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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Despite it All, I'm OK
Despite it All, I'm OK
Recent events and the turn of season have landed on many like a celestial wet blanket, casting a hue of funk and resignation. Even just a quick glance at any news feed bombards us with what seems to be insurmountable suffering, injustice, and ignorance. Governments and institutions appear at a loss to stem the tide. As individuals, we have no choice but to either give in to hopelessness or garner our intrinsic resources.

A Meditation to connect the Ajna to the Anahata Chakra
A Meditation to connect the Ajna to the Anahata Chakra
The Ajna Chakra is the powerful center located in the middle of the forehead, also referred to as the 3rd eye. It’s an internal place that holds so much wisdom and so much innate intuition. The light and depth that resides in this internal center is so profound, that the ancient yogis as well as sages from other spiritual traditions have revered the 3rd eye as the center point of focus as they practiced long hours of meditation.

I’m having a really hard time adjusting to this “default-world” that you hear Burners talk about. What a flipping default world it is. That phrase holds so much meaning and makes me laugh out loud now. And as I transition myself from an existence where people hug, connect, love, kiss, share infinite time, help each other, share truths, and fly by their intuition, into this “default reality” of schedules and work and kids and sports and “to-do’s” really has this recovering Type-A annoyed.