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26 Ways to Bring More Balance Into Your Life
On September 10, 2012 in
Here is a start, my own list of 26 ways to find balance. May it bring to you some much-needed peace, calm, ease, and journeying inward that the coming seasons so beautifully and patiently invite.
1. Be comfortable saying
No thank you
Not today
I can’t, Next time
Have fun
I'm there in spirit
I’ve committed to something else, So honored to be invited,
Thanks for thinking of me.
Prioritize, prioritize, and then once you think you got it, prioritize again.
3. Get acquainted and comfortable with setting boundaries.
This can be scary at first, trust me, I know, but people will thank you for the courage you found to do so and then feel inspired to do the same with their own life.
Accept moments of imbalance as some of your best teachers.
Don’t resist them. Welcome them. And as soon as you can, move out them.
Make time to do things you LOVE to do.
6. Do something creative
– paint, draw, take photos, write a poem, journal, collage, make a vision board, sew, knit, etc.
7. Practice yoga.
8. Meditate daily.
9. Practice Ujjayi, Brahmari, or Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Work on opening your throat chakra, the passageway between your heart & your mind and your mind & your heart.
With this space open, you can more freely and more honestly say what you need, believe, think, feel, deserve, and desire – all of which being able to do will allow you to feel more balanced and FREE.
11. Get upside down (handstand, headstand, forearm stance, L-Pose at the wall); it helps shift your perspective.
12. Workout
– cycle, run, swim, lift weights, get to a class, lift, burn, and tone in a way that makes you excited!
Eat well!
14. Remember to always give yourself a much-needed and much deserved break from always eating well.
Enjoy that which makes your heart sing. For me, it’s FRO YO or anything sweet and at its’ finest, homemade. But whatever wets the palette, enjoy it! Life is too short to restrict ourselves from savoring its most decadent pleasures.
15. Get outside at least once a day.
16. Learn the ancient art of WALKING.
“Walking is a form of exercise accessible to just about everybody. It’s safe, simple and doesn’t require practice. And the health benefits are many.”
17. Limit the amount of time you spend on facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.
(Working on this but I know this one is HUGE!)
18. Read before going to bed instead of watching the boober (TV), surfing the internet, or checking your iphone.
19. Spend time with people you LOVE and who fill YOUR cup.
20. Limit the time you spend with people who only take and drain your cup.
21. When it’s really needed, call upon a MUCH needed honest mirror – a good friend, mom, dad, sister, counselor, life coach, beloved
– someone who is willing to tell you maybe what you NEED to hear not what you WANT to hear.
22. Be courageous and ASK for help when it’s needed.
No one can always do it alone. Often we get to balance easier and quicker with the help of a friend, coworker, or loved one than always striving to make it on our own.
23. Meditate daily.
Oops, did I already say this one? Well, if I did, it deserves to be on here twice. It’s that important. The real number 23. As often and as best you can, with whole-hearted effort, try NOT to bring work home. Be present and available for your Self, your beloved, your children, your roommates, with whomever it is you share space. They deserve ALL of you, not just part of you!
24. Do something unexpected, out of the ordinary, and a touch crazy
– FOR YOU. Go out dancing, put on your favorite music LOUD and dance in the comforts and confines of your own home, hoola-hoop, check out a live show, skydive, take an unplanned road trip, buy a cheap ticket and just go, let down your hair, wear leather pants, spend a little too much (just for a night), get yourself that outfit you’ve been eyeing for days/weeks/months on end, call her/him because you’ve been wanting to, balance your daily black with some color – DO something that reminds you balance 1) isn’t you seeking perfection or 2) isn’t your life being lived as a routine or 3) doesn’t mean that you can’t be both balanced and spontaneous, wild, and carefree!
25. Practice gratitude daily.
Start a grateful journal, write more letters to let people know what they mean for you and your life (and actually send them), watch
Louie Schwartzberg’s video on gratitude
whenever you are in need of remembering, look around and recognize all that you already have and stop ruminating on what you think you need. Remember, “You think this is jut another day in your life. It’s not just another day. It’s the one day that is given to you. Today, it’s given to you, it’s a gift. It’s the only gift that you have right now and the only appropriate response is gratefulness and gratitude.”
26. LOVE
– show love, give love, receive love, feel love, experience love, revel in love, be grateful for love, be courageous in love, show up for love – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.
By Alex Cordoba
Alex Cordoba began practicing yoga in 2001 and from that very first class she fell in love. It was when on the mat that Alex felt truly at home. Like a voice is to a singer or a paintbrush to an artist, yoga became just that for Alex’s life…it was her muse through which to share her passion to the world. In Alex’s classes she weaves together yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, laughter, messages to inspire and uplift so that she can offer a unique and creative journey to her students every time they come to the mat. She encourages her students to practice compassion and patience towards others and themselves, to invite breath in, to find laughter, humility, and grace on the mat, and to be open to the possibilities and the adventures that arise when one dances with uncertainty. Read more about Alex at
Classes from Alex Cordoba coming soon to YogaDownload!
Start practicing today with these yoga & meditation classes:
Pause and Reflect
(Vinyasa Yoga)
– Dawnelle Arthur
Gentle Hatha #4
– Jackie Casal Mahrou
Grounding and Centering Your Personal Field
– Nancy Nielsen
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