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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

10 Tips for a Home Practice
10 Tips for a Home Practice
At some point, it's necessary to develop a personal yoga practice to maintain your strength, flexibility and sanity. A personal routine will keep you in the game, no matter where you are or how your circumstances change. While yoga classes are a wonderful way to have fun, learn good alignment and build community, realistically, you won’t always have the luxury and time to attend class. A home practice will keep you feeling healthy, grounded and pain-free. It's simple to start, and if you make it fun and effective, it's sustainable.

Yoga for Knee Pain
Yoga for Knee Pain
The universe likes to inspire me for content. This is a great way to receive content ideas, except that it requires patience. I’ve been thinking about doing a yoga for knee pain video for a while, but wasn’t positive I even knew what to teach for this particular condition.

Don't Overthink it: Effective Methods to Find True Peace of Mind
Don't Overthink it: Effective Methods to Find True Peace of Mind
Paying bills, taking care of kids, going to work… life can be very stressful at times to the point you feel like you just want to scream. With the various events that happen throughout the course of the day the mind can begin to race constantly wondering what to do. If you’ve been feeling bogged down lately, or have perhaps been over thinking every scenario happening in your life, then it may be time for you to come to terms with reality and find true peace of mind.

Yoga is for Everyone: Especially if You're Not Perfect
Yoga is for Everyone: Especially if You're Not Perfect
You have probably already heard or read about it, yoga seems to be everywhere these days. There are a lot of pre-conceived notions about what yoga is, ranging from a strenuous, acrobatic endeavor only for the very strong and flexible; to some sort of new age, spiritual practice where you sit around chanting. Sure, those are out there, but the vast majority of yoga classes are fun, relaxing and full of normal, practical people just like you.

For the Mompreneurs Who Want it All
For the Mompreneurs Who Want it All
If I were to ask you what a working Mom looks like, would you imagine power suit and latte, or something picked out from last weeks laundry and sippy cup? The truth is, most of us are somewhere in-between, wishing we were polished and hoping no one noticed the stains, yet somehow we make it happen. This is my life as a Mompreneur.

Eating Healthy While Traveling
Eating Healthy While Traveling
Travel is one of the hardest times to eat healthy. Your schedule is thrown off and it seems like the food options around you are all fat, salt and sugar. The good news is that better options are available in ways they never have been before. Here are my suggestions for how to keep from tipping the scale when you get home.