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Three Little Words

Three Little Words

We veer off course because we allow our mind to go onto auto-pilot or over-drive listening to everything that’s “out there”. We co-mingle the beating of our own heart with the beating of another.  We bump into other souls on their journey and ride-along their path for awhile.  Only to re-member our own journey is what feeds our soul, not the path of another.

We are subject to more information in one day that people just over 100 years ago, assimilated throughout their entire life.  We can’t possibly keep up with the whisper of our heart.

Or can we?

Yes … yes we can.

We stop and listen and we listen often.  We drop what we are doing and listen with our hearts, not our minds.  We ask for a cue, a guide, a drop of nectar that fuels our movement forward and our ascension upward so we can be more of who we are in as many moments as possible.

So I ask you … with all that you have happening in your life in this moment, can you take a breath and drop into stillness.  Can you sit for a moment and breathe and hear the whisper of your heart.  What is it telling you?  When you ask your heart, where can I expand, where can I grow, where can I open; what does it say?

Is there a situation in your life right now that requires your attention and care?  Something that will offer you an opportunity to expand into a version of yourself that is more connected to Source and not just on auto-pilot-patterns.  What is one word that you can cultivate to do that?  To be more aware, more present, more alive, more aligned with who you are.

When I look at my life I see my heart … it’s right there on my sleeve all the time.  I look at my day-to-day and I am astounded by how quickly I manifest and how lovely this life is.  I am always awestruck… always.  And when I manifest situations that from the outside, seem like a struggle, I re-member the call of my heart.  My heart called that in because it’s just as beautiful as what I label as beautiful.

It too has the power to open up and expand in ways I can’t imagine for myself.  Those three words guide us and we have the opportunity to see them, experience them and embody them in every single situation.

What are you words?  I’ve decided that while I have words for the year, I also am observing mine on a “moon-cycle” time line now.  So much happens in that time.  I know one that is resonating so deep into my heart I feel like it will be here forever …beyond all time.

That’s trust.  Trust that all is working out in divine time.  Trust that relationships will flourish into what they are meant to and that they may not be around forever.  Trust in that too.  Trust that there is enough; trust that you are enough.  Trust that Thy will is much more beautiful that your own will.  Trust in the Universe.

That’s my big word.

Others … divine guidance, empowered grace, deep intimacy.  I know, it’s more than three and there’s adjectives before them. So I’m a bit dramatic sometimes …so what.

Find your words, write them down, experience them, embody them and then observe them showing up almost every single day.

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

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