hear about. I was smacked side-ways when I read the "4-Hour Work Week," and it advised to cut out all media. At the time my mentality was like many of you, keeping up with news is an important thing to do to be in tune with life and also socially accepted.

These days I focus on a different reality. Being a miserable, depressed, moody b*tch is probably the worst thing you can do to be accepted socially. This is what the news was doing to me slowly but surely. So I cut it out along with TV and the radio and instantly it was like a happier version of myself was uncovered. I also found that I had a more balanced view of life. I was now in tune with what was good and bad happening around me, not just the bad.

Turn off the TV and radio and instead start tuning into a happier you.


If you want to feel good, make someone else feel good. Don’t talk about yourself too much, especially if you talk about your problems. Look for what you think is cool, nice or awesome in others and then make a point of telling them. Write them email or text, or even better, make a phone call or tell them face to face. This will make you happier. That’s right, it will make YOU happier. You might think this is about elevating others, and it does! But the side effect of this process is that your happiness levels will elevate too.

When I was twelve my mom (an amazing woman) gave me the book to read, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I’m sure that book has had it’s fair share of a bad rep, but what it did for me was remarkable. I attribute so much of my success to that book. One of the simple suggestions in it was to notice what people are doing well and then take time to express your appreciate or admiration. At first when I read the book I made a special effort to do this to the people that I had contact with. It was a little stilted. I would scan the playground and notice the kids, thinking, “What can I say, with sincerity, that will make someone feel good?” Now that part of my personality is so highly tuned that there is no thought behind it. When I make contact with a person, within seconds, before I have even had a chance to realize what is coming out of my own mouth, I will be saying something I like about that person. It’s an ice-breaker, which is great because the world needs less awkward silence.

Some people are more quiet and just listen. That's cool, and I think these people have real wisdom. But many are just passively riding on the efforts of others. These people usually then turn around at the end of a night out and express how boring all the people were and unintelligent the conversation was. Maybe it was, but if you aren’t part of the solution you’re part of the problem. Make your voice heard to make others feel good, and you know what? Yup! You guessed it, you will feel GREAT!


I am reading an amazing book called, "Choose Yourself," by, James Altcher. I highly recommend you read this book. In it the author describes a story of a friend of his that was on his death bed. Doctors were unable to find what was wrong with him. He had no hope. Dying, his business crashed and burned and all his relationships fell apart. His wife even left him. One day, as he lay in bed, for no apparent reason he started saying, “I love myself,” over and over again. Within weeks he was on the road to recovery. He rebuilt his business and met the partner of his dreams. He believes that this simple mantra is what made him regain his health, his wealth and attract better relationships into his life.

When I read this I couldn’t help but get a big smile on my face. For about a year now in many yoga classes that I teach I have been telling the students to say thank you to their body’s for being so incredible. I tell the students to say in their own minds, I like myself .  I love my body. Wow, I am so awesome. It’s like magic. There is nobody that can say these things and not have a smile on their face. Science has shown that smiling releases happy hormones in your brain. Hey presto, you feel good! When you feel good you heal faster and your immune system is stronger. You treat others better, have more patience and higher levels of compassion. All in all, you feeling good is not a selfish practice. It’s about being a better person so that you can help the world be a better place.

It all starts in you. So let go and let in love.

By Celest Pereira

Celest is a trained dancer and martial artist with a BS in Physiotherapy and over 10 years yoga practice. Celest completed her Yoga Teacher Training in India in 2009 and has been teaching full time since then. Witnessing her classes really begin to buzz with increasing numbers of regular students she founded CITYOGI, a website aimed to make yoga more accessible to the city professional. Celest's greatest passion is to teach Vinyasa Flow Yoga. She has classes in top yoga centers in London, such as Triyoga and Evolve and regularly takes groups to exotic locations for yoga retreats.

Start letting in love in with the following classes from YogaDownload:

Open Heart Flow - Monica Mesa 

Hearts Wide Open - Dana Damara 


Wake Up and Smell the Incense
Wake Up and Smell the Incense

On December 10, Santa Monica, Ca.-based YogaGlo, Inc. was issued a patent claiming that its technique for filming a yoga class is novel. In a nutshell, the patent gives YogaGlo exclusive rights to film yoga classes from the back of a room with a camera about three feet off the ground. It also requires that there be a “no mat zone” or “corridor” from the camera to the teacher whereby students are situated on mats on either side of the corridor. This enables a clear view from the camera to the instructor.

Yogis aren’t the only ones wondering why a patent this general and certainly not novel was granted in the first place.

Joel Lehrer, a partner at Goodwin Procter LLP in Boston, said it didn’t appear as if there was any legitimate invention in the way YogaGlo films its classes. Filming from the back of a class with an unobstructed view of the teacher is commonplace. Yet, YogaGlo managed to get the patent probably because the patent examiner didn’t quite understand the dynamics of a yoga class and that filming a teacher down a center aisle from a specified height is not unusual, he said.

“This patent (US serial number 8,605,152) gives YogaGlo the right to restrict others from doing what their patent covers and gives them a government-granted limited monopoly if they choose to enforce it,” said Lehrer, who specializes in patent and intellectual property law.

Oftentimes vague patents in other businesses do get approved. The software industry has been grappling with this for years, said Lehrer. In fact, even software companies with valid inventions are sometimes hesitant to file patents for fear of alienating their customer base. He explained that there is a stigma surrounding what some consider “inhibiting the advancement of technology.”

“Some companies in the software space choose not to pursue patents for fear of the backlash. They are afraid people won’t want to work for them or do business with them for ethical reasons.”

