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Featured Pose: Ustrasana or Camel Pose
Featured Pose: Ustrasana or Camel Pose
Tune into your heart and find joy in settling into Camel pose. Camel is a deep heart-opening posture that strengthens your back while freeing your neck, chest, lungs, abdominals, and thighs. Explore how good it feels to open up through the heart by breathing into the space surrounding it. Because Camel pose directly links to the Anahata, or heart chakra, practicing it allows us to tap into our energy center to foster more genuine self-love, trust, compassion and forgiveness.

New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
This Scorpio new moon calls us to initiate ourselves into the watery depths of our unconscious. Whether it be through occult practices, transformational rituals, psychotherapy, shadow work or anything that ushers us “beyond the veil,” now is the time to walk into the underworld. Most of us strive to stay in the light, ignoring the dark and repressing that which needs to be addressed for us to be truly free. We can no longer resist the change that is upon us, and ignore the power of the shadow within.

Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Virgo (9/1/16): Embrace a New Layer of Healing
Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Virgo (9/1/16): Embrace a New Layer of Healing
September features two eclipses in a row, starting with a solar eclipse during the new moon in Virgo on September 1st. The next event is a lunar eclipse during the full moon in Pisces on September 16th. This makes all of September an incredibly potent month to start, end, renew, reevaluate and deepen all areas of life. The energy of an eclipse lasts six month or more, so use the preliminary energy of Virgo in the month to be cautious and careful of all you cultivate during this cosmic time. The lunar eclipse in Pisces is a good time to immerse yourself in transcendence and oneness, and let go of all that doesn’t serve your spiritual needs.

Capricorn Full Moon (7/19/16) - Manifesting Real Meaning In Our Life
Capricorn Full Moon (7/19/16) - Manifesting Real Meaning In Our Life
Capricorn, the wise elder, gets the full light of the moon this month, bringing awareness to our level of maturity, commitment to discipline, being overworked and developing strategies for our career or lifestyle. The energy of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and so there is constant pressure to get work done and work the plans we’ve crafted. On the low side, however, this pressure leads to workaholism and forgetting the human element in our endeavors. Capricorn can be cold and ruthless when it comes to achieving its goal. The light of this full moon gives us a clearer vision to understand who, why and what we are working for at this time. If our goals have become trivial, materialistic or narrow minded, this is a good time to broaden our view and reintroduce meaning back into our life’s work.