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A Tribute to Yoga Mamas

A Tribute to Yoga Mamas

Ever noticed how the word Mom has OM in it? It’s no surprise then that moms across the globe consider yoga to be an antidote to the sacrifices that come with being a mom. Whether you are going through the thrills of your first pregnancy, finding your footing as a new mom, living in the grey zone of your child’s teen years or readjusting to an empty nest - doesn’t everything seem better with yoga? On Mother’s Day we thank you for showing us how yoga can double the joys of motherhood, no matter where you are in the process.

To The New-Mom Yogi

From guilt-free naps during Savasana to chanting a low “Ommmmmmmmmm” to pacify a crying baby, the New-Mom Yogi finds ways in which she can extend the lessons on the mat to her new life. New moms often don’t have time for a shower, let alone for a 75 minute yoga and meditation session. There’s no shame in spit-up stains or greasy hair, and whoever set the expectation that you can “snap back” to your old body in a couple months (or ever) has obviously never tried it themselves. For this beautiful, sleepless, messy and love-filled phase of motherhood, we put together a Yoga For New Moms program that understands where you are, what’s happening with your body, and that dedicating 10-15 minutes to spend on a yoga mat can be a rare, precious thing.

To The Working-Mom Yogi

Wherever they put in their long hours, our working-mom yogis understand the need to namaste in order to play. Her mind is constantly crossing items off an invisible to-do list, and even though she’s figured out how to be more efficient than ever, people still question her commitment. Working moms are on an eternal quest for balance, and yoga always comes through for them. Our 14-day yoga challenge lets working moms carve out some much needed mindful me-time. Be it an early AM flow or a quick lunchtime yoga break, they can practice at their own pace without having to compromise on time. After all, it’s all about setting the right example for the kids to follow, and there is no better care than self-care.

To The Empty-Nester Yogi

She has been there and done it all. Even though her chicks  have flown the coop, she is forever looking out for them. The Empty-Nester yogi continues to hold family at the center of her universe while embarking on a new relationship with herself. Traveling more, picking new hobbies and rediscovering long forgotten passions; there is so much to do. Yoga provides the flexibility required to make all this possible. Flexibility of not just the hamstrings but of the mind and the heart. Our Fearless after 50 program could be like a best friend during this reflective phase, to live life to the fullest with grace, grit and yoga.


The true work of yoga is to help us find a balance between the mind, body, spirit and the demands of the rest of our lives - like successful relationships, careers, households and happy, healthy kids. We can find this balance by treating our bodies as best as we can, whether that’s 5 minutes of sitting with quiet intention, or 25 minutes of moving and loving your miraculous body on the yoga mat. We’re here to help more moms tap into all the joys of motherhood. Yoga is a brilliant tool to not only cope with the challenges of life, but also to enjoy them. Here are some additional practices to help you #GoYourOMWay:

New Classes:

1. Liza Janda - Prenatal Yoga: 13 Minutes to a Healthy Back

2. Pradeep Teotia - Practice with Love

3. Dia Draper - Add More Hum to the Ho-Hum

4. Erin Wimert - Barre Quickie

There is no greater gift than the gift of health and peace of mind.

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