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Yin Yoga for Peacefulness

Yin Yoga for Peacefulness

Peace can become a lens through which you see the world. Be it. Live it. Radiate it out. Peace is an inside job. —Wayne Dyer

September 21st is International Day of Peace and an excellent reminder that to find peace, it is imperative to create it from the inside out. One of the greatest lessons yoga teaches us is how tuning into our minds, hearts, and bodies helps us polish the lens through which we view the world. Our perspective is key and even if we aren’t in control of external events, we can gain control of our thoughts and emotions.

This week, we have four powerful, tranquil Yin yoga classes to assist you in restoring your emotional and physical balance. Yin yoga is especially powerful because it soothes the “fight or flight” response many of us are experiencing every time we check on the state of the world. Yin focuses on quieting your nervous system and relaxing connective tissue––ligaments, tendons, and fascia. By targeting the deeper layers in the body, this style of yoga brings more blood flow to the joints and also better circulations to the internal organs.

In Yin, most postures are seated or supine on your mat. Although the longer holds are passive, they are challenging. There are three tattvas of Yin Yoga.

First is to enter the pose to an appropriate depth or edge for you. Second, find a sense of stillness and work to remain as static as possible. Third, hold the posture for time, usually one to five minutes. For many of us who are accustomed to more active flowing styles of yoga, holding an asana for five minutes can seem insurmountable. Trust in the process––with practice, you’ll find your thoughts start to settle more easily.

You’ve probably heard how we hold our emotions in different areas of our bodies and how yoga is an excellent tool to release past trauma and stress. Many Yin postures focus on opening the hips to release where emotional blockage can settle––they call them saddlebags for a reason! Several minutes holding Sleeping Swan or Pigeon pose will definitely cause sensations to arise, but breathing through the discomfort will help you release negative emotions that could be stressing you out. Accessing a sense of surrender in each pose is one of the main intentions of Yin yoga. 

Yin yoga can provide the respite you need to reset, recover, and cultivate your inner peace. Self-care is vital, so slow down, allow your nervous system to quiet, and strengthen yourself from the inside out. Try one or all of these wonderful classes this week. 

1. Kylie Larson - You are Resilient AF (FREE class)

2. Caitlin Rose Kenney - Yin Yoga for Longevity

3. Ali Duncan - Wall Yin

4. Eric Paskel - Yin on the Rocks Live!