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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Dosha What? A Modern Yogi’s Guide to Ayurveda
Dosha What? A Modern Yogi’s Guide to Ayurveda
“It is not that the person needs to accommodate him or herself to yoga, but rather the yoga practice must be tailored to fit each person.” - Krishnamacharya Ayurveda and yoga are inseparable - yet the ancient health-science of Ayurveda is still so mysterious to us in the west. Here’s what you should know about Ayurveda, why it matters, and how you can use its principles to better understand your body type and better enhance your practice.

Ayurveda: Finding Balance
Ayurveda: Finding Balance
Ayurveda is a complex discipline based upon Vedic spiritual tradition, and is a powerful system of mind-body health. Learning to work with its principles will aid you in maintaining vibrant health or in achieving health if you are in a state of dis-ease. This sister science of yoga integrates beautifully with your asana, pranayama and meditation practices.

Ojas Energy Elixir
Ojas Energy Elixir
Happy 2017! A new year full of new possibilities! Are you feeling inspired? Or just a bit hungover and groggy from celebrating? Either way, we’ve got just the thing to help you start the new year right!

Ayurveda Life: How Ayurveda Changed My Life
Ayurveda Life: How Ayurveda Changed My Life
“Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences that developed together and repeatedly influenced each other throughout history. Yoga and Ayurveda work together to enhance their great benefits on all levels”.

Paleo Peach Jam & Why Seasonal Eating is Glorious
Paleo Peach Jam & Why Seasonal Eating is Glorious
I have what you could call a peach problem. That is if you consider consuming massive amounts of the cuddliest fruit ever over the months of July and August, then yes I have a problem. I know Georgia is known for their peaches. But my friends, Colorado is the sneaky underdog of peach production. We make a damn good peach. Like shenanigans good. But those Colorado beauties aren’t around all year round. And it sucks. And it’s painful. And at least a dozen times I want to rock a grocery store peach that has traveled miles upon miles to be meticulously piled up in ze Whole Foods. But I don’t. (At least not usually.) Because they are always a disappointment. And because they beg to ask the question: do I really need to eat peaches 12 glorious months out of the year?

Cooling Practices to Beat the Heat
Cooling Practices to Beat the Heat
Summer is winding down and as the season starts to shift, it’s a perfect time to integrate some more calming practices to not only beat the last hot days of summer, but also to remind ourselves how important it is to chill out in our busy, high-tech world. Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, offers advice on how we can acclimate to the heat and balance it out through both diet and our asana, pranayama and meditation practices. When we align ourselves with nature, we learn to live in balance no matter what’s happening externally or internally. Without launching a dissertation on Ayurvedic principles, we’ll give you the quick basics on how Pitta energy can be exacerbated in the summer and provide some practices that will help you stay calm, cool, and collected no matter how steamy it gets.

Aging with the Seasons of Life
Aging with the Seasons of Life
About a year ago I shared an article about the Ayurvedic perspective on circadian rhythm. In it, I shared how different times in the day have different qualities associated with them, thus making certain times more appropriate for specific activities.

Unfolding Time with Vedic Astrology
Unfolding Time with Vedic Astrology
What is Vedic Astrology? Jyotisha, or Vedic astrology, is the ancient astrology of India. It has an unbroken lineage going back over five thousand years. Jyotisha is derived from the Sanskrit word Jyoti meaning “light”. Thus, Jyotisha is often referred to as the science of light, for it helps us to see the past, present and future clearly as well as giving us insight into who we are and how to best actualize our potential.

Practice Small Balancing Acts of Kindness
Practice Small Balancing Acts of Kindness
Inspired by the wisdom of nature, Ayurveda is the oldest continuously practiced health care system in the world. The word ‘Ayurveda’ comes from ‘Ayus’, meaning life (mind, body, senses and soul) and ‘Veda’ meaning science or knowledge. We can translate Ayurveda as “Science of Life”. According to this science we are all microcosms of the natural macrocosm. The five great elements found in nature are also found in each of us. We are all unique combinations of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Discover Your Dosha
Discover Your Dosha
What if the true key to your health was not counting calories, stressing over carbs, or exercising for hours each day? What if the true key to your health was a simple as knowing your body type and how it affects your digestion?