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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Get Your Yoga Out of My Asana
Get Your Yoga Out of My Asana
For many, it is has become important to distinguish between “asana,” or the performing of postures, and yoga. Both those who are inclined towards yoga as a fitness regimen, and those who embrace it as more than just exercise, find it necessary to clarify the intent and purpose behind their practice. This compartmentalisation, while convenient and often useful, brings with it a dilemma, the resolution to which determines what is actually possible with yoga.

Body Love + Diversity: Yoga Is Not About Handstands In Bikinis
Body Love + Diversity: Yoga Is Not About Handstands In Bikinis
If you learned about yoga only from Instagram, you might be seduced into thinking its about flashy handstand gymnastics in bikinis or super sexy yoga gear.

Ditch Your Scale for Good!
Ditch Your Scale for Good!
After battling my own weight for years, I’ve come to realize that the harder I try to lose weight the less weight I actually lose. Sound familiar?