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Epic Transitions

Epic Transitions

Here’s a little skinny….

This Friday, March 20th, as the sun emerges from it’s deep sleep and moves into the Spring Equinox, it is obscured by a Solar Eclipse, creating opposing energies of forward motion and a sitting back and waiting.  This isn’t anything new you know, movement forward, movement backward.  This is what happens in transition, even though an astrological event like this in the cosmos rarely happens, transitions certainly have their hiccups.

I think it happens again in like 2034 but Chani Nichols can tell you for sure.  This is indicative of transition though if you think about it.  A little forward motion, a little reverb back to the old.  It’s called the human experience.

The Spring Equinox happens around 3:45pm PST and it’s coupled with an end of the Astrological calendar, meaning we end at zero degrees Pisces and transition into Aries right around that same time, if I’m reading all of this correctly.

Not only that but we are coming off of a Pluto/Uranus square meaning more transition and potentially a shift in energy that we’ve been sitting with since around October 2012.  The Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurs at 2:36am PST on that same day, creating what I liken to a portal … a portal that you get to choose how you approach.

This time is all about transitions, big ones this time.  And I mean it.  Even with all that craziness, I still believe you can shift 2 degrees or 180 degrees; that you can create effort or ease; that you can struggle or flow.  I believe that our perception is a choice.  However, the option to change is not because change is inevitable.

I also believe that we are always transitioning; always evolving, always growing and we get to choose how that looks.  With all of this epic movement happening out there, do you really think that YOU are exempt from that energy?  Do you REALLY?

Newsflash .. you’re not.

So I’ve been asking myself … how do I want to enter into this new paradigm?  Because that’s what it is you know.  A completely new reality.  And, when we enter into transitions like this, it’s not like we just sit down and intend our life.  No, we have to really look at the whole ball of wax and ask ourselves what works and what doesn’t.  We must be willing to release the fucking grip we have on the old so the new can come in.  And, I also believe that if we don’t release our grip, the Universe is so powerful it’s going to do it for us.

So, we have a choice as always.  Let go or be dragged.  Up-level or stagnation.

How will you embody these transitions?  In you relationships?  Your career?  Your environment?  Your finances?

If you can remember that everything happens in response to your perception and in favor of your evolution, transition can’t be anything but epic.  So why do we fight it?

Fear, worry, doubt … all nonsense.  Listen, if you’re reading this and you think you have control of anything, take a look up at the sky.  Figure out how the Moon makes waves.  Tell me how Mars and Venus align and how all this epic shit happens on one day while you are alive!

Tell me how all that alignment happens while you sleep!

Then settle into what is, buckle up, smile that smirky smile, and get in for the ride.  Make it epic … because it always is!

By Dana Damara

“My passion on the mat is proper alignment, powerful breath and effortless flow so you feel that off your mat. Your practice becomes sacred space where you arrive to find more meaning, depth, authenticity and integrity in your life."

- Dana Damara: mother, author, yoga instructor, speaker and yogini.

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