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11 Simple and Natural Cold Weather Allergy Remedies

11 Simple and Natural Cold Weather Allergy Remedies

Allergies are a reaction of the body on getting in touch with the specific allergy initiating particulates called allergens. The two ways that these allergens enter the body are inhalation and direct skin contact.

Allergies are mostly seasonal and cold weather allergies are the most common type of seasonal allergy. Some of the most common allergens that are responsible for cold weather allergies are snow dust, pollen, cold weather in general and some other unknown allergic agents. There are various tests to figure out what exactly is causing your cold-weather allergies.

Some of the common symptoms of cold weather allergies are skin rash, reddening and inflammation of the skin, coughing, and eye dryness and irritation.

Fortunately, most symptoms from these allergies can be prevented and alleviated by some of the most popular natural remedies for allergies. Many of the best allergy remedies are from common natural foods and household items. These treatment methods are generally free of side effects and are work! Only in severe cases will someone suffering from intense allergies really need medication and drugs.

Best Natural Remedies for Cold Weather Allergies:


A raw onion is helpful by lowering any inflammatory symptoms caused by the presence of the chemical compound quercetin. This antihistamine compound is present in very high amounts and belong to the group of flavonoids.


Mint is one of the other popular natural remedies for allergies, and is used in various forms like sprays, tea and in food for alleviating digestion issues, relieving sore throats, colds, coughs and other respiratory symptoms.


It is another herb like mint that is a popular natural remedy for allergies and has been used for a long time in Chinese medicine for treating asthma and coughing. It is also known to soothe hives when applied as a paste.

Omega - 3

Intake of omega-3-fatty acid rich food like nuts and fish has been known to defeat asthma and boost the immune system, making them effective in battling common allergens. Salmon is particularly helpful to the body in winter. Also note that most nuts are not recommended, as some people with strong allergies can be prone to slight nut allergies also.


There is nothing like a natural remedy for allergies, that is homemade and is easily available. One such product is the Yoghurt, which contains the healthy bacteria, lactobacillus, which aids in alleviating the allergic reactions from occurring, by preventing the allergens from reaching the trigger spot, and by binding to the allergens.

Hot Green Tea

A popular natural remedy for allergies, Green Tea contains the compounds quercetin, theophylline and theanine that can relieve the bronchial congestion and tightening of the chest that can result in anaphylactic shock.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is usually included in the diet or can be diluted in water for external application to relieve itchiness and prevent the onset of inflammation.


It is one of the best natural remedies for allergies and when consumed as raw honey, as it increases the power to resist allergies and boost immunity to keep infections at bay. Local honey is even more effective. 


It is one of the most popular tropical natural remedy for allergies, but is also popular as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory and when added to tea or honey, can help prevent allergies in the winter also.


Garlic has a number of antiviral properties. Try mixing three or four chopped up cloves of garlic with honey and eat off of a teaspoon, to prevent allergies in cold weather.

Peppermint Tea

It is one of the best anti-decongestants due to the presence of menthol and is effective against infections and allergies. This also aids in reducing coughs.

Conclusion: These home and natural remedies for allergies during the colder months will help! Also get good rest and drink sufficient amounts of water to keep the body hydrated. Also, boost the body's immune system by including food rich in vitamin C and E like red and orange fruits and vegetables. You can do a lot to more than you might think to reduce and relieve symptoms of allergic reactions from simple natural foods. 

By Nicholas Parker

Need a boost in winter? Try some yoga and breathwork designed for the colder seasons, to keep you warm and happy inside!

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