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Tips for Long-Term Anxiety Relief
Tips for Long-Term Anxiety Relief
What is it to feel relaxed? How can you get there? Focus on the solution (calmness), more than the problem (anxiety). While it is easy to focus on our shortcomings, like anxiety, depression, and things that feel real and impossible to overcome, the truth is we will never overcome them by focusing on them.

Balance Your Solar Plexus Center: The 3rd Chakra, Manipura
Balance Your Solar Plexus Center: The 3rd Chakra, Manipura
The Third Chakra, Solar Plexus (also called Manipura Chakra), relates to the region of the body that goes from the navel to the lower third of the rib cage. If the physical body were a cell, the third chakra would be the mitochondria. The solar plexus creates our relationship with what we are physically able to achieve. The third chakra may also correspond with our to-do list and the expectations we have on ourselves for what we want, or may not want to get done on a physical level. While anxiety and burn-out may have a way of creeping into any chakra, I often see those frequencies manifest within this region of the body. We can do energy work on “burn out” until the cows come home, but often the body desires much more than meditation to refresh, restore, and transform the body’s longing for relief, space, and nourishment.

Anxious? 6 Real Ways Meditation Helps Calm Anxiety
Anxious? 6 Real Ways Meditation Helps Calm Anxiety
If anxiety gets the best of you, you are not alone. Last year, there were nearly 300 million people reported worldwide that suffer from anxiety, making it the top mental health disorder in the world. Here are 6 reasons why you can help yourself become a more calm and confident through meditation, and let go of anxiety's grip on you.