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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Raw Nut Butter Cups
Raw Nut Butter Cups
Using nut butter is a great way to make sure you're getting your fill of healthy fats every day. This recipe not only uses peanut butter, or your choice of nut butter but it also incorporates coconut oil and almonds among other great sources of good fats! And oh my god, are they delicious!

Don’t Fear the Fat! Why It’s Time to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
Don’t Fear the Fat! Why It’s Time to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
My most memorable and doable resolution for 2016 has been to eat more fat. Yes, you read that right: Eat. More. Fat. Decades ago, fat became the villain of the America diet and carbs were king. Now the low-fat approach to eating is being blamed for the rise of processed carbohydrates and high-sugar foods — think sweetened low-fat yogurts and splenda-sweetened Starbucks bevvies.

Fruit Free Green Smoothie
Fruit Free Green Smoothie
Hey guys! It’s Jules! Today’s recipe was inspired by my sister who has a strong aversion to bananas, but for years has asked me for a deliciously creamy green smoothie sans fruit! As a self-proclaimed fruit lover and full-blown banana addict myself, to say that I’ve been resistant to ditching fruit from my diet would be putting it lightly. After all, fruit is as natural as it comes. I have thrived on a high-fruit diet for months at a time (one of my many food experiments)! Plus fruit is a whole food that comes from the earth and has been known as one of the most healing foods we have on the planet. How could it be bad for us?

Smoothie Bowls
Smoothie Bowls
The smoothie bowl is a trend that I’ve been loving. They’re hydrating and cooling, making them perfect for summer breakfast or an afternoon snack. They don’t require sugar or sugar substitutes and you still feel like you’re eating a treat. Jason calls them “ice cream.”