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5 Tips for Mindfulness & Meditation Everyday
5 Tips for Mindfulness & Meditation Everyday
The advantages of meditation are plentiful. According to one recent article, there are 76 different benefits to meditation. Now that’s a lot of advantages! The thing is, it could have a million advantages and that wouldn’t make any difference if you didn’t actually know how to meditate. And the truth is, very few of us do know how to meditate. I don’t know if it’s because our modern lifestyle, or that as people we are just naturally disposed towards it, but a lot of people who are beginners and try meditating give up because they don’t have the right mindset. That’s a shame – especially considering how useful it is. For that reason, here I’ll detail five different ways that you can get into the right mindset for meditation, so that you can succeed and make meditation part of your life, or even simply feel more present and meditative while moving throughout your day.

How to Meditate Regularly: A Beginner's Guide
How to Meditate Regularly: A Beginner's Guide
So many of us feel stressed, fatigued, rushed and short on quality time. There are consequences for living in an overstimulated society. Sensory overload can negatively affect our physical and mental well-being. It’s vital to practice methods to reduce overstimulation when possible. Meditation can help your brain get away from the habit of excessive multitasking. For many, learning how to meditate, and where to start if you're a beginner, is the ideal next step in giving your brain some relief and vibrancy. First, it’s important to understand what meditation is. You will find many definitions but they all have a common theme; meditation is what you do with full awareness. You do not have to be seated a certain way in silence to learn how to meditate in a correct or perfect way. You might be walking or engaged in a task or hobby. If you're a brand new beginner, you don’t even need to involve of whole new set of skills, do something that is familiar to you that requires your full attention. I must also address what meditation is not. It is not about stopping all thoughts or creating a “blank mind.” Thoughts will arise and the key is to allow them to come and go without judging or clinging to them. You are actually observing the activity of your mind.