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Ayurvedic Tips for a Deep and Restful Sleep

Ayurvedic Tips for a Deep and Restful Sleep

After a night of improper sleep, how do you feel in the morning? Groggy, tired, irritated and dazed?

Well this comes as a no surprise since sleep is essential to recharge the mind and body after a hard day’s work. And when there is improper sleep, the mind and body both feel down and less eager to go about with the activities of the day.

Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal practice that originated in India classifies sleep disorder based on the dosha types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each of the doshas has a significant impact on the sleep preferences and patterns of an individual.

Similar to most of the things associated with Ayurveda, the present balance and body constitution of an individual influences sleep imbalances. In order to treat the issue of sleep imbalance effectively, it is important to know the present state of balance and the body constitution. A good way to learn about the same is through Ayurveda courses, which focuses on every facet of this traditional healing system giving the students a broader outlook on holistic healing powers.  

Here’s a look at some Ayurvedic tips for deep sleep, based on the body dosha type to have a good night’s slumber and get up the next day feeling refreshed and energetic.

Vata Dosha Sleep Imbalance

People who are Vata dominant tend to have a light and irregular sleep pattern. But when exhausted, Vata dominant people usually have a profoundly deep slumber. Unlike the other dosha types, Vata types sleep more and also have tendencies to sleepwalk, talk while asleep or grind the teeth.

The sleep imbalance in Vata types occurs when there is weak coordination between smriti, dhriti and dhi (recall, retention and learning). When trying to fall asleep, their mind gets occupied with the events that took place throughout the day and reproduces emotions and feelings that accompanied them. In other words, the mind is unable to detach resulting in improper sleep.

Ways to Combat the Imbalance:

Take some herbal tea before going to bed. It helps to calm the emotions and mind.

Stay away from excessive stimulation at night.

Massage herbal oils or essential oils on the feet and hands which soothe the mind and promote sleep.

Let go of the problems since bedtime isn’t the time to solve problems.

Practice a few minutes of mindfulness meditation.

Pitta Dosha Sleep Imbalance

Pitta Dosha dominant people usually sleep well but lightly. The sleep may get disturbed by active, vivid and fiery dreams. Falling asleep isn’t a big concern for a Pitta type person however waking up in the middle of sleep (usually in the wee hours) is a matter of concern. This activates the mind as well as stimulates ambition which can totally disrupt sleep.

Ways to Combat the Imbalance:

Always keep the bedroom cool. The heat should be brought down a few degrees so as not to make the room stuffy and hot.

Eat juicy fruits during day time.

A Pitta pacifying diet should be followed which should include more astringent, bitter and sweet foods.

Practice yoga and do not strain the mind and eyes with excessive screen time.

Kapha Dosha Sleep Imbalance

Kapha types are basically heavy sleepers. Given a comfortable space with a soft mattress and pillows, they can sleep for hours without any issues. The dreams of Kapha type people are usually emotional, smooth, calm and watery. The disorder comes in the form of lethargy or sluggishness even after a long and sound sleep.

Ways to Combat the Imbalance:

Get up from sleep before 6 a.m. since sleeping past dawn results in the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the shrotas which lead to a feeling of tiredness, dullness and sluggishness.

Stay away from caffeinated drinks like coffee. Instead, opt for herbal tea or green tea.

Exercise or do yoga preferably between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Avoid ice creams and follow Kapha pacifying diet to avoid the feeling of dullness after waking up from sleep.

The holistic science of Ayurveda is effective in curing numerous illnesses and ailments if followed with dedication and love. Adopt a natural way of living and be the owner of a healthy body and mind.

By Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh is a yoga enthusiast himself; freelance writer Manmohan lets his free spirit flow with his thoughts as he pens them down in his writings. He loves travelling and believes that ‘knowledge shared is knowledge gained.’ This concept inspired him to set up his own yoga institute in Rishikesh,India and other countries to spread the message of yogic sciences. His Yoga school (Rishikul Yogshala) imparts teachings on Yoga and Meditation under guided instructions of traditional yoga teachers. Interact with him through his website.

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