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Full Moon Astrology Forecast: February 27th, 2021

Full Moon Astrology Forecast: February 27th, 2021

This lunation marks the next phase in divine evolutionary development. The Full Moon moves the collective forward into the next level of divine will and alignment of plan after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 20th. The physical realm is being broken down and reshaped.

This moon will work to move the soul forward, to aid in materializing forces by concretizing previous experiences and aiding to provide more gusto in creative impulses. There will be a surge of cosmic lifeforce uniting with individual lifeforce (prana) to aid in the divine plan to materialize along this next evolution. 

At the Full Moon the Sun, Moon, and Mars will enter specific archetypal points which will highlight the planetary energies working through this Full Moon. Venus and Sun will combust in Aquarius. This energy is working for creative processes of divine will, and not for interrelational love, but will require more self-love, and love within presence. It is union with divine will for soul manifestation. Dream bigger, what you imagined may limit what is intended for you. The mind has been expanding and as a collective, we have ascended great heights in such a truncated time. This moon will mark the pivot of another evolutionary phase- a celestial mile marker. 

During this moon, a few worldly aspects will try you. The ‘worldly’ may trigger control mechanisms as this shift occurs; it is recreating the framework which divine plan will be created through you. Many of you will doubt, many of you will face inner opposition, what you think you knew may be broken to show you the true path or a broader perspective of divine plan.  These energies are drawing down cosmic prana to purify the vessel and sustain a greater evolution within the individual and the collective.

A purification and awakening of the conduit (self) will open new avenues for divine expression on another level of consciousness and manifested reality. What you see of yourself within this world, how you execute and create, and what you believe is possible is shifting completely. Staying focused on freeing your mind, devoted and humble in the day-to-day tasks, service to the mundane, will help you stay open to the downpour and free from the ego. Divine responsibilities will come to the forefront for many. Can you be the devoted being, to your highest, not swayed by personal desires, but driven through divine plan and service?

I must add that because these energies are purifying the individual and will create courage to expand and enlighten, it is important to create peace with what is released. A heavy precedence on general welfare and wellness will come to light. This can show in both the negative of holding greed out of concern for personal welfare, or in the positive of using more lifeforce to create better welfare.

The planetary energies will encourage you to look beyond self needs, to trust that you-personally, are taken care of. Only then can the wealth of divine prana flow through an aligned being. Anything that goes against that will come into question. Now is the time to double down. Apply enthusiasm, joy, and innocence to what you’re being led to. Give it love, life, and it will flourish.

To move confidently as you are guided, one step at a time. Divine impulse is transcending selfish near-sighted desires. The merging of lifeforcee with divine at this lunation there is a downpour of universal energy to bring forward new creative realities. Cleanse the framework, allow new activating forces to awaken beyond personal or single-minded desires and endeavors. Relinquish the path and follow the light. This moon will show falsification, be mindful of superiority complexes and overly competitive natures do not rear their ugly heads.

You are being asked to sit in the One, The All, yet own your uniqueness. To be connected to source, yet so resolute in your individual truth. Things will not make sense, logic is just making its way back into the mind, and will serve the divine plan, not personification. Be nimble, trusting, and open to the unseen greatness that awaits. 

Be well my loves,

Geenie (Gemma) Celento
For a personal astrology reading and 6 month personal forecast, book here.

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineage. Her classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences. Her website is here.

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