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Awaken Your Prana
On May 7, 2013 in
On these days, I look to my practice to wake me up. In yoga, energy is referred to as Prana, or the Life Force. It is constantly circulating within us, but due to physical, mental, and spiritual blocks, it can stuck or restricted. If we take an energetic approach to our practice, we can begin to tap into this energy, starting with the spine.
In most aspects of health – chiropractic, western medicine, and the eastern chakra system - there are centers along the spine that transport signals, energy, or neural responses into the rest of the body. We can imagine that Prana travels up and down our spine balancing us between being too grounded (aka sluggish), and too energized (aka frantic and frazzled). Prana then reaches out into our limbs. As we move, we can imagine and feel that energy starting to travel and work through the body to awaken our spirit, mind, and body. It sounds so serious, but this is a very playful practice. Much like a dance. You tune into your needs and move however feels best for you.
As you come into your asanas, pause in them for a moment and then start to move. Feel the movment more, then think it. Allow the energy to move you in, out, and around the asanas. Give it a try and awaken your Prana.
Please share your experiences or questions about Prana in the comment box below.
By Jessi Andricks
Jessi Andricks is a Charleston, SC area yoga and fitness teacher. She specializes in a mind-body approach to fitness, to help people regain their energy and learn to fuel their lives through exercise, whole foods, and holisitic habits. Read more about Jessie at
Try the following classes to awaken your Prana:
Firefly Flow
Fire of Transformation Tantric Flow - Katie Silcox
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