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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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Short, Sweet, and Sweaty!

Short, Sweet, and Sweaty!

Quality over quantity wins every time, on the yoga mat and off. We’ve all got busy schedules and some days it can be a challenge to fit in the satisfying yoga practice your body, mind, and heart craves. The great news is that with the proper focus, intensity, and desire you can garner all the benefits of a full-length yoga class in half the time. Squeeze in a twenty-minute practice by setting your alarm earlier or staying up later! 

Consistency is the most important component of maintaining a life-long yoga practice. And by consistency, we mean practicing several times a week or daily if your schedule allows. Some days, you may have time for a full-length practice with pranayama and meditation and other days, you’ve only got twenty minutes to spare. As long as you are stepping onto your mat and committing to be fully present in your body and your breath, you’re doing great. If you can up the intensity for the shorter practices, even better. 

Why is it so important to commit to a regular practice instead of being a “weekend warrior?” With at least three to four days on the mat, no matter the length of practice, you’ll:

*Build stronger muscles, bones, and joints: Yoga is excellent at developing toned muscles, keeping your bones strong so you can continue all the activities you love for as many years as you want, and enhancing mobility and stability in your knees, hips, shoulders, and other joints.

*Sustain mental focus and concentration for longer periods of time: When you’re absorbed in the present moment on the mat, you don’t have time to stress or worry about anything else. Your mind is free to rid itself of distractions and settle into a calm clarity. A quieter mind also helps you have more quality sleep, which is vital to overall well-being.

*Enhance your mood: A vigorous yoga practice releases endorphins, which gives you a sense of joy and happiness. Yoga’s impact on the hormonal system balances moods and emotions and decreases stress and anxiety. Who doesn’t want to feel happier? 

Check out this week's classes, which are short and sweet and designed to benefit you like a full-length practice. Enjoy! 

Mark Morford - Deep 30 Volume. I

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class

Pradeep Teotia - Short, Sweet, & Sweaty Power Flow

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Kyle Weiger - Arm Balancing Workshop 5: Forearm Stand

Keith Allen - 20-Minute Yoga Fix