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A Desire to be Inspired

A Desire to be Inspired

Aim to live in a perpetual whirl of inspiration. The source of inspiration is different for each individual but produces the same result- a feeling of peace, acceptance, surrender, and excitement for the flow of life.

Ahhh, how great does it feel to pop out of bed, ready to kick the days booty?! If only we could infuse our lives with that constant feeling of inspiration…maybe it’s not as hard as we think. 

Often, you’ll find inspiration within your own heart, guiding you fearlessly and motivating your actions. Acknowledge this: inspiration will naturally arise depending on your day, your activities, and your life situation. Some periods of your life will flow abundantly with creative energy while other times, you might feel as if you’re sleepwalking through existence. Of course circumstances occur which you cannot control.

You’re not alone if you find yourself on a constant rollercoaster of inspirational ups and downs. However, you do have a choice to make habit and consistency of bathing in inspiration every morning.

Go ahead, light some candles, take an inspirational bath and soak in positive blessings. 

Learning where you source inspiration from, is a huge step toward making changes in your life to keep your inspired inner fire burning bright. 
Figure out which keys will unlock your personal door to bliss.

Ask yourself these questions:

What makes you smile?

What lights your inner fire?

What motivates you to radiate throughout the day?

When was the last time you were really inspired?

What inspires you?

When you’re having trouble lighting your own inspirational fire, its important to have a toolbox of outside inspiration. There are literally an endless number of things you can chooce to do at any moment to feel more inspired.

Here are some simple and powerful ideas to give your inspiration a boost: 

Does helping others inspire you? Check out a local nonprofit and donate your time. Short on time? Fill up a few bags with healthy snacks, water, hand warmers, toiletries, and an inspirational message. Keep them in your car and next time you pass by someone holding a sign, you’ll have a goody bag to hand them! Boom! Day made for both of you!

Do other people infuse your inspirational vibration? Surround yourself with positive people. Look online for local ‘Meetups’ with people interested in similar things. Go to your favorite yoga class with a teacher who's known to empower and instill yogic inspiration during class. Call that one friend who you know can put a smile on your face. 

Does art fill you with inspiration? Art is everywhere. You don’t have to head to a museum to be captivated by artistic inspiration. Visit your favorite coffee shop with nothing but a great book. Browse Pinterest for ideas about decorating, recipes, or crafting. Attend the next local craft fair. Go to a concert. Purchase a random grab bag of goodies at a thrift store and see what you can create using only those items. 

My favorite way to find inspiration when life feels dreary and I’m feeling lackluster is asking other humans what they are passionate about. When people talk about their individual passions, they light up with an inspirational glow and everyone who’s a witness can feel it. It is magnetic. It draws you in. You’ll feel the warmth of their inspirational fire expanding as they radiate their passions.

So go, out into your day, into the world, into your next encounter with other humans and ask someone what inspires them? What are they passionate about? 

The most beautiful part, it’s a two way street- chances are, you’ll be inspired just by feeling the warmth that you’ve just allowed someone to share his or her passion and sources of inspiration. Maybe they needed a reminder of what drives their creativity. Maybe you just handed them the mental match to relight their inspirational flame. Chances are you’ll be inspired just by having a short conversation with someone about what they are passionate about. Just do it. And then feel free to share your encounter with me.

I’m always happy to hear about the magical ways in which the universe brings us together and continues to shower blessings and empowerment on those in search of inspiration. 

By Renny Ratliff

Renny Ratliff is a vibrant colorful soul who lives to write, breathe, dance, and exist through the power of positivity. Her lifestyle brand Beautiful Human is meant to spread the message of the unique beauty that each of us posses. Visit to connect with Renny and gather inspiration to live a happy, healthy, and powerful life.

Need a boost of inspiration?

Practice one of these Yoga Download classes, specially designed to inspire you!