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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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Introducing Your Holiday Sanity Sanctuary!

Introducing Your Holiday Sanity Sanctuary!

Are you traveling more? Is your social calendar crammed with holiday parties and family obligations? Or, is this time of year a tough one for you?

Many of us aren’t necessarily filled with cheer depending upon our personal circumstances. Happy or sad, emotions tend to intensify this time of year and we all crave some balance inside and out.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we all have one thing in common: we all could use a daily dose of yoga and meditation to keep us centered, clear, and calm during December and through 2017. Taking the time to nurture your mental, emotional, and physical well-being is vital to staying sane this time of year.

YogaDownload to the rescue! We’ve compiled a special collection of fifteen of our top classes with your favorite instructors to help you find relief and refuge during this season - a Sanity Sanctuary. Maintain your sanity with daily doses of yoga and/or meditation to combat fatigue and stress.

This sanctuary isn’t just for the holidays—feel free to continue with these practices anytime you need.

Check out this week's newest and featured classes:

Jill Pedroza / Move Your Asana

In this invigorating and flowing class you will move your body through warming flow and open your hips, shoulders & hamstrings! Jill will guide you through creative Sun Salutations A & B, linking your breath to movement, and then lead you through deeper heart opening & balancing postures to prepare you for a challenging hold of Revolved Birds of Paradise. 

Shabadpreet / Kundalini Yoga Therapeutics: Release and Restore

This restorative Kundalini Yoga Set systematically takes you through the entire body to soothe, balance, and restore both your physical and energetic bodies. Coupled with deep breathing, this set will nourish your nervous system and leave you feeling rested and de-stressed.

Dia Draper / A Moment For You (Feeling Anxious)

Sometimes we just need a moment to ourselves. Maybe it's tempting to crawl under the desk just to get a moment away. Or maybe we just want to quit adult-ing today. Chances are taking a short break dedicated to you is just what you need. This practice will guide you inward towards a calm and grounded place, with lots of opportunities to turn inward, breath deeply and be extra kind to yourself. 

Ben Davis / Fitness ’n’ Yoga Plus Weights: Ski Conditioning

Fitness 'n' Yoga + Weights: Ski Conditioning is all about getting the body ready for the ski season. The main goal of the this video ultimately is injury prevention with a focus on flexibility, balance, and agility. Get ready to have fun as you jump and twist as well as strengthen and tone the body for hitting the slopes! 

Fitness movements included in this video: 
- Jumps, twists, and power knees for cardio. 
- Bridge lifts and table top leg lifts to strengthen glutes. 
- Boat rows and crunches to tone core. 

Weights can be used to tone and sculpt.