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Virgo Full Moon (Monday - 2/22/16) : Harvesting the Wisdom of the Night Goddess

Virgo Full Moon (Monday - 2/22/16) : Harvesting the Wisdom of the Night Goddess

In a Virgo Full Moon, we honor service and our bodies, tending to critical self-care and upkeep that allows us to be strong and healthy. Similar to the myth of Persephone and Demeter, Virgo (who holds a cornstalk) gives us permission to harvest that which we have grown and benefit from the fruits of our labors. During this Full Moon time, take stock of all the good things you have nurtured over the past months and don’t be afraid to reap the rewards and embrace the abundance that you have worked so hard to create. Use the encouragement from opposing Neptune to experience the transcendent and spiritual aspects of this enriching time as you gather all you have grown near you. 

A tough angle to Venus during this Full Moon asks us to examine our close relationships, our values and our aesthetic tastes. Does something need refining here? Are there a few elements in these areas that need to be…ahem…weeded or uprooted? Virgoan energy begs us to be caring, but fierce in our affection towards all things. What needs to go, needs to go. Be unafraid to focus your love and energy in the areas that need—and deserve—it most.

There may also be some radical transformation here for some of you. If it is needed, it is what we receive, so don’t be afraid to move toward the discomfort which is likely to be in the area of health, physical well-being, cleanliness or self-care. If you’re in the health and wellness industry, this is a good time to incite the shake-up and create more interesting opportunities you have never even imagined. Let the cosmos do the work for you!

Alchemical Ritual for Virgo Full Moon:

As an earth sign, Virgo is grounded, but sometimes has difficulty with change. On the low side, that difficulty manifests as control, self-criticism, or in the extreme, OCD behavior. On the high side, Virgo plants her feet and gathers all she has cultivated near to her to prepare her for the coming months. This is the energy you cultivate during this special Virgo Full Moon ritual.   

Doing this ritual outdoors, on the earth super-charges your efforts, but if you are indoors, try and place an element of earth nearby, such as a potted plant, or even a favorite rock or stone. Create your ritual space by placing your favorite crystals (Aventurine or Carnelian are good choices if you have them) and a candle or two in front of you. Use sage, sweet grass or palo santo to cleanse yourself and the space by casting the smoke over yourself and encircling your own body three times. Bring into the circle a simple vessel (paper bag, vase, wooden box), a pen, and paper, and come to sit quietly inside the circle. Close the eyes and say the following invocation: 

May the highest qualities of Virgo and this Full Moon allow me to reap the abundance I cultivate.

Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation on all the wonderful things you have grown and created in your life. As the insights come to you, write them down on the piece of paper, either as a word or a short phrase. Tear each one off after you’ve written it and place it in the vessel. Continue this process until you have used up the entire piece of paper. 

Observe your full vessel and offer gratitude for all you have accomplished with a few moments of meditation practice. When complete, chant Om three times, and snuff the candles. Place your vessel filled with evidence of your rich gifts and blessings somewhere that you can see it, perhaps near a plant or some earthly element. Let it be a reminder of how tending to nature, your nature and yourself always brings rewards.


By Alanna Kaivalya

Alanna believes Yoga is for everyone and each student can develop the self-empowerment needed to embark on a personal journey to meaningful transformation. On this principle she founded The Kaivalya Yoga Method, a fresh take on yoga emphasizing the individual path while honoring tradition. Teaching students since 2001, teachers since 2003, Alanna has written and developed teacher trainings worldwide for top studios and independently. In January she debuted a comprehensive 200hr-online teacher training with YogaDownload. She holds a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, has authored numerous articles and two books: Myths of the Asanas, an accessible practitioner’s guide to stories behind beloved poses; Sacred Sound, a yoga “hymnal,” illustrating the role of chant and mantra in modern practice. Look for her third book, Yoga Beyond the Mat, in Autumn 2016.She lives in New York City with Roxy the Wonderdog.

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