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Practicing Yoga During Pregnancy

Practicing Yoga During Pregnancy

The best way to keep your body in shape is yoga. Pregnant yoga can keep you in shape during pregnancy, keep you light, strengthen your muscles, and improve your balance and circulation. There is even a slight slowing of the joint pressure of pregnant women.

Help reduce swelling and inflammation of the joints of the problem: swelling and inflammation due to in vivo edema and blood circulation weakened. Yoga contributes to promoting blood flow, it can tactfully prevent and reduce the swelling of the hands or ankles during pregnancy regardless of the typical situation.

Prevention and slow down the back of the pain problem: low back pain during pregnancy is a common symptom. Regular practice of pregnant women yoga can stretch the muscles of the lower back and forging strengthen the lower back muscles and spine. Work on reducing muscle tension and improve posture to relieve back pain.

Reduce stress: Yoga can cause pregnant women to release physical and psychological pressure. To adapt to pregnancy, mothers need a lot of physical strength. To balance out hormones, it is important to maintain regular breathing and relaxation, as well as stabilize the body and mind.

Naturopathy: Pregnant women yoga can make the general sense of discomfort caused by pregnancy and become more naturally relaxed, without the use of external drug treatment.

Particular attention while practicing yoga during pregnancy

For pregnant women yoga, expectant mothers must pay special attention to avoid certain postures.  Some challenging and laborious movements may affect the position of the abdomen. It is recommended that pregnant women should exercise or practice yoga within their capacity and not be overly reluctant. If you experience difficulty in postures, you can also use a variety of props such as pillows, elastic bands, yoga bricks, and chairs. Try doing similar movements slowed down, in order to avoid the rapid action or any injuries. Do not try inversions, shoulder stands, jumps, etc. as it may pull the abdominal muscles. Former back bends or twists should be avoided. Remember to bring bottles of water. Hot yoga classes should be avoided as they may cause overheating in pregnant women.

Effect of practicing yoga on the baby during pregnancy

Mothers who practice yoga can also help with breathing techniques. These techniques are essential for mothers who are expecting. Pregnancy can cause intense mental and physical stress, especially when their hormonal patterns may be erratic and result in mood swings. Expectant mothers can use yoga movements and breathing methods to help the mother to remain relaxed. Since the mother and baby are closely linked to each other, it helps your child relax as well. Breathing methods ensure that the fetus will get enough oxygen flow. Through different yoga movements and the process of physical stretching exercises, yoga helps the healthy growth of the fetus and prepare the body for the delivery process.

Can yoga help one lose weight after childbirth?

Most pregnant women face postpartum problems with weight gain and relaxation. Yoga can solve these two problems together, and achieve positive results. A variety of body stretching, movement, and controlled breathing, helps maintain healthy endurance and control. These exercises strengthen the body's metabolism more efficiently, burn more calories, and aid in weight loss. Unlike weight training in general, yoga focuses on the individual muscle blocks, and practicing yoga can make the body muscles continue moving energy in the right direction. Regular yoga practice with proper eating habits and training helps postpartum muscles and body shape stay in balance.


Elsa T. Anderson has been working in the field of Health for over three years. She is an expert in the developing strategies for women health, providing thought leadership and pursuing strategies in health innovation. At present, she is working on remedies for morning sickness as a Pregnant Women Health Consultant. To learn more about Elsa, go to WhenMorningSicknessStarts.