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Yoga is for All of Us: Specially Designed Classes for Specific Populations

Yoga is for All of Us: Specially Designed Classes for Specific Populations

While we celebrate offering yoga classes that appeal and benefit a wide range of individuals, it’s also important that we provide niche classes that are created for specific populations. Who doesn’t want a yoga class that recognizes we may need something different at times? It’s a great reminder that we aren’t alone in that need, we’re part of a community.

There isn’t an identical path for any of us. We’re all unique. Individually perfect or perfectly imperfect. What really matters is how you feel during and after your yoga practice. Whatever your personal experience, there’s a universal premise that yoga is a process of turning inward. Of getting quiet so you can truly be present. Of finding your brightest inner light or—gasp- even achieving Samadhi or enlightenment

The yogic path is outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and begins with Yoga Sutra 1:2 Citta Vritti Nirodha––which translates to learning to calm the mind’s fluctuations or learning to direct your attention where you wish it to go. What’s beautiful about yoga is the journey to achieving calmness and clarity doesn’t have to progress in one particular way. There is no perfect pose and no perfect practice. Our needs fluctuate depending on the season or the season of life we’re in. If the end result is that you uncover your best self, you shed the layers weighing you down and shine bright, isn’t that actually the “right” path for you?

This week we’re offering classes that embrace certain populations. Robert Sidoti is back with another offering in his Yoga for Men program––classes that take into account the strength, mobility, and anatomy unique to guys. For our Spanish-speaking yogis, Michelle Smith’s has a new class just for you. 

Claire Petretti Marti, a twelve-year cancer survivor, created her Yoga for Cancer Recovery class to help manage physical and emotional side-effects, and rebuild strength and mobility. And for Seniors, Jeanne Dillion’s Gentle Chair Yoga for Neck & Shoulders targets posture and stress relief, all while in a seated position. Check out these and other classes that may be perfect for you this week.

Robert Sidoti - Yoga for Men 4: Becoming a Priority

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Claire Petretti Marti - Yoga for Cancer Recovery

Jeanne Dillion - Gentle Chair Yoga for Neck & Shoulders