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Simple Daily Habits to Boost Your Health
Simple Daily Habits to Boost Your Health
Most people understand the importance of taking care of their health and well-being. But, some common misconceptions maintaining good health requires drastic changes. That’s not always the case. In fact, it’s often the small, simple habits that can significantly impact your overall well-being. By incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can not only improve your physical health but your mental wellness, too. So, if you’ve let the idea that being healthy requires major changes keep you from taking charge of your well-being for too long, start taking small steps today with these simple daily habits.

How to Build a Habit in 7 Days
How to Build a Habit in 7 Days
When you think of people who are high-achievers, who are always able to eat healthy, excel at work or school, workout and do everything on time might have some superhuman powers. But while it’s easy to brush this away as something achievable, it is actually all down to habit. And habits can be begun to build in just seven days. People with good habits rarely resist the need to procrastinate, or eat unhealthy food, or skip their exercise. That is mostly because when autopilot takes over, we eliminate any temptation. When we establish good habits, less willpower is required to make the right choices. Sounds great? Well, building good habits takes effort. However, there are a few science and research-backed ways that help you set up good habits. If you try one of these every day, you should be able to start to build a habit.

Benefits & Ideas for Good Habits at Home
Benefits & Ideas for Good Habits at Home
Developing positive habits in your home life can impact your mood and overall well-being. Here are some positive household habits that will help you build a framework for a happier life. Building and maintaining good habits can provide our lives with a positive framework, but these habits don’t simply happen by chance. It’s pretty easy to fall into bad habits that impede life around the house. A happy routine can support a happy mood, so if we stick to positive routines around our homes, we stand a good chance of keeping negative slumps at bay.

8 Healthy Habits for Life During Quarantine
8 Healthy Habits for Life During Quarantine
To start living the life that you want, you need to work on healthy habits every day. This requires patience because you have to learn new things. The younger you are, the easier it is to do, but the truth is, we are all able to change our habits and ways of living. Now, in a life of quarantine, you have to make a decision between falling into a habit of having a bag of chips and unhealthy food, or doing things that are more beneficial for your body. Sometimes it is difficult to change daily routines, and this is being forced upon all of us right now, so it's important we all decide what our ideal routine will be. If you're unexpectedly stuck at home, here are some simple healthy habits you can implement. These eight inspiring ideas will keep the body and mind healthier during quarantine. Yoga This practice can be the beginning of a new way of living for you. Yoga brings relaxation not only to the body but to the mind as well. You'll learn breathing techniques and meditate.

8 Lifestyle Changes that Will Boost your Mental Health
8 Lifestyle Changes that Will Boost your Mental Health
Mental health is a serious subject to take into consideration, particularly as there are so many conditions associated with changes in this area. When speaking about this subject, no one takes into consideration potential lifestyle changes, which could greatly improve one’s mental health. To come to your rescue, we have gathered no less than seven lifestyle changes, destined to boost your mental health and improve your overall quality of life. Keep in mind that these changes can help you deal with conditions such as depression, anxiety or even bipolar disorders. Take action today and be healthy not only tomorrow but for the rest of your life.

Dahl Fit For a Saint
Dahl Fit For a Saint
My first internship when I got out of culinary school was in the kitchen at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, where they had an entire wall filled with dozens and dozens of spices. I swear that wall looked like a piece of art—in the form of a jigsaw puzzle that I had to figure out. The way you knew you had earned your stripes in the kitchen was when the executive chef finally let you make their famous dahl.

Bejeweled Forbidden Rice Salad
Bejeweled Forbidden Rice Salad
This is certainly a case for visuals drawing you to the plate. Served with salmon, this rice—an indigo delight—pops like a painting, beckoning you to come closer, closer . . . and that first bite seals the deal. The rice and bell pepper play delightfully against the creaminess of the avocado, while the mint and cilantro roll all around your mouth like pinballs, blasting taste here, there, and everywhere. This salad enchants all the senses—and the rice is a whole grain as well, feeding the mind in more ways than one.

Forget Your Habits! (The Power of Ritual)
Forget Your Habits! (The Power of Ritual)
Question for you: Do you have any healthy habits you are trying to create this year? Or maybe some you would rather not have by the end of the year? (Like eating an entire jar of almond butter because you forgot to eat lunch or just... because?)

Polish Your Gem: Samskara
Polish Your Gem: Samskara
Samskaras are impressions imprinted in the mind, created by our life experiences. They form together and create habitual patterns that can be experienced physically, mentally, or emotionally.

6 Splendid Reasons to Drink Hot Lemon Water
6 Splendid Reasons to Drink Hot Lemon Water
People often ask us if we could only do one thing for our health everyday what would it be.