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7 Yoga Poses That Help With Diabetes

7 Yoga Poses That Help With Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health disorders among people irrespective of age, gender, and ethnicity. Also, it is increasing exponentially over time and has been a never-ending challenge for medical experts throughout the world. In medical terms, diabetes mellitus is a type of metabolic disorder. It involves an increase in sugar or glucose levels in the blood due to insufficient secretion or failed usage of insulin in the pancreas. 

While there are many factors that cause diabetes, your improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle can make it a chronic condition. If left untreated, diabetes can become a serious threat to life as it results in the damage of vital organs of the body such as the heart, pancreas, kidneys, nervous system, blood vessels, etc. Also in many cases of alopecia areata, there is a definitive connection between diabetes and hair loss

While most people seek allopathic treatments for diabetes, one can also help with the condition by making a few changes in the lifestyle. One such amazing lifestyle practice to keep your blood sugar levels normal is Yoga. This ancient practice, which involves synchronized body movements with your breathing, not only boosts the blood circulation and stimulates your organs, but also enhances the metabolic activities in your body. This eventually promotes the chemical activity within the body cells that benefit diabetic patients. 

Here are some of the most effective yoga asanas that help you prevent a sudden increase in blood sugar levels and keep it under control. 

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Pose Name

Lie down on your abdomen by keeping your legs straight.

Place your palms beside your last rib cage with your fingers facing towards your head. 

Now, lift your trunk and head slowly with the support of your palms. Take a deep inhalation while you do so.

Try to arch your neck gently and look upward.

Make sure that your abdomen and toes are pressed on the floor. 

Try to hold yourself in this position for 5 seconds with normal breathing in the beginning. You can extend the duration to 30-40 seconds with regular practice. 

Then, drop your chest slowly and gently on the floor. Rest your head and arms on the floor. 

Benefits: Bhujangasana is highly beneficial for diabetic people as it stimulates the internal organs while stretching the spine. It helps to tone the reproductive system and boost heart functioning. Also, it helps in relieving constipation problems and acts as a mild therapy for asthma patients. 

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Pose Name

Lie down on your abdomen.

Slowly, raise your both legs along with your torso backward. 

Now, extend your arms backward and hold your feet with your palms. 

Try to pull the feet towards your head slowly as much as you can while you take a deep breath. 

Hold in this bow position for 10-20 seconds and then release yourself to the starting position slowly. 

Benefits: Dhanurasana helps in strengthening the pancreas and regulating insulin production, which in turn benefits people with high sugar levels in the blood. Also, it helps in resolving digestion problems, backache, sinus, cold, and cough symptoms. 

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani Yoga: Steps, Benefits, Precautions - The Indian Med

Sit 3 inches away from a wall while you face the wall. 

Lie on your back slowly while you swing your legs upwards along the wall. 

Bring your tailbone towards the wall gently such that your thighs rest against the wall comfortably.

Make sure your legs are held straight onto the wall while your feet are positioned perpendicular to the wall on your heels.  

Hold yourself in this position as long as you can while you take deep breaths.

Benefits: Viparita Karani enables proper lymphatic drainage. It evens out blood circulation and controls stress hormones in your body. This eventually reduces high blood sugar and blood pressure within your body. Also, it helps in fighting pain or inflammation related to your back and hip.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist)

Pose Name

Sit in a straight position while keeping your legs outstretched in front. 

Bend your right leg and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee. The toes of your right foot should face forward while you do so.

Now, bend your left leg and position your left foot close to your right buttock. The outside edge of your left foot should be in contact with the floor. 

While you keep your spine erect, grab your right foot with your left hand firmly. 

Place your right hand behind you and twist your trunk, shoulders, and neck towards your right side. 

Hold in this pose for 10-20 seconds and return to the initial position slowly. 

Now, repeat the pose on the other side. 

Benefits: Ardha Matsyendrasana helps in stimulating the abdominal organs and lowering blood sugar. It helps in boosting your immune system. Also, it is very useful to relieve tension, stress, and breathing difficulties. 

Paschimottanasana (Seated-forward Bend)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Instructions: Sit down and stretch out your legs straight. 

Bring your hands up over your head with fingers pointing towards the ceiling. 

Slowly, bring down your hands and touch the toes with your fingers while your knees are maintained in a straight position. 

Hold yourself in this position for a minute with normal breathing.

Benefits: Paschimottanasana balances the insulin levels in your blood and thus helps in controlling diabetes. It helps in weight loss and lowers blood pressure. Also, it helps in relieving anxiety and stress disorders. 

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana, the Miracle Pose that Helps Reduce Blood Pressure - NDTV Food

Lie down on your back by keeping your legs straight. 

Slowly, lift your legs perpendicular to your abdomen and keep them together and straight.

Raise your buttocks gently by applying thrust on your arms. 

Now, continue to bend your spine slowly until your big toes reach the floor over your head. However, do not force your toes to touch the floor. 

Keep your spine as straight as possible with the support of your arms.

Now, try to interlock your hand fingers slowly. 

Tuck your chin in the center of your collar bones and hold in this position for 5-15 seconds while you take deep breaths. 

To release from the pose, lower your spine gently and position your legs vertically. Then, bring your legs down to the floor slowly and relax your body.

Benefits: Halasana is tremendously beneficial to prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. It helps in stimulating thyroid glands, enhances blood circulation, and combat stress. Also, it is useful to deal with GI tract disorders and insomnia. 

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

How to Do Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Instructions: Lie down on your back by resting your arms at your sides and keeping your legs straight. 

Keep your palms facing upwards and your feet drop open.

Now, close your eyes and relax your body as well as mind.

Keep your breathing normal and let your body feel heavy and relaxed on the ground. 

Stay in this asana for 5-10 minutes.

To release yourself from the pose, start with gentle movements such as wiggling your toes and fingers to bring awareness to your body. 

Then, roll to your right side slowly and lift yourself into a comfortable seated position.

Savasana should be the last position of your Yoga practice for the day. 

Benefits: Savasana helps in cooling down your body and brings ultimate calmness to your body and mind. It is great for people dealing with most of the health ailments including cardiac problems, respiratory problems, high blood pressure along with diabetes. 

Yoga is one of the best gifts from our ancient sages to stay healthy and fit by bringing harmony to your body, mind, and soul. 

By Soumya Taylor

If you want to give your overall health a good boost, the Yoga for Detox program will help!