This industry backlash, said Lehrer, is something a company like YogaGlo could face if it chooses to enforce its patent. In fact, while waiting to see if its patent would be approved, YogaGlo did send companies cease and desist letters, including the non-profit organization Yoga International. Now, however, YogaGlo also has the right to charge licensing fees to companies that want to continue filming videos in a way consistent with the patent.

YogaGlo, which did not respond to inquiries for an interview, has been radio silent on this issue since last week’s news. But Lehrer said the company could also decide not to police the patent at all. “They are under no legal obligation to enforce it,” said Lehrer.

Todd Wolfenberg, executive director at Yoga International, said his organization removed 14 videos from its website in response to YogaGlo’s cease and desist letter. “They were filmed in a similar way (to YogaGlo’s classes). Our cameras were about five feet off the ground but we also had aisles with students on both sides and a teacher in front. Many people have filmed using this orientation before. Without an aisle, you can’t see the teacher,” said Wolfenberg, who said his organization, part of the 400-acre Himalayan Institute, does not want to get embroiled in a court battle.

Yoga International, said Wolfenberg, has the means and ability to film classes from different angles and is in the process of doing just that. Visitors to the site usually have to pay for video content. Yet, while Yoga International is re-shooting certain classes, all video content is free.

“We think it serves you better in the long-term to take the high road. It’s better than lashing out and getting angry,” he said.

Yoga International is not the only one that this patent may affect. Companies in the business of filming yoga classes are plentiful and include Gaiam Inc., a publicly traded corporation that recently purchased My Yoga Online (MYT); YogaVibes; Yoga Download; and Yoga Today. All of these companies charge fees for viewing content. There are also plenty of yoga teachers and companies that provide their streaming classes for free or by donation, such as Still other large studio chains, like YogaWorks, now offer their own online system for viewing classes taught by their instructors.

Jamie Kent, president and founder of Denver-based Yoga Download, couldn’t believe a yoga company received a patent of this nature.

“This is far-reaching and goes beyond the yoga world. It has implications in the film industry, fitness business and other markets as well,” said Kent. “If one company can patent a camera angle, what’s to stop others from doing the same thing?” she said.

Yoga Download, with 9,000 monthly members, both creates its own content with a group of teachers and works with content partners who wish to stream videos on the Yoga Download platform. About fifty percent of its business comes from membership and the other half is generated through single downloads or other non-member purchases. Kent said the company will now diligently convey new filming guidelines to its content providers.

Kent, as well as others in the yoga video streaming field agree that as the industry grows, smaller studios and yoga teachers will need to be aware of this patent and its ramifications.

Tania Neild, founder of StudioLiveTV, works with yoga studios to create a platform, or channel, to deliver online classes. Since StudioLiveTV handles the technology end for its partners, it will ensure that classes are filmed in a way that doesn’t infringe on the patent, said Neild.

So far, the YogaGlo patent has only affected a couple of classes on the company’s Fitness for Action channel. The fundraising channel was launched to raise money for victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and other charities. YogaGlo, as well as other yoga content providers, donated classes. YogaGlo asked StudioLiveTV to remove a couple of the classes that infringed the pending patent and StudioLiveTV obliged, said Neild.

“They were very polite and were also generous in donating to our channel,” she said.

Nonetheless, it was a wake-up call that expertise from companies like StudioLiveTV and Yoga Download will be in high demand. Neild and others also note that the patent flies in the face of what many consider yoga to be all about: a healing art meant to help people on their path to wellness. Despite this, yoga is emerging as a business, not unlike any other industry. And with that comes potential lawsuits. In fact, the only way to challenge this patent entails going to court or a filing at the Patent Office, said Lehrer.

One way to invalidate a patent in court is by proving the existence of “prior art.” Essentially this would mean others, or even YogaGlo, used the same filming technique before August 2009, at least one year before YogaGlo initially filed for its patent in August 2010, said Lehrer. Yet, simply challenging the validity of a patent, regardless of its merit, can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, he said. The only other legal alternative, also costly, entails going to court as a defendant if YogaGlo threatens a lawsuit, he said.

The buzz in the yoga community is that perhaps Yoga Alliance, a non-profit association representing yoga teachers, will step up to the plate. Yet, YA isn’t sure what it will do next. Although YA opposes the patent, President Richard Karpel stated, “I can’t provide more details about our plans because they haven’t been determined yet.”

As ugly as all this may sound in a business built upon peace, love and flowers, this may not be the last patent for yoga related businesses. ”Sadly, exclusive feels good to some. It’s contradictory to yoga, but it happens,” said Neild at StudioLiveTV.

According to Wolfenberg at Yoga International, it’s important for those involved in the yoga and business community at large to educate themselves. “It’s a very strange type of situation and I don’t know where Pandora’s box is going to open up next,” he said.

There’s one thing Wolfenberg knows for sure: “Yoga is changing.”

By Robyn Parets

Robyn Parets is a journalist, editor, yoga teacher, and owner of two yoga-related businesses: Breathe Joy Yoga studio and Pretzel Kids, a trademarked children’s yoga brand. She also blogs about yoga, business and life in general and can be found at



Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions
Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions

I’ve never been into the whole New Year’s resolution thing. Don’t get me wrong; the idea is lovely in theory—just like strict diet plans should work, in theory. Of course, almost no one keeps a resolution or can stay on a strict diet plan forever. That’s no surprise. We all know resolutions don’t stick. So why do we choose to set ourselves up, at the beginning of every year, for failure?

