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The Fearless Heart
On June 15, 2012 in
By the time I was 30 I was divorced, I had cancer and I had survived rape. Jeez! I had a certain Eeyore attitude about the world and what was possible. What’s more, in my late thirties I had my two beautiful children, and then reality came crashing down. I left my career, at which I was really good, to be a mom, at which I kind of sucked.
Now I know that all mothers experience this fear. We are on uncertain territory and we gingerly feel our way forward on a path lined with guilt and trepidation. I don’t have all the answers, not even some, but I do know this much for sure: just asking if we are doing this right probably makes us better.
Love is just like yoga: You have to have a fearless heart.
And you have to be willing to fail over and over again before you get it right.
Above all else, my discovery of yoga when I was 40 has made me a better mother and a braver person. My trials on the mat, and the courage I felt in discovering new poses, led me to believe that life was indeed, beautiful. And after so many years of feeling like Eeyore, sad and gloomy, I started to feel strong. I found my inner badass!
I started to write again, after taking a professional break for more than 20 years. I finished my memoir, “Finding More on the Mat: How I Grew Better, Wiser and Stronger through Yoga.” I am now a columnist, an author, a yoga teacher and a mother. Dreams really do come true. I owe my new found strength to my practice.
I hope you enjoy the class I recorded based on the first chapter of my book. It is about love and life, and how you may have to fail over and over again until you get it right. I hope it gives you strength and courage, so you know as I do that yoga is the path to a fearless heart.
By Michelle Berman Marchildon
Michelle Berman Marchildon is the Yogi Muse. She’s a writer, an award-winning journalist, a former corporate executive and a survivor of 50+ years of life. She’s the author of the memoir “Finding More on the Mat: How I Grew Better, Wiser and Stronger through Yoga,” and a Columnist for Elephant Journal and Origin Magazine. She is an E-500 RYT with Yoga Alliance and teaches Aligned Vinyasa in Denver, Co. You can find her blog and website at
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The Fearless Heart
– Michelle Berman Marchildon
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