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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Full Body Goodness
Full Body Goodness
Are you ready to feel your best from head to toe not just on the outside but also on the inside? Physically, a consistent yoga practice will improve your posture, prevent injury, alleviate pain, and benefit your nervous and digestive systems. Opening the body creates corresponding openings in the heart and emotions, as well as helping develop a clear, calm mind. This week’s classes offer synergistic effects of a well-rounded yoga practice for your entire being. When you step onto the mat, an integral element of the practice is learning to stay present through the challenging and the simpler parts of class. When you utilize the breath to filter out distractions and shift your awareness inward, you can tune into what you’re feeling and release what no longer serves you.

Full Body Yoga!
Full Body Yoga!
Some days you feel like focusing on backbends, some days you want to open your hips, and some days you want a step-by-step class to master your handstand. Plenty of specialty yoga classes will help you narrow your focus and pursue specific goals. Some days, however, you want a practice that’s going to address your head to toe health: enter Full Body Yoga! While there are numerous benefits to focusing on a single body part or seeking a particular feeling like serenity or vitality, one of yoga’s magical benefits comes from its ability to be a complete solution to feeling your best. A well-rounded yoga practice focuses on flexibility, balance, and strength––inside and out.