I’m all for taking stock of the things that are important to you, but what I’ve learned through the Conscious Cleanse is that resolutions are like goals. Goals generally are very black and white, all or nothing. You either succeed or you fail. Either you’re on the wagon and kicking ass, or you’ve fallen off miserably, only to feel bruised, battered and even worse than you did before.

New Year’s resolutions are usually made with the best of intentions. Most of us want to improve our lives, feel better in our bodies, connect more to our loved ones, and so on. I know that’s how my resolutions used to go, anyway. That is, until my idealistic goals shape shifted into guilty thoughts, judgments, criticisms and failures.
So I’d like to suggest a paradigm shift. Instead of focusing on unsustainable change in the new year, consider a new tradition: consider a reflection on the year past, focusing on your successes, and how you can bring those successes with you as you move forward. Because regardless of resolutions, you will be moving forward.

Make a list, shoot a video, blog, or record yourself commemorating all the ways you kicked ass in 2013. What were your wins? Where did you shine? Remember the moments when you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and kept going. Recall the times when life was flowing. Give yourself the year-end gift of basking in positivity.

Now connect this feeling in your body. Identify the sensations, emotions, and images. Consider how you will work to empower yourself to bring this energy with you into the new year, how you will build on your successes, learn from your setbacks, and work to find joy and vibrancy in each moment. And understand that one “off” day doesn’t mean you have to wait another whole year to start over. Fresh starts happen whenever you’re ready to take them on.

We hope you have a healthy and happy everyday, and this holiday is no exception! We’re cheering you on. Go for it!

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

From Darkness to Light
From Darkness to Light

There are a couple of things I have found important though to share as we move into this New Year on this New Moon.

1. What are the three most powerful shifts that transformed you this past year? The ones that opened your heart to love.

When you sit and reflect on your life this past year, what brings a smile to your face and a warmth to your heart that is palpable? What brings your breath to an exhale because that moment in time is so alive in your heart it fills you up the instant you think about it? Remember those times and hold them dear to your heart with gratitude and grace.

2. What are the three most powerful shifts that transformed you this past year? The ones that rocked you to your core, and shook the very essence of your being … and THEN opened your heart to love?

Consider acknowledging those moments that hurt your heart so deeply you fell to your knees. Or scared you so badly, it took you a minute to catch your breath. You know the ones. The abandonment, the physical injury, the fear of losing something or someone, the grief, the guilt, the conflict … we all have those moments.

Take that same breath you had when you brought the loving, gracious moments into your awareness, and wash over these “not so perfect” moments with a deep exhalation of appreciation. It may take a minute, but do it anyway. Because guess what? In order to move forward truthfully, you must understand equanimity and have faith and trust in it all. It’s all perfect. It really is.

3. What does friendship mean to you?

Friendships are important, and to be very transparent, in my last three years of completely transforming my life, I have lost several friends. For some, it was time to let go, however, for others, it wasn’t, but I was too focused on my stuff that I didn’t give them the nurturing space and the love they needed to grow and trust and love our connection.

It’s how life works sometimes so we can’t beat ourselves up, we can only move forward with what we know now, in this moment. So ask yourself, what does true friendship mean to you? And then BE that to your friends.

4. How deep and potent are your connections?

Listen, Facebook does NOT KNOW your 20 Most Powerful Moments of 2013. Only you do. Your “friends” on Facebook are not your “friends”, well maybe some of them are. And yes, it’s nice to have loving energy thrown your way from your closest 1,000 buddies. However, at the end of the day, can you look your friend in the eye and tell them something difficult? Can you sit in silence and just listen when they speak about you and give you feedback? Have you opened your heart to love and intimacy? How truthful are you when someone says, “How are you?” Can you recognize another’s love, pain, joy and connection?

Can you feel another’s heart beat when you embrace them? How deeply are you willing to connect to your Self this coming year so you can deeply connect with another? Are you there for your friends as they are for you? What friendships are important to you? Are you being the friend you want them to be to you?

5. What magic are you willing to create this coming year? Where can you dig deep and find courage?

If you are your own powerful creator, and your thoughts create your life, what are you thinking right now? How are you thinking? About other people? About yourself and your worthiness? About the world in general and where and how you stand in it. Are your thoughts positive, skewed, chaotic or deliberate?

Streamline your thoughts and articulate them so you manifest your heart’s desires this coming year. Allow yourself to be distracted because hello, you ARE human after all! But in the stillness of one breath, bring yourself back on track .

What have you been most afraid of … do that!

6. What can you let go of gracefully and lovingly as you move forward?

For any movement to happen, we must be willing to let go of something. It’s a balance of energy! We can’t keep filling up if we are already full! What are you willing to let go of? With love and appreciation for the purpose it served? A pattern? A thought? A person? What is it?

As we move from darkness to light, and head into yet another year of our lives … take a moment today to sit in your accomplishments of the year. Find grace and gratitude for it all. Let it all fill your heart with joy and love. It’s all important and necessary… all of it.

And as you move into this New Year, take the least amount of baggage from last year so you are free to feel truth, freedom and love.

Deep bows to all my teachers, every single one that has crossed my path and has shown me a reflection of who I am in that moment. Deep bows to my own imperfections. Deep bows to the compassion and love available in every, single moment. May we all move from darkness to light and live with truth, compassion, gratitude, purpose, power and passion.

By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


YogaDownload's Last-Minute Gift Guide
YogaDownload's Last-Minute Gift Guide

For Everyone

Okay, we may be a little biased here, but we think that a YogaDownload gift certificate is the perfect gift for any yogi or yoga-curious person in your life! Bonus: between now and December 25th, you’ll get a gift certificate for yourself for half the purchase price of the original one for free!


