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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Spinach Artichoke Dip

Spinach Artichoke Dip

We hope you enjoy this food-filled weekend, knowing that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, healthy or completely over-indulgent. Pick a few healthy recipes to supplement some of your traditional favorites and you won’t be left feeling like a linebacker at the end of the game.

By Julie Peláez and Jo Schaalman



Jo Schaalman and Julie Peláez are co-authors of the book The Conscious Cleanse: Lose Weight, Heal Your Body, and Transform Your Life in 14 Days, a best-selling, step-by-step guide to help you live your most vibrant life. Together they’ve lead thousands of people through their online supported cleanse through their accessible and light-hearted approach. They’ve been dubbed “the real deal” by founder and chief creative director Bobbi Brown, of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, beauty editor of the TODAY show. To learn more about “Jo and Jules” and to download a free e-cookbook for a sampling of the delicious food served up on the Conscious Cleanse, please visit 


Download a class from Jo and Jules today!

Connect to Core - Jo Schaalman 

Hot Yoga Detox Class - Julie Peláez