Who doesn't love a good board game? Split Decision isn't your average board game, though. Forcing players to decide betweem "two equally plausible answers to eerily difficult questions," hilarious bewilderment is bound to ensue. $24.99 is a small price ton pay for such fun. Click here for Uncommon Goods' last-minute shipping options.


For Him
For the super stylin’ bicycle ridin’ fella you are so fortunate to know and love, behold the Bike Tube Belt with Layered Chain Buckle, made entirely from re-purposed materials. For $69, you’ll guarantee that he’ll be the coolest cat pedaling down the block. Click here for Uncommon Goods’ last-minute shipping options.  \
  For a gift that keeps on giving, try a subscription to Bespoke: A monthly “limited-edition Box of Awesome: a story-driven collection of remarkable products from around the world.” For $45/month, you can choose the type of box, and the number of gift months you’d like to bestow upon that Renaissance man in your life. Click here for Bespoke’s last-minute shipping options. 

For Her
The special yogini in your life will adore this Steadfast Yoga Mat Bag. Both stylish and durable, this bag is a steal at $30. Click here for prAna's last-minute shipping options.  
  Crafty gals will LOVE this DIY Lip Balm Kit! Do-gooder bonus: the kits are assembled by women in transitional housing in Washington DC, so that $40 will not only score you points for finding such a unique gift, but it will help women build their resumes, develop basic job skills, and participate in a structured social skills program.  Click here for Uncommon Goods' last-minute shipping options.

For Kiddos
Studies have shown that young girls lose interest in math and science as young as age 8. That special little girl in your life is more than just a princess, so skip the doll aisle this year and opt for an interactive Goldieblox set. For $24.99 you could be responsible for inspiring a future engineer! Click here for Toys 'R Us' last-minute shipping options.  
  That little dude who loves to build stuff will go crazy for this K’nex Robo Creatures Set. For $49.99, he'll be able to build three different robo-creatures! Click here for National Geographic's last-minute shipping options.


A Yogi's 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'
A Yogi's 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'

The yoga mats were rolled by the chimney with care,
In hopes that there'd be 20 minutes to spare.

The children were nagging, not going to bed,
While visions of Wanderlust danced in my head.

With hubs in his yoga pants and I in mine too,
We were deeply in need of our Inner Guru.

When up on the roof there arose such a blast,
You’d think Shiva Rea was giving a free class!

And what to my wondering third eye should I see,
But Santa himself, breathing in Ujjayi.

His hands placed in mudra, he looked so serene,
Sitting in Lotus, right under the tree.

“Santa!” I exclaimed, “how can this be?”
“I came to align your chakras,” said he.

He rose up to standing (His pants were see-through,
He must have bought them last year at lulu).

We rolled out our Mandukas and lit our inner flame,
And he whistled and shouted each yoga pose name.

“Now up dog, now down dog, now to chaturanga!
On cobra, on cat/cow, on parsva bakasana!”

The prana was flowing, my worries were gone,
My mantra, “I am grateful,” carried me on.

Santa, it seemed, was a wonderful mentor,
The yoga was helping me come back to center.

“Your practice need never be out of your sight,
YogaDownload is with you, all day or all night.”

And I heard him exclaim as he drove off in his sleigh,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all Namaste!”

Get grounded for the holidays with these YogaDownload classes:

Gratitude Flow - Lauren Pech 

Ground into Essence - Alex Cordoba 

Gentle Hatha 5 - Deep Release - Jackie Casal Mahrou 





Top 5 Foods to Indulge in During the Holidays
Top 5 Foods to Indulge in During the Holidays

The holidays bring so many lovely memories to the forefront for me and mostly they revolve around food. Homemade sauces, braised meat, cheesy mashed potatoes, sweet cookies and pies; you name it, my grandmother, mother or aunts made it and we all ate it!

Over the years and considering my developing yoga practice, I have become a bit… sensitive to certain foods. Which is kind of a bummer because like I said, I love to eat those warm, comfy foods, the creamy soups, the thick cheeses and the decadent chocolates and desserts.

For a few years I “suffered through it” and ate Brie, Smoked Gouda, pecan pie and everything else, because well, it was the holidays after all. It would take me months to recuperate from my poor bowels screaming at me. Now, combine my consciousness concerns around food choices with my stomach issues, and I could be one starving, young woman at the holiday party this year unless I make some decisions.

So this is what I came up with as a “must have” over the holidays. And let me preface this by saying I am not a vegan, I am not a raw-foodie, I dabble with vegetarianism and every now and again I could be caught eating Annie’s Mac and Cheese with my daughters.

1. Brussel sprouts and beets. My mother would laugh at this because when I was eight, I sat at the table until bedtime, refusing to eat my brussel sprouts. Now I can’t get enough of them! Same with the beets. But there is something about a roasted vegetable that warms my belly. Add some rosemary and garlic cloves in there and you got yourself an easy dish that will fill you up and make everyone happy!

2. Sweet potato mash. Oh yah… orange foods are amazing for you! Mash up some sweet potatoes with coconut milk, molasses and/or honey … maybe crumble some granola on top… yum!

3. A really good Risotto. Risotto is so easy and you can put anything you want in it! Mushrooms, vegetables, fish, chicken – make your favorite dish and you needn’t add cream. Instead use vegetable or chicken stock, maybe some butter because well, it IS the holidays!

4. Pico de Gallo with anything! Fresh cilantro, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos and lime juice … oh yah! I can eat that daily and usually do. Add some beans or avocadoes and it’s almost like a meal in itself! Serve it with fish, chicken, chips, eggs … I’m telling you, it’s a staple in my house.

5. Desserts … oh boy. The sweet thing is hard for me. I love chocolate … decadent chocolate, not the cheap stuff. And I know the holidays are about pies and cookies too. I bake hundreds of cookies with my daughters every year. One year I made a batch of “healthy cookies” and no one ate them. So for now, in this moment, I say in the sweet department, give in. Indulge for sure. (Molten chocolate cake for me, in case anyone is wondering what to serve at any of the parties I’m attending this year.)

This is my gauge for eating over the holidays: I ask myself, “Will I be able to get on my mat tomorrow morning and move my body freely without worrying about the smells my body is emitting? Will I feel gross and sluggish? Hung-over perhaps? “ And then I decide from there if the food is worth me missing my practice. And sometimes, the indulgence is the practice … keep that in mind. When you indulge, indulge completely … don’t feel guilty… love every, single, last bite.
By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


7 Tips for Finding Balance During the Holidays
7 Tips for Finding Balance During the Holidays

The winter season is one that naturally is about going inward … drawing your awareness internally to “hibernate”, to “re-group” and check in with your Self at a deeper level.  What’s funny is that all the things that happen around us from a media perspective, tell us otherwise.  “Black Friday” and other events that prepare us for the holidays, may actually be causing stress to the body.  And I can’t help but wonder if it’s because our bodies naturally want to chill out and rest.  Call me crazy …

So I’ve come up with a few ways to find balance during this time of the year that will hopefully bring some steadiness into your perspective while everyone else is whirling around you freaking out because they have to get the last … “thing” on their list.

1. Give yourself quiet time first thing in the morning, before you do anything. I hesitated to call this meditation but truth be told, it is. Sit in silent reverence with your breath and nothing else. Just watch the breath come in and go out. That’s it. This will slow your nervous system down and provide you with countless other benefits.

2. Root down into your feet the minute you step out of bed. Feel the earth under your feet and know that whatever happens today, you are rooted. Enjoy moving slower in the morning and stopping to breathe every now and again.

3. If you have a chance or the time, move on your mat … if only for five minutes. Just move through a few sun salutations, maybe a few heart or hip openers, maybe you’re someone who likes to stand on your head… do that. Move your body … please.

These three things can be done in a total of 20 minutes if you are thinking you don’t have the time… you do. I invite you to do this starting today and then let me know how it works out for you. Beyond that though, here are some other ideas to shift energy during this time of the year:

4. Make a list for your week … not your day. We all have things we have to do daily, I get it. But does that card really have to go out to Aunt Gertrude today? Can it wait until tomorrow?

5. Give up some task that is draining to you. Listen, if you enjoy mailing out holiday cards every year with your photo on it, with a hand written envelope and typed note about your year in a “nutshell”, do it! Just don’t complain about it. Do the things that fill you up, let go of the things that don’t. Period.

6. Spend some time cleaning out a closet, a drawer or a cabinet. A space that is holding energy and stuff you don’t really need anymore. Doing this is cathartic as it makes you realize really how much we hold onto during the year and what we can let go of, creating space for new energy, new clothes, a new relationship perhaps. And then give away whatever it was that was so important to you to someone else who can use it, love it and adore it.

7. Take a breath before committing to a party, event or get together. Ask yourself are you saying yes to something out of obligation or because the event or people fill you up? Be discerning and know that it’s okay to politely say, “No thank you” and not have to justify your response.

Remember time is an illusion so it can’t be “managed”. Only your energy can be managed so do that instead. How do you want to spend your time that will make you feel more balanced and alive? Who fills you up? Don’t do things because you have to, do them because you love to. The holidays are about loving, connecting and being ... not doing, I swear.

By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


Sitting in Joy
Sitting in Joy

So I ask you now, what are some patterns that you see happening in your life? Anything? Anything at all? Do you LIKE those patterns? Maybe they are okay but maybe not.

So let’s try something really simple that personally, I have been experiencing some amazing results with.

Ready…. Sit in joy.

Yes, that’s right. Sit in joy. Every single day, preferably in the morning before your day starts, close your eyes and think about one thing that makes you feel joyful. Maybe it is a past experience, maybe it’s someone you love, maybe it’s something you are visualizing for your future.

How does that feel? You may feel your heart beat, or you may get goose bumps on your arms, maybe your stomach flip flops. Either way, FEEL joy and THEN after you roll around in THAT for awhile, say thank you.

We are exposed to so much during our day, and other peoples’ moods and energy can have a profound effect on our energy. It’s astonishing how one person or circumstance can either really catapult you into an energetic high or knock you down into an all time low. It’s inevitable.

Unless … you manage your energy and sit in joy as often as you can.

What happens when you sit in joy?

Your world becomes your own. You manifest quicker. You radiate joy. Things don’t bother you. You actually can FEEL yourself repelling (compassionately of course) those energies that do not vibrate in your field.

What happens then? You ONLY manifest that which vibrates at your heart level. Which is … LOVE.

Easy right? Now go do it.

Last bit: pass this on to someone you love AND then pass it on to someone you don’t love so much. Why? Because it creates joy and that is what this world is all about.

By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


Reconsidering Savasana
Reconsidering Savasana

I don't see an inherent flaw in any of that logic. None of the above is false; we do live in one of the noisiest and most stimulant-laden cultures in all of human history. It's true that most people have to seek and cultivate peace and quiet, as peace and quiet are diminishing experiences in a world of progress, technological revolution and pervasive social media. Defining Savasana in terms of stillness and peace is perfectly valid, but it would be a shame not to examine the final pose in an asana practice a bit further.

Like various philosophical and religious theories, different schools of yoga offer unique theories on how to exist happily and effectively in the world. Individual yoga teachers might offer thousands of varied examinations of the practice and value of Savasana. The more apt examinations likely come from personal experience, which I find is the most authentic source of information for students. (Shri K. Pattabhi Jois famously said Ashtanga yoga is 99% practice, 1% theory.)

Recently I delighted in the arrival of a new personal experience of Savasana in relation to the Asana practice. This fresh perspective is a different take on three main components of Asana practice: intention setting, asanas, and savasana.

Intention setting as a vessel of your light

Consider that the initial intention-setting in yoga can act as a symbolic vessel for the unique light of the student's being. Most yoga lineages agree on the inherent existence of this light, meaning light and goodness is the crux of humanity. You don't have to earn it or become good enough for the light; it just exists like you do.

Through an intention- a setting of purpose by the student in the first few minutes of practice- the student can channel their particular light. Of course, we don't know this to be true for certain, but choosing the theory of inherent goodness can provide a valuable shift in perspective.

Poses as a system of symbols

To further this line of thought, the poses can act as physical symbols through which students can channel their intention. On an overarching level, the poses can become symbols which represent how students wish to exist, physically and mentally.

Do you want to stand confidently in the world? To me, that's about being willing to own and take up space. You might try getting bigger in Warrior II, or creating more space across the whole practice by filling your body with breath.

Want to be vulnerable but strong? Maybe in a heart opening pose, you decide to root your legs with such strength that the vulnerable opening of the heart is inextricable from your power.

I could go on and on.

Constantly creating the physical stance the student desires to embody can allow her to finally bust through unconscious physical habits. Many yoga teachers offer the convincing theory that interrupting unconscious physical patterns can help people rework unconscious mental patterns. Interrupt those unconscious physical habits, rework them...sounds like growth to me.

Again, I don't want to say that I know this theory is true; how can teachers of any philosophy prove it's right through and through? Too often it seems teachers seek to prove the veracity of yoga's teachings. Proving the truth of my viewpoint seems a difficult/exhausting business to me.

I would rather highlight the efficacy of choosing a system of theories- also known as stories- that serve to elevate me to my highest effectiveness and happiness in the world. The theories I've applied to intention setting, asana and savasana have served to help me feel more conscious, aware and confident.

Savasana as a humble surrender

Here's where it gets complicated. Lately I've been thinking that savasana is not just one more theory of relaxation or one more method to be calm so we can exist in a certain way.

Savasana can also mean "death of the practice" or "death of the pose." Interesting.

I sometimes think that savasana is actually the temporary death or surrender of all theories, philosophical understandings and methods (yoga included) of discovering answers to those ubiquitous human questions.

Questions like: Why am I here? How do I best exist here? How do I prove that I know how life works? What's the best way to be the best person I can?

Is it possible savasana is not a time to strengthen the lessons of asana practice, but to surrender all your efforts? Savasana can also be the act of bowing humbly to the mystery that exists. It's the physical symbol of telling the Universe: "Yes, I did that yoga practice and exercised the theories I've been suspecting are helpful to me; I did my very best. But I also get there are some things I don't know. Whatever's out there, however this existence thing works, I bow to it. There are questions I don't even know how to ask. Daily mysteries unfold around me that I could not possibly perceive. So I'm dipping into mystery and letting it carry me for a bit."

Because at the end of the day, will you ever really prove those theories are 100% true? Probably not. Does it have to be scary that we don't know all the answers? Maybe not. It might take some practice approaching mystery.

How about five to ten minutes of practice every time you do asana yoga?

In Brida, Paulo Coelho says, "We don't look for an answer, we accept, and then life becomes much more intense, much more brilliant, because we understand that each minute, each step we take, has a meaning that goes far beyond us as individuals." Is it possible that pumping the brakes on the answer-seeking mechanism of yoga could help us see the brilliance of life more profoundly?

Running from mystery is intellectually exhausting. In my experience, it takes up a lot of energy to pretend I know all the answers. So these days I'm taking all of that value and beauty I found in asana yoga, and I'm surrendering even that for a few minutes. Approaching the undercurrent of mystery that I constantly sense and saying to it: okay, sure. For a few minutes a day, you and I can be friends.

By Claire Heywood

Claire Heywood has her BFA in English writing and lives in Fort Collins, CO. She globetrots teaching yoga retreats and writing travel-inspired nonfiction.


Try the following YogaDownload classes to start experiencing Savasana in a whole new way:

Big Backbends - April Laliberte 

Ground into Essence - Alex Cordoba 



The winter season is one that naturally is about going inward … drawing your awareness internally to “hibernate”, to “re-group” and check in with your Self at a deeper level. What’s funny is that all the things that happen around us from a media perspective, tell us otherwise. “Black Friday” and other events that prepare us for the holidays, may actually be causing stress to the body. And I can’t help but wonder if it’s because our bodies naturally want to chill out and rest. Call me crazy …

I love decorating my home; I thrive in getting together with family and friends; I am passionate about an amazing home-cooked meal and I love wine and sweet desserts! I love filling my daughters’ stockings with trinkets from Santa (yes they still believe .. do NOT tell them otherwise just yet .. I enjoy the magic) and I really enjoy the smell at this time of the year. That hint of pine cones, evergreen trees and pumpkin spice. (Am I the only one feeling into this?)

But if I look deeper into what it is that I am “grateful” for at this time of the year … really looking behind the things, the events, the celebrations … it’s the connections I am grateful for. The connection with friends and family, the connection to stillness and beauty in my home, the connection to my soul when I make a meal and the connection to magic. When we get past all the things .. what’s left? What’s left beyond the item, the experience, the person? What is it that you are really grateful for?

I bet it’s connection …

Take a moment .. amidst all your “doing” this holiday season and see things for what they really are. Connect with your deepest truth and yearning. This life we get to live is so special .. You are abundant and prosperous if you are reading this so stop for a moment and realize what you have … look past what you have and see the true meaning behind it all. It’s a blessing.

By Dana Damara


“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life. “ 

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:

Simple Power Vinyasa Flow 

The Disease of Doing
The Disease of Doing


“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” - Socrates
It is the disease of Doing, known by some as the I’m-So-Busy Syndrome.

Before you close your laptop in disgruntled dismay that this epidemic is not a “real” physical ailment sweeping across the world and killing millions, let me assure you that it is. It costs lives in the form of stress-induced heart disease, it costs peace of mind, and it costs happiness.

We seem to believe that our lives have more meaning, more value, perhaps more virtue, if we are in a constant state of busy-ness. In some circles, being “so busy” has become something to brag about, albeit in a whiny way, as though being busy and disliking being that busy is proof of a person’s worth.

But what would happen if we all just paused when we felt the need or felt compelled to? What would happen if we stopped to take ten deep breaths a few times a day, or spent a day off actually doing nothing or practicing self-care rather than running around keeping busy? What would happen if we did not view busy-ness as a glorified state of existence, but rather viewed the act of connecting with the breath, with quietness, with the essence of life, as respectable and praiseworthy instead?

The chores would still get done – arguably more efficiently because we would actually be more grounded. Work would still be completed – arguably even better because our minds would be clear and our bodies rested. Relationships would still be intact – arguably even more intimately because we would have more quality energy to give others.

I know because I’ve spent the last few weeks actually listening to my mind and body’s needs, giving both whatever they needed in the moment. Imagine that! I ate when I was hungry, exercised when my body wanted to move, wrote when I felt creative, socialized when I felt the need to connect with others, worked hard when my mind was active, cooked when I felt the desire to get in the kitchen and cook, took deep breaths when I needed solitude. And lo and behold, what happened? I lost ten pounds, I did work efficiently and well, I did all the chores I needed to do, I was anxious less often, and, best of all … I feel really, really radiant and centered — inside and out.

Yes, of course we all have to work, to get out of bed earlier than we may like and stick to a schedule that keeps us going for long hours on end. And then many of us come home to needy children who deserve every iota of our care and attention. But around and within that, we do have moments of flexibility – seconds, minutes, hours, or even days off when we can listen to what we really need from life – whether it be to do absolutely nothing, to play, to work, to create, to cook.

The bottom line is, we don’t have to be so busy all the time. In fact, being “so busy” is just an excuse to feel important. Our mental and physical health reap endless benefits when we slow down, pause, and actually enjoy life. We will actually be better workers, parents, friends, spouses, and people when we make every effort to get out of the mindset that busy is good, and finally cure our disease of Doing.

Now go make a cup of tea or coffee … and just sit there for a few.

It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. – Henry David Thoreau

Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.
― Lin Yutang



By Anitra Lahiri

Anitra Lahiri is an avid Yogi, Yoga Instructor, mother, and writer who strives (and often fails!) to infuse all aspects of her life with Yoga philosophy and practice. Her Yoga blog, Under the Lotus Tree, is for anyone who simply wants to live a healthier, more meaningful life. 



Start breaking the habit of busyness with the following classes from YogaDownload:

Bhakti Flow - Lauren Pech 

Quick and Easy Yoga for Busy You - Elise Fabricant 


Raw Chocolate Pecan Pie
Raw Chocolate Pecan Pie

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Autumn Wild Rice Salad
Autumn Wild Rice Salad

The reason we might feel so good eating this robust “grain” is because it’s chock full of B vitamins and contains essential minerals like zinc, folate and phosphorus. It also has more protein than the almighty brown rice. And, because of it’s high fiber content it will keep your digestive system running smooth as silk. Not too shabby!

This Autumn Wild Rice salad can be a healthy side on turkey day or hold it’s own as an entrée on a brisk fall night.

Yield: 8-10 servings

1 cup uncooked organic wild rice
1 bunch kale, chopped
1/2 bunch chard, chopped
1 bunch green onions, chopped
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
1/2 fennel bulb, thinly sliced
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper

In a medium pot over high heat bring 3 cups water to a boil. Add wild rice. Bring to boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 60 to 65 minutes or until all water is absorbed. Remove from heat and let cool.

 In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, sea salt and pepper. Pour dressing over rice and toss until fully coated.

Remove stems and ribs from kale and chard and cut into ribbons or tear into small pieces. In a large bowl, combine kale, chard, fennel, green onions and parsley. Before serving, toss veggies with dressed rice. Enjoy!

Please check out our website at for more recipes, and feel free to leave comments in the box below. 


By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Raw Pecan Mushroom Stuffing
Raw Pecan Mushroom Stuffing

I love this raw pecan mushroom version over the traditional bread-based, gluten-bomb because it’s filling and exploding with all savory flavors of the real thing. Plus it packs a good amount of protein so there’s no way you’ll feel deprived this year.

3 medium size portobello mushrooms, chopped
1/3 cup plus 3 TB olive oil
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 cups pecans
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
2 tsp fresh thyme, finely chopped
2 TB fresh rosemary, finely chopped
1 tsp fresh sage, finely chopped
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup cauliflower, chopped
1 1/2 cups carrot, shredded
1/2 cup currants

Marinate chopped portobello mushrooms in olive oil and balsamic vinegar in covered glass container in the refrigerator overnight (or at least for 2 to 4 hours).
In a food processor, pulse cauliflower until it has a rice like texture, with no large pieces. Place in a large mixing bowl.

Next combine pecans, sea salt, thyme, rosemary and sage in a food processor until it becomes a fine texture. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and blend again.

Transfer nut mixture into mixing bowl of cauliflower and combine with a spoon. Add in the marinated mushrooms including a drizzle of the marinade. Stir in celery, carrots and currants until well combined. Adjust the wetness of the stuffing by adding more or less marinade.

Please check out our website at for more recipes, and feel free to leave comments in the box below. 

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman


Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez 

Feel BIG
Feel BIG
The truth is, whether its through another person or your own ego, we very likely experience this feeling at least once a day. Either emotionally, spiritually or mentally, we feel small OR physically we try to make ourselves look smaller. And the more we try to do this, the smaller we feel, the smaller we become inside. And our true Self starts to wither away. So I challenge you to reverse this. Feel BIG. Feel that you are important - not with ego, just with empowerment. Feel that you embody this physical space, this physical body, you are given. Feel that you bring in more awareness to your thoughts, actions, and where you physically are in space. The more you tune in to how fabulous you are, the more the smallness fades away.

How do you do this?
If its your own thoughts making you feel small - you aren't good enough type of thing - notice each time you think one of these thoughts and replace it with 2 BIG thoughts. If someone around you makes you feel small - let them go. This person obviously has their own things to deal with in this area. You don't need them or their belittling tendencies.

If you physically strive to be smaller and smaller (not healthier, but just smaller) then go to your yoga mat (actually, this one works well for all 3 areas). Feel that you expand into each pose. Shine through your heart center, feel the chest open, lift, extend through the fingers and toes, and just take up more space.

You'll feel brighter, shinier, and much more empowered.
In the words of John Lennon, "we all shine on."  So go ahead, expand your inner horizon, and shine on.

By Jessi Andricks

Jessi Andricks is a Charleston, SC area yoga and fitness teacher. She specializes in a mind-body approach to fitness, to help people regain their energy and learn to fuel their lives through exercise, whole foods, and holisitic habits. Read more about Jessie at

Try the following classes to start feel BIGGER:

Empowerment Flow - Hayley Hobson 

The Fearless Heart - Michelle Marchildon  

Spiritual Warrior
Spiritual Warrior

What does it mean to become your own Spiritual Warrior, anyway?

It means recognizing the qualities within yourself that are the innate gifts you were born with and expressing them full out—without fear of being judged. It means knowing the qualities within you that keep you from realizing your most authentic self, blessing them one by one with compassion and then replacing them with qualities that serve you better. It means visualizing your Self, every day, as you know your soul to be: full of love, light, harmony, compassion, joy, and gratitude for life as you see it right now.

Being a Spiritual Warrior also means committing to your practice, whatever that may be. It may be yoga practice, meditation, attending church, reading a book, being one with nature, eating healthy, exercising, talking less, or listening more. Being a Spiritual Warrior means challenging yourself to be more, do more, and experience more. On the other hand, it could mean to be less, do less, and experience less, too. We all have a Spiritual Warrior inside of us waiting to be birthed so she can express herself completely!

Being a Spiritual Warrior means navigating through your dense layers of consciousness with awareness and resilience. It means venturing out with excitement and experiencing life’s challenges and growing pains. It means looking life in the face and saying, “I’m ready!” It means looking at yourself honestly and saying, “There is room to grow. There is room to learn. How can I transcend and be all that I am meant to be?” It’s asking the bigger questions in each moment as you move through layers of consciousness. It’s noticing your reactions and responses and making changes instantly so you are more of a reflection of your Self.

Being a Spiritual Warrior isn’t always easy. It requires patience, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, integrity, honesty, commitment, and persistence.

Ask yourself today: What am I willing to do differently in order to reflect my Spiritual Warrior within? What am I willing to do today that requires a bit of risk on my part? Which parts of my ego am I willing to part with in order to birth those parts inside me that are waiting to speak up and be heard?

As Michael Beckwith says, “The longer you hide out in the attempt to remain safe, the more you become fearful, nervous, hesitant. You will not be present as a participant in birthing a new world, a world that very much needs and wants the contribution of your consciousness.” Don’t wait for tomorrow to be all that you can be. Participate in life—grow, change, transform, and be the change you wish to see.

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life. “ 

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini. Visit 

Download Dana's class at YogaDownload:


Homemade Pumpkin Face Mask
Homemade Pumpkin Face Mask


Pumpkins are full of vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as other antioxidants and minerals that will brighten and soften your skin. You can make this mask in no time at all. Here's how: 




• 1 cup of pureed and cooked or canned pumpkin
• 1/2 teaspoon of Coconut Oil
• 1 teaspoon milk or yogurt
• 1/2 teaspoon honey


How to

1. Mix together ingredients in a bowl.  

2. Apply generously to clean face.

3. Leave on for 10-15 minutes while you rest and relax (avoid putting on eyes).

4. Remove with a warm washcloth.  


Now feel and enjoy your super soft and revitalized skin! Make it a tradition to repeat this every Fall if not more often. 


By Jackie Casal Mahrou

Jackie Casal Mahrou is a yoga instructor on and teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative Yoga. Through her teaching and writing, she hopes to inspire as many as she can to live with grace, joy and gratitude. Read more about Jackie at


Download one of Jackie's Top Rated Classes today:


Firefly